Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 43 - Betrayal

I already have 9 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)



(3rd person POV)

Jean and Kitty had been missing for a month now, and no one knew where they were.

No matter how many times the Professor searched with Cerebro, he couldn't find even the slightest trace of their minds.

Everyone in school feared for the worst. What if an anti-mutant terrorist group had gotten to them? Or what if they had been brainwashed by a supervillain?

Many of the X-Men even Wolverine was desperately looking for anyone who could give them a hint on their whereabouts.

Even after interrogating rogue mutants to people in the government who wanted to see mutants oppressed, they weren't getting any closer to finding the girls.

But the X-Men refused to quit on them. Although after questioning their 100th suspect they began to wonder if they were dead and that there was no point to keep going.

(The X-Mansion)

Charles was in a bad mood. It was no big deal to most people, sometimes you just had bad days. This was different.

His dear students have been missing for almost a month, and it made him feel like he has somehow failed them.

He was also secretly worried about what he felt that day. It reminded him too much of the entity he sealed inside Jean's mind.

Did it get loose somehow? Was the cage he created finally broken? Could the Phoenix come back one day and seek revenge for being sealed all these years?

Looking up at the sound of knocking, he realized how distracted he's been.

He hadn't noticed anyone approaching him, which served to aggravate him a bit. Clearing his throat, he called out, for whoever knocked to come in.

" Come in." He said.

"It's just me, Professor."

He stilled hearing Scott, him, he definitely should have sensed.

"Yes, Scott? How can I help you?" Xavier said.

"You told me to come to you in case it was important." Scott said.

He rubbed his temples he had no memory of that.

"Of course, what is it?" Xavier said.

" Kitty has been spotted at her parents' house, We're moving out in 10." Scott said.

(Kitty's House)

Jean and I were currently at Kitty's house. Kitty wanted to see her parents and insisted on us coming along. We ended up staying over for dinner.

We've been gone for almost a month. I didn't particularly care about going back to school, but I did care about keeping up appearances.

We couldn't just disappear without an explanation and leave everything behind.

Not unless we wanted people to believe we were dead. We've been already pushing it, with us being away this long. It was time we went back.

It seemed Xavier already paid a visit to Kitty's parents since for some reason they didn't find it strange that their daughter has been missing for a month.

" So tell me Douglas how's the school these days. I hope you're settling in alright." Kitty's mom said.

" It's fine, it hasn't been hard settling in. I've made a bunch of friends, so it hasn't been too hard." I lied.

"Oh, I remember when Kitty first started going, she was so worried about making friends and getting people to like her, it was so cute." She said.

" Mom. We don't have to talk about it, you know." Kitty whined.

" Really? Tell me more." I said, feigning interest.

" Come on now, dear, don't embarrass Kitty in front of her friends. It doesn't matter how adorable she was." Kitty's dad said.

"Oh god" Kitty said, covering her face with her hands.

We all shared a laugh at Kitty's expense and continued our dinner. It got late, so we decided to leave. Jean and I were currently standing at the front porch getting ready to leave.

" We really have to go Mrs. Pryde it's already getting too late." I said.

" Nonsense, stay as long as you like, that's what our guest rooms are for. You and Jean are welcome to stay the night." She said.

" We really should get going, Mrs. Pryde." Jean said.

Suddenly we hear the sound of a jet getting closer. The jet landed in the backyard and out of it a few figures come running out.

Among them were the Wolverine followed by Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Nightcrawler, and the Professor.

" Kitty! Jean! "

"Miss Ororo? " They both said.

"Thank god you're okay." She said.

"Doug, watch out!" Jean shouted.

I jumped out of the way of a red beam aimed towards me.

" Jean, get away from him!" Scott shouted.

After I dodged I felt someone... or something trying to dig around in my mind. I tried to block it like the Ancient One taught me, but they were too strong.

They broke through my defenses one after the other. The more I fought, the worse it got. Suddenly my head started hurting a hundred times worse.

"Get... the.. Hell out of my MIND!!!!" I said, through gritted teeth.

The Symbiote feeling its host being attacked, materialized and started going haywire, strands of tough, flexible fibers of organic polymers started attacking my surroundings, and one of the strands hit Jean.

Scott started shooting laser beams at me and went over to Jean's side, trying to protect her.

With a psychic shout. I finally pushed them out.

I was now standing at 7 feet tall, wearing my Enigma suit.

The Symbiote must've taken this design from my mind. It looked like a futuristic super suit.

It included clawed fingers and arm spikes. It also lacked any visible eye lenses. The suit was predominantly black and white with red highlights, and the red spider-symbol on the chest more vaguely resembled a skull than a spider.

I didn't dislike the design on the contrary; it was one of my favorites. It's probably the reason why it chose it. It looked like Spiderman's 2099 White Suit.

" Zat vas so COOL!!" Nightcrawler shouted.

"Okay, now I am pissed." I said.

I looked towards Xavier and found him sitting in his chair.

He looked exhausted and was slightly bleeding from his nose, Storm was beside him making sure he was okay.

I started walking towards him, my mind still in a haze. My instincts identified him as a threat, and I was about to remove that threat.

Wolverine stood in my way. " I wouldn't do that If I were you, Bub."

"Get out of my way, James. Things won't go like last time. This is my last warning." I said.

" What did you just call me?" He said.

I started chuckling and with my suit on, my voice sounded deep and ominous.

" You think he's not in your head too? Look at you, James. He's tamed you." I said.

" Why did you call me by that name ?!" He shouted, his claws coming out.

" I have one of those too, you know." I said.

My stingers came out, and I blitzed over to him. Surprised by my speed, he managed a hasty block.

Not expecting my strength, he was blown away and crashed into a nearby tree.

Nightcrawler started moving and teleported above my head.

Time slowed down to a crawl and everything around me was moving in slow motion. Seeing his attack, I easily blocked it and kicked him away.

It seems that after I fixed my DNA, my spider powers were greatly enhanced, especially my Spidey sense.

Scott tried attacking me with his laser beams, but ended up getting blasted with his own attack, after I created a portal to redirect his attack back at him.

" Settle down, Simplops. You're not even qualified to fight me." I said.

He merely groaned in response not even able to speak. After getting hit with his own attacks.

Wolverine came back and charged at me with his claws out. I braced myself to receive his attack, but before I could.

" Enough !!!"

A powerful psychic yell stopped us in our tracks.

Nightcrawler who was getting ready to attack, while Wolverine distracted me, and Rogue who was trying to sneak up behind me to absorb my powers, all collapsed on the ground.

I didn't collapse due to my strong mental defenses, but it was definitely enough to give me one hell of a headache.

I turned to Jean and saw her hair on fire.

It seemed she was channeling a part of the Phoenix force to subdue us all.

She looked at me and said " Doug that's enough, please. They're my friends."

I sighed " Fine, but they started it."

I retracted my symbiote, absorbing it back into my body.

I walked over and stood beside Jean, who was still in her Phoenix mode. Kitty was nowhere to be found.

I was guessing she got her parents inside as soon as the fighting started. I couldn't really blame her though. I would've done the same.

My thoughts were confirmed when I saw her walking out of her house.

" Have you guys stopped fighting?" She said.

" Yeah, it's okay Kitty, it's all fine." I said.

" Vat Za hell is going on?" Kurt said.

" I don't know Sugah, but I think we're about to find out." Rogue said.

" What's going on, Jean? Why do you look like this?" Storm said.

She was walking towards us while pushing the professor. His face still looked a little pale, but it looked like he was fine.

" You!" I said.

"Calm down Douglas, it seems there was a misunderstanding." He said.

" A misunderstanding ?! Why the hell did you attack me! " I said.

"My apologies, we were under the impression that you had something to do with Jean and Kitty's disappearance, but judging by where we are all standing it seems, we were hasty in our judgment." He said.

Kitty and Jean were currently standing beside me, while the rest of the X-Men were standing beside Xavier.

I scoffed " Is that what the X-Men does nowadays, attack first, ask questions later."

" How did you know about the X-Men?" Scott said, a hand over his chest where his attack hit him.

"What kind of idiot, do you think I am? You thought I would join a school filled with meta-humans without doing some research first. Your headmaster is a powerful telepath. I had to make sure, he wasn't brainwashing people, and it seems I wasn't mistaken" I said, looking towards Jean.

" What the hell are you on about? The professor would never do that. You're just trying to cover up the fact, that you're a spy." Scott said.

I was starting to get annoyed with Scott and was seriously considering bitch slapping him. Jean sensing my annoyance said.

" I have a question to ask you, Professor. Did you know ?"

" Known about what, Jean?" He said.

" Don't play games with me professor, were you the one who did it?" Jean said.

" Did what Jean what are you talking about? " Storm asked.

" Answer me, Professor." She pressed on.

He sighed "I had to Jean, it was the only choice. Your powers were too great, and that thing wasn't a part of you. If you had lost control for even a second, the results would have been catastrophic. I did what I thought was right. It was for the greater good."

" You betrayed my trust, locked away a part of myself. You didn't understand what you were dealing with, but did it, anyway? For the greater good? Who are you to decide what's good for everybody else? " She said teary-eyed.

The anger in her voice only making the crackling flames growing in her eyes worse.

The professor had his head down and couldn't even look her in the eyes.

The X-Men were all standing there, shocked by what they were hearing.

" Professor, is this true?" Storm asked.

Before the Professor could answer, Scott interrupted and said "Jean, this isn't you."

"Maybe you ought to settle down laser boy? " I said, increasingly getting annoyed with him.

" Don't listen to him Jean he's trying to turn you against us. I don't know what he has been filling your head with, but the professor would never do something like this." He said.

"You think I'm keeping her against her will? She's with me because she wants to be." I said.

"The professor said you might be different, Jean I..." Scott said.

"Yes. Yes, it is me. It's the first time I felt like myself since I can even remember."

"What have you done to her? " Logan said, turning to the professor.

"Logan, you have to understand, You have no idea. You have no idea of what she's capable of. " Xavier said.

"No, Professor. l had no idea what you were capable of. " Logan answered.

"I had a terrible choice to make. I chose the lesser of two evils. " Xavier said.

"Well, it sounds to me like Jean had no choice at all. " Storm said.

Meanwhile, Scott was trying to talk Jean down.

He tried to assure her, "I...I didn't know about any of this. But, we'll figure it out. Just come back to us.."

" Is this what you're ideals have lead you to Charles?" We suddenly heard.

We turned to see Magneto coming towards us, along with a few members of his Brotherhood of Mutants.

"Magneto." Logan growled.

"Oh, it's you logan l could smell the adamantium from a mile away". He said.

One of the mutants walking beside him suddenly came closer to him and whispered.

" It's her. She's the omega class. She's more powerful than anything I've ever felt." The mutant said.

She then turned her eyes towards me and said " I can't sense what class he is, but he's dangerous."

Magneto raised an eyebrow at that and examined me with interest.

It seemed that today was his lucky day.

(Chapter End)


Damn it all! This chapter was tough to write. Tell me what you guys think in the comments and as always thank you for your support. The time skip is coming closer and should happen in a chapter or two.


"The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There are no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it."

– Magneto: Not a Hero Vol 1 #4


I already have 9 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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