Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 53 - Asgard

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)

Enjoy ;)


(3rd person POV)


Loki arrived on Jotunheim using the Bifrost and looked towards Laufey, who was on his throne as the Giants stood around him.

Loki, looking apprehensive, walked alone across the icy surface of the planet.

Darkness shrouded the ruined temple, save for the shafts of light, which knifed their way in through the damaged ceiling.

Frost Giant guards surrounded him on all sides.

Laufey approached, towering over him menacingly.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." The giant growled.

" I've come alone and unarmed," Loki answered.

" To what end?" The Frost Giant asked.

"To make you another proposition." He answered.

The King of giants suddenly realized what he meant.

" So you're the one who let us into Asgard?" He stated.

"You're welcome." Loki said.

Enraged by his attitude and smug face, Laufey lashed out and grabbed Loki around the throat.

" My men are dead, and I have no Casket. You are a deceiver!" He roared.

"You have no idea what I am. " Loki said.

The blueness spreads across his face, as Laufey and the guards stare in shock.

"Hello, Father." Loki said with a smirk.

After that, Laufey decided to hear Loki, who said he would conceal him and a few more Frost Giants so they can come to Asgard and kill Odin.

Laufey asked why he wouldn't do it himself, to which Loki said the Asgardians wouldn't take kindly to a king who had murdered his predecessor.

Loki told Laufey he could kill Odin and obtain the Casket of Winters, using it Laufey could one day return Jotunheim to its former glory.

Laufey got up and with a smile, accepted.

( Asgard )

Heimdall's senses, as extraordinarily acute as they are, can be blocked by certain magical spells. It took me a while to find the right spell, but I eventually found it. He could no longer see me unless I wanted him to.

I walked along the halls of Asgard's palace. Its golden walls shining brightly showing off the wealth of Asgard. I still could not believe I am in Asgard, a fictional place that I have seen only in movies and only read about in some mythical stories.

According to my memory Loki should be in Jotunheim right about now. With Odin out of commission, Thor banished and Loki in Jotunheim.

The only people in Asgard right now, who could potentially pose a threat to me, were Frigga and Heimdall.

There were several things I wanted from Asgard, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time to do them all. I only had a small window of opportunity to do what I came to do.

I quickly found where Odin's chambers were. The information was easy enough to obtain from an unlucky guard, who happened to trip and repeatedly fall over my fist.

He was really unlucky!

I approached Odin's chambers still under invisibility and slowly opened the door. The guards guarding the chambers were currently placed under a minor illusion, combined with a few psychic suggestions. As far as they could tell there was nothing to be seen.

Odin lied there looking pale and lifeless, his body and the space around it warped from the effect of the Odinsleep.

The walls of the chamber have moved close around him, protecting him like a dark crypt, sealing off any daylight.

I was about to get closer when; I suddenly noticed some movement inside. I waited for a few seconds.

' Shit! What is she doing here?' I thought.

Frigga the Queen of Asgard and Thor's mother was currently inside his chambers. I cursed my bad luck and decided to retreat for now.

I could probably beat her if we fought, but that would be too messy. She has a millennium of experience over me, which means I can't end the fight too quickly.

Our fight is bound to create a huge commotion, even if I can handle her, there is still Heimdall who is troublesome enough. And Loki who could return at any moment.

The guards were cannon fodder, but at the end of the day they were still Asgardians and could prove annoying in numbers.

I took a moment to go over my options. I had three goals in mind in coming here.

First, I wanted to obtain Odin's DNA, even if most of his power is due to the Odin force his DNA should prove to be superior to Thor's.

My second Objective was to somehow obtain knowledge of Runes.

Asgardian Runes were abnormally powerful. Just by speaking a few words.

Odin sealed Thor's powers and enchanted his hammer. Obtaining it was a huge must, it also happened to synergize with Cypher's original abilities.

My third and final goal was to infiltrate the treasure room. It wasn't a priority to be honest.

Obtaining a few treasures would be nice, but I'd easily let it go for now. There were bound to be more opportunities in the future.

The events of Thor 2 and Thor Ragronak, were bound to happen in several years. The treasures weren't going anywhere.

Quickly thinking of a plan, I quickly decided on a course of action. I called upon my Symbiote and separated a small part of it.

A small piece of it no larger than a finger fell to the ground. It was still connected to me telepathically and could perform simple tasks if given orders.

' Wait for an opportunity, try and get Odin's DNA. Frigga and Laufey's too if you get a chance. A strand of hair is fine, blood would be better. ' I instructed through our telepathic link.

The small Symbiote turned invisible and seeped in through a small opening in the door.

I leave it behind to do its assigned task. And head towards the library. Hopefully, things will turn out well.

I arrived at the library and I was shocked by what I saw. It was absolutely massive!

I start looking around. My eyes were drawn to the many bookshelves.

I pull out one of the books that appear to have been read repeatedly.

It is a book of spells. I thumb through it briefly before putting it back. I open another, this one is an anatomy book covering all the dominant species of the 9 realms.

I immediately understood what was written and felt something unlock in my mind. I could now understand their written language. I quickly found a catalog, to help me find, what I was looking for.

I swept through the library taking any book I found useful. It got to the point, where I would just open portals under whole bookshelves and just shovel them inside.

The portal led to a secure location, which I later planned to turn into my own personal magic library. I already had a few books, collected from the magical libraries in the sanctum.

They had to be copied by hand, which I found extremely annoying. I liked this method better.

After I finished borrowing a few shelves worth of books about enchantments, runes, and whatnot. I left the library. On my way out, my eyes fell on several guards/librarians I had knocked out or paralyzed using my stingers.

They'll wake up in a few hours not remembering what happened to them.

I checked how much time I had left and sighed in disappointment. It seems I don't have time to loo…ahem visit the treasure room. Loki should be sending the Destroyer right about now.

I couldn't let Shield get their hands on all that Uru.

I opened a portal back to Earth and arrived back in New Mexico.

( Chapter End )


"Didn't anyone tell you? I'm a riddle, dude. I eat the uncertainty principle for breakfast -- I was born the original loose cannon -- and I am one unpredictable feather-pluckin' walrus! Koo-koo-ka-freakin'-Choo!"

- Deadpool


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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