Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 32 - XPeople

After I finished my fighting marathon I was replaying the danger room scenes that Diana had recorded of me fighting. I was also trying to spot any mistakes or bad habits I had.

I also decided to take a look at the danger room archives I took from the mansion. I was noting down my observations on all information that I thought was useful. I have to say, it is as entertaining as it is informative. I was learning about the X-men's fighting styles and memorizing any useful techniques I saw them use.

I suddenly say " Diana is it possible to recreate a hard light reconstruction of the people you have on archive ?" I ask.

Diana " Affirmative, it is possible to recreate scenarios based on any individual who has used the Danger Room extensively, the more data I have the more accurate I can depict the scenario and the most likely action that person would choose in battle."

After Diana confirmed my thoughts, I realized what this means. I now have the opportunity to train and sharpen my skills against multiple opponents with varying degrees of proficiency and unique abilities. Granted, there's still a difference between the real thing and the character rendition, but it's close enough that it's still beneficial for my training.

My assumption about how my potential has increased had also been recently confirmed. I tested my strength once again and found out that my strength shot up to 45 tons, and that's without using my [Lightning Chi Mode], my speed and reaction times had improved too.

My spider-sense saw the biggest improvement. I finally reached the point where I can dodge bullets. Granted they would have to be bullets fired from a small-caliber gun, but that's already considered extremely fast.

The thing that has been on my mind lately was the machine I discovered in my mindscape when I awakened my spider powers.

I still couldn't find an access point that allowed me to input any kind of information.

I started trying to decode the information I have unlocked though, and I am close to 60% there. I haven't managed to find my X-gene yet, but I did find the changes caused by the spider venom.

I think I can use this information along with the information I stole from Oscorp, to finally crack the secret of animal and human gene splicing. I still have the spider that bit me stored in my lab.

It's under constant observation and I have been pumping it with Chi every week to keep it alive.

I also have a couple of vials that have a few drops of its venom stored and locked away safely, in case it simply dies on me. At this point, it would be probably easier to try and get it to lay eggs and see what happens.

'Hmm... should I try and get a normal male spider or should I get a radioactive one from Ozcorp? I'll just get both and see what happens.' I think to myself briefly.

I get up and decide to head back to the sanctum and meet up with the girls. I have been already fighting for hours, and I was starving by this point.

' Maybe I should get them something to eat too.' I think.

I get to the sanctum, with the food in hand, and start looking for the girls.

" Sophie, do you know where I can find them ?"

Sophie " They're both training, Jean is currently with the Ancient One, while Kitty is training with Mordo. "

" Why the hell is Mordo training Kitty and what about Alison ?"

Sophie " Alison already left this morning, when you were out training, and Kitty decided to train with Mordo after she found out you used to train with him."

' How the hell did she get him to agree with that huge stick up his ass. The only reason he trained with me is because the Ancient One asked him to' I wondered to myself silently.

I decided to find Kitty first since I didn't want to disturb Jean with her Phoenix training.

I arrived at the training courtyard to find Mordo having a spar with Kitty. She was badly losing from the looks of it, but I was surprised to find, that Mordo was actually giving her advice as he beat her.

" Phasing through my attacks is useless if you can't do it fast enough" He said.

"Precision and speed are key, to use your abilities effectively" he continues, as he dodges a punch and counters with his own.

" The moment you attack you create an opening, make sure your opponent is too overwhelmed to counter-attack." He said.

He kept sparing with her until she was exhausted and lying exhausted on the floor. I stepped up to her and said.

" Well, that was certainly interesting? "

" Oh shut up Doug, he's harder to hit than he looks" She said.

" Coming from you that's something, tell me how did you end up being the one beat up, isn't your power literal intangibility?" I asked.

" Huff, he's faster than he looks okay! Every time I try to get the drop on him, he anticipates it and counterattacks" She said.

" At least she's better than you when you first started " Mordo said.

" Ouch, that's just mean. " I say with a pitiful expression on my face.

Kitty giggled at the jab and gave me a smug look

" Why are you nicer to her than you were to me?" I said.

" That's because I actually like her more than you." he says without missing a beat.

Kitty started laughing even more and I suspiciously hear a " Buuuurn !! " coming from my watch.

" I got you food, and that's how you treat me." I said in a depressed tone.

" Really! Whatcha get me ?" she said excitedly.

I point at where I left the food next to the training grounds. She runs off towards it without a second thought, leaving me and Mordo just standing there.

" What can you tell me about what's happening with Jean. " I suddenly asked.

" She's training with the Ancient One to suppress the Phoenix's power, but she needs daily sessions. The Ancient One is wary of sealing it up again, it could potentially cause a bad reaction. The only option we have now is for the host itself to become more powerful, so she can channel its powers successfully." He said.

" It was sealed the first time why can't it be done again? " I asked.

" The first time, it was probably dormant. Now that it has awakened, it can only be temporarily suppressed. " He answered.

I grimaced a bit and said" She'll have to stay here, won't she ?"

" I am afraid so. She can't go back to civilization until she gets a handle on her powers. The Ancient One will take her as her disciple as she is the only one strong enough to stop the Dark Phoenix from emerging." He said.

I stayed and chatted with Kitty and Mordo for a bit and then decided to go and find Jean. I found her walking out of the Ancient One's private training area with a despondent look on her face. She didn't notice me until I was right beside her when I said. " Hey birdie, what's got you down "

Startled by my sudden appearance, she shouted.

" Doug ! "

" Yeah, it's me, surprised to see me? I gotta say I was kinda hurt when you didn't visit me " I said.

She looked down and almost whispers " Why would you want to see me, I almost killed you."

" What're you talking about, I am as good as new, look not even a scratch on me" I said showing off my healthy injury-free body.

" But you.." she started to speak again, but I quickly interrupted her and said.

" Jean stop blaming yourself, I'm fine we are all fine. Nobody died, and no one got permanently injured. If you still feel guilty or feel like you still owe me something, pay it back by focusing on controlling your power, so it doesn't happen again. It's not 'YOUR' fault." I emphasize.

She catches my meaning and says " Then whose fault is it? "

"I am sure the Ancient One already explained to you what it means to be the Phoenix's host, the Phoenix chooses those it feels a kinship with.

The Phoenix Force is one of the oldest known cosmic entities, representing life as well as the forces of creation and destruction. The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life. It is the nexus of all psionic energy. It sometimes causes its host to have destructive impulses and go insane from the power, becoming the malevolent force of destruction known as the Dark Phoenix, but in your case, it happened due to someone's interference." I said.

" What are you talking about? If the Phoenix is as strong as you're saying how can someone affect it? " she asked, confused.

" It was lying dormant, so a powerful enough psychic could possibly affect it. Think about it, have you let anybody inside your mind. " I asked.

" No, of course not that's not possible " she said.

" What about when you were younger, a kid maybe. It's possible that you forgot." I said trying to lead her to a certain conclusion.

" No, the only powerful psychic I was ever in contact with was Professor Xav... " she suddenly stops shocked.

"It couldn't be, he can't have" she said.

"We can always ask him, you know" I said.

(Chapter End )


Muhahahaha Cypher is already sowing seeds of distrust. It's only a matter of time before they discover how manipulative Xavier really is.


"The world must not lose a magnificent brain like mine! "

--Victor Von Doom (Earth-616)


I currently have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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