Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 46 - Mother Russia

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)



(3rd Person POV)

"Yay, again! Again!" Demanded a little voice echoing through the barn.

"I've already done it twice, little snowflake." An adolescent voice responded warmly.

"I don't care, I always like it when you're shiny and bright." Replied the childish voice.

At that, 17-year-old Piotr Rasputin smiled. He was so blessed to have a family that accepted him the way they did.

His grandfather and grandmother knew what he was and loved him regardless, while his little sister Illyana practically worshipped him.

Presently, she was sitting in front of him on a pile of hay. Currently, she was watching the most entertaining treat she had.

A demonstration of her brothers' powers. They would do this once a week when Piotr had the time.

They would sneak into the barn and he would assume his steel form and proceed to lift a disused tractor in front of her. No matter how many times he did it, she never seemed to get tired of it.

"Okay, but just once more." With that, he lifted the large vehicle over his head one-handed while his little sister watched in awe. After that, he delicately put it down.

"You're so strong!" she squealed.

At that, he assumed his human form. Despite only being a teenager, he boasted a heavy muscular build that shamed most adult men, and much of it was on display.

He was only wearing his pants; he couldn't risk his transformation destroying his clothes like it had done several times before.

"You're strong even when you're normal!" Illyana was only 10, but even she noticed how unusually big and strong Piotr was.

The young Russian boy for his part just sheepishly grinned. He walked over to where he had put his discarded boots and shirt and put them on.

They were rather sweaty like he was. He had been helping his grandfather on the farm in the Siberian summer before going off to play with his sister.

After he got dressed, he looked at his little sister and smiled apologetically. "I have to go back to the farm to help papa, little one."

She looked glum at that, but she cheered up when he added, "We'll play later, I have another painting for you." With that, she smiled and ran outside. He quickly ran along with her.

Two figures emerged from the darkness.

"Is that him? He definitely fits the description." He said.

" Yes, it's him. His sister is a mutant too, but still unawakened." She said.

"Sweet, do you think we'll get a bonus for finding a second one?"


" Is that all you care about? Money?"

" Hey! I'll have you know that I am a very deep person. I am full of ideas and thoughts."

" More like full of shit." She said.

" Well that too. " He said with a smirk.

The two figures left the farm and went to town to get a few drinks at the local bar.

" His name is Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin. We did a bit of investigating it seems his superhuman powers manifested recently while saving his sister from a runaway tractor. " Callisto said over the phone.

" Keep watching him, I'll pay him a visit later tonight. " Doug said.

" Do you need us with you? " Callisto said.

" No it's fine. You can head on back home with Madrock after I get there. Just make sure to keep him in check, and don't draw too much attention. " Doug said.

" Whatever you say boss. I'll be waiting for my reward when I get back." Callisto said.

The call ended after that and Doug had a weird feeling about the way she said ' reward '. He didn't give it much thought though and quickly dismissed it. He didn't have time for such thoughts.

(Ust-Ordynski Collective, Siberia)

Later that night I instructed Callisto and Madrox to set the device I gave them in a hidden location.

The device activated and took a 3 dimensional scan of the environment. I used the Danger room's capabilities to recreate my destination and used a portal to teleport there.

" Damn, that's useful." I heard as soon as I arrived.

I turned to see Callisto and Madrox standing by the entrance. Madrox had smirk on his face, while Callisto looked tense.

" Thank God you're finally here, I am not sure how much more of him I can take. Madrox has been getting on my nerves." She said pointing her finger towards Madrox.

"It's alright you can head back home. I'll open a portal back." I said.

They went through the portal back to America, and I was left alone. I decided to fly the rest of the way there, while invisible.

I eventually arrived and flew down landing in a wheat field. I made my way unseen over to the house.

I briefly scanned around and waited another five minutes then moved in, hopping over the privacy wall around the small garden at the back of the cottage, and made my way to the backdoor.

I knew someone was still awake because I could see a few lights inside.

I hoped to put them at ease quickly, yet didn't want any of their neighbors see me coming in.

I rapped gently on the door then deactivated my invisibility. I didn't have to wait long and soon the door opened.

I had to crane my neck upwards to stare into the face of a man who was almost as tall as the juggernaut, yet had a more streamlined body type.

"Good grief, you're a tall one aren't you?"

The surprised comment seemed to startle the big man who had looked both fearful and defiant when he opened the door and he blinked.

"You would not be the first one to say so." He said staring at me.

"You do not seem to be from the government. Who are you? What brings you here in the middle of the night ?"

I shrugged. "I didn't want any of your neighbors to see me knocking on your door. As to why I'm here, may I come in? It's not something we should be discussing outside."

"No threats? " the man said chuckling a little now.

"Most definitely not from the government. You can come in, I suppose. But know I will be watching you."

I took a moment, as I was ushered inside, to study him further.

Not only was Piotr taller than me, he was fit, with the kind of build you get when you have to work from dawn to dusk.

Heavy shoulders, powerful arms with the rest of his body similarly developed. He had short cropped black hair.

He wore simple and durable clothing, which fit the environment of the farming community. His eyes, deep set into a face that had been in all sorts of weather, were blue.

Piotr led me into a small kitchen, which had an equally small table set in the center of it on the other side of which sat a very elderly couple.

The elderly man looked almost as big as the younger man, although he was now stooped with age, and his hair, equally short, and grey could be seen in his hair.

The woman next to him was elderly as well and, though she didn't seem to have been out in the sun as much as he but she was stooped as well.

Both of them wore simple clothing, as well, in dark colors.

They were both also clearly worried and stared at me as if I was some kind of dangerous animal.

"My name is Cypher and I just want to talk."

"That government never wants to just talk," the old man said bitterly.

I replied simply. "I'm not from the government. "

That seemed to startle them and, while his grand parents looked at me rather dubiously, Piotr frowned thoughtfully.

"As I said before, you do not carry yourself like a government man with their arrogance and sneering contempt for all. You carry yourself with something else, confidence perhaps? You're not from Russia at all, are you?"

I smiled slightly. "No I am not, I am American. I am here to talk to you. Something has happened recently hasn't it, something has awoken inside you? And you are worried because you know the government's response to such things, such mutations."

"I am concerned about it." Piotr said, waving his grandmother to silence when she opened her mouth.

"But I am not so concerned as to talk about such to someone who has not yet told me why he is here." Piotr said.

"Bravely spoken." I replied with a smile.

"To be honest, I'm here to see if I can convince you to come with me. I am starting a Meta human academy, where they can learn to use and control their powers and, of course, further their own education in a safe environment."

The phrase 'further their own education' made the grandmother perk up noticeably, and she exchanged a glance with her husband.

"And how would I pay for this?" Piotr was rather skeptical of this man who had appeared out of nowhere.

"First, I should tell you that you won't be the first one I've recruited. I have several others who are helping me and you'll meet them later on if you agree to join us. Yet, to start, I am a Meta-human as well. My Meta-human power isn't combat oriented. Though it's helpful for me. Because I am using it right now. I am also a magic user." I said as I constructed a spell formula with my hand.

There was a gasp from the hallway, and all of the people around the table turned in that direction.

I cocked an eyebrow at Piotr who frowned for a moment then sighed. "My sister, Illyana."

I nodded and Piotr raised his voice.

"You know you should not be eavesdropping."

A moment later a young girl of around ten or so shuffled in, looking a little sheepish.

She had blonde hair down to her shoulders and was wearing an obviously hand me down nightgown.

Her face was pretty, in a little girl way, and her eyes were bright blue, twinkling with interest over a small, expressive mouth twisted into a pout, at the moment.

There was something about the girl, something that made my senses alert, yet I couldn't figure out what and merely smiled gently at her.

"Hello little one." I said. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

The girl pouted a little at this even as her grandparents chuckled and Piotr nodded his head firmly.

"Yes, she most certainly should be. Illyana, what are you even doing up?"

"I heard voices and came to see what was going on." She said, then stared at me. "Are you really a Magician?"

" Yes. I am what you would call a Sorcerer." I answered with a smile.

I waited while Piotr picked up his younger sister and put her gently in his lap.

"Look, I am not trying to sell you something, though in time I might. I am putting together a team to help protect Meta-humans all over the world over as well as face other threats. But joining us will be your personal decision. The schooling is free," I went on, looking around at the family "as is the relocation of your family to America if you wish so." I said.

"America !" they all said, in surprise.

"America ," Piotr said. "Really?"

"Really!" I said laughing at Piotr's face.

Piotr frowned faintly, the idea of going off and leaving his grandparents to care for his sister had not appealed to him at all, which was what would have happened if the government had come to take him away, so that aspect was a major draw.

Both of his parents had died years ago. His father had died during one of the communist government's last gasps at foreign expansion and his mother had died when Illyana was only a baby, a few months after his older brother was chosen to become a cosmonaut.

It had been just him and his grandparents for so long, working the communal farm with Piotr doing the majority of the work assigned to their family for years now.

Yet at the same time, he was aware of the fact that his family could be used as hostages for his good conduct.

I laughed a little, looking at Piotr. "I'm not going to use your family against you or anything like that, if that's what you're worried about," I said.

And before Piotr could gasp in surprise I said.

"No, I didn't read your mind, but your face is an open book when it comes to your emotions and you were looking in their direction, seemingly very worried."

Illyana and his grandparents all chuckled and Piotr looked down, slightly abashed.

He was not good at hiding his feelings, his thoughts yes, but not his emotions.

I stopped chuckling quickly and went on.

"Seriously, I'm not going to coerce you into anything. I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you and your family. As I said, eventually you may wish to join the team I'm putting together, but that will be your choice. I will not pressure you into it. Training in your powers is what I offer, as well as continued education up to and including college if your grades are good enough. If they're not, I can help you find a job or hire you myself eventually. I have quite a few rods in the fire at the moment, all of whom could use people."

"And are all of them supposed to help mutant kind?" Piotr said.

"They are supposed all help humanity." I shrugged. "Helping Meta-humans is part and parcel of what I'm doing, but eventually, I hope that the entire world will benefit from what I'm doing eventually. But can you honestly say you like the way Metas are being treated, here or abroad? It is becoming a larger issue every month as more and more Metas discover their powers."

Piotr frowned, leaning back and scratching his chin, as he thought.

During this momentary silence Illyana spoke up eagerly.

"So what can you do with magic? Can you fly? Do you have a broom? All the witches and wizards in the old stories carry brooms, like old Baba Yaga! Can you transform into a bear?"

I laughed shaking my head. "I can do quite a lot with my magic." I said pointing a finger at her.

Suddenly Illyana started floating in the air. The girl giggled and spread her arms wide.

Piotr looked at his family and smiled faintly, but I went on before he could speak.

"I can fly yes. As to transforming into a bear, I can't change my form like that, but I can use illusion magic."

I casted an illusion of a dancing bear, which startled them a bit. They soon started chuckling over how ridiculous it looked.

Piotr shook his head, amused. Doug came off as human above all else, personable and open in a way that no one from the government could ever be.

"Will your offer for schooling apply to Illyana as well?"

"Of course!" I replied.

"We'll probably have to bring in a special tutor for her. I will be setting up more for secondary level schooling, since most Meta powers activate during or after puberty. Or maybe Illyana can go to school nearby, it's not certain yet. But she and your grandparents will, of course, be living with you, I'll even set you guys up with a whole floor and several servants. Your grandparents won't have to do anything." I said.

Both the grandparents nodded, they liked that idea. Sitting down and ordering young people around all day sounded like an excellent plan.

Piotr also nodded his head. "I will agree, I would like to be able to practice and be able to control my Meta powers better. Since it activated, I can only recall it for a few minutes . But other than that, I am uncertain if I would be willing to fight, though we will see."

I nodded. "In that case I would suggest you all pack, and we will be on our way."

"How are we going to get there," Illyana said piping up again.

I chuckled then waved my fingers in the little girl's face, "Maaagiiiccc!"

Illyana smacked my hand aside, pouting a little and I chuckled even more, with Piotr and the others joining him.

About ten minutes later Piotr was ready to go, though Illyana and his grandparents were still gathering their keepsakes.

Twenty minutes later his grandparents finished putting together their few valuables and family keepsakes, while Illyana ran upstairs to grab a few articles of clothing and pictures as well as the ones stuffed animal that she had, a very battered and elderly stuffed bear.

" Are you all ready?" I said.

They all nodded their heads in affirmation. I started waving my hands and created a portal that led to one of the floors I had above my secret base.

They all went through the portal marking the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

( Chapter End)


Next chapter will be a timeskip and the start of the Mcu arc. So stay tuned for more.

P. S ( Big shout out to author of a third path to the future. Go check out his fic on fanfiction.com)


"It's best to save your gloating, Thunder God... until the battle is over."

-Piotr Rasputin (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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