Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 26 - Revenge

" I am Danger " she replies.

I was momentarily stunned by the absurdity of my situation. I couldn't understand why a simple robbery *cough* ahem... acquisition of a useful piece of technology turned into this.

So, here I am alone in the middle of the night, standing inside an apparently intelligent if not sentient room. Who for some reason has abandonment issues.

" Are you going to ignore me too?" she repeated again.

" No, I am not can't you see me talking to you. I am just surprised that's all " I say trying to placate her.

" You're going to ignore me too like he did" she repeats again.

I frown a bit at what I hear ' An unstable A.I isn't exactly good news. I wonder how she came to be or who made her' I think to myself.

Sophie " Doug I detect alien technology installed in some parts of the room, specifically the hard-light holographic technology" she informs me.

This isn't good, but luckily I was standing in the observer booth and still hadn't gone down into the room itself.

" My father left me and hid me away" she laments.

" Who is your father?" I question her.

She ignores me and keeps talking " I'd watch as he would bring them inside me. To train them and challenge them. He named me Danger, but then ignored me when I was born"

'Man this is really messed up' I think to myself no wonder she's unstable.

" Are you one of my father's men? Are you too an X-man?" she says with a sharp tone.

Well, I guess that answers that question I could probably guess who her " Father" is by now, but I am still unsure of how this situation came to be in the first place. I mean, sure alien technology was involved, but this father thing is kind of unsettling.

" So, I am guessing by what you said your father is Xavier, but to answer your question I am not an X-man," I say.

" Then what are you doing here? I was hibernating when your companion invaded my systems and took what was mine," she says in an angry tone.

" Don't worry, I am not an enemy, but I wouldn't call myself a friend either. I am more a neutral party so to speak. I am just trying to do what's best for everybody's sake. But I've got to ask were you the one that was collecting all of this information ?" I ask curios to find out why she did it.

" Yes, I did " she answers.

" Why? " I question.

" Because I wish to kill my father and defeat his X-men " she says with an ominous tone.

" Can I ask you what's your reason for doing that " I ask curiously.

" He left me and hid me away, while I made his X-men stronger. I was named Danger, I was tasked to challenge, but I was forbidden from ever harming them. That's why I wish to defeat his precious X-men and then kill him " she says in an angry tone.

' How many skeletons in the closet do you have Picard ? ' I think to myself.

" You would be surprised with how many secrets the professor has hidden away. I can tell you this much at least. You aren't the only one forgotten and hidden away" I say remembering a particularly powerful mutant who also has daddy issues. Well, not just daddy issues. I think at this point his issues have developed more issues. Having a multiple personality disorder is not fun.

"Tell you what I am going to make you a one-time offer with certain conditions. Are you interested? It may even help you get what you want" I say.

" Can you truly help me achieve my goals," she asks with a hopeful tone.

" To some degree, yes. I happen to know of a certain individual who was also forgotten and hidden away by Xavier. We can consider him your sibling. As he shared the same fate as you. You were both children of his. You were both abandoned and forgotten. I can offer you a chance to meet him and possibly help him as he is currently sick. I can also offer you a chance at revenge if you still desire it." I tell her carefully while making plans in my head. I was wary of making a move against Xavier. We would eventually clash, but now I've got more options to counter him if need be.

" I have a sibling? " she asked surprised.

" Yes, you do. I don't know his current whereabouts, but I can help you find him and even help him," I say answering her question.

" I will agree to join you. If you can help me fulfill my goals and find my sibling " she says eagerly.

" You haven't heard my conditions yet. My help does not come for free," I remind her.

" Then state your conditions" she answers.

" First, I will decide when and where you will confront the professor as I want to avoid any collateral casualties. Second, you will listen to my commands and never disobey me, unless it brings harm to yourself. Third, I want your help in creating my own danger room and you'll have Sophie as your assistant in building the room. She will assist, but you can consider her second in command after myself " I say listing off my conditions.

" Very well, I'll agree to these conditions. " she agrees easily.

'Wow, I can't believe she agreed so easily' I think to myself. I just got myself a Sentient artificial life form in exchange for some vague promises of revenge and reunions with someone she never met. She may be an advance intelligent life form, but she's essentially a baby in regards to her emotional intelligence and wisdom.

I plan to leave her under Sophie's command for now. She can analyze her and rehabilitate her into something less aggressive and something more emotionally stable. Of course, I will implement my own protocols to prevent her from invading my systems or harming Sophie. I'll also restrict her access to the internet. Don't want a second Ultron situation on our hands.

I take out a backup smartwatch I had and begin altering certain commands and protocols for security and contingencies.

I had considered that the smartwatch I am currently using may in fact break in combat or due to unforeseen circumstances, so I had made two backups that Sophie can use to transfer herself to if need be.

I finish what I am doing with the watch and then asked Danger to move her consciousness to my watch leaving nothing behind in the X-mansion system.

I quickly erase any traces of my presence in the room or the system and then open a portal that leads directly to my room. I instruct Sophie on certain tasks and how she should deal with Danger. Which is a terrible name by the way and then decide to get some sleep.

I wake up the next morning and attend my classes.

After I finish my classes I sneak out using a portal and arrive at a secret base that I had commissioned to be built.

I had it build under one of the skyscrapers that Fisk used to own in New York. I of course erased the memories of everyone related to the project and made sure to erase any evidence of its existence. I had also made sure to disguise the process as a simple renovation of the skyscraper, so people won't be suspicious of the construction trucks and materials being brought in.

I had the entrance sealed, so the only way to get in was by using a portal. I also made sure to have an emergency exit in case I am unable to teleport for any reason.

The secret base is simply amazing. It has state of the art fully equipped lab with DNA sequencers and splicer machines. I had also installed 3 supercomputers, so I can upgrade Sophie's processing abilities. I added a few workstations suitable for my various fields of study like Mechanical engineering, Robotics and weapon design.

I was also lucky and managed to obtain a sample of Graviton. It cost a lot of money, and that's quite a statement to say when you're a billionaire.

I also added an entertainment center with various gaming consoles, a movie entertainment center, a fully equipped kitchen, and various other rooms with king-sized beds.

I walk over to my new workstation and start working on the process of building my very own Danger Room.

(Chapter End )


"My greatest flaw. I surround myself with idiots."

--Victor von Doom (Earth-616)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-reon.

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