Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 24 - Laser Boy

Author Note: Hey guys, I didn't feel like going to work today, so I stayed home and wrote a chapter instead. It's a bit shorter than usual, but I promise the next few chapters are longer. Things are going to start heating up in the next few chapters, so keep reading and as always thank you for your support and I hope you're enjoying my medicore writing skills.

Enjoy ;)


Well, to no one's surprise, cyclone er... I mean Cyclops aka Scott Summers, is a douchebag. I don't know what's it about with this guy, but he emits this sort of smug almost like I am better than you aura, like we should just listen to what he has to say and agree with it. I could just be biased, since I never really liked him to begin with, but who cares at this point.

You also should have seen how annoyed he got after he found out, I was the one that made Jean laugh so much. I wonder how he'll react after he finds out I am going to be having one on one private sessions with Jean, where she essentially grants me free access to her mind.

I am not surprised that Nathaniel Essex had to mind control Jean to eventually fall in love with the guy and have a kid together.

I don't know how he did it, or even if he did it in this universe, but I have a plan to find out.

I managed to find a few clinics named the Essex clinics located in various countries around the world but not the man himself , and speaking of Essex that's one tough bastard to put down, supposedly or according to my meta knowledge. The guy has dozens of clones ready to take his place if he ever dies, it's all one big confusing psychic clusterfuck.

Even if I kill the guy his consciousness is automatically transferred to one of his clones. Which really makes it difficult for him to stay dead.

Hmm... maybe a more magical solution is needed to handle this. I plan on eventually rooting out all the hidden players. I'll force them all to come out and play in the open.

One of the reasons that the Mutants got screwed over so much is because there were too many people secretly plotting against them in one way or another , so I decided I will play with them to death instead .

A small chuckle escapes my mouth as I am thinking about this, which causes a slight shiver to run down, those close enough to hear me.

"Did, you just let out an evil laugh" Kitty, questions jokingly.

"Yes, I did" I answer without missing a beat.

"Tone it down a bit that was kinda creepy" she says while looking at me kinda funny.

" What ?" I question

" Nothing, it just feels like you're different, you know, more intense and confident " she says.

" Don't know what to tell you, my trip definitely helped, I met different kinds of people and interacted with different cultures, it really broadened my horizons and made me realize, how lucky we are. I thought being a meta-human was the worst thing that could happen to a person, but I found out I was mistaken. Each person carries his own burden, some burdens are certainly heavier than others , but you're the only one capable of handling it. It can either make you or break you as a person, you just have to choose which" I say with a sage like look on my face.

"Wow, you must have spent a lot of time around monks or something, you went a little bit deep there, but this whole speech about burdens which I didn't ask for by the way, would have sounded a lot better, if you weren't so full of shit" she accuses me.

" What ?! I am not full of shit " I retort childishly.

"Well, it certainly sounds like it, it took you like what ? A year to master both your telepathy and telekinesis, while jean who had her powers since she was 12 still has trouble with it, even I am having trouble with my powers" she says.

'Well her telepathic and telekinetic powers are more powerful in terms of raw power I just have more control ' I think to myself

" Oh, right you never told me what you're powers were" I say remembering, that I forgot to ask her, I mean I already know, but she doesn't know that.

" Oh, yeah I never showed you check this out" she then puts her hand through the table like it doesn't exist.

" That's certainly impressive, it's an amazing ability" I say approvingly.

" It's not as impressive as you're guy's powers, mine are pretty boring" she says in a depressed tone.

"Don't put yourself down too much, your ability is pretty powerful, but it's as useful as how much you can utilize it and how creative your can be with it" I say trying to cheer her up.

"You say that, but what am I going to do with it ? Prank people to death , all is it good for is just running away or not getting hurt" she says.

My mind flashes back to some of the anime and stories I read, I then think to myself ' If only she knew how broken her ability really was, we wouldn't be having this conversation. '

I mean characters such Obito with his Kamui was able to take on several Kage level opponents easily while not having trained ever since Madara died, that Mirio guy from Mha who took on that guy Overhaul with his broken ass quirk and still kicked his ass.

Let's not forget that he had huge drawbacks like being blind, not being able to breath and essentially was in a sensory deprived state while he was fighting.

If you train this ability hard enough you can essentially be unparalleled in hand to hand combat.

I even think that Kitty's mutation has more potential and without any of the apparent drawbacks seen in other media and forms of entertainment.

"Let me worry about that, if you want I could train you and help you reach your true potential, but I am going to need you to atleast come up with 5 creative uses for your powers, and show them to me by next week" I say.

" Really ! you'll help me, thank you !" she says excitedly, while giving me a quick hug.

" No, worries enough about that, we are friends aren't we , anyways are you ready for tonight" I say.

She nods her head and says " You still haven't told me where we're going"

"Well, that's a suprise" I say with a smirk.

"What's a suprise" we hear coming from behind us.

We turn around and see jean coming to our table with her lunch tray, and then sitting at our table.

" Doug, is taking me out tonight" Kitty tells her excited.

" Really ? Is it like a date" she asks intrigued.

" No, we're just friends he's trying to make it up to me, but he won't tell me where we're going" she says with a pout.

" Don't be like that, don't you like surprises ?" I ask.

" I do, but at least tell me what I gotta wear.

Hey can Jean come too ? " she suddenly asks.

We both turn to look at Jean, who's currently chewing her food, when she notices us looking at her and hears her name, we hear a muffled 'What?' , because of the food in her mouth.

Kitty giggles and says" Do you want to come, it will be fun "

" I don't want to intrude on you guys " she says with an unsure look on her face.

" No, it will be fine plus I am the one asking you to come so don't worry about it " she says trying to assure her.

" I have no problem as well, in fact why don't you girls make a day out of it. Just make sure to wear something cute and easy to move in, that's all I can say " I say.

" Are we going dancing ? " Kitty asks excitedly.

" Sure, if you want, but that's not the only thing planned on the agenda " I say mysteriously.

Kitty, just squels in happiness and gets more excited, you can even see a small smile on Jean's face.

We keep chatting for a while more, getting to know each other but we eventually say our good byes, and then we all head out to our perspective classes for the day.

It turns out, I have got history with logan this afternoon. I wonder what's he going to say when he sees me.

( Chapter End )


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-reon.

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