Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 6 - Kamartaj

I woke up gasping ' Wow what a trip ! ' I start to rub my head and I feel a headache creeping up on me. ' A little warning would have been nice'

I am starting to think The Ancient One takes pleasure in messing with people.

Plus that trick she likes to play with pretending she's not the Ancient One and making an old man pretend to be her.

I guess living for a few centuries makes you a troll. I imagine it gets boring after a couple of hundred years.

You must eventually reach a point where you have done and seen everything there's to do and see in life after living so long.

I wonder what I would become like if I lived for so long I'd probably be a major troll and troll everybody until they curse my name or have nightmares about me.

Hmm... probably bang a few alien chicks and try to get it on with a few female superheros.

After a few minutes of fantasizing about things I probably wouldn't get to do. I start scanning the room I am in. It looks like the room Dr. Strange was in while training in the Mystic Arts.

I wonder if they are all the same or if she's doing it on purpose. I guess they brought me here after I came back from my astral trip through the multiverse. I know it was necessary to open my third eye and all, but a little warning would have been nice.

Screaming like a little girl wasn't my idea of a good first impression.

I sit up in my bed and I start meditating. I think I feel something is different. Like a sense I didn't know I had was unlocked. It feels strange and hard to describe.

I try to reach deeper and get a better sense of what I am feeling, but I can't quite get it. After a few minutes I open my eyes and sigh. I think what I am feeling is magic.

I don't know if I am doing it wrong, but it seems I will have to ask the Ancient One or read a book or something.

It's a good thing I like reading because I think I will be doing a lot of it in the foreseeable future.

I get off my bed and I find my bag next to the bed. I head towards the door and as I reach towards the handle.

The door suddenly opens which makes me jump in suprise. A man in green robes with a stoic look on his face looks at me and says " The Ancient One has told me to show you the library follow me."

He then turns around and starts walking before I can even process what's happening.

' Is she doing this on purpose ?! ' I am certain she is trolling me somehow. How is she doing it ?

I start following the man as he is almost at the end of the corridor.

He takes me through a few more corridors and after a few lefts and rights. We finally reach the library. Immediately, the first thing that drew my attention was an ornate table in the center of the large room.

At said table were three young people in monk's robes with yellow sashes, avidly studying over a large tome. Surrounding that was a maze of simple bookshelves made from a lacquered redwood of some kind, and a sporadic placement of intricately carved pillars. From the entrance, I couldn't see much more than that, though. The bookshelves were in the way.

I followed him as he leads me through the bookshelves.

Not long after, We arrived at a desk where a diminutive man sat, looking over a ledger and clicking a pen repeatedly.

He just nodded to him and turns to me and says "This is Master Yun if you have questions about any books he can answer them. Any books you check out will be noted in this ledger.

" He then points at a pile of books on the table and says " Start with these books and finish them if you have any questions ask Master Yun and when you finish seek out the Ancient One. "

He then pauses to make sure what he said sunk in. He continues and says " Breakfast is at 5:00 am. Morning training starts at 6:30 and is finished at 8:00. You'll be studying these books after training. Until you finish the books you are not required to attend lectures given by the Masters , but you can if you want to."

He turns around and starts to leave. I shout and say "Wait?!" he faces me again with a raised eyebrow. "Uh.. What's your name ? And also what's the Wifi password ?" He stares at me for a second then says " It's Master Mordo" he then hands me a piece of paper from his robes and turns around and leaves.

As I am watching him leave I take a look at what he handed me. Huh, I never guessed they would keep the same password even years from now. Is that why they have them printed out ? I sigh and turn around to the piles of books I have to study.

I pick one of the piles and head to the nearest table. "Alright, let's get cracking" I said to myself.

A few hours pass and I am on pile number 4. Most of the books are language books. I looked through them to see if there was anything new but they didn't take more than a few minutes for me to get through even new languages I hadn't learned like Sanskrit and Greek didn't take me long.

I had already learned Arabic and Latin. Magical theory for beginners took a little while and I even tried looking for books talking about Wakanda and the Goddess Bast and surprisingly found a few I also picked up their language.

The book that intrested me the most was one that talked about the different branches of magic it was written in Sanskrit and it mentioned that Masters of the Mystic arts mainly depend on channeling dimensional energy from different dimensions to power their spells or even borrow power from patron Gods.

The part which intrested me and surprised me the most is some Masters specialise in body enhancement using various energies and among them is Chi.

I had thought that you would have to go to Kun-Lun to learn how to utilize it effectively , but apparently some Masters here in Kamar-taj already specialized in it.

I think it isn't popular here because for the same amount of time and effort you can get stronger faster and more effectively if you went with the traditional route.

Plus you have to be really talented and have a considerable amount of Chi for it to be effective in combat. It took some Chi masters years to build there reserves and control.

Not all people can gain the opportunity to punch the molten heart of an immortal dragon to boost their Chi reserves.

There was a certain passage that drew my interest while reading about Chi. The passage states that other than channeling Chi to your arms and legs to boost your fighting strength. Chi can be channeled to any body part to boost its functions or even heal it.

A thought went through my mind. 'What happens if I channel enough Chi to my brain will it boost my powers?'

I mean it's basically life energy it can't be harmful at the very least to try and see what happens.

I finished reading all the books assigned to me. And I decided on what I would like to focus on. I decided to focus on any Esper abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, empathy and clairvoyance as I have a theory that my mutation can help me learn them faster and in return they can boost my natural abilities.

I also decided to learn body enhancement magic especially Chi manipulation. I will also be learning about portals as teleportation is damn useful . And any useful spells I can get my hands on.

Invisibility spells, making Eldrich Energy constructs such as Shields, whips and swords.

Also learning how to access the Mirror dimension and astral projection are going to be very usefel especially for my plans. An evil smile grows on my face 'Oh I am going to abuse the hell out of those two' .

I stop fantasizing for a moment and then speak to my wrist and say "Sophie how is the connection are you having any problems or interference"

" No, Doug the connection is running smoothly surprisingly there aren't any issues even though the temple is situated in the mountains"

I nod and say " Good, how's the search going have you found any mention of Shang-Chi yet ?"

Sophie: " Yes, I have found a Shang-Chi with your description in Hong Kong, China a security camera picked him up heading to a diner. I believe he just ordered some roasted duck and egg rolls"

Doug: " Good, keep an eye on him notify me if anything changes and also inform me the moment he sets foot in New York"

Sophie:" Of course Doug or shall I say Master Doug?"

I chuckle and say " I am not a Master yet merely an apprentice just stick to Doug"

Sophie " Afcourse, apprentice Doug" she answers with a cheeky tone.

I chuckle again and mutter troublesome women. I tried to give her a personality, but I think I overdid it a bit.

It got boring after a while as I couldn't talk to anyone about what happened to me or my plans so, I thought a little banter wouldn't do much harm. Boy was I wrong.

I think for a bit and then say "Have you found anything about the Hell fire club or the Brotherhood ?"

Sophie:" I have found various hideouts for the Brotherhood situated mainly in DC, New York and Louisiana"

Doug : " What about Magneto still no news ? "

Sophie: " Negative there has been some sightings, but no confirmed location."

I sigh and say " Alright, keep me posted and alert me if there is any attacks or imminent threats on mutants or terrorist attacks by the Brotherhood "

Sophie :" Afcourse, Master "

I sigh why did I make her so cheeky again ? I've been thinking about how I am going to deal with these future problems, but I am too weak right now to stop anything. If I don't get stronger fast enough. I think I might have to swallow my pride and contact Xavier.

People's lives are more important than my pride at the end of the day.

My wrist watch suddenly beeps and Sophie says

" Master's parents are calling" I groan at her calling me master again and answer the call.

Dad :" Hey son did you arrive safely ?"

Doug:" Yes, Dad my plane landed a few hours ago"

Dad:" That's good did you get settled in yet do you have enough money?"

Doug:" Yeah, Dad I got plenty don't worry about it. I am staying with this old lady, she's kind of annoying, but she's been nice so far. "

Dad:" That's good. By the way your mom says hi, she is on the phone with a patient and can't talk right now."

Doug:" It's Alright I'll call her back when I am free. I am heading into town right now."

Dad:" Okay, son be careful and try not to get scammed or get in trouble. Oh.. and your mother is mouthing she loves you. " he says with a chuckle.

Doug:" Don't worry about it Dad. It turns out the old lady's son named Mordo has a dojo that teaches Martial Arts I was thinking of taking a few classes while I am here and learn how to defend myself and tell Mom I love her too. "

Dad:" That's good to hear. Alright son and don't forget to call your mother. "

Doug:" Don't worry I won't, Bye. "

I hang up my wrist watch /phone and sigh.

'It feels good to have someone care about your well being I haven't had that in years. '

I get up and dust my robes and head to Master Yun to ask about where to find The Ancient One as I finished all my books.

I wonder If she will be surprised I finished so fast. I don't think I got the chance to tell her about what my powers do.

I suddenly stop as I am walking and think

" Wait ? When did I get dressed in robes ? "

(Chapter End)


I already have 8 advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


As I said I'll be releasing 2-3 chapters a week on Saturdays and Sundays every week on my Webnovel account and my Pat-eron.

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