Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 58 - Limbo

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


(3rd person POV)

Limbo, it's not the kind of place you ever really want to end up in. It's a place full of demons. Not the figurative kind. Either, the fangs and magic and claws and beady red eyes kind.

If that's not enough, you've also got the fact that there's no Sunlight in limbo. It's just darkness reminiscent of twilight.

If that isn't enough to break your spirits, there are 'stepping discs' all across Limbo. Discs of light that can take you lots of places, alternate dimensions, different times, different worlds, and the majority of them - they just take you to other places in Limbo.

A figure was standing on a high cliff his silhouette against Limbo's moon, his dark figure stood tall, gazing down on the countless demons tearing each other apart.

He couldn't see any details from where he was. It all seemed like a red, gory fest. He was used to it, but it didn't change the fact, that it felt like this was his own personal hell.

Belasco smiled. Years of deliberate planning were finally coming to fruition. Limbo was once again his.

His hand twisted in the air, a trail of green fire in its wake.

A shriek erupted from the lesser demon he had charged with the child's capture.

"Master! Show mercy!"

"Mercy?" His eyes slanted evilly as he gazed on the wretched thing writhing in the eldritch flame, but the smile never left his face.

"What would an imp know of mercy?" He asked.

His fingers danced, becoming a claw which he then slowly tightened into a fist.

The energy crackling around his victim collapsed in response, and the creature's shriek grew to a wail which then cut off abruptly.

"Not very robust, are they?" he asked the hulking figure beside him.

"No, not too much. I always saw them as cannon fodder, anyway." The large demon said.

"Well, I expect we shall have guests soon, so I hold you personally responsible for ensuring a proper welcome," Belasco said.

The demon lord's voice was smooth and yet dripped with malice. And through it all, he smiled.

"I would suggest that you do not disappoint me, as did your… brethren."

"Wouldn't dream of it. May I ask what he did?" The large creature replied.

"Of course."He gestured at the expanding vapor that was all that remained.

"He failed his task. Failure is not an option." Belasco said.

Only then did his smile fade, for just a moment.

"My own masters have taught me that


The large purple demon looked into Belasco's eyes and shuddered.

(Back on Earth)

I told Illyana to wait for a bit, at least until we could discuss things with her brother.

I didn't think he'd approve of his little sister starting her training so early, especially without his permission.

She was still his little snowflake after all.

I figured it would take time for him to come around. I left her in the infirmary and decided to take a look at the books I got back from Asgard.

I wasn't entirely sure If I could even do Asgardian magic, but that was secondary to my primary objective.

I opened a portal to my secret library. No one was allowed here.

It had so many restrictions and wards put up, one would find it difficult, to even find this place. It was all keyed to my own magical signature after all.

I looked at the mountains of books in front of me and decided to get started. This was going to take a while.

(A few hours Later)

I groaned, running my fingers through my hair. Closing yet another book on the history of their battles and conquests.

I let out another groan. Absently, I felt the pangs of hunger and remembered I hadn't eaten yet.

I kept reading through books and tomes and scrolls into the night. I found a useful piece of information. It talked about the kind of magic gods used. It turned out they used something called the God force.

The god force was a mystical power that granted the ability to achieve the impossible at certain levels. It made sense that it would share some characteristics with magic, even though it wasn't strictly magic itself. It looked to be a step above it.

By the time I realized it was morning, it was too late to even pretend to go to sleep. With a sigh, I heaved myself up and began preparing for the day.

I had board meetings and a few appointments to attend to, and afterward, I had planned a lesson with some of the children.

A few of the young ones had been having trouble controlling their powers.

Cleaning off my desk, moving the books back to their rightful places.

I ported out of the library and straight into my office. I commanded my Symbiote to change into a more appropriate work attire. Nothing too fancy, just a suit.

My secretary then notified me that my 9:30 appointment was here. This was going to be a long day.

( Illyana POV)

I was in a strange place. It seemed to be made entirely out of barren rock and scorched earth.

There was no bird song. There were no birds. There was nothing at all – at least, nothing alive. Even the wind has died long ago. The air was stagnant, sterile, and filled with ash.

Looking closer. Amongst the ash and the dust there were things that were vaguely humanoid. They were barely even recognisable as fire-blasted skeletons.

Burrowed beneath the earth and, in so doing, revealed it to not be earth at all. There was no soil here. There was nothing but flame-blackened bones piled upon each other. This was a mass grave, big enough for a world.

On top of the mountains of corpses there was a throne made of blackened bones. It was the only thing that hasn't been touched by fire. It stood out like a flower in a furnace.

Looking closer. I saw the thing that sat upon the throne. It didn't look entirely human. It's left arm was long and spindly, and its fingers were freakishly long.

It had yellow eyes and two demonic horns coming out of its head.

It suddenly turned towards me. Its yellow eyes fixed on mine. I saw it smile.

" Come to me." It whispered.

My heart beat started to quicken and all I could feel was panic.

"No...No.." Was alI I could say.

" Did you honestly believe I'd let you go so easily?"

( Chapter End)


Sorry for the short chapter today. I wasn't even going to post today.

I am spending time with the family as one should. I had this chapter in my draft, so I decided to post. Couldn't leave you guys hanging.

Anyways, I hope you're having a wonderful time. ????


"I don't want to jump to conclusions here, but between the enslaved drones upstairs and the Fifty Shades of Grey training room, I'm starting to suspect that S.H.I.E.L.D. might be bad."

- Deadpool


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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