Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 47 - Not An Iron Man ?

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)



I spent my time either researching or working on getting my company up and running. I sent Callisto and Madrox on multiple missions to recruit any Meta-humans they could find.

I needed a workforce for my company, and these people needed stable and secure lives.

It was a win-win in my book. It didn't hurt that they were extremely grateful. It made them more loyal and willing to work harder.

I had Sophie and Diana buy out several companies, all under the name of Cypher Solutions.

It was easier to buy established companies rather than start from scratch. I also had them invest in stocks and various other successful businesses.

I spent my time reading and experimenting, holed up in my lab. I now had the branches I sought, some being other companies which I bought and brought under the Cypher solutions banner.

I needed a large amount of hardware and material imports and some other tools to finally begin the type of production I had in mind which wouldn't be until the end of this year if all the acquisitions went well.

For now, I've been shipping out a large assortment of digital services for the budding smartphone and rapidly growing Internet market.

Of course, one step at a time, the current hardware specs on the current devices made it so that I couldn't put out the really powerful stuff, that would soon change as time passed and more technology discoveries were made available to the public.

Time passed as I learned the intricacies of running a company. I registered the company as a Tech company and expand into various fields.

The company developed, manufactured, licensed, and sold computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, smartphones, and related services.

Our best-known software products were the Cypher-S line of operating systems and web browsers.

We even sold flagship hardware products like the Codex video game console, holographic personal computers,, and the Cypher X smartphones.

Cypher solutions ranked No. 7 in the 2010 Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue. It was also considered the world's largest software maker by revenue as of 2010 and was considered one of the domestic Big Five technology companies.

Things were going fine on the business side of things. Sophie was utilizing her enormous computing capacity for managing the company. She also created several autonomous A.I that could do simple tasks such as customer service and troubleshooting.

On the magical side of things, I have been expanding my knowledge. I was looking into interdimensional travel and researching different dimensions. I wanted to create my own dimension, or at least own one.

It turned out that I'd either need to be on the level of a cosmic being, or I'd have to steal it by killing a cosmic level entity. There was always the option of acquiring an unclaimed one, but they were difficult to find.

I have been researching Cyttrok's gem to learn more about it, and the thought of touching it and gaining a ridiculous amount of power was appealing.

I'd essentially become unstoppable, but the tradeoff was I'd be unable to use Magic.

The trade-off simply wasn't worth it.

After I got Piotr and his family settled in their new home. I enrolled both him and his sister in schools in New York. I had Sophie hack into the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and got them their citizenship.

Piotr had a bit of a tough time adjusting to life in a big city. He was used to the peace and quiet of the countryside. Illyana, on the other hand, took to it like fish to water. I used telepathy to give them both the ability to speak English, but Piotr strangely retained a heavy Russian accent.

I intended to use the building above my secret base as a place where my allies and friends can have their families and not worry about their safety. I gave the same offer to Kitty and her parents. I offered them both a job at my company and convinced them the apartment was just part of the signing bonus.

I wanted to ask Jean too, but I was still unsure about Jean's relationship with her parents. Although judging by how she hardly mentioned them. I was guessing it wasn't that good.

Years passed since I started my company. It was now 2010. I was one of the richest men alive and was known worldwide. The events of Iron Man 1 already happened a couple of years ago. I didn't want to interfere with them too much, since there was no point in doing so. This year was going to be different though, it was time I introduced myself to the world.

My Meta-human academy was a success. Meta-humans were trained to control their powers and given the necessary skills to survive in the real world. Jean had finished her training with the Ancient one and could safely channel 15% of the Phoenix's power for a few hours and 30% for a few minutes.

Considering how powerful the Phoenix was. That was considered an enormous amount. At 70% she could potentially destroy a planet and at 100% probably a whole galaxy.

Kitty was officially taken in as an apprentice by Master Mordo. Her close combat ability and her ability to turn intangible made her a fearsome foe. She gained the ability to channel Eldritch Magic into weapons, shields, or spells.

She primarily used this ability to conjure weapons and shields on the fly during combat. She could also open portals using a Sling Ring, but she required immense focus to do it and it was only usable for travel.

Piotr was put through the ringer by me and Shang-Chi whom I was finally able to convince to work as a Martial Arts instructor at my Meta-Human Academy.

Shang-Chi taught him various Martial Arts suitable for his size like Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Aikido. I helped him with his powers. It turned out he didn't actually turn to steel. He could convert the tissues of his entire body into an organic, steel-like substance. This substance resembling steel is of unknown composition, but appeared to be analogous to osmium and carbon steel.

The conversion from flesh and bone to organic steel was accomplished by a psionic whole-brain interface with an ionic form of osmium, an extremely dense metal, located in another dimension.

In willing the act of transformation, Piotr actually exchanges osmium atoms for his carbon atoms. The psionic interface with the other dimension re-creates all of his body in functionally similar organic ionic-osmium materials.

This confirmed my theory about how some Meta-humans were magical in nature. The X-gene was essentially a cheat code. That could access different dimensions depending on the nature of their powers. It was the only explanation I could come up with.

How else would you explain a man turning into metal without dying?

As I was walking down the street with these thoughts in my head. I noticed a swarm of people down the block; they seemed to be looking through a glass window.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to take a closer look. As I got closer I managed to catch a part of what was being shown.

"...It's a weapon, Mr Stark."

"Please, if your priority was actually the well-being of the American citizen…" Tony said.

It seems that the events of Iron man 2 had already started. I watched as Tony, made a fool of Senator Stern, and used their blatant attempt at stealing his suit, as an opportunity to belittle and mock the committee at every chance he got.

" My priority is to get the Iron Man weapon turned over to the people of the United States of America." Senator Stern said.

"Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending or what state you're in. You can't have it." Tony said.

"Look, I'm no expert…" Stern said.

"In prostitution? Of course not. You're a senator. Come on."

People started laughing at his joke, even I felt amused. It wasn't everyday, one would get a chance to watch, a US Senator getting mocked on live TV.

" I'm no expert in weapons. We have somebody here who is an expert on weapons. I'd now like to call Justin Hammer, our current primary weapons contractor." Stern said.

" Let the record reflect that I observed Mr Hammer entering the chamber, and I am wondering if and when any actual expert will also be in attendance." Tony said.

This went on for a bit, as Tony took every opportunity to utterly humiliate them. They eventually cut the feed, after Tony decided to hack them and exposed all their dirty laundry.

He showed various countries, attempting to build their own combat suits, ending it with a video showing Hammer's so called 'expertise' testing his own version of the Iron man suit.

I chuckled at Tony's antics, and decided to head home. Things were about to get interesting.

( Chapter End)


It's finally here guys the dreaded time skip. There's a lot more to be said about what happened over the last few years.

It will all be explained over the next few chapters. So stay tuned. As always thank you guys for your support, and I hope you're enjoying the story.


"Hmm. Stalking in the dark striking fear into your enemies seems to have a kind of primal appeal. 10/10. Highly recommended. Would do again."

--Tony Stark (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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