Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 5 - The Ancient One

I got off the plane after we landed , then I went to grab something to eat at the airport. I was taking my time.

I wasn't in a hurry to meet the Ancient One as I was worried about our meeting .

After I walked out of the airport I saw my cab waiting for me. I put my luggage in the trunk and I greeted my cab driver . It didn't take long to arrive at my destination.

I could have taken a few days to get my head straight and stay in a hotel for a couple of days.

I realised that I was more nervous than I thought when I was standing in front of the door my hands inches away from the door bell. 'Should I knock or ring the bell ?, What happens after someone opens the door should I ask for the ancient one ?' I stood there frozen in front of the door for a few minutes. I began second guessing myself.

The Ancient One is very old and very powerful and I am unsure how things will go. I have a right to be nervous wouldn't you be nervous if you showed up unannounced to meet one of the most powerful beings on Earth and ask to be taught magic .

Who by the way posses an infinity stone that rules a fundamental aspect of the universe. The time stone is seriously overpowered, allowing you to view past, present and future is astonishing enough but being able to manipulate time ?

I think I am going to pass on facing anyone with that kind of power and experience and honestly kind of bullshit powers.

After a few minutes of just standing there like an idiot and calling myself a coward. Suddenly a man in robes with a serene expression on his face opens the door and says " The Ancient One is waiting for you. "

"Well that isn't ominous at all." I thought.

"Uhm... yeah thank you lead the way please" I went inside the sanctum and it looks just like how I saw it in the movies. The building on the outside was also similar to the movies that's how I was able to find it quickly. As we are walking he leads me to a circular room, with another three connecting doors, each intricately carved out of some type of metal and stone, and each with similar circle as the first set, though the lines intersected in different ways.

Up above on the ceiling was a stone dome with a beautiful, marbled representation of the night sky, and floating in said dome, was a perfect replica of the planet, slowly turning.

We are in the hall which contains the gates that lead to the three sanctums. Right in the middle of the hall on a pedastle the eye of Agamatto is not there ?

I frown when I see the Eye of Agamatto missing it means that the Ancient One has it. Well that's not good I think. As If I wasn't at a disadvantage enough.

I sigh and follow the man who I don't know his name through the gate that leads to Kamar-Taj. We went through the gate and walk through the Sanctum as we are walking I am looking all around me like a tourist.

Seeing this in real life and seeing it on a screen is a totally different experience. The first thing I notice is how easily I can now breathe. The air is fresh and a little chilly not enough to be uncomfortable but enough to make sure you are awake.

I hear before I see the acolytes training. I hear synchronized stomping and shuffling of them practicing their katas. Its really impressive to see.' I wonder if they practice to keep in sync or that it just happens?' I thought.

As we are moving through the sanctum. I see areas where people are meditating. Some are walking either alone or in pairs at a sedate pace like they have all the time in the world. The contrast between here and New York is staggering to be honest every one is always in a hurry or going somewhere in New York, but here things are so slow they almost seem to be moving at a snail's pace or even standing still.

I also see a few other training areas and court yards. This one must be for more advanced students as I notice their robes are a different colour also they are either sparring or practicing with weapons. We finally arrive at a room and the serene faced man suddenly stops.

He knocks the door then turns to me and says

" We have arrived. " A few seconds pass and the door opens a man nods to us both and steps back so we can enter the room.

I walk in steadily while holding my breath. I quickly scan the room then I finally lay eyes on the ' The Ancient One' I say in my mind."

" Welcome Douglas Ramsey please sit down and have some tea, we have much to discuss." I nervously nod my head and sit down.

"I watch the Ancient One as she conjures a tea pot and 2 cups and pours one for me and one for herself.

She starts by saying" You Mr. Ramsey are an Anamoly, I have the gift of foresight , but your future actions are hidden from me and your past is altered. Even now I can't directly peer into your life merely of those around you. I am at a loss here" She takes a sip of tea, whilst I haven't touched mine yet.

" So, tell me what do you suggest to be done, the future seems to distort because of your future actions and your mere presence has already eliminated quite a few possible futures as well as certain ones. What exactly are you ? ." she stares at me with narrowed eyes as if she is trying to dissect me with her eyes .

I start by saying " I don't know how to explain it or what to tell you. All I know is in a few years shit is going to hit the fan, and I am talking half of the universe kind of shit show. The threat that is coming is on a whole other level. I am not even sure if it is survivable. We all have a role to play in whats to come, and I am just trying to find mine. I don't care about being called a hero or a villain. I will simply do what needs to be done while trying to protect the people I care about. "

She nods and takes another sip." I detected a Ripple in time approximately 6 months ago and foresaw this conversation we are having right now as many other possible ones. I only have one question for you. Why? " she asks.

" Why ? Why what ? " I say with a confused look on my face. " Why do all this why seek me and ask for power ? Why not let others handle it ? Why not try runaway and live your life in peace ? " She says with a stoic look.

I take a moment to think about what to say, then I start slowly by saying" Because I am afraid" I say firmly.

"I am afraid of what's to come, terrified even but the way I see it. I only have two choices either I live in fear or I take a stand and face my fears.

I am unfortunately burdened with knowledge. Knowledge I didn't ask for nor I wanted. As I am now I am helpless to do anything about it.

I have no ability, no power. So I came to ask you for it. I need power to protect, I need power to fight, and I need power to shoulder what's to come, because If I don't who will ?" I said.

Of course I am terrified. I am just a regular guy. I don't remember dying in my universe. Death scares me. The terrifying forces I will have to face scare the hell out of me. I have no training, no power and nowhere to go. This is my reality now in every sense of the word and I don't like people touching what's mine.

A few minutes of silence pass by after my passionate speech. The Ancient One has a light smile on her face.

She starts by saying "Out of all the versions of your answer that I saw. This one is by far your most honest one."

She suddenly stands up and says " Very well then from this moment on, I shall take you as my disciple. I never thought I would take two disciples in one decade , but oh well this is interesting as well. " I gape at her.

I never expected for her to offer to teach me personally . I didn't even get the chance to ask for her permission to be taught magic. The conversation and meeting has been completely one sided the entire time and she had me on the back foot the entire time. I didn't even have enough time to think. I was too busy being nervous of what she was saying.

' Well that's better than expected' . I say in my mind.

"Wait just like that ? I don't have a death wish or anything like that, but why do you believe me ?" I say nervously.

She smiles mysteriously and says " Oh, I would know if you tried to lie this room is special you see also it helps that I can see the future" I shiver a bit at her tone of voice.

"Well Mr. Doug let's start with your first lesson on the Mystic Arts. " She says

"The language of the Mystic Arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language "spells", but if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it a "program"; the source code that shapes reality. We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells, to conjure shields and weapons, to make magic!"

Right now, I was sitting across from the Ancient one as she explains magic to me. During her speech she waved her hands, creating a line of pure magic before creating a circle, square and finally striking the overlapping shapes to cause the entire "Spell" to shake and expand before disappearing .

" So... is anyone capable of learning magic ?"

I ask.

"Well the answer to that it is rather complicated but to simplify matters it depends on many factors among them is aptitude. Some people have a high aptitude for magic, while some don't. Most people are somewhere on the scale as talent varies. You can even find those who are more talented in certain branches of magic than others while being average or medicore in other types of magic. "

I am listening with rapt attention and hanging on her every word, memorizing what she is saying. Seeing this on a movie screen and in real life are completely different things .

First, of all it's a lot cooler and visually pleasing and secondly, she goes into much more detail than I expected .

I ask various questions to satisfy my curiosity or to clarify certain things. Time flies and she suddenly stops the lesson and says " Well I think that's enough for today on magical theory. Let's move on onto the practical part of the lesson."

I start by asking "What practica....." I ask as I gasp in surprise as in one fluid movement the Ancient One suddenly strikes me with an open palm on my chest before I could even blink or finish my sentence I am suddenly flung but find myself floating and staring at myself sitting on a chair.

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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