Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 57 - Consequences

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


After that night a number of events happened in quick succession. The video of me and Colossus fighting Abomination went viral.

The video showed Colossus preventing Abomination from killing innocent people.

It also showed Jean, Kitty and me saving people and helping them.

The video was skillfully edited to show our efforts and portray us in a positive light.

The video was of course released anonymously by an unknown party (me).

Our superhero names were also released. Jean went by the name of Phoenix. I had added a Phoenix symbol to her supersuit after the Stark Expo.

Kitty went by the name of ShadowCat. Her supersuit took inspiration from the black panther suit. It had the cat ears and the claws, but other than that her suit looked quite different. First of all, it was white instead of black.

Pitor went by Colossus. Iron Man would have been more suitable, but then again the name was already taken by a narcissistic playboy in a billion dollar suit.

And finally me. My suit looked quite futuristic it had circuit markings all over it. Which gave it an alien feeling. I went by the name Enigma. It certainly fitted the aura I was giving off.

It wasn't clear if I was wearing a supersuit or if I simply had powers. Or what my powers even were? I was simply a mystery.

I initially wanted to go with the name Cypher, but decided to hold off on it for now. I felt it would've been a little too on the nose if I went by my current company's name.

Ross was arrested by Shield and put into custody he would be put on trial in the near future.

Sophie went above and beyond. When I had asked her to dig up any dirt she could find on General Ross.

I didn't realise how much there was. He was so Radioactive, that none of his contacts or 'friends' would even consider touching him with a ten foot pole.

I honestly kind of felt bad for Betty. Her boyfriend was a fugitive and her father was a criminal.

Getting betrayed by your own family and having said family hunt down the one you love isn't my idea of a good time.

I was currently in my lab studying Blonsky's blood. He couldn't transform back into his original body, which meant he'd remain an ugly bastard for the rest of his life.

I also had Dr. Parker take a look at his blood. He had experience with radiation. Some of the spiders he previously worked on were exposed to radiation to forcibly induce mutations in their DNA.

It seems Blonsky was injected with a replicated variant of the Super Soldier Serum. Add to that his transfusion with Banner's gamma-irradiated blood,which caused him to transform into that monstrosity.

I had him in a psychically induced coma. My primary reason for taking him was to prevent him from falling into Hydra's hands or any other interested parties for that matter. I also made sure there wasn't any of his or Banner's DNA left from their fight.

I kept his severed arm in a storage facility. I figured I could use it for experiments or such.

Blonsky though? He was going to sleep for a long long time. The bastard could become useful one day. It wouldn't hurt to have a semi-immortal psycho on hand.

It would've been too wasteful to kill him or simply hand him over. I knew, Fury suspected I had something to do with it. But he couldn't prove it, so as far as I was concerned, he could kiss Hulk's green radioactive ass, for all I care.

After I was finished with my work. I decided to go and pay Piotr a visit. He was currently in the infirmary getting treated. His injuries were healing nicely and the healing chambers developed by Dr. Hansen did a splendid job.

I arrived at the infirmary only to hear yelling.

A stony-faced Kitty marched past me and out of the infirmary.

( 3rd person POV)

Kitty's mind was chaotic with thoughts.

'Who did Illyana think she was, putting her on the defensive like that? She was old enough to make her own decisions. Since when was she supposed to answer for what she did outside of her duties as a Mystic and her studies?'

The argument they had was still fresh in her mind. She hated being grilled like that over something that was completely innocent.

What made things worse was the fact that the younger girl had to make a scene, her voice becoming increasingly louder and louder.

" Kitty? What's wrong?" Doug asked.

" I don't want to talk about it." Kitty said as she walked away.

( A few minutes earlier)

Illyana's brows knitted together.

"What do you mean 'going out'?"

Pitor was currently asleep. He was in the healing chambers submerged in healing fluid.

The chamber and fluid were develop by Dr.Hansen. Some of it was based on her own research and the healing chambers were based on the schematics Doug had obtained from his trip to Wakanda.

They also planned on releasing a less effective version of the healing fluid to the public.

It would be able to heal minor injuries, like cuts, bruises and even burns. It was only a matter of time before it was approved.

Illyana who was now 13 was watching over her brother. As soon as she heard he was hurt, she rushed back from school. She was relieved to find out that her brother would be fine.

What surprised her though, was that Kitty had stayed with Pitor after she brought him back from the field last night, and hadn't left his side ever since.

"I mean he asked me to go out to dinner and then to the movies." Kitty said.

Illyana's blue eyes suddenly darkened. "So, it is like a date?" She said.

A blush stained Kitty's freckled cheeks. "I'm not sure if date is quite the word, really. I mean, we're friends." She said.

"But it sounds like a date. He asked you out...to dinner and a movie. That's a date." The words were slow to come out of Illyana's mouth.

"I guess if you put it that way, but it's Peter." Kitty said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Illyana said.

"He's a friend." Kitty said.

"Sounds like you want to change that." Illyana said.

"What? No, I don't." Kitty said.

Kitty was perplexed as she stared at the glowering face of the pale, blonde beauty standing at her side. "What's it with you?"

"So what? He's not good enough for you. Or are you still hangup on Doug?" Illyana said.

Kitty had a shocked expression on her face and was slow to respond.

" Forget it. You can go now if you want. I'll look after 'my' brother. " Illlyana said dismissing her.

She then turned her back to Kitty and started ignoring her.

Kitty walked out of the infirmary fuming. She saw Doug on her way out, which just made her grow more frustrated. She just wanted to get out of there.

( POV End)

I found Illyana in the infirmary, with Pitor still in the healing chamber.

" How is he?" I asked.

" Dr.Hansen said he should be waking up in a few hours." She answered.

" Don't worry. Your big brother is tough . It would take way more than this to knock him down. He saved many lives last night. You should be proud of him. " I said.

" I know I should be proud, but it's hard to see him like this. He was always so strong, almost seemed invincible at times. I saw the fight. I never imagined that monsters like that, could even exist. " She said.

" The world is a bigger place, than you could ever imagine. And these monsters as you call them, can't even compare to what's out there. " I said.

" So what? Am I supposed to watch him as he gets hurt ? I never understood why you pushed him so hard. But now I do. Even if he's bulletproof he can still get hurt. There's still someone more powerful out there." She said.

She then gave me a determined look. " I want you to train me. I want to get stronger too. I want to protect my big brother. "

I had a diffcult expression on my face." Illyana... even if you say that. You're still too young. Your brother would never agree to something like this. Plus your powers have yet to awaken. I dont think you ca... " I was interrupted by Illyana's voice.

" It happened when I heard the news last night. I dismissed it and chalked up to my imagination or something. But... "

A blue and purple light flicked back to burn in the palm of her hand, giving her a very ominous angle of illumination.

Then the balls of light went up her right arm one by one, until there was only an glowing armor covering her right arm.

Before it slowly faded away, a silhouette of a sword could be faintly seen in her hand. It flickered for a moment before it disappeared and her arm, went back to normal.

"... the next time someone hurts my family. I'm going to cut him to pieces." She continued.

The look in her eyes when she said that, sent a slight shiver down his spine. My magical senses were going haywire. I wasn't afraid or even slightly threatened by Illyana.

It was just her magical presence. It was enormous. Even more so than the Ancient One's.

( Chapter End)


"His name is Hit-Monkey. He's a hitman. Who's a monkey. You don't believe me. Look around you, dude... he's ????????????????!"

- Deadpool (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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