Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 45 - A New Player

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)



* Thud* *Thud*

The sound of two bodies being thrown on the ground was heard.

The X-Men had just finished up dealing with the Brotherhood. Callisto and Sabertooth were taken out early in the fight, while Multiple Man was beaten by Kitty.

Only his head could be seen sticking out while the rest of his body was melded into the ground. Jean helped the professor in restraining Juggernaut using her telepathy, they managed to put him to sleep.

Mystique was nowhere to be found, and Night Crawler could be seen nursing a bruised face.

" Wow, he actually beat Magneto" Night Crawler said.

" Oh, hey Kurt, guess what? Do you know who this guy is?" I said, pointing at Azazel.

"Uhm.. no?" He answered.

" Well, hate to break it to you buddy, but both your parents are villains and very much alive." I said.

I took a second look at Azazel, who had his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

" Kind of?" I trailed off.

" Hey, Mystique, I know you're still around somewhere. Probably disguised as a bird or something. " I said.

Not getting an answerback, I shrugged.

" Oh well, suit yourself."

" Are you guys done here? If so, let's leave. Maybe find better company." I said, eyeing Xavier and Cyclops.

Cyclops gritted his teeth, while Xavier sighed. The rest of the X-Men looked haggard by the fight and were nursing various injuries.

I looked at the X-Men and the Brotherhood.

" After what you've seen today. I want you to realize something. These aren't the only two options you guys have."

I pointed at a passed out Magneto and said.

" As you can see, I am stronger and I am not afraid to do what it takes. I am starting my own Meta-human team. If you join me, I am willing to offer you protection an opportunity at a normal life, and even employment if you wish so. I have brilliant scientists working around the clock, advanced technology, and even Magic. "

"If you don't want to be out in the field with the others, that's fine you can always help in other ways. I will not judge you because of that choice. Just because violence doesn't agree with you doesn't make you any less than you are."

" Rogue. I heard you were having problems with your powers, I can help you fix that. Logan If you want to find about your past come to me, I can help you too." I said.

I then looked towards the Brotherhood.

"I won't preach peace and co-existence, as one could only live freely when one has enough strength. I can make you strong enough that you won't have to be ever afraid of being hunted down or made a victim." I said.

I pointed towards the passed out Magneto and Azazel.

" I already took away both of their powers."

All of them looked at me, wide-eyed. " I won't say that I fight for reasons like freedom, justice, or belief in the family pie or something. I did what I had to do to defend my friends and family, that's the only thing I care about and that's what happens to people who threaten that. "

" It's true, I can't sense their powers anymore, they feel like normal people." Callisto said.

"Wait! Is it true can you really take away my powers? Can you cure me?" Rogue said.

"Rogue! What are you doing? Are you really going to give up your powers? " Cyclops said.

" I just want the chance to live a normal life," she said lowly. "Is that so bad?"

"Rogue. Your powers are nothing to be ashamed of." Storm said.

"You don't know the first thing about me or my powers," Rogue snapped, drawing her jacket closer around her. "If you'd put a boy into a coma for two weeks just by kissing him, you'd be ashamed, too."

"He woke up, didn't he? He's still alive and well." Storm said.

"That's not the point," Rogue cried. "I'm dangerous and I can't do anything about it! I can't touch anyone! Not a kid that falls off his bike... not even just a brush of my finger against theirs. A single second, just a little touch, and I could kill them! You don't have any idea what that's like!"

"And you think 'this' is the answer to your prayers?" Cyclops challenged haughtily. "You can't change what you are, Rogue."

"I'm not trying to," Rogue said hotly. "I just want to be able to touch somebody without killing them!"

" Kid, I won't tell you what to do. Just make sure you aren't doing this for some guy." Logan said.

Logan was too observant sometimes. He could see through her in ways that no one else, not even the telepathic Professor Xavier, had ever been able to.

But Logan had been wrong, or at least, he hadn't been entirely right, because it wasn't just about having a boyfriend.

"I am going to stop you right there. I said I would help you control your powers. Not take them away. Let's leave that as a last resort. If you still want to do it then, that's fine by me." I said.

I looked towards the rest of the Brotherhood.

" Anybody else interested?" I said.

" How much are you paying?" Multiple Man piped up.

" Madrox! Are you going to betray us?" Sabertooth shouted.

" No hard feelings, but I never really liked the whole superior species spiel. I was really in it for the money. Plus, I had nothing better to do. Now, that guy seems like my type of guy. A Winner. "

Sabertooth growled in response " I am going to kill you."

Multiple Man ignored him and said. "Could you tell your little girlfriend to get me out of here? I've got gravel stuck in places, I'd rather not mention."

I gave Kitty a nod to let her know she can let him go. Moments later, she released him.

He walked over to me and said.

"The name's James Madrox, but people call me Multiple Man. You still haven't told me how much you're paying."

"I am Cypher. And don't worry, you will be compensated handsomely. As long as you're loyal we won't have a problem." I said.

" I am joining you too. "

I turned to look at who said that and was surprised to see it was Callisto.

" Your side has an Omega class, and then there's you who I can't sense. I think I'll take my chances with you. Our leader seems to be indisposed at the moment." She said, eyeing Magneto.

"You Bitch!" Sabertooth shouted.

Callisto sped over to me.

" So you're a speedster?" I said.

"I can also sense mutants and their power levels." She said.

"That's certainly useful." I praised.

The X-Men all settled down after that and decided to have a private conversation elsewhere.

I spoke with jean and Kitty and asked them about what they wanted to do. Jean told me she still had to train with the Ancient one. She could barely control the Phoenix and had to constantly focus on not losing control.

Kitty told me that she talked to her parents and decided to apply for an early graduation. She was certainly smart enough to do it.

I was secretly happy with their decisions, but noticed that they were still shaken up by today's fight.

I comforted them and said. " They're still your friends, that won't change. Go talk to them."

They both gave me a smile and thanked me. They went and talked to their friends, while I talked to Callisto and Multiple Man.

"I have a mission for you guys. I want you to find me a Meta-human in Siberia. He should be working at a farm. Contact me as soon as you find him. Don't make contact. Observe only"

" That's not much to go on, boss man. Siberia is a pretty big place." Madrox said.

"His last name is Rasputin. Here, this account has a million dollars on it, this should cover it as far as mission expenses go. Just don't screw around and spend it all in one place." I said as I handed them a device.

" Is this mutant powerful?" Callisto said.

" He's a potential Alpha class. He can turn into metal. That's all I know." I said.

I opened a portal straight to Russia, which seemed to surprise them.

"You have a week to find him. Madrox leave a couple clones here." I said.

My two newest recruits went through the portal, and I was left standing with Clone 1 & Clone 2.

"I want you to go and spread the word. There's a new player in town. Any mutants looking for work or sanctuary are welcome. But no criminals or repeat offenders, everybody's got to pull his own weight. Tell them they will have to sign a contract and if they're too young to work, they'll have to go to school." I said.

The clones gave me a nod and went to fulfil their mission. I then went and found Juggernaut lying on the ground, passed out.

I started constructing a spell formula and after I was finished, my hand glowed with the power.

I closed my eyes and plunged my hand into his chest.

The juggernaut woke up screaming, which grabbed the X-Men's attention. I heard a shout.

" Stop! Don't kill him!" Xavier shouted.

I ignored him and continued what I was doing. A few seconds later, I pulled my hand out of the Juggernaut's body, and a glowing crimson gem could be seen in my hand.

Juggernaut had finally stopped screaming and passed out again.

His body started shrinking down and returned to normal human proportions.

" What kind of person do you think I am?" I said.

"This Gem can cause anyone that comes in contact with it to transform into Cyttorak's Exemplar, the Juggernaut, a nearly unstoppable individual. Your own brother was being influenced by this gem. It was fused with his body. I've done what I can. He should return to normal in a few days." I said.

" Then how are you touching it?" Jean said.

"I coated my hands with a sealing spell. I am not actually in contact with the gem." I said.

After I was finished with what I was doing. I decided to return to the Sanctum.

The Gem needed a stronger sealing matrix to contain it, and Jean needed to get back to the sanctum.

After saying their goodbyes, Kitty decided to stay with her parents for a few days.

The X-Men took Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Azazel and Magneto into custody, and would handle the after battle cleanup.

I opened a portal to the Sanctum, and before I could leave with Jean, I heard.

" Wait! You said you'd help me."

I turned to see Rogue rushing towards me and Jean.

"I'll be coming to the mansion in a couple of days. Don't worry, I don't break my promises." I said.

"Kitty told me you risked your life to save them, and that I could trust you. Can you really do it? Can you really help me control my powers?" She said.

In response, I poked her forehead with two fingers and said.

" You can count on me."

Her eyes widened in surprise when I touched her forehead, and before she could say anything. I walked through the portal with Jean and arrived at the Sanctum.

Jean turned to me and with a smirk said.

" That was so lame."

My face turned a bit red in embarrassment

"Shut up, it was cooler in my head."

' Damn it! That's what I get for trying to act cool.'

(Chapter End)


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed today's chapter. As always thank you guys for your support. This arc is about to end. I honestly can't wait until I start the Avengers arc.

The team right now consists of Cypher, Jean, Kitty, Callisto and multiple man. Colossus should be great addition too. Tell me what you think of the line up and if I should add or remove anybody else, before the skip.

On another note, can you guys guess how Cypher managed to take away Magneto's and Azazel power?


" Your power upgrade. Where did it come from?"

-Stephen Strange (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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