Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 31 - Recovery

A few days had passed ever since my latest stunt, it turns out converting most of your life force and using it as a half-assed boosted gear, to help stop someone from accidentally destroying the planet wasn't good for your health. Who knew am I right?

The Ancient One told me if it wasn't for my strange physiology which seemed to produce abnormal amounts of life energy (aka Bio-electricity). It should have been virtually impossible for me to even attempt to do what I did nonetheless survive.

Thankfully, the Ancient One helped speed up my recovery with help of the Time Stone. She used small amounts of the Time stone's energy to reverse some of the damage done to my body.

It would've taken me weeks if not months of recovery to get back to a hundred percent without it. I am still not completely recovered, but things are coming along nicely.

After I woke up I still wasn't allowed visitation since I was still technically recovering. I was pleasantly surprised though, to find out that Kitty, Jean, and even Alison came along and were currently living in the sanctum.

A week passes by with me still recovering.

Unfourtanetly, I didn't have a bullshit healing factor to rely on if anything goes wrong, all I had was an accelerated healing factor.

Regenerating whole missing parts of your body wasn't exactly easy for me, but I at least got to eat copious amounts of food since I needed a lot of energy for my recovery.

The Ancient One, after many lectures describing my sheer stupidity and recklessness, and telling me how I should have contacted her as soon I found out that Jean was the Phoenix's host, decided I was well enough to start seeing visitors.

" Oh, right I forgot to ask, how did you know I needed help or where to find me?" I asked.

" Someone named Sophie called me and told me you were about to get yourself killed " she says.

" Wait you have a phone ?" I said.

" Of course I do, we're not savages you know. I even got the latest model. " she says.

Well, I'll be damned, I never even thought of calling her. I never even knew she owned a phone.

" Sophie, how did you get the Ancient One's phone number ?" I asked.

" I know everybody's phone number" she replies.

" Wait do you have Tony's number too ?" I asked.

" Yes I do, would like me to call him ?" she asks.

I was tempted by the offer, but I decide against it for now. Tony's a dick anyways until he gets kidnapped.

The door suddenly opens while I was still talking to the Ancient One and I hear an excited yell coming from the door. A 5'6 blur crashes into me and I am suddenly enveloped in a hug.

" We'll continue our talk later, I happen to have a few important matters to attend to." the Ancient One tactfully says before leaving.

I chuckle and say " Someone missed me, didn't they? "

She keeps hugging me without giving me an answer, a few seconds pass by and I start hearing sniffing sounds.

" I thought you died. " Kitty said.

She hits my chest with her small fists and says " You idiot! How can you be so reckless, you..."

In response, I give her a hug and say " I'm sorry I made you so worried, I promise you I will be more careful in the future, but I didn't have much of a choice if I was a second too late we all would've died."

She gives me a nod and a few seconds pass in silence until I suddenly hear

" Jean blames herself for what happened, she wanted to come and visit you, but she thinks you hate her. " Kitty said.

" That's ridiculous, it's not her fault, I am the one who chose to do what I did. " I said.

" She still blames herself for hurting you, I tried to cheer up a few times, but she's been focusing on her sessions with the Ancient One." she said.

I sigh and think to myself ' It's not her fault a cosmic entity chose her as a host. If anything it's Xavier's fault, meddlesome bald bastard.'

" It's okay, I'll talk to her later. Oh right, what about Alison how's she holding up? " I ask.

" She's fine I guess, but I think she's really bored there isn't much to do around here. " she says.

I raise my eyebrow and say " I am surprised she hasn't left yet, I mean we're practically strangers, you could've asked the Ancient One to drop her off anywhere she wanted ."

" I think she wanted to at least make sure you were okay before she left, We talked a lot as there wasn't much to do. We even ended up becoming friends. I told her if she ever needed help or even someone to talk to, she can give us a call anytime she wants" she says.

We kept talking for a bit until it got a bit late. Kitty decided to let me rest for the night and made me promise to not push myself. She left the room and I was left all alone.

Doug: " Thank you, Sophie, I would have died if it weren't for you." I suddenly say.

Sophie: " You're welcome Master Doug, my priority is your safety, especially when you are trying to get yourself killed." she says.

I chuckle and say " Nonetheless I really appreciate it, tell me how's it going with Danger is she giving you any trouble"

Sophie: " Negative, she's currently working on building your customized danger room which should be finished by tomorrow, she has even taken to calling me, big Sis"

Doug: " Big Sis, interesting choice of words " I say with a raised eyebrow.

Sophie:" My analysis shows, she has a severe case of depression caused by extended periods of isolation and neglect. These symptoms are present in individuals with childhood abandonment issues ."

I sigh and say " Keep doing what you're doing, but let me know if you notice any strange or unstable behavior."

I decided to get some sleep and leave tomorrow's problems for my future self.

The next day I woke up and I was sitting on my bed doing something I should've done a while ago.

I was examining my stingers, which were pretty cool by the way. I discovered that I have some sort of paralytic substance coating my stingers that can be used to paralyze my opponents for a period of time depending on how fast their body could adapt. I imagine that's the reason Logan froze up during our spar, he was probably paralyzed when I grazed his neck with my stinger.

For normal humans, I could probably paralyze them for like half an hour, but for someone more powerful or with a regeneration factor, the results may vary wildly from a few minutes to even a few seconds.

It really depends on the person and it is not like I can just test it randomly on people to get more accurate information.

It's a pretty useful ability I admit, especially with my invisibility. It gives me an efficient and quick non-lethal take-down method for infiltration missions or sneak attacks.

I decided to go and have some breakfast, but then Sophie suddenly notified me that the danger room was finally done.

" Might as well go and get some exercise first, I have been couped up here for far too long. " I say to no one in particular.

I open a portal and find myself at my secret base. I walk down a section and through a door and then into my lab. I am surprised to find that the place looked different and seemed to have gone through a few upgrades while I wasn't here.

It looked like a state of the art laboratory. Glowing cylinders with bubbling substances. A neat cluster of monitors all displaying different results, graphs, and such. A large white machine that looked like a CT scanner and various other things I didn't recognize?

" Uhm.., Sophie what the hell happened here? " I ask.

Sophie " We decided to do some upgrades while you were incapacitated, the weapon and robotics labs have gone through similar upgrades as well"

" Can I ask who gave you permission to do so? " I asked.

Sophie " One of my primary directives is to ensure your well-being and your continued survival, seeing that you were incapacitated due to your latest stunt. Danger and I took it upon ourselves to help you, by upgrading all your equipment and labs, especially the medical wing ."

" Soo, you're telling me you guys decided to do it on your own? " I said.

Sophie " Affirmative "

I sigh and start walking towards my Danger room while thinking ' I don't know if I should be happy they're trying to keep me alive or concerned that they're doing things without authorization.

Well, it's something to think about for later, If I am being honest Sophie seems to be the more sensible one lately, ever since I decided to get involved with the X-men my life seems to be a lot more danger than it was before.'

I walked into the now silver and distinctively metallic danger room. I admitted the fact that its technology was so advanced it was close to magic. This was my first time in it. I had Sophie and Danger set up a marathon mode.

I will be fighting for hours on end over various scenarios as a warm-up. The last one was meant to be deadly.

" Danger are you here? "

She materializes before me using some hard light projections and says

" I am right here, shall I start the simulation? "

" Not yet, I have been meaning to ask you something." I say.

Danger " What is it ? " she asks curiously.

" How do you feel about changing your name? I feel that names can tell us a lot about a person and the name Danger isn't the only thing you represent, plus Xavier is the one who gave you that name. " I say.

She seemed surprised by the question and was silent for a while before saying

" Do you have a better suggestion ? " she asks.

" How about the name Diana? She was a powerful, beautiful, and intelligent warrior I read about once. I think the name would suit you well. What do you think? " I said.

" It's fine I think. Would you like me to start the simulation now ? " she says.

" Glad you liked it. Okay, I am ready, start the simulation".

The simulation starts and Doug suddenly finds himself in a dark forest, various beasts and monsters start coming out and attacking him. He gives a yell and throws himself at the beasts meeting them head-on.

In the control room, you can find Diana previously named Danger overseeing the simulation and monitoring Doug's vitals.

A small smile appears on her face as she's watching Doug fighting and she suddenly says

" Thank you, I will treasure it forever."

( Chapter End )


Hey guys what do you think of the new name Doug gave Danger. I didn't like that she kept being referred to as Danger. Diana seemed to be a better choice. Tell me what you guys think in the comments and I hope you're enjoying the story.


"The Danger Room is angry." --Emma Frost (Earth-616)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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