Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 51 - Thunderstruck

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)

Enjoy ;)


( 3rd person POV)

Director Fury of Shield was pissed.

The only thing he hated more, than not knowing something was dealing with idiots.

This particular idiot thought happened to be a General.

"General. Perhaps I haven't made myself clear on what the word 'jurisdiction' means." He said.

"You have been told several times to cease all attempts in trying to capture Dr. Banner. Now I find that not only have you kept trying to find Dr. Banner, but you nearly created an international incident! That showdown of yours on campus, was almost seen by the whole world. If it weren't for Shield's efforts in suppressing the footage."

The man on the screen was an older gentleman with white hair kept in the military crew-cut, a white handlebar moustache, and a very short clipped beard, General Ross.

General Ross seemed to be completely impervious to this. "That damn committee of politicians doesn't know anything! You want to play jurisdictional games with something that can destroy a city as easily as that monster can!? Don't be a fucking idiot!"

Fury leaned forward glaring with his one remaining eye. "General, I'm not playing games. From now on you will have no connection whatsoever to anything pertaining to Dr. Banner. You've shown you haven't had any luck to indicate that you can handle it. Leave it to Shield."

"I won't be told my damned duty by some damn spook !" He shouted.

Fury shook his head. "General Ross, I'm warning you, if you have anything further to do with Dr.Banner, I will not hesitate to have you stopped, your entire unit disbanded, and have you court marshalled."

General Ross stared at him. This damn spook didn't understand, none of them did.

The Hulk wasn't just one of the most dangerous monsters in the world; he represented the future of the American military.

If he could just figure out a way to give his soldiers the strength of that green monster, but keep them in control, then nothing would ever be able to threaten the American way of life ever again.

Hell with an army of super soldiers they wouldn't even have to fear the growing mutant menace.

"You do what you have to sonny, and I'll continue to do my duty." With that General Ross signed off.

Fury leaned back in his chair, growling angrily.

It was times like these he missed being a regular field agent, or even the times back in World War II when he was with the Howling Commandoes no matter how dangerous it had been.

Things were much simpler then, and there wasn't so much damn talking.

He looked over at another video playing on another screen, one hand on his forehead massaging his temples.

On the screen was a long haired blond man sitting in an interrogation room talking to himself.

The man claimed to be a God. But He knew it was bullshit.

As far as he was concerned there was only one god, and it sure wasn't a blonde white boy.

He sighed and looked at the file that was on his desk. ' Damn billionaires with their fancy suits.'

His agents in the area were doing their best, but it was obvious they were overmatched, yet there was nothing he could do about it from here.

'First the Big Guy, now this and we're still getting up to speed, with nowhere near the coverage worldwide we need to really do the job SHIELD was created to do.'

"Speaking of which," Fury looked up in one of his aides, a young woman with short cropped hair.

"Who do we have that's free?" Fury said.

The young woman flipped through some papers she was holding, then found the right one and nodded.

"We had Black Widow assigned to Tony Stark sir, but her cover was blown yesterday. She's the most experienced agent technically free so we could reassign her." The agent said.

"Do it, get her to infiltrate Cypher Solutions. I want her there yesterday. Douglas Ramsey is still too big of an unknown. I have a feeling something big is happening there, and we need eyes on the ground. Besides, as you said she's the best we've got available. " He said.

( New Mexico)

Thor raced up the entrance ramp. Before him, two guards around the corner. He knocked out the first guard, then tackled the second.

He hurried around the corner, when more guards came up a ladder ahead.

He punched the closest guard, sending him tumbling backwards, toppling the others on the ladder behind him.

He took off running, as the guards regrouped and gave chase.

He spotted the glow of Mjolnir in the central cube, through the translucent walls of the tunnels. He hurried through to tunnels to find a way towards it.

As Thor raced through the tunnel, a guard ran right at him, on a collision course. He took him out with a punch to the gut, then turned to see more agents coming towards him.

As this was happening, two figures hidden in the dark could be seen watching the commotion in the tunnel complex.

" Are you sure he isn't a mutant? He just took out half a dozen men in 2 minutes. Not that I am not enjoying the show, but its kind of hard to believe." Madrox said.

" He isn't, I already checked. He is just a human." Callisto said.

They watched as Thor lunged forward, whipping his feet in front of him, then kicked out, nailing a huge agent in the chest. The Agent goes down hard.

Madrox winces slightly and gives Callisto a pointed look.

" He is strong I admit" She relents.

As Thor approached his hammer, Mjolnir started to glow brighter, blue electricity sparking off its surface. The crackling energy seemed to reach out to him.

" Look something is happening." Madrox said.

They watched with anticipation as Thor wrapped his hand around the hammer.

He smiled, triumphant, lifts... but the hammer didn't move. He strained with all his might, screaming from the effort, bellowing up at the storm and lightning above him.

He fell to his knees, rain pouring down around him. Agents moved in, guns trained on Thor, surrounding him and taking him into custody.

Madrox sighed " Well that was anti-climactic, it seemed you were right. He was just a norm…"

Madrox looks beside him only to see Callisto frozen in shock, her eyes were wide and her body was covered in sweat.

Her body started shaking and she could only utter one word. " Magnificent "

Madrox seeing her reaction slightly gulps and says

" I guess it's time we called the boss."

( Back at NewYork)

I just got a call from Madrox and Callisto. It seemed Thor was just taken into custody. I was getting ready to head to Mexico, but this time I was pulling out all the stops.

I made sure I had all I needed for what I was about to do and promptly opened a portal to New Mexico. It was time to meet a god.

( Chapter End )


"Sounds fancy. Me, I'm a simple man...I'm just gonna kill ya."

-- Wolverine (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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