Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 44 - Magneto

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)



Magneto was wearing his trademark helmet and purple cape. His suit was black with a red chest piece and his arms had purple bracers.

Mystique, Callisto, Juggernaut, Multiple Man, and Sabretooth stood at the edge of the street, looking towards the X-Men and Cypher.

"He thinks your power is too great for you to control. He's trying to hold you back from what you were meant to be all along" Magneto said.

He turned to Charles " You're treating her no differently than how Shaw treated me"

Magneto knows Charles well enough to know from an educated guess, and what he heard that Charles must have telepathically blocked her memory or manipulated her somehow.

" I only did what I had to do. Jean was a child, a very powerful child." Charles said.

"You're right about one thing, Charles. She is powerful, and she can use that power for all mutant kind." Magneto said.

"You are a god among insects. Never let anyone tell you differently. We mutants are stronger, smarter. We are the next step in human evolution. Why must you limit yourself? Why must you shrink away to make other people comfortable around you? You are a God to these people Jean, come, let me show you. Join me and together we can forge a better future for all of mutant-kind. " Magneto said.

He then turned to us and said."And to my fellow mutants, I make you this offer. Join us or stay out of our way."

Clap * * Clap* *Clap*

Everyone turned to look towards where they heard clapping.

"Are you finished?" I said.

Magneto gave me a curious gaze, which seemed to surprise many of those who were standing.

" Who are you, my fellow mutant?" He asked.

"I am Cypher." I answered shortly.

"Do you find this amusing?" He asked.

"No, not exactly, it's more ironic than anything. I find it quite surprising that someone like you would preach about Mutant superiority, especially after what you went through. It reminds me of a certain someone if you catch my drift." I said.

"So, no, I don't think Jean is going to join your little Nazi Mutant club, sorry." I said.

His eyes went wide, "You dare?! Do you even know who you say this too?!"

"Mutants are the superior race, right? Didn't Hitler say the same about the Aryans? Didn't he create a special little group with special people to hunt down the weaker race? Will you do the same? Will you hunt down and put all the humans into special little camps?" " I spat back.

"I am nothing like them! Do you hear me, you insolent brat?!" he roared.

" What do you know about what I went through, boy? I watched thousands of men, women, and children walk to their deaths. I pulled their bodies from the gas chambers. I dug out their teeth so the Germans could take their gold. And I carried them to the ovens, where I learned how to combine a child's body with an old man's making them burn better. I saw my fellow workers buried alive under an avalanche of rotting corpses. I saw thousands of murdered people burning in giant outdoor pits. I have seen at least a quarter-million dead human beings with my own eyes…and I couldn't save a single one." He said.

"I am not going to do to the humans what the Nazis did to me! I am saving my people!"

"Then why are you being so goddamn hypocritical? No matter how you put it, your actions are putting innocent people in danger. Your Brotherhood is labelled as a terrorist group. If you really wanted to help mutants, you would create a safe haven, protect them using your strength not, wage a one-man war on all of humanity. You and Xavier are two sides to the same coin, one preaches violence, while the other preaches co-existence and peace. But both believe they are superior to humans. Homo-superior? Give me a break. Those are our two choices? A manipulative pacifist and a violent terrorist ?"

Getting increasingly annoyed with Cypher, Magneto finally exploded and attacked Cypher.

"Enough!" Magento roared as he raised his hand, lifting Kitty's parents' car into the air before slamming it down on the ground with a loud crash. It was totalled.

While Cypher was talking with Magneto, Scott and the X-Men were all having a telepathic conversation.

No matter what happened today, they all knew that it was going to come down to a fight, especially after Cypher called Magneto a Nazi.

That was just asking for it.

"Alright let's go." Scott said as the Brotherhood began their attack.

Lightning lighted up the sky as Storm flew up to the roof.

Logan followed, roaring and charged at Sabertooth like a true animal.

Wolverine slashed at him and Sabretooth ducked, then knocked Wolverine down.

Both growled at each other.

Wolverine slashed a large pole, which fell to the ground crushing Sabertooth.

He snarled and leapt into one of Multiple man's clones, swinging around and tackling another.

Shadowcat phased through all the clones and headed straight towards the original.

Jean used her telekinetic abilities to take a few clones out, while Cyclops and Rogue blasted several clones, burning them.

Storm flew close to the rooftop. She shot a gust of wind out at Calisto coming her way.

Smirking, Callisto speeds up to the rooftop, then leaps out, tackling Storm to the ground.

Storm and Callisto go at it. Callisto catches her with a few punches and then speeds away from Storm before she can counter.

She continues to speed around Storm, hitting her with another blow, but Storm wises up. She sticks an arm out and Callisto falls to the grounds.

Storm quickly grabs her and tosses her into the front gate then summons her electricity and shocks Callisto until she's knocked out. With a satisfied grin, Storm heads back to help her friends.

After Logan dealt with Sabertooth, he found Juggernaut charging at him. Deciding it was better to dodge, he leapt out of the way.

Juggernaut came to a halt and gave Logan a vicious smile. He picked up the fallen pole and swung it at Wolverine, and sent him crashing through several walls.

Logan groaned violently as he clutched his heavily bruised side.

Juggernaut charged at the downed Wolverine, probably trying to crush him to death, but he was suddenly brought to a grinding halt.

Xavier tried mentally freezing Juggernaut in place...keeping him from fully charging at Logan, but he could barely keep him at bay.

Mystique tried to distract Xavier by attacking him, but was stopped by Nightcrawler. Who engaged her in hand-to-hand.

Meanwhile, while the X-Men were battling the Brotherhood. Cypher was busy fighting Magneto.

Cypher was in his [Lightning Chi Mode] and was using his venom blast to throw lightning bolts at Magneto.

Magneto quickly grabbed some cars off the street and used it to shield his body from the attack.

Magneto lost sight of Cypher for a second, only to see a red fist break through his metal shield.

Cypher had used the attack as a distraction to get closer to him.

( Cypher POV)

I saw Magneto's eyes go wide in surprise as I drove my fist through the car and into his sternum.

The blow was severely weakened, but judging by the way he held his stomach, it seemed that I managed to inflict some damage.

Magneto hastily retreated and made some distance between us.

Magneto held his stomach and growled, "Unless you think you can stop me. "

He raised his hands, summoning bits of metal from all over the street.

Metal signs, street lamps, a mailbox, even pieces of concrete with metal rods in them.

"Get out of my way."

I gulped and watched as he rose into the air once more, his powers working overtime as they brought more and more metal pieces around him.

He threw them at me and I leaped away just in time.

I ran across building walls as debris came flying at me.

My spider senses were tingling over and over, it took all my agility to jump away in time, bending in a way I didn't think possible.

I began thinking of ways to counter Magneto's ability. He was a long-range fighter, that was quite obvious. But he'll be wary of a second surprise attack.

Every time I tried and get closer to him. He'd move away and put more distance between us.

I created portals to redirect his attacks back at him, but he merely redirected them back at me using his powers.

I suddenly got an idea and decided to stop dodging and let a few metal shards hit me.

I used my symbiote to halt my healing factor and laid there on the ground seemingly injured.

"You are a powerful mutant, I'll admit, but at the end of the day you're still a naïve child" Magneto said as he got closer to me.

I muttered something and Magneto could barely hear me. He got even closer, trying to hear what I was saying.

When he was close enough he heard.

"You shouldn't have let your guard down."

The illusion of myself suddenly disappeared and the real me appeared behind Magneto.

Before he could react, I created a portal and kicked him through it. I followed and closed the portal behind me.

(Inside the Mirror Dimension)

Magneto's eyes widened as he looked around. Everything just looked wrong.

There was an eerie silence in this place. He couldn't put his finger on it. His surroundings were the same, but its visual appearance was distorted like a fractured mirror.

Suddenly Magneto heard a 'Bamf' sound. A red demonic figure appeared, surrounded by a reddish cloud of smoke that oddly smelled like brimstone.

The figure looked like a demon with red skin and a tail. He was haggard and had a desperate look on his face.

The man looked like he hadn't eaten in a month and was moments away from insanity.

Magneto prepared for an attack but was surprised by the man's condition.

" Azazel, what are you doing here? "

"What am I doing here? Ha Ha Ha, did he trap you here too? This cursed place, there is no escape from it. You're trapped here with me, you fool" He said.

"What are you talking about? " Magneto said.

"He's talking about the mirror dimension, ever-present but undetected. The real world isn't affected by what happens here." They heard from behind them.

Azazel's eyes widened and with rage, he roared

"You !"

" Azazel ? What're you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"You trapped me here! " He shouted.

I took a few seconds to remember what he was talking about when I was suddenly hit with a realization.

'Shit, I forgot all about him. The mirror dimension is a prison for those without a Sling Ring. Although it could be accessed without one, a sling ring was ultimately required to leave it. He can teleport anywhere inside the mirror dimension, but never outside'. I thought as I looked at my own ring.

"It seems I had made a mistake, but you did try to kill me. Hmm... tell you what. Stay out of this and I promise to get you out." I said.

" You expect me to stand back after you threw me in here and forgot about me? " He said through gritted teeth.

He then turned towards Magneto and said. " I heard you were looking for Shaw. Help me kill this bastard and I'll tell where he is. He didn't even try looking for me after I disappeared, so as far as I am concerned he could die for all I care."

"That is certainly a tempting offer, but are you sure that's wise? You just said that you couldn't get out of here." Magneto said.

" I am sure I can get him to spill the beans. Either that or I could just search his corpse for a way out." Azazel said, eyeing my Sling ring.

" Are you guys teaming up against me? Well, that's just not fair. " I said.

" Still a naïve child. " Magneto snorted.

"I wasn't talking about me." I said.

I suddenly hit the ground with my foot, creating a wave that ripples out.

I twisted my hands, which caused the surrounding houses to tear in half. As it bent upside down Magneto and Azazel were knocked off and plummeted thousands of feet down.

Houses and streets started turning and twisting upside down.

Magneto and Azazel landed on the side of a house the entire world looked like it had rotated to a 90-degree angle.

They watched as everything around them sank into a hole, then fractured.

The whole world was split apart!

"This was a mistake." Magneto gasped as they looked at the floating and twisting buildings.

Suddenly the building moved again, and they were falling once more.

Azazel teleported himself to a ledge, but Magneto continued to fall. He tried using his powers, but he couldn't.

His powers were connected to his physical wellbeing and his ability to focus.

With an upward movement with my hand, the world suddenly stops.

The twisting landscape turns upright, casting Magneto and Azazel down into the abstract space below.

The swirling space compresses, even more, the world devolving into a disorienting Escher-like nightmare.

Infinitely splitting until it resembles a kaleidoscope.

(Chapter End)


"I need more power. I want to be able to move worlds and shake them to their foundations. I want enough power in my hands to tear planets from the heavens and place them in a new sky. "

-Stephen Strange (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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