Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 59 - A Nightmare In Limbo

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)



Groaning, Piotr brought his hand to his head drowsily. At the point where the pain radiated from, just to the right above his forehead, his hair was damp and he winced as his fingers brushed the skin.

" Welcome back, you gave us quite the scare there." He suddenly heard.

His mind still foggy and confused, Piotr's eyes darted towards the voice, attempting to process.

He had no idea where he was, the last thing he remembered was getting pummeled into the ground by a rather large fist.

There was a vast array of advanced looking medical equipment scattered around the room.

There wasn't a single window in sight, just four bright white walls, which probably indicated they were underground. The only way out of here appeared to be large a silver circular door on the far wall.

"It's Piotr, isn't it? You're safe here, I promise." said the woman, smiling at him.

" Who are you? Where am I?" He asked.

"I'm Dr. Hansen. You're currently at Cypher labs. You were injured in last night's battle. I came up with the healing solution, we used to treat you." She said.

" What happened last night, did we stop the monster?" He asked.

" Believe it or not another monster, showed up and stopped it. I don't know the details, but I am sure Mr. Ramsey can fill you in later. For now, though, I need to examine you and make sure everything checks out." She said.

He gave her a nod and let her finish her examination.

" Alright, everything seems to check out. You're healthy as a horse. Take it easy for the next few days and tell me if you feel something amiss." She said.

Piotr chuckled and said " Thank you, Dr.Hansen. I'll be sure to let you know."

" No problem big guy, just make sure to take it easy. Oh, by the way, you should probably check up on your sister. She's been worried sick." She said.

"Illyana? She was here?" He asked.

She gave him a nod and said. "We practically had to drag her out of here, to get her to get some sleep and rest for a bit. Ms. Pryde was here too, but she left after your sister showed up."

"I understand. Again thank you doctor, but I must go and find my sister." He said.

( Training Area)

Apparently having the knowledge of fighting and actually using it in a fight were two different things.

After they dragged her out of the infirmary, Illyana went to get some sleep.

Unfortunately, though, it seems that was too much to ask for. She's been having this reoccurring nightmare over for the last few weeks, it seemed to only get worse after her powers awakened. She would always wake up sweating, like she just ran a marathon. This time it felt too real, the terror she felt while in the dream, made her question if she was really dreaming.

She thought about going back, to the infirmary, but changed her mind. She felt too anxious, to just sit there and wait.

She needed to move her body.

She decided to find Kitty and ask her for some training. She apologized to Kitty and told her she didn't mean what she had previously said.

She was stressed out and when it came to her family, she just couldn't help it.

Kitty accepted her apology and invited her for a spar after she showed her some moves.

They started sparring and decided not to use their powers since Illyana didn't know how to use her powers yet.

Kitty came at her, and Illyana instinctively blocked her punch. They both looked up in surprise before Kitty quickly continued with her attacks.

Illyana blocked another hit but was pushed back. She was in pain but she wasn't going to let it show.

She shook it off before taking an offensive stance. "Stop thinking, start acting. Right," she muttered.

"I'm gonna regret this in the morning.." She winced as she pulled up her arms.

Illyana managed to block most of them and even landed her own hits on Kitty.

Illyana went for a right uppercut leaving her front and left side completely vulnerable. Kitty capitalized on her opening and reacted instinctively.

Kitty raised her foot and kicked her on the torso, making Illyana fly back and falling on her ass.

"Oh, my god!" Kitty exclaimed before running over to help pull Illyana up.

Illyana was lying on her back breathing heavily and grabbed the offered hand. She then pulled Kitty down on the ground next to her.

"Ow," Kitty said lying on her back next to Illyana, both of them panting heavily.

Kitty then sat up looked at her. "You're good but you can definitely improve. We'll do this twice a week from now on." Illyana's only response was a half choke-half pant as she tried to remember how to breathe.

They suddenly heard someone clearing their throat. They both looked up, only to see Piotr, Jean and Doug.

Piotr had a stern look on his face, which conveyed how dissatisfied he was with what he was seeing.

Doug had an amused smirk on his face, while Jean just looked confused.

" Brother! You woke up!" Illyana suddenly shouted.

She quickly got up, her previous exhaustion forgotten, and rushed at him. She gave him a big hug which caused his expression to soften. He started hugging her back and patted her back.

" I was so worried," She said.

" It's alright little snowflake, I am right here." He said in a gentle tone.

The sight made Kitty smile. Watching Illyana interact with Piotr, warmed her heart.

" Hate to interrupt, but anybody want to explain, what were you guys doing?" Doug said.


But Kitty's words were cut off by the blue haze of a teleportation spell.

Doug immediately reacted and pulled everyone into the mirror dimension. He didn't know what was happening, but it should have been impossible for anyone to enter the base.

The area around the training ground, immediately became chaotic. To say it was Pandemonium would have been close to the literal truth.

Hoardes of demons came pouring in through the portal.

The screams, roars and explosions were audible even before they finished materializing.

Doug stood firm, legs spread and braced, as he poured a current of pulsing red magic against an opposing stream of sickly green energy being directed at him by a trio of figures that came through the portal:

The demons N'Astirh, S'ym... and Belasco.

While Doug was occupied by the powerful trio. A few other demons were heading towards Illyana.

Piotr and Jean were held back by dozens of demons and imps, they we were making their way towards Illyana, but weren't making much progress.

"Fuck!" Kitty swore, immediately running toward Illyana as fast as she could.

Phasing out of the way of demons swooping in after her, the occasional energy blast deflecting in her direction, Kitty stormed across the training ground toward Illyana.

" Illyana!" she screamed as she ran, trying to be heard over the loud hissing and popping of clashing magic.

She watched as Illyana was being taken to a portal.Without hesitation Kitty ran up behind the two demons trying taking Illyana away and pulled them into the ground below, burying them.

Despite the ringing in her ears and pounding in her throat, Illyana, felt the small but firm arms supporting her, trying to hold her up.

She swallowed the burning in her stomach that had been threatening to spew up.

"They're not... real..." Illyana hissed out, mouth tight with exertion. "Nightmare..."

"This is one of your nightmares?" Kitty asked, confused.

Illyana shook her head. "No," she said before adding, " Yes... but..." She ignored the sweat dripping off her forehead, running cold down her back. "The entity... the Nightmare..."

The streams of green-yellow magic surged, as the figures of S'ym, N'Astirh and Belasco all began to push their way forward, toward Kitty and Illyana.

They were bombarding Doug with magic from all sides. His symbiote had long materliazed giving him a much needed boost, but he was still getting overwhelmed.

"You can do this, Doug," Kitty said.

"I... I believe in you."

" Argghh!!" With a shout, Doug entered his [Lightning Chi Mode] giving him another boost to his powers. The other minor demons and imps that surrounded him started to burn up, and turned to ash.

Kitty watched as the stream of Doug's magic glowed so brightly that it was hurting her eyes, but still the trio of demonic figures advanced.

Doug's head was bent down with the force of his efforts, but as Kitty watched, the figures of S'ym and N'Astirh stopped and flickered briefly.

But the figure of Belasco did not.

Instead it continued to inch forward, step after step..

"Come to me child." He said as he drew closer.

The other two had fallen to their knees under Doug's mystic assault, shimmering as they began to fade.

Belasco suddenly stopped the mystic assault, teleporting to Illyana's side.

His left arm swooped forward towards Illyana. He was so close, Kitty could smell the sulfur and char coming from him.

Immediately Kitty phased her arm through Illyana, catching Belasco's arm at the wrist just inches away from Illyana's chest, using every bit of her strength and desperation to keep the demon lord's hand at bay.

Illyana looked up as she felt Kitty pass through her—directly into the burning red eyes of Belasco, his too-familiar sulfurous stench gagging her. As she realized that Belasco was real, that he was right here nexttoherohgodohgod—


Doug's shout shocked Illyana back to reality.

S'ym and N'Astirh were gone, as was the pyrotechnic clash of magical energy.

But Belasco was still right in front of her, clawed fingers pointed at her chest, with only Kitty's thin arm somehow holding the muscular demon at bay.

"Kitty, you have to get back!" Illyana shouted.

Kitty ignored Illyana's cry. She could win, and she would win.

"Listen to her, foolish girl," rumbled the powerful demon, his fangs exposed in a snarling grin.

"She belongs to me."

Doug was tearing through the demons, and was moments away from getting to Illyana and Kitty.

Jean seeing how dire things were released her cosmic fire and burned all the demons surrounding her and Piotr.

She was channeling a larger portion of the Phoenix's powers. Large enough to momentarily overwhelm the literal hordes of demons surrounding them.

Belasco gave them all a smirk and said.

" You're all too late."

Belasco jerked his arm, closing his hand around Kitty's arm and his other arm on Illyana's shoulder.

A bright light flooded over all three of them, trapping them in a swirl of multicolored mystic haze. They were starting to dissappear.

"NO!" Doug, Piotr and Jean all shouted.

Doug hastily fired spell at their disappearing figures, but it was too late.





They were gone.

(Chapter End)


"You shot me in the leg! How will I walk...oh, just like your daughter. Good one, Commissioner! (laughing)"



I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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