Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 30 - Frost & Fire

I arrived at the venue to find it in ruins. Jean was fighting against Emma, who was transformed into her diamond form.

She was using her telekinesis to attack Emma by chucking pieces of rubble at her, while Emma dodged or used her hardened diamond form to simply break apart some of the rubble.

Jean seemed to have the momentum for the moment and was slowly overwhelming her, while Emma was slowing down as time passed.

I decided to leave her and quickly head to find Kitty and Alison, since Jean seemed to be handling things on her end.

Kitty on the other hand was barely conscious. Riptide was overwhelming them by throwing mini-tornadoes left and right.

He was also trying to suck the oxygen out of her lungs since he couldn't get a hit on her.

Alison on the other hand was surprisingly able to hold her own and was utilizing sound and light attacks.

She used light attacks to disorient and blind her opponent, and was also using her powers over sound by amplifying it to a ridiculous level, she was blasting him with sound attacks which were quite similar to how the Black Canary used her sound attacks in the Dc universe.

Unfortunately, she was also slowly getting overwhelmed. I got to give it to her though, she could've tried and runaway, but she decided to stay and defend Kitty, choosing not to leave her behind.

I quickly entered my invisibility mode and ran up behind Riptide who was still creating a storm. I snuck up behind him and gave him a small cut on the back of his neck.

He flinched and grabbed his neck, while looking behind him only to find nothing there.

A few seconds passed as the neurotoxin took effect and he suddenly fell down like a puppet that had its strings cut.

I snuck away and came back running and panting seemingly just arriving at the scene. I had already retracted my stingers and was out of my lightning Chi mode.

I quickly arrived to Kitty's side, " Are you alright?"

" I'm fine, I am just trying to catch my breath ." she answered panting.

" Are you sure you're okay ? What happened ? "

I asked.

"After you disappeared with that red demon guy. We started fighting with tornado guy, he was underestimating at first so Alison used her powers on him and almost blinded him. He started going crazy and made a huge tornado that brought the whole roof on us. I tried to get close to him and take him out, but he used his powers to suck the air out of my lungs. If it weren't for Alison attacking him I would have died. " she said.

I shot Alison a grateful look and gave her a nod. She returned my acknowledgment with a nod of her own.

I made sure that Kitty was fine before leaving her with Alison. I also went and made sure that Riptide was completely out of it. Before I moved on to assist Jean against Emma.

I arrived and found jean still battling Emma,

" My mind is stronger than yours, Emma. You're only delaying the outcome." Jean said.

Emma smirked a bit, " It's not all about brute strength you know."

Suddenly, Jean screamed out holding her head tightly.

" What the hell are you doing to Jean ?!" I shouted.

" Nothing much really, I have been discreetly working my way into her subconscious ever since she walked in to that room. All I had to do after that was wait for the small psionic bomb I planted to detonate while we were fighting" she said.

" You did what ?! " I shout at her.

" Please, don't be so dramatic. At worst she'll have to rebuild her mental defenses. "

she said unconcernedly.

Jean who was on the ground screaming, suddenly stopped and started floating in the air.

Her surroundings started to catch fire and the shape of a Phoenix started to take form. The amount of psychic energy she was giving off was terrifying.

" What's wrong with her ! " Emma asked shocked.

"She's the host of a cosmic level entity, an entity which until recently was locked away by a meddlesome bald bastard. An entity you just unleashed ! If we don't stop her right now, we are all going to die mutants, humans, everybody !!" I quickly explained.

Suddenly, Jean let's out a powerful psychic scream that knocked Emma and me on the ground.

It seemed to be getting worse, as the rubble surrounding her started to disintegrate and her eyes were glowing a bright red color.

' Shit I thought we still had more time'

In a last-ditch effort, I connected my mind to Jean's, but I was immediately overwhelmed by the Phoenix's immense power.

" Aaarghhhh !!!" a scream ripped through my throat.

I managed to gain a moment of clarity and I hastily entered my [ Lightning Chi Mode].

It only bought me a few seconds as I reached Jean's side.

" Jean! Jean! I know you are in there. Jean can you hear me ?!" I kept shouting.

She managed to gain a moment of clarity,

" I can't stop it, help me. "

" Fight it! You have to fight it" I said.

As I was finally close enough to touch her,

" Give me your hand. Trust me!"

My skin and body had started disintegrating by this point and it only got worse as I got closer.

My lightning cloak was the only thing slowing it down, but it could only buy me a few more seconds.

She extended her arm and barely managed to touch me. I then channeled most of my Chi through my arm and to her body directing it to her head.

My body started breaking down even faster after my cloak disappeared, I managed to stay awake, but I was barely conscious.

I saw a tear running down her face as she whispered

" Doug, I am so sorry"

I managed to croak out " It's not your fault "

She seemed to be gaining more control after the boost I gave her, and the fire seemed to be receding slowly.

My body stopped breaking down, but the damage was already done, you could see some bones and organs visible and most of my skin was gone.

When Jean saw how bad I looked she started to get emotional and started losing control once more.

Her phoenix powers were starting to flare up again, I quickly tried to reassure her and said

" Don't worry this isn't enough to kill me"

I started passing out a few moments later, because of the amount of pain I was in.

I could hear Jean yelling, telling me to stay awake probably thinking I was dying.

" Doug ! Doug !"

" Calm down, you don't want his sacrifice to be in vain" Jean suddenly heard inside her head.

" I'll help you for now princess, it would be a shame to let his sacrifice go to waste. You still have people to worry about" she said reminding her of Kitty and Alison.

Emma started exerting a considerable amount of effort trying to help jean suppress the phoenix.

She also tried and repair whatever was left of the mental blocks previously left there.

Halfway through it they suddenly hear a cry of anguish when Kitty finally showed up, to find Doug laying on the floor looking like a burn victim.

She didn't let it distract her and after a few minutes. They both opened their eyes and found Kitty crying on the floor holding Doug's body.

Emma said " The blocks should hold for now, but they're only temporary. They'll hold for two weeks before they start breaking down again. This is the last time I am going to help you. I only did it because it was partly my fault and because of that young man's noble sacrifice. Farewell for now"

Emma then left deciding there was no use in sticking around any longer. She took Riptide with her, deciding not to leave him behind or she'll never hear the end of it from Shaw.

Jean is suddenly hit with a wave of grief and self-blame " It's my fault, I killed him" she said to Kitty who was still crying on the floor holding on to Doug.

Alison was standing a few feet away with a complicated expression on her face.

" He's not dead at least not yet" they suddenly heard.

They then watched as a bald woman wearing robes stepped out of a portal.

Kitty stopped crying momentarily and said

" Did you say Doug's not dead?" she asked with hope.

" I don't know what he did to himself, but most of his body's vitality seemed to have disappeared" she said, while weaving a complex magic circle.

" He'll live but his injuries are quite severe" she said.

She finished weaving her hands and mutters 'Stasis'.

" We have to leave right now, I have got something that could help him, but we will have to be quick."

" Who are you? Where are you taking him ? " Kitty asked?

" I am his Master, as to where I am taking him you can come and find out" she answered.

" You the Phoinex host, you're coming too" she said looking at Jean.

" But, it's my fault he's this way, how can I come ?

" she said.

" It doesn't matter, you're a danger to the whole planet. You have to gain control over your powers and I am the only one that can help you." she said.

Doug suddenly started floating in the air, his body lifted by an invisible force.

" We can discuss this later, if we delay any longer even I might not be able to save him," she said as she walked through the portal with Doug floating behind her.

Kitty and Jean looked to each and towards Alison.

" We're going with her, if what she says is true and she is Doug's master, staying with her is the safest option, at least until we can sort this mess out." Kitty said.

Alison gave a small nod and followed Jean and Kitty through the portal which The Ancient One just used.

The portal closed behind them and silence is all that remained among the rubble and scorched earth.

A few minutes pass by and we can hear the sound of a jet getting closer.

The jet lands and out of it a few figures come running out. Among them is the Wolverine followed by Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, NightCrawler, and the Professor.

Wolverine came running out of the jet sniffing the air and said,

" They were just here a few minutes ago. I can also detect four other smells two women and two men. One of the men smells like brimstone, I don't recognize the other one. The two women though, I recognize one of the smells."

He grimaces a bit and growls," Frost was here. "

" Was it another kidnapping attempt?" Storm asked worriedly.

" If she hurt Jean I swear to god " Cyclops said as he gritted his teeth.

" Don't forget about Kitty too sugah, they're both missing." Rogue said.

" Doug was with them too, they were all out together " Storm said.

" What ! and you just let them go with him " Cyclops said.

" What was I supposed to do tell them no? " Storms said.

" We don't even know who this guy is, he's been here for what a week, and next thing you know Jean and Kitty disappear along with him. How do we know he's not a spy? He could be working for Frost for all we know." he said.

" Guyz calm down, it could just be a coincidence ve don't know anyzing for sure yet " Nightcrawler said.

" Professor, can you tell us anything else" Storm said.

" I haven't been able to detect Jean for a while now, not since I heard her psychic scream. It was unlike anything I have felt before, it felt so powerful and overwhelming " He said.

At this point, all the X-men had complicated and strained looks on their faces.

" I promise I'll find you Jean and I am going to make whoever did this pay" Cyclops said.

( Chapter End )


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I can't tell you how many times I kept writing and rewriting this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments. I always appreciate your feedback,and as always thank you for your support and I hope you're having a wonderful day.


"That's how I survived. Time and time again. That's my secret. I survived because I willed it to be. ... How did I survive apocalyptic fire? I simply refused to feel the flames. "

- Emma Frost.


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