Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 23 - Reunited

Author Note : Guys it's official I am in dire need of a beta reader. I don't know how to get one or where to even find one, but If you do please tell me in the comments. I still have tons of ideas for the story and would love to write more, but it's getting harder at the rate I am going. As usual thank you for reading and let me know what you guys think.

Enjoy ;)


A few days, had passed ever since I kicked Logan's ass.

I haven't seen him for a few days, I don't know if he's busy or is it because he got his ass handed to him by a teenager, but the guy seemed to have just vanished.

I did see, Storm and she gave me one hell of smile, when I saw her, she told me she heard about our little spar, and told me she was impressed, since she knew how strong Logan is.

I thanked her, for the compliment and was surprised when she offered me a friendly spar.

Storm " We should go for a few rounds sometime, I am not a battle maniac like Logan, but I do like to keep my skills sharp" she tells me.

"Sure, anytime" I tell her.

I am not exactly thrilled with the idea of fighting her, because she's basically Gaia's avatar, not that she knows it yet, but you don't want to mess around with a person who can make natural disasters on a whim.

I shudder a bit as I think of how broken her powers are, she can basically destroy countries if she stops holding back, and that's without having access to her powers as a child of Gaia.

(Next Day)

The next day, comes around and the students start showing up.

I finally see kitty, and as soon as her eyes land on me she gets a huge smile on her face and shouts "Doug ! " .

She gives me a big hug and then punches me playfully in the arm and says " You asshole I haven't heard from you for almost a year, what happened to you promising to write me. " she says with a mock scowl on her face.

I rub the back of my head and say " I am sorry, I just had a lot to deal with this past year, but I promise to make it up to you. "

" Well, don't expect me to forgive you too easily, what are you doing here anyways ? Not that I am unhappy to see you, but I didn't expect you to show up here. " she says with a curious tone.

I give her a hurt look and say " Wow, you're really cold hearted, is this how you treat your new classmates " I say with mock sadness.

" What ! but this means you're.. " she doesn't even get to finish what she's saying, before I suddenly start to levitate a bit off the ground.

Her eyes bug out and she shouts" You can fly !? "

" That's, not the only thing I can do. " I tell her telepathically.

She seems even more surprised, but before she can speak I continue by saying" It isn't exactly real flight, I am using telekinesis to lift my body of the ground. "

" Oh my god, you're a mutant I can't believe it " she says to herself in a disbelieving tone.

Our exchange took only a few minutes, we talked for a bit more, but she then suddenly grabs my arm and goes" You should totally meet my roommate, she has the exact same powers as you " she says excitedly.

She drags me to the girl's dorm rooms, to where her room is, I start getting curious looks from people as she's dragging me behind her, I then say" Uhm, Kitty are you sure this is alright isn't this the girl's dorm room ? " I question with an unsure tone.

" Nah, you're with me so it's fine. " she says dismissing what I said.

" As long as you're sure " I say weakly.

We finally arrive at her room, to find a beautiful redhead bombshell unpacking her bags.

A "Woah" escapes my mouth, when I see her. ' I understand now, why almost every male in the X-men is simping over her.' I think to myself.

She notices us in the room, and then looks to Kitty then me. Kitty proceeds to introduce us and says " Jean ! guess what this is Doug, you know the one I told you about" she says excitedly.

" Oh, hi nice to meet you, so you're Doug the one who said he was going to write, but never did" she says with a smirk.

" God ! I said I was sorry, I already promised I'll make it up to her" I say.

" Wait, why can't I hear your thoughts" she interrupts surprised.

" That's what I was going to tell you he's a telepath like you, Doug is a mutant too" she babbles excitedly.

" Well, actually I prefer the term Meta-human" they hear in their minds.

Jean seems to be surprised and says " Wait, why can't I read your mind, but you can" she says.

" Meta- what ?" kitty thinks at the same time.

" Meta-human" I repeat " I don't like being called a mutant, but that's a story for another time, as to why you can't read my mind, it's because of my mental shields" I say.

" I never seen such advanced mental shields before except for the professor, they're almost as strong as his" she says clearly impressed.

" Wait, why don't you like being called a mutant" kitty asks.

"Well, it's because..." I then proceed to explain to them, why I find the term offensive and explain my point of view.

They're both listening to what I am saying and as I am finishing my explanation, Jean mutters " I never thought about it that way. "

" Aren't you exaggerating the issue a bit" kitty questions with an unsure look on her face.

I shake my head and say " I am not, look think about it this way, owning up to the word or whatever is fine and all, but I for one don't want to be associated with cancer, I personally think it's similar to the N-word" I say resolutely.

" I never thought you would feel this strongly about it, wait when did you discover you were a muta... ahem.. I mean a meta-human anyways you never said anything" kitty asks.

"Well, it was right after I left school and started traveling almost over a year ago" I say.

" What you've only known about your powers for a year and you're this good, I've had my powers for years now and I still keep hearing people's thoughts even though I don't want to" she says surprised.

" Well, I have had some help, on my travels I traveled to many places and visited a lot of temples, all of them helped me to understand myself and eventually master myself and my powers, it took a lot of work, time, and effort but it's been definitely worth it. " I say confidently.

" Can you help me, the professor has been trying to help me for years, but I'm still having trouble with it" she asks expectedly.

"Well..." I say with an unsure expression on my face.

She panics for a bit and says " Please, I'll do anything" she says in a pleading tone.

"Anything ?" I say, while raising an eye brow.

"Well, not anything." she says while blushing a bit.

Kitty then smacks my arm and says " Stop, teasing her. "

" Don't worry he's going to help you he still owes me for not hearing from him for over a year" she says while looking at me, with a try to contradict me look on her face.

" Geez, I am just messing around, of course I'll help her" I say.

A smile then blooms on her face and she thanks me. I then say " But, on one condition try and read my mind if you can"

" Douug" Kitty says with a threatening tone.

" Relax, I'll do it anyway I just want to see how strong she is" I say trying to placate her.

"It's okay, kitty I want to try too" jean says.

Jean then, tries to read my mind, but I slap away her mental probe easily just tries again, one after another, but I successfully deflect her attempts.

I can see her concentrating and she even started to sweat a bit.

She finally goes all out and slams me with a stronger one, I let it pass without pushing it away, when suddenly.

" Pfffft, haha haha" jean starts laughing and even tears start coming out of her eyes.

" What's so funny ?" kitty looks on confused.

You can see a smirk on my face, while jean is still laughing. She manages to catch her breath a bit and says " Was that a monkey smoking a cigarette ? " she says between giggles.

" A monkey smoking ?" kitty asks quite confused with the situation.

" Yes, it is" I say, unashamedly.

" Oh god, I haven't laughed like that in like forever" she says, while wiping away a few tears.

I am about to explain it to Kitty, when suddenly we hear, " Hey, jean I heard you laughing what's so funn.." the voice stops when he sees me.

" Oh, it's just Doug, Kitty's friend" Jean answers.

I turn around and I see, a guy with red sunglasses and dark hair standing at the door.

He then, says " Oh, a friend of Kitty's, well nice to meet you, I am Scott Summers" he says while extending his hand.

( Chapter End )


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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