Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 35 - Meet The Parkers (Pt.1)

(3rd person POV)

Richard and Mary could not be any happier with the life they had. Richard Parker met Mary Fitzpatrick at Oscorp Industries, he was the leading scientist in the Industries latest research: Cross-Species Genetics. After they met, it didn't take long until they fell in love and married.

Nick Fury later recruited the brilliant couple to S.H.I.E.L.D. They both became field agents after a period of training and were assigned several missions over the years. Being married gave them an easy cover, one they could use while on missions.

On one of their missions, they discovered Mary was pregnant. It didn't take too long after that for their family to grow. Mary gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. They decided it was time for them to take a step back from field missions and instead got back to research.

Richard, along with his friend Eddie Brock Sr. were working on a cure for terminal diseases, in the form of a biological suit that could repair its host's body. It was capable of healing its host, and could even cure severe illnesses like cancer and genetic diseases.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing it did. It also gave superhuman-like abilities and could potentially cause mental instability to the host, especially if exposed to it for long periods of time.

Fearing the suit would be used as a weapon instead of a cure, he decided to hide their research. Eddie, unhappy with his decision, tried to go behind Richard's back and sign a contract with Trask Industries that would cause them to lose ownership of the suit.

After the crash, it was revealed that his project had been taken away, and later became the basis of Venom.

(Present Day)

The Parker household was a very loving place. The two-story house provided the family with many accommodations, including a relatively large backyard and garden. It was around eight o'clock at night when Mary had finally put Peter to bed. In the kitchen, the couple sat at the table, talking.

They usually wouldn't be up too late, but tonight was different.

"I don't know what to do anymore Mary, it's too dangerous to release something like this to the public or even worse the military. The ramifications of something like this could be catastrophic." Richard said.

"I don't think we have much of choice, didn't you tell me Eddie was trying to get you to agree on selling it to the highest bidder. I am surprised he hasn't already gone behind your back to do it," she said.

" I have been trying to buy as much time as possible by stalling him, but I don't know how long he'll wait before his patience runs out." he said.

" Did you ever think about destroying it? Wouldn't it solve the problem?" She asked.

" That wouldn't solve anything, I suspect Eddie already has a backup of the research and some samples hidden away. If I destroy the original research, he'd just go and sell it, and I wouldn't have any say on it." he answers.

" Have you tried contacting S.H.E.I.L.D? I know it's been years, but I hear Nick is the Director now. If we explain it to him and how dangerous it could be, he might be able to help us out. " she said.

" I have already contacted them and requested a meeting, they're sending a jet to pick me up tomorrow night. I am taking the sample and the research with me, just in case," he said.

" You stay here and look after Peter, while I am gone. It should only take a few days."

" I am coming with you, there's no way I am letting you go through this alone. We're a team and don't forget I was just as good an agent as you were," she said.

" What about Peter? One of us has to stay, we can't leave him all alone," he said.

" We can leave him with his uncle and aunt for a few days until we sort things out. Plus, it's been a while since they've seen him. They would be happy to have him." she said.

The couple spent the night discussing their plans for tomorrow and went over everything they would need for tomorrow night's meeting.

(Next Day)

They dropped Peter, who was around 6 years old, off at his Uncle and Aunt's house, along with some of his belongings and clothes.

" If anything happens, contact me right away, we'll only be gone for a few days." he said.

" Stop worrying yourself so much Richie, he's in good hands just make sure you and Mary come back to us safe and sound." Uncle Ben said.

" Do you really have to go, I don't have a good feeling about this. Is this related to the" trips" you guys used to take when Peter was younger? " Aunt May said.

"Don't worry May, it isn't anything like that. It's just something we have to do." Mary says while giving Richard a look.

" We have to go now, or we're going to be late." Richard said.

Mary gave Peter, who was standing beside his aunt and uncle a tight hug and said

" Now, I want you to be a good boy, don't cause your Aunt and Uncle any trouble, while we're gone. Okay ? "

" Okay, Mommy, I promise," he says in a childish voice.

Richard gives Peter a hug and kisses him on his forehead and says. " Do as your mother says. "

"Mommy, daddy why are you leaving?" he asks.

Richard sighed" We just have something we have to do Peter. "

They finally finish their goodbyes and leave to catch their plane. They arrive at the runway where a private jet is waiting for them. A man wearing a suit was standing beside the airplane. He had a stoic look on his face and seemed to be waiting for something.

" Agent Parker. I wasn't informed you planned on bringing someone with you, this is against prot.."

" It's fine, she's my wife. She used to be an agent too, and it's Dr. Parker now, me and my wife retired a long time ago." he says interrupting the man.

" Ahem.., very well then. I'm special agent Donovan. I was tasked with escorting you to a predetermined secure location, as per my orders. I'll also be the one piloting the jet. " Agent Donovan said.

" I am surprised that Nick would assign a special agent to escort us." Mary said.

" Director Fury emphasized how important this mission is. He also mentioned you'd be bringing along a package. " he said.

" The package stays with me, it's my research," Richard said in a clipped tone.

The agent gives a nod of understanding and boards the jet. The Parkers board the jet and get settled in. It didn't take long before the jet was in the air.

A few hours pass by, while they're still in the air. Richard was on his laptop, doing some work and Mary had decided to take a small nap until they've arrived. Suddenly, the plane is hit with turbulence; it caused the plane to shake a bit and Mary to be jolted awake by the sudden movement.

" It's okay honey, it's just turbulence go back to sleep." Richard gently says.

"No, it's fine. How long before we get there?" Mary said.

" I don't know, I've tried asking special agent Donovan, but he kept saying he's not allowed to say." he said.

Mary frowns a bit " We've been in the air for hours. Where the hell is he taking us? "

He sighed " I don't know, I've tried contacting Nick a few times, but I am not getting a signal."

" Let me try talking to him, I'll try and get.. "

The words died on her tongue as her face paled and a shocked look appeared on her face.

" Mary what's wrong !"

"I don't think that will be necessary," Dr. Parker " the place you're heading to isn't exactly fun." Richard heard behind him.

Richard turned around to find special agent Donovan holding a gun pointed at them and wearing a parachute pack on his back.

" What's the meaning of this ?! " Richard shouts.

" I think it's pretty clear Doctor, hand over the package or I put a bullet in your wife." he says with a sharp look in his eyes.

" Richard No! Look at his backpack he plans on leaving us here to die." she says panicked.

" How perceptive of you, you both are going to die, but look at it this way. You'll at least have a few minutes to say goodbye before the plane crashes, or I can just shoot her and let you watch her die." he said.

Richard had a conflicted look on his face. He realized how bleak things were looking, and that there wasn't an easy way out of this. He made up his mind and said.

" I can give you the research, but only if you save Mary. " he suddenly says.

" Richard No, I won't leave you! " She shouts.

" One of us has to live Mary we can't both leave Peter, it's my fault we're in this situation I am the one who should take responsibility. " he said.

" How touching, but unfortunately I was told to leave no witnesses, so I don't think you have much of a choice. " he says while cocking the gun back.

Suddenly, they were once again hit by air turbulence. Richard taking advantage of the sudden shaking lunges at him. He goes for his gun, trying to disarm him, but unfortunately, his years of being retired had caused him to lose his edge.

The gun goes off several times, and one of the bullets hit the window. This caused the cabinet to depressurize, and the plane started shaking even more. The plane was suddenly filled with a deafening sound caused by the roaring wind; the temperature started to rapidly drop. Small objects were getting sucked out of the window, and the plane was rapidly losing altitude.

The gun goes off again, this time Richard barely hears a scream over the roaring wind and turns to see Mary holding her chest and bleeding. With a sudden burst of strength, he disarms the agent and kicks him towards the broken window.

The man was instantly sucked outside the plane, hitting the plane engine on his way out. He was instantly shredded to pieces and killed. Richard threw the gun away and sprinted towards Mary.

Mary was lying in a pool of her own blood and was rapidly losing consciousness. The bullet seemed to have hit a vital spot, and it seemed she wouldn't make it.

" Mary! MARY! Don't close your eyes, stay with me." Richard yells.

" Ri.. ch..ard I..I l..ove yo..u" she barely manages to say.

" I love you too, Mary. Please don't leave me," he says with tears streaming down his face.

The plane started losing even more altitude and started to go down even faster. Richard kept holding on to Mary's body, not letting it get sucked away.

Richard closed his eyes and waited for death. He held his wife's lifeless body and prayed for a quick death. The plane was plummeting to earth at thousands of miles per hour. The only parachute they had was taken away by the man who killed Mary. There wasn't anything else he could do.

" It's okay, Mary. I'll see you soon."






" Ha Ha Ha Ha have no fear because I'm here"

Strange boisterous laughter could be faintly heard over the roaring wind. Richard who had his eyes closed furrowed his eyebrows. 'Am I hallucinating before death' he thinks to himself.

The laughter gets louder and closer. A man who was surrounded by a golden glow and had what strangely looked like lightning arcing off of him suddenly rushes in through the broken part of the plane.

" Coming through the plane like a normal person," the strange man said.

" Don't worry for I am her... SHIT! I was too late !" the man suddenly shouts when his eyes fall on the scene before him.

Dr.Parker was holding his wife, they were both covered in blood and his wife seemed half dead.

He rushes over to them, Richard still shocked by this strange scene. Let's Doug get closer to them and touch his wife.

"Crap... Please don't be dead, don't be dead." Doug keeps muttering as he's checking Mary all over.

He looks at Richard and says, " How long ago was it since she was shot !"

"Wha..? Who are you Is.. this rea.."

" Snap out of it! Do you want your wife to die? Answer the damn question !" Doug impatiently shouts at him.

" It's been only a few minutes" he blurts out.

Doug who was still in his [ Lightning Chi Mode ] was a strange sight to see, he had glowing golden eyes and a cloak of golden electricity covering his body, he looked like something out of a fantasy novel. It wasn't strange that the Doctor thought he was hallucinating.

Doug held one hand over Mary's head and the other over her bullet wound and started channeling Chi to both of them.

" Your wife is still alive, but barely. I am pumping pure life energy directly into her brain to keep her alive. She's lost a lot of blood and there isn't enough oxygen going up to her brain. I'll also try and close the wound to stop her from losing any more blood. We can't stay here, the plane could crash at any moment now. " Doug rattles off.

" Are you an angel? " Richard says in awe, hearing his wife is still alive and that the being before him is trying to save her. Hope springs into his heart and you can see his eyes light up.

" Doesn't matter what I am. We have to go NOW !"

Doug then picks up Mary and holds her in his arms. He was still channeling life energy into Mary to keep her alive. He turns to Richard.

" Hold on to my back. We have to fly out of here. I can't open a portal right now. I need to focus on stabilizing her."

Richard nods his head quickly and grabs onto Doug's back.

Doug using the van der Waals force ( Spider sticking powers) makes sure Richard is secure on his back.

He suddenly starts floating, but he notices a small suitcase out of the corner of his eyes. He grabs that too with his telekinesis and speeds out of the plane.

They got out in time, just to see the plane crash into the ocean and start sinking. Richard who was still holding onto Doug mutters.

"That was too close."

Doug snorts, " Tell me about it."


Hey guys, this was some long ass chapter. Cypher finally gets to meet Mr. and Mrs. Parker.

I am sorry if the All might reference was a bit cringe. I already used a terminator quote a few chapters ago. If it gets too much, let me know and I'll stop.


" Please don't be dead. Because then I'd have to be the Sorcerer Supreme and there's no way I could rock the 'stache."

- Spiderman (Peter Parker)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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