Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 55 - A Clash Of Titans

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


(Asgard )

I arrived at Asgard near the observatory; I found Heimdall encased in ice. He was surrounded by two Frost Giants and couldn't break free.

Heimdall knowing that the fate of Asgard depended on him mustered all his strength. The ice around him began to crack. With a tremendous effort, Heimdall shattered free from the ice.

He quickly took out the two Frost Giants with his sword. Weakened, near death, he drags himself inside the Observatory. He inserted his sword and activated the Bifrost, and passed out right after.

I quickly took this chance to collect his blood off the floor and some of the frost giant's blood too.

Thor and company were about to arrive, so I quickly opened a portal back to the palace near Odin's chambers.

I could see what was happening inside the chambers through the piece of Symbiote hidden inside the chambers.

Odin was still in his Odinsleep.

Laufey and a couple of Frost Giants burst in. Frigga swung the sword around hard, cleaving into a Frost Giant's shoulder. The Giant swatted her aside angrily.

Laufey was looking at Odin's helpless form and smiled a vicious smile. He would finally get his revenge.

Knowing what was about to happen. I commanded my Symbiote to take this chance to get closer to Odin. Lauffy stood over the unconscious Odin, relishing the moment.

He formed an ice blade and raised his blade above Odin's body, when -- A blast of energy blasts him from behind.

My symbiote struck at that moment. But as soon as it touched Odin, I heard it screeching through our telepathic link.

A small blast of energy pulsed out of Odin's body and disintegrated the symbiote.

My connection was quickly cut and I could sense something or someone zeroing on me, trying to get past my cloaking spell!

I cursed my bad luck and created a portal out of Asgard back to Earth.

'Humph... disgusting parasite. Now, let's see how my sons resolve this situation. I'm tired of watching them squabble amongst themselves.'

Unbeknownst to Loki and Thor. Even in his sleep, Odin could see and hear everything happening around him. He was about to awaken from his Odinsleep any moment now.

Unexpectedly, though, his Odin force reacted to a parasite trying to cling to him. His Odin force-sensing a foreign invader, sent out a pulse to attack this parasite.

He couldn't tell who or what sent this parasite, or what was its purpose, but he promised himself to strengthen Asgard's defenses after he woke up.

It seemed all kinds of things could get in now.

(New Mexico)

' Holy shit! That was close!!!'

I was drenched in cold sweat, and I could feel my heart pounding.

It seems I had severely underestimated Odin. If it wasn't for my cloaking spell. I would have been discovered.

The Odin force was not to be underestimated, it seems. I managed to escape before he could mark me with his magic or discover my identity.

But this was too close for comfort.

I was slightly disappointed, I didn't manage to get his DNA.

It was a risky plan. He wasn't a God-King for nothing. I doubt I could've even set foot in the palace if he was awake. His senses were certainly as strong, if not stronger than Heimdall's.

I sighed in disappointment and decided it was best to be more careful in the future. It wasn't all for naught, though. At least I managed to obtain something useful.

I looked at the vials of blue and golden blood in my hand.

(A few days later)

I was currently in my lab studying the Destroyer's armor.

The plane that was transporting the Armor back to Shield. 'Mysteriously' disappeared along with the armor.

The plane's crew was later found in Hawaii.

Unfortunately, they had a severe case of amnesia and couldn't remember how they got there.

I got a free quintet out of it and 3 tons' worth of Uru. I had to disable and remove half a dozen trackers and locaters off the plane, but it was all worth it.

The cloaking technology in the Jet was worth the trouble.

I also discovered that Uru although highly durable and retained enchantments very well. It heavily depended on how much magic was channeled into it.

The stronger and more powerful the magic, the better it could perform.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the heart of a star, or an enchanted forge, to melt it. I also lacked crucial information on how to enchant it.

It seems a trip to Nidavellir was necessary.

Suddenly, Sophie informed me that I had a call coming in, as soon as I answered. I could hear screaming and explosions going off as the deafening roars got louder and more primal.

I heard Kitty's panicked voice." Doug! You have to get to Harlem, Hurry!"

"I am on my way," I said.

I quickly put on my suit and opened a portal to Harlem, and it was worse than I could have imagined.

I witnessed the most heart-rending and sorrowful sight that I have ever seen. I have never seen so much destruction; it was on the level of a natural disaster.

I saw Colossus battling it out with another creature, a monstrous creature, with a body larger than Hulk's and his spine protruding from his back.

The fact they were duking it outright in the middle of Harlem, with people scrambling and running around in the background and police trying desperately to evacuate them, was unreal.

I saw parts of buildings on the verge of collapsing, but with people still in them and others trapped under debris and car parts.

I quickly found Kitty among the Chaos helping people, phasing them through the debris.

Fortunately, she was wearing her suit. Her identity wasn't exposed.

" What the hell is going on? Why is he fighting the Abomination? I told you guys to call me if something happened." I quickly said.

" It all happened so quickly, that thing broke out of Stein's Lab and started killing people. Colossus decided to engage and hold him off until you got here." She said.

" Fine. Leave this to me and portal Jean here. Tell her to wear her suit. I am going to go help Colossus." I said.

She gave me a nod and ran off to find a discrete place to open a portal.

I finished helping the last of the survivors and turned towards the main event.

Piotr was surprisingly holding his own. It seems his training paid off.

He wasn't doing much damage to the Abomination though, and it looked like Blonsky was treating him more like a punching bag, more so than an opponent. But he was getting a few good hits in.

" Come On!!! Give me a real fight metal man, this is no fun." Blonsky said.

"Your evil ends this day, monster!" Piotr shouted in a heavy Russian accent.

"You want a real fight? Take this!" Saying this, I jumped high into the air and punched his face with a Chi infused fist.

He got thrown into the building in front of me. I turned to Colossus.

" Sorry to rain on your parade, big guy, but it looked like he was giving you some trouble," I said.

"Niet, no sorry needed. I am glad you're here." He answered.

" It's still too early to celebrate. I don't think he's going to stay down after one hit."

Blonsky confirming my previous statement dug himself out of the collapsed building. He looked excited.

He wiped some blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Now, that, I felt. You're that guy from the Stark Expo, aren't you? You should be fun to play with for a while." He said.

My Spidey-sense blared at me. I only had enough time to bring up my hands in an X to block before he slapped me into a building.

' Damn! That hurt!'

I pushed some rubble off me and found myself surrounded by soldiers. I looked at the soldiers.

"The hell are you guys waiting for? Get out of here and get everyone else out too! Get your heads out of your asses!"

They quickly scrambled out of the street and started setting up a perimeter to get everyone else out.

My attention was grabbed by the sound of fists hitting metal. The Abomination was currently on top of Colossus pummelling him into the ground.

I quickly entered my [Lightning Chi Mode] and blitzed over. I decided to try a new move I created.

' He should survive this, I think?'

I appeared right beside Blonsky and punched him in the head. He was disoriented for a second, which gave me the opening I needed.

I began gathering electricity into my right hand, and fire into my left.

I clapped my hands together and separated them once more. There were glowing Plasma threads between my hands.

They were giving off a lot of heat. Enough to cut through metal like butter.

Blonsky feeling danger from my attack decided to throw a tank at me. Instead of engaging in close quarters.

I dodged and was upon him before he realized it. He only had a chance to put an arm out to block.

My Superheated Plasma threads cut through his arm and severed it.

His left arm fell off to the side. My attack heading towards his neck.

Realizing it was useless to block, he kicked me away and created some distance between us.

He was holding his left stump and groaning in pain. He was giving me a death glare but didn't make any more moves to attack.

My attack fizzled out after he kicked me away. It wasn't stable and needed a lot of concentration to be held.

I gave him a smirk "I thought, you said, you wanted to play."

" Damn you!!! " He roared.

He was still holding his stump, which was just starting to regenerate, albeit slowly.

' Good. This should weaken him enough.' I thought.

I got carried away and forgot for I wasn't trying to kill him. It's a good thing he kicked me away.

Our standoff was broken when we suddenly hear something crash in the middle of the road.

A few moments later a large green hand shoves its way out of the crater, and we hear a challenging roar.

"Hulk!" " Blonsky growled.

"Well, it seems your playmate is finally here,"

Abomination ignored me and started running towards Hulk. Hulk of course starts running towards Abomination too.

They jump towards each other when they get close enough and punch at each other. There's a huge shock-wave which I feel into my bones and which destroys a few lights.

It almost seemed like a clash between two Titans.

(Chapter End)


I hope you guys are enjoying the story, and as always thank you guys for your support. Tell me what you guys think in the comments.


"Take it from me, the guy they call the Merc with a Mouth... sometimes your best weapon is shutting the &%#$ up so the guy with the healing factor doesn't have time to grow his bones back. Because if that happens... your whole revenge plot is going to last an issue longer than you anticipated. "

-- Deadpool (616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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