Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 27 - Night Out

I got back to the mansion in time to prepare for my night out with the girls. I left Sophie and Danger to handle the rest of the work regarding my own Danger Room.

I have also thought about incorporating some of the Graviton I have obtained into the room itself but I'll have to wait and see how it all turns out.

The surprise I had planned out for tonight was based on something I found out about Kitty by accident.

Despite her bubbly and optimistic personality, contrary to what you might think Kitty is highly intelligent and happens to have some interesting hobbies.

A smile appears on my face, in anticipation of her reaction.

The girls are ready by the time I am finished. We meet up in the common room and when I see them a whistle escapes my mouth and I say

"I said to wear something cute but you girls look stunning" I compliment them.

" Aww, you're going to make me blush " Kitty says sarcastically as she's lightly fluttering her eyes.

For her outfit, Kitty was wearing a low top green blouse that went down to her midriff and exposed her tight stomach. She also wore some tight blue jeans that did wonderful things to her backside.

Jean on the other hand, wore a low cut backless red blouse that exposed her soft porcelain like back. She also wore some sexy black leather pants that highlighted her long legs and her perky butt.

" Damn, are you guys planning on getting me beat up tonight. I'll be busy all night beating off the guys with a stick, hmm... maybe even some of the girls " I say laying it on thick.

They giggle a bit at my joke but before we can get going we're interrupted by a voice.

" Where are you girls going all dressed up like that? "

" We're going out tonight Miss Ororo. It's a surprise " Kitty answers excitedly.

" A surprise? " Ororo questions with a raised eyebrow.

" I kind of messed up so I making it up to Kitty. We decided to invite Jean too since It'll be more fun " I say with a sheepish look on my face.

" Okay, but don't stay out too late. It unsafe out there especially for Mutants. Try staying out of trouble " she says.

I can understand where she's coming from since she's pretty close to Kitty and has a sort of Big sister relationship with Kitty and now that I think about it maybe with Jean too.

" Don't worry Miss Ororo we'll be careful" Jean says.

" And even if we're not I'd like to see the group that decides to mess with us " I say while puffing up my chest.

" Easy there tiger don't be too overconfident. There are plenty of threats out there that can harm you. Even if you did beat Logan. Don't count on people playing fair " she says.

" Wait you beat Logan ?" Jean and Kitty say incredulously.

" Yeah, I found him lying in the middle of the training grounds uncounscious and beaten." she says with a smirk.

" Had to zap him a bit to wake him up" she continues with an unsettling smirk.

" I had no idea you were this strong. Logan always thrashes us around in our training excercises in the Dang.." Jean says absentmindely, but was quickly interrupted by Ororo who gave her a pointed look.

"Anyway, kids don't stay out too late if there's any trouble be sure to call us" she says cutting jean off.

Jean slightly flushes in embarrassment over her slip of the tongue. On the other hand I was quite amused by the whole thing. ' It's cute that they're trying to hide the whole X-men thing. If only they knew where I was last night' I think to myself.

I still haven't been approached to join the X-men, even though it's been proven I was more than strong enough to join.

Which means that the professor is still probably suspicious of me since he can't read my mind and probably thinks I am a spy or something add to that me beating Logan senseless makes it even more suspicious.

He's wrong about me being a spy though , but I don't think he's going to like what I've got planned either.

Getting back to our night out, it turns out Kitty was quite fascinated by astrology and liked to read about the universe and the different galaxies and stars out there.

The existence of Alien life outside of Earth and the fact that space travel was not only possible, but several Aliens have probably visited Earth over the course of its history was uncommon knowledge.

It was only known to a few individuals in the know or secret government agencies.

Traveling to space and visiting other planets was certainly on my agenda, but sadly as I currently lack the capabilities for space travel or even a decent ship.

My options were limited, so I decided on doing the next best thing and taking them to the Hayden Planetarium of Astrophysics located in 200 Central Park West , New York.

(Location : Hayden Planetarium)

"All that we are, all that we have ever seen is but a small fraction of the universe around us. There are secrets hidden in the Darkness." We were currently watching the Hayden sphere projecting images and representations of the known universe. As we listened to a deep and charismatic voice narrating along with the show.

The voice continues on and says "Possibly within our lifetimes but definitely within the next one million years, stars like Betelgeuse and Eta Carinae will explode into brilliant supernovas that will even be visible from Earth. For a few weeks, it will look almost like the earth has two suns. Despite being hundreds of thousands of light-years away these SuperNovas will shine brighter than the full moon at night and be visible even during the day"

Kitty and even Jean were captivated by the show. The enormity of space and how vast the universe really is, puts into perspective how short our lives really are and how our problems seem almost insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

We stayed until the show ended and Kitty was finally able to meet one of her idols and the one who was narrating this whole show. Neil Degrasse Tyson. After getting an autograph and even fangirling a bit over Niel. Kitty had the most satisfied smile on her face that I had ever seen.

I start by saying " Did you girls enjoy the show" I say with a smirk.

" It was incredible ! The show was really incredible and Niel was so cool ! " she exclaims at the end.

I chuckle a bit at her reaction and then ask Jean about what she thought " It was really pretty, all the different stars and galaxies that exist out there. It really makes you feel how small we really are compared to the rest of the universe" she says.

" I wish I could travel and see the stars one day" Kitty says with a wistful look on her face.

"Who knows maybe it will happen sooner than you think" I say with a mysterious smile on my face.

We left the show and we where currently walking in the park. I was already liking how everything was turning out so far.

I suddenly say " You girls up for some dancing I hear the band (Cats Laughing) are playing tonight."

" Can we get something to eat first I'm feeling kind of hungry. " Kitty says

" I am feeling kind of hungry too. " Jean adds.

" Then food first, dancing later. " I declare.

We then decide to go and grab something to eat, but as we are walking through the park we suddenly hear a voice that says

" What do we have here. It seems tonight is our lucky night boys " Generic thug A says.

" It sure is, looks we're going to have some fun tonight. " Generic thug B says with a lecherous look on his face, while staring at the girls.

I turn around and start chuckling amazed at how cliché this situation is.

" Well it wouldn't be a Night Out without some fun is it ? " I say with an amused smirk, while looking at the girls.

The girls return my look as an unsettling smile starts to appear on their faces . Which sends a small shiver down the thugs' backs.

I give a pitying look to the thugs and sigh " Try not to hurt them too much girls."

One of the thugs is suddenly flung into the air by Jean as she proceeds to give them the worst thrashing of their lives.

" Don't worry we won't hurt them" Kitty says as she starts to go intangible and starts sinking into the ground.

"too badly" she continues with a sadistic smile on her face as she suddenly appears behind thug A's back.

" Mommy... " the poor thug doesn't even get to finish as he is grabbed from his back and swallowed into the Earth .

( Chapter End )


Yeesh, wouldn't want to be in those guys' shoes. It was a mistake to try and mess with Marvel Girl and Shadowcat. Is Cypher even needed at this point ? Man, girls are scary. I am starting to get worried for the thugs. Poor thugs. ????


"I dislike your threats woman, particularly since your voice should be raised in tribute! "

-- Victor von Doom (Earth-616)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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