Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 56 - Ungrateful Bastard

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


(3rd person POV)

The soldiers watched in horror as they saw a huge figure jump down and started killing people.

They tried to fire at it as it threw a car away, but it was obvious it was useless. The bullets just bounced right off its skin.

They thought all was lost, until a metallic silver figure arrived at the last second and saved them from getting killed.

The Metal man started battling the monster, but it seemed he could barely hold him off.

The soldiers got inside a vehicle and drove after it while calling Ross, telling him a giant monster was battling a Metal man.

Ross looked between the phone and Bruce in shock before deciding to turn the helicopter. The soldiers drove towards it with their cameras on to allow Ross to see the situation.

Down below, cops fired at the Abomination, but it was unaffected and it tried killing them with a swipe of its hands, but the metalic man blocked it just in time.

Bruce looked down and saw the huge thing as his eyes widened in horror.

His face was a warped and deformed version of Blonsky's. His skin was grayish. And his spine was deformed badly.

The now humongous Blonsky threw more cars around and roared as he finally came into view.

It was now battling a new figure, another person had joined the fight and was trying to stop Blonsky.

Bruce asked Ross to take him back there, saying he might be able to control it. He couldn't let other people suffer for their mistakes.

Ross protested but Bruce said that all of them were responsible for creating it.

Bruce walked up to the door as Betty tried to stop him, reminding him that there was a chance of him not transforming at all.

Bruce said that he needed to try and apologized. The two then kissed passionately.

Bruce then let go and threw himself to the ground with his eyes closed.

A green hand burst through the ground as Ross, and Betty watched from the helicopter.

Hulk emerged from the ground as Ross, and Betty watched. Hulk tore off the ragged remains of Banner's shirt and gave a loud, challenging roar to Abomination.

The two giants slowly started walking towards each other before rushing each other at full speed as the terrified civilians ran out of the way.

Hulk roared and leapt but Abomination grabbed him and tackling him to the ground, threw him off through a car and as he fell down.

( POV End)

Abomination threw Hulk down the road with enough strength that Hulk skipped a few times before coming to a stop out of my sight.

Abomination ran on after him and went out of my sight too. 

I started looking for people in the wreckage. Hulk can handle Abomination for now.

I used my telepathy to find anyone trapped or injured. My method was effective, but ultimately I was only one person.

I needed more hands-on deck. Suddenly I felt Jean's mind connect to mine. I could tell through our connection that she was worried and slightly afraid.

"So what's our priority? Search and rescue? Or stopping the monsters?"

Before I could answer, we were distracted by another roar.

Hulk roared and smashed a police car into two before lifting up both the pieces as Abomination rushed him. Hulk slammed both pieces together, deciding to use the two pieces of the police car as boxing gloves.

Hulk angrily pummeled Abomination with his 'boxing gloves', slamming him into the ground and continued pummeling him until the pieces of the car broke and he punched Abomination hard.

Abomination spat out a broken tooth and glared at Hulk.

"The green one's on our side. At least until you start attacking him. His name is Hulk from what I heard. The ugly one was causing damage even before I got here. Colossus was engaged in combat with him trying to stall him, but got injured. Tell Kitty to portal Colossus, to the med bay. " I told her through our telepathic connection.

" We're on it!" She answered.

I could feel her uneasiness, but decided not to comment on it. I knew that in addition to being telepathic and telekinetic, Jean was also an empath. She was probably affected by the emotions coming off, those trapped or crying for help.

I started helping more people, while the two monsters battled.

I also made sure that our efforts were captured on camera. Diana was controlling several drones equipped with cameras, to capture today's events.

Sophie handled logistics and made sure, that several ambulances were on their way.

She was diverting traffic to make sure, they got here as fast as possible. She was also helping first responders and firefighters, by sending them, the location of those in need of help. Or those too far away from me and Jean to currently help.

After I was finished with putting out a few fires and helping people. I decided to go and help Hulk on his end.

I got to their position just in time to see Hulk and Abomination crash a helicopter.

I couldn't see Abomination anywhere but Hulk was now starting to get up. The helicopter was leaking its fuel and there's sparks flying from the broken fans.

Betty woke up inside the helicopter to see the soldiers dead but managed to wake up Ross. As Hulk got up, Abomination leapt on top of the helicopter.

The two snarled and charged at each other as Abomination slammed Hulk into a wall and started pummeling him.

While he is distracted I start rescuing anyone that's alive within the Helicopter.

First I webbed the spots where its sparking to prevent a fire. Then I went inside and brought both the Ross' out of the helicopter.

"You don't deserve this power! Now watch her die!" I suddenly heard.

I looked back to see Abomination using his elbow bone claw thing to pierce Hulk's chest while choking him.

I'm about to interfere when Hulk suddenly looks determined and breaks out of the hold. I feel a lot of heat coming from behind me and turn to see there's a fire building up.

Hulk pushed Abomination's hands off him and punched him hard, staggering him back before slamming him into the wall.

The fuel leakage caused a fire but Hulk did a thunderclap, putting it out.

Betty then screamed a warning to Hulk as Abomination hit him with a concrete pillar tied to a high tensile chain. He tried to get up but Abomination hit him again, sending him down.

He then swung the chain at the helicopter, breaking its wings, and asked Ross if he had any last words.

Hulk suddenly got up and raised his fists.


He then slammed his fists onto the ground, breaking the concrete and trapping Abomination's legs as the chain fell on him and wrapped around his neck. He starts using the chain to choke Abomination.

Blonsky held on to the chain and was slowly getting up. It seems he still had more strength to spare.

Deciding to help out, before he breaks free. I summoned the bands of Cyttrok to help keep him down.

He tried struggling again, but his attempts were getting weaker and weaker. He eventually passed out.

It all seemed to be over, but the chains instead of loosening started getting tighter.

Hulk was about to snap his neck when Betty suddenly shouted. " STOP!!"

The Hulk simply dropped Abomination to the ground and putting his foot on him, let out a powerful, victorious roar, as the cops, soldiers and civilians watched in terror.

He then kicked the unconscious Abomination at a numb Ross' feet.

The cops and Soldiers were aiming their guns at Hulk and me.

Betty approached us and stood in front of the 8 foot Hulk.

"It's okay." She whispered.

"Betty." Hulk grumbles. Somehow his voice is softer than before.

Hulk looks at me and nods a thanks.

He looked like he's about to transform back into Banner when some news Helicopter flashes a big light on the three of us.

He exchanged another look with Betty, looking sad, and then leapt onto the walls, eventually jumping onto a rooftop, and then leapt away into the night sky.

Now, that Hulk was gone. All the cops and soldiers were aiming their guns at me.

" Seriously? You're aiming a gun at the guy, that just helped stop a giant raging monster?" I asked.

They all looked to each other, still unsure of what to do. A few of them started to lower their guns down. Until, they heard.

" Arrest that Mutie Freak! " Someone shouted.

I looked to see who said that, only to see General Ross pointing a gun at me.

" Really? I just saved your life, and that's how you repay me?" I said.

" Dad stop! What are you doing? He just saved our lives. " Betty shouted.

" Be quiet Betty!" He yelled.

I could see the greed in his eyes, it seems after missing the chance to get Hulk and seeing how Blonsky went mad with rage and started killing everybody.

From his point of view, I was the next best thing.

All of those that were hesitating raised their weapons once more. I was slightly disappointed by their actions. I knew they were just following orders, but they could've chosen to ignore them.

I sighed.

"You know, the worst thing about idiots is they don't know how stupid they are." I said.

I then used my invisibility and disappeared.

Shouts of surprise and confusion were heard.

I noticed some cops and soldiers sighed in relief after I disappeared.

It seems that not all of them were happy with their orders, and were happy to not have a fight.

While everybody was distracted, I layered an illusion of Blonsky over himself and created a portal under him.

To those unware, it looked like nothing happened.

The illusion would last for a few minutes or until someone decided to touch it.

I was slightly regretful I wouldn't get to see the look on General Ross's face, when he realized he gained nothing from tonight's events.

On the contrary, things were about to get much worse for him.

" Sophie, I want everything about tonight's events compiled and ready to be released tomorrow. Dig up any dirt, you can find on Ross and make sure everybody knows, that what happened tonight, was his fault. " I said.

" Affirmative." She answered.

(A Few Days Later)

Betty stood in front of the docks, contemplating everything that had happened.

She looked at the picture of Bruce she had taken on her camera before they had driven the truck but the battery was low and it shut itself off.

She started imagining, how their lives could've been.

( A Bar in Texas, Nevada )

General Ross was drinking and smoking in a bar when the door opened and a man approached him saying.

"The smell of stale beer and defeat. You know, I hate to say, "I told you so," General, but I'd be lying. The Super Soldier programme was put on ice for a reason."

"Fury." Ross said.

"General." Fury said.

"So, are you here to arrest me? " Ross asked him.

" No General. I am here to gloat. However, these gentlemen over here. Are here to do just that." Fury said.

Fury then signaled the agents standing behind him, to arrest Ross.

" This isn't over Fury. One day those freaks are going to cause more trouble than they're worth. You hear me! You hear! You son of a bitch. " Ross shouted as he was getting arrested.

Suddenly Ross went silent and passed out. There was a tranquilizer dart sticking out of his neck.

They all turned to see where the shot came from and saw one of the agents standing behind Fury holding a small tranq gun. Fury gave him a questioning look.

The agent just shrugged in response. Fury grinned and said.

" Son. You just got yourself a promotion."

(Chapter End)


"The World Only Makes Sense If You Force It To." -- Bruce Wayne


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my



(P. S) I have 3 chapters up on my pat-reon of my new MHA Fic. It's called Altered Mind.. I'll be posting it on Webnovel as soon as I have a decent amount of chapters written out.

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