Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 36 - Meet The Parkers (Pt.2)

After our close call with the plane. I opened a portal that led directly to my lab. It took a few seconds of concentration to open one, as I was still trying to concentrate on keeping Mary Parker alive.

We arrived at the medical bay, and I immediately shouted.

" Diana! notify Dr.Hansen and tell her to get here, ASAP. We have a medical emergency on our hands."

"Doctor, I am going to have to ask you to get off my back, It's not that I don't like you, but it's a bit awkward for a first date." I said.

The doctor quickly gets off my back, a bit embarrassed. He was gawking so much at the lab. He forgot he was still hanging on to me.

He quickly regains his composure and says

" Is my wife going to be okay? Can you save her ? "

" I am not making any promises, but I'll do my best. I am not exactly a medical professional, I'm just a stopgap until a proper doctor gets here."

I deactivated my [Lightning Chi Mode] and he could finally see what I really looked like. The doctor surprised by the change blurts out.

" You're just a kid ! "

" I am old enough, look we're going to need your help. Dr.Hansen will probably need assistance. I am not qualified and I know you are not exactly a medical doctor, but you're the closest thing we got. Are you up for it." I ask.

" Of course I am up for it" he says with determination.

Dr.Hansen finally hurriedly walks in.

Her eyes fell on the blood-soaked person in my arms.

" Oh my god, what happened ?!"

"She was shot a few minutes ago, and lost a lot of blood. I need you to save her."

" I am not a medical doctor, I am a biologist!"

She said.

" Close enough, there are blood bags in that freezer beside you, grab them."

I laid Mary on the medical bed, careful not to stop the Chi flow. Dr. Hansen hooked up an IV and started a blood transfusion.

" Check for an exit wound, we need to make sure the bullet isn't still in there. " Dr. Hansen said.

" Lift her shirt so I can examine her chest."

I gave Richard a nod and let him go in to assist, as I was still channeling Chi to her brain.

"The bullet went all the way through. We have to do an angiogram."

" Her left ventricle's shot and she's barely pushing blood out. The bullet nicked her spine on the way out too."

" Go get the med..."

A while later, Dr.Hansen managed to get her stabilized. Things were touch and go for a while there, but she managed to pull through.

Unfortunately, Mary went into a coma, and even if she were to wake up. She would be paralyzed from the neck down. Things were looking bleak.

Dr.Parker stuck to his wife's side and was looking after her for the past few days. I didn't have a chance to talk to him yet, since he wasn't in an appropriate state of mind.

I couldn't really blame him though, his wife was shot, in a coma, and paralyzed from the neck down.

I found him with his face in his hands, sitting near her bed. He had his eyes closed and was sitting there in silence, you could only hear the sound of the heart monitor beeping and her respirator helping her breathe.

" You should get something to eat you know." I said.

" I don't really feel all that hungry, to be honest." he said.

" She wouldn't want you to push yourself this much. Go get something to eat maybe even some sleep. I'll watch her. " I said.

*Sigh " You're probably right. I never got the chance to thank you. You're the only reason we're still alive and I haven't even thanked you." he said.

"It's alright, Dr. Parker. You've been through a lot these past few days. I can't blame you."I said.

"Nonetheless, thank you for saving me and my wife." he said.

" You're welcome" I said with a smile.

"If you don't mind me asking. Who are you? What is this place? How were you able to do the things you did?" he asked.

"I am Cypher. As for what I am, I presume you have heard about mutants before ?"

" Mutant? Is that how you can do all that ?"

"Partly, but that's just part of it. I am also a Master of the Mystic Arts and disciple of the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme. "

He stared dumbly at me for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

" This place here is my private lab. I brought you guys here because it was too dangerous for me to take you to a hospital. I don't know who's trying to kill you yet, but it's better if they think you're dead."

He grimaced a bit and said.

"You're right. It's better if whoever ordered the hit, though we were dead, at least until we can find out who it is."

He stared at me intensely and said.

"Why are you helping us. I am grateful don't misunderstand, but I have learned over the years that nothing comes for free. What do you want ?"

" Very perceptive doctor. I do want something from you. I wanted to wait until things calmed down a bit, but since you've brought it up. I require your help. ,"I said.

He sighed," Just tell me what it is. My wife and I, are indebted to you. Whatever it is, I will do it. "

" Don't be so glum. It's nothing bad. I just require your assistance with a medical problem and would like to ask you to work with me. Of course, you have the option to decline. I am not forcing you. Just know that if you were to join. I am offering you state-of-the-art lab and equipment. A very sizable budget and the chance to save your wife."

After getting him something to eat and letting him rest for a while, I took the doctor and showed him around the facility.

He was certainly impressed. He was still wary of me, which is understandable but can be remedied with time.

"Take a look at these two samples, doctor." I said.

After a few minutes of examining the samples.

" This !?" He said

" Yes, it's your work doctor." I said.

" I have to say, you truly are brilliant. Your work with genetic gene splicing is truly unparalleled." I said.

" But how? Oscorp owns this project now. I left it a long time ago. What is it doing here and that second sample is that what I think it is?" he questioned.

I nod in confirmation " Yes, that's the first-ever successful attempt at a human/spider hybrid."

" And I need your help fixing it."

I left Dr. Parker at the lab and tasked him with finding a solution to fix my messed up DNA.

I didn't tell him who it belonged to, but I gave him access to Dr.Hansen's research on the Extremis Virus. He was extremely fascinated by her research, It gave him a chance at helping his wife.

Dr.Hansen was still working on making the Extremis virus less explosive and didn't have time to help the doctor. I didn't mind it, since we needed a stable formula as soon as possible.

I currently had in my possession several powerful serums, that could boost my combat ability even further, but I decided that I won't rush things as I did with the spider venom.

The Oz formula from Oz corp, the spider venom, the Extremis virus, and now, I was also in possession of a symbiote.

It looked like black goo and didn't seem that impressive, but I knew how powerful it really was. There was still this little issue with it being sentient and all.

I disliked the idea of something having access to my mind, and I wasn't going to let foreign entity in.

I took a sample of it and tried introducing, a few drops of blood to it. It reacted happily, greedily consuming it like it was candy.

" Greedy, little bugger aren't ya'" I said.

I wasn't going to risk it for now, and decided to leave it until I found a way to remove its influence or even erase its consciousness entirely.

I decided to head to the Sanctum, and do something, I have been putting off for a while.

It was 'time' to take a look.

(Chapter End)


Can you guess what's it time for?

Tell me what you guys think in the comments.


"Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy."

- Tony Stark.


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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