Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 52 - I'll Be Waiting

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)

Enjoy ;)


I arrived at New Mexico and found myself in a hotel room. I looked towards Mardox and Callisto who were standing beside the door waiting for me.

I noticed that Callisto was slightly rattled, while Madrox looked kind of nervous.

I asked them to give me a report on what they saw until now. I was satisfied after I heard their report. Their report was pretty much, consistent with what I knew from the movies.

I wasn't surprised. Asgard hardly had any contact with Earth for the last few decades, if not hundreds of years.

I couldn't rule out, that some of them would occasionally visit from time to time.

But that was probably rare, Earth was considered by many a backwards planet.

Most planets without Interstellar travel capabilities, were considered as such.

I opened a portal back to NewYork and told them they did a good job. I don't waste time and headed to where Thor was being held.

I told Sophie to disable the cameras inside the interrogation room and keep the feed on loop showing him sleeping.

I snuck in using the mirror dimension and found myself staring at Thor. He looked like the actor Chris Hemsworth from my original universe. I found it amusing to be honest.

I started using my telepathy and invaded his mind. It was too easy.

Thor didn't have his divinity anymore and I doubted, he had any sort of mental protection.

Odin may have been trying to teach his son a lesson, but at the same time he put him at great risk. I could slit his throat right now, and that would be the end of it. He'd simply die.

This only confirmed how powerful Odin truly was. Just by using his magic and a few runes he was able to strip a god from his powers.

It didn't take long and I finally had what I was looking for. I have been waiting for this opportunity for years. I finally had Asgard's location.

I noticed Thor was starting to wake up, so I decided to leave. It was too soon to have our first meeting. I left the interrogation room and headed towards the hammer.

I knew I couldn't lift it. I wasn't worthy that much was easy to figure out.

No. I had something else in mind I wanted to try.

I found the hammer just laying there, surrounded by scientists.

They had scanners and various devices pointed at it. It seems the hammer was giving off a slight energy signature.

Obviously they couldn't make heads or tails of it, but that wasn't my concern.

Still invisible I got close enough to study it. It looked exactly like the movies showed; resting at an angle with the handle pointing upwards, gray metal hammer head with leather gripped silver metal handle.

It looked like the head and handle were made out of a single piece. In one word, it was fantastic.

I started to examine the symbols that were on the side of the hammer. I attempted to read it

" Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

As I read those words, I felt a change inside me. I unconsciously started to move towards the hammer.

I put a hand on the handle of the hammer. The scientists that were scanning the hammer started noticing energy spikes.

The energy spikes keep on increasing in intensity and a wind starts blowing all over the base.

Clouds were starting to form.

I heard a wispher in my mind.

" You are unworthy."

My Spidey Sense starts to tingle really loudly. I break out of the trance I was in and before I could let go of the hammer, a lightning bolt slams down on the hammer.

I get thrown across the room and through the plastic dividers and lay there moaning for a while. Luckily I wasn't the only one affected.

The lightning blew all the people surrounding the hammer away and fried all their equipment.

I heard people coming towards me and quickly open a portal back home to escape.

I was in no condition to fight and was barely able to open a portal big enough to fit me.

As soon as I passed through it, I passed out.

( A few hours later)

" What the fuck" I muttered to myself as I woke up. My muscles groaned in protest and I could feel a splitting headache. ' What the hell happened.'

" Doug. Are you okay?"

I looked up to see Jean looking at me in concern.

" Doug what happened? Diana called me and told me you suddenly appeared out of a portal and passed out right after."

" I am fine. I just got a zapped by an angry hammer that's all." I said.

" What ? Aren't you immune to electricity ? And what do you mean an angry hammer?" She asked.

I started explaining to her, the sequence of events that lead to my current predicament. I was still slightly numb.

I wasn't as immune as I to electricity as I liked to think, but I guess mystical lightning was a different story.

" Really it spoke to you ? " She said.

" I could feel it's anger. I don't know how, but it diffidently spoke and I heard it." I said.

She still had an unsure look on her face." I don't know Doug. This all sounds too weird. I mean we've seen some crazy stuff. But a talking hammer?"

" A talking magic hammer. Some magical objects gain sentience after a few centuries. The more powerful and Ancient it is. The more intelligence it has." I said.

" But why did it attack you though? You said plenty of people tried lifting it. Why didn't it attack any of them." She asked.

I shrugged in response and continued talking to Jean. She gave me a hug that lasted a bit too long and a kiss on the cheek. She told me to be careful.

" I don't know what I would do if I lost you Doug, please be careful. I know.. I know that I have made you wait. I want... "

" Jean I..."

" No. I have to say it. After what you did for me. Almost dying ? Your patience and support over the past couple of years. I know that you like me and I.. I like you too. I just didn't feel ready. I was afraid if I had let me guard down for even a second, the Phoenix would take over and I would hurt you again.. I "

" No Jean. You could never hurt me. I chose to do what I did, because it was the right thing to do, and I am sure if it was you, you would do the same too. Stop blaming yourself! You don't realise how amazing you truly are, I've seen you train every single day for hours on end. All that effort you put in. Your constant fight to control something bigger than you, more powerful. You have so much strength and so much compassion within you. Look."

I cut my hand a bit and it heals in seconds. " See. You can't hurt me anymore, I will always be there to help you, when you need me."

After I said that I grabbed her and kissed her on the lips. We made out for a bit more.

I held her in my arms and said.

" I'm sorry, but I've got to go. There isn't much time left." I said.

" Let me come with you." She said

" It's dangerous, I know you can handle yourself, but I'd be less worried knowing that you're safe. Plus someone's gotta hold down the fort. Shield knows who I am and I am betting they know who you are too. Stay here and If anything comes up. Contact me right away." I said.

She nods in agreement and I open a portal to Asgard.

Before I left I looked at her and said " Let's go to dinner tomorrow night. We already had our first kiss. I wouldn't be gentleman If I didn't at least buy you dinner."

She gave me a smile and said " I'll be waiting, so don't be late."

I gave her a wink and jumped through the portal.

( Chapter End )


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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