Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 61 - Berserker

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)



We were making our way through limbo. I was surprised by those who volunteered. I had told Jean to explain to them how dangerous this was, we were essentially going in blind into enemy territory.

Ororo decided to come and help, since Kitty was like a little sister to her.

Wolverine wasn't that hard to convince actually.

Although his relationship with Kitty wasn't that strong, he did still care about her well being.

Getting the opportunity to tear some demons to shreds was just the cherry on top. He almost seemed a bit too eager to go, if I were to be honest.

Rogue volunteered too. I hadn't seen Rogue for a while now.

I had made good on my promise and helped her with her powers a couple of years ago.

I was able to come up with a theory on how her powers worked and how she activated them.

Like most mutants her powers were controlled by her emotions.

After many tests both scientific and magical

We found out that she was absorbing life-force throught skin contact. Normal humans didn't have much to begin which caused her touch to be especially fatal to them.

Meta-humans proved to be a bit stronger than humans because Metas have mutated genetics, so her power does less lethal effects for most metas than humans.

Her first boyfriend, Cody Robbins, was in coma state for 3 weeks with just a brief touch. If she had touched Cody a bit longer, he had been already dead.

It proved that if she touched her victim too long, she will kill her victim due to loss of life energy.

I could safely touch her because, I could produce more life-force than she could drain.

In layman's terms I was putting out more juice, than she could absorb.

I made her an inhibitor to help her manage her powers. I also warned her that it was merely a stop-gap and she'd have to learn how to control her powers on her own.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden shout.

"Zis is so Cool!"


Oh yeah Kurt is also here. For the life of me I couldn't figure out, why he came. I think he was just excited by the idea of going somewhere new.

" This isn't a school trip Kurt. We're on a dangerous mission to rescue our friends from an evil demon lord. I wouldn't describe this as 'Cool' " Rogue reprimanded.

" Zis is just like za stories I used to read vhen I vas little. Going on a rescue mission to save za pincess from za evil villain's lair. " He said.

" Yeah, but instead of a lair. It's a hell dimension and the villain this time happens to be a demon lord. " Jean said.

" I still don't understand how he was able, to take Kitty and Illyana away this easily. I saw you take on Magneto and Azazel and come out on top. With you, Jean and Colossus there shouldn't it have been impossible? " Orroro asked.

" This time our opponent isn't to be underestimated. He has several powerful demons on his side. Not to mention complete authority over this dimension. He doesn't know we're here for now, since I managed to cloak our prescence from his eyes. But he can still find us, don't forget every demon in limbo answers to him. Things aren't so simple." I said.

" I don't know Bub, it sounds simple enough to me. We kill everything that comes our away and if that doesn't work. We keep trying until it dies. " Wolverine said.

"I would normally disagree with you comrade, but this time I find your ideas appealing. " Colossus said.

"I know what I am talking about. Took me a long time to learn this: There's nothing wrong with going out and doing what you gotta do. Especially when family is involved." Wolverine said.

" Da, these villains cannot be allowed to escape." Colossus said.

While Wolverine and Colossus were bonding, Jean and I were busy scanning our surroundings. Jean used her telepathy, while I used my magical senses trying to detect any enemies.

I could feel that the ether here is much thicker than that of earth, allowing for a greater spectrum of magical powers and effects.

Kurt was our scout, his teleportation was especially useful in this terrain.

To those within Limbo, it appeared roughly analogous to a dessert, with a solid surface at one earth gravity and a sky devoid of stars.

It all just looked like a wasteland.

We eventually came upon a small wandering Imp. I quickly captured it and decided to read its mind to get some intel.

I found out that the demons in limbo spoke in a language called the Demonic Script.

Unfortunately, the demon could only speak a few words and when asked about Belasco's whereabouts it's mind only gave faint impressions.

I was only able to confirm, that we were heading in the right direction.

After six hours of walking. We managed to find an abandoned cave. We couldn't walk around forever, and some of the team members needed some rest.

"It's getting dark. Let's set up camp here, and continue tomorrow." I said.

They all quickly agreed and we found ourselves setting up some tents inside the cave.

We woke up the next morning and decided to continue on ahead.

" Becareful, that imp had this area marked as a danger zone in its mind. I am also sensing a lot of spacial turbulence from this area. Keep your eyes peeled." I warned.

Eventually, we reached the danger zone. I could feel spacial rifts all around us.

Anything could be waiting to attack. We were all on constant guard.

"Look out!" I shouted, darting forward. I reached Rogue's side just as the demon unleashed its blast.

As if on cue, chaos erupted all around us .

Numerous demons appeared out of the spatial rifts. It seemed the demons were using the rifts, as hideouts, waiting for prey to come strolling through.

I began slashing left and right with my vibranium sword; I had given each member a sword imbued with light force energy.

I also imbued Wolverine's claws and Colossus's metal form.

Deep wounds and slashes healed almost as quickly as they were inflicted, but severed limbs and heads were another matter. Soon bodies were falling all around us, and stayed unmoving where they lay.

I risked a glance from the corner of my eye, and saw the rest of my team battling beside me.

Night Crawler dodged and ducked teleporting around the attacks with ease, slashing into demons with his vibranium sword.

Jean threw out her arm, and an invisible wave crashed into an entire line of attackers. Flaming crimson fire formed from thin air, burning those demons alive.

She unleashed the full force of her Phoenix fire on a flight of flying imps, incinerating them. And still, there were more.

Colossus was pounding his way through the monsters methodically. Logan's words from before remained in his head.

He slammed two imps together so hard they fused into a single–dead–creature.

Countless bodies lie strewn about him, and several times he found himself nearly slipping on the ichor that seemed to coat everything.

He grabbed the arm of a black colored fiend and used it as a flail to clear some room around him, dashing the thing to pieces in the process.

He flung the last remaining limb at a fourteen-foot tall demon that had just emerged from the portal, hitting it in the face and sending it toppling over.

Wolverine lived for moments like this, as much as he hated to admit it.

His claws left green, purple and black streaks of blood arcing through the surrounding air, as he sunk further into a feral state.

His own blood flowed from numerous cuts, bites, and scratches- nothing too bad, nothing his healing talent couldn't cope with.

He sliced one of the dog things in half, even as he kicked a goat-legs in the midsection, setting up its decapitation with his next strike,

He felt a slight atmospheric overpressure, and dropped to the ground, sweeping the legs from out under an imp as he did so.

A split second later, one of Storm's lightning bolts came streaming by less than a foot over his prone body, disintegrating most of his current batch of playmates.

"Hey Storm! How about a head's up next time?" He shouted.

"Sorry, Logan. Didn't see you among the creepy crawlies." Storm responded.

Jean cut in. "It isn't her fault, Logan. I've been trying to patch into you for the last minute. You are nearly impossible to reach in your Berzerker state."

Hours passed, or perhaps only minutes; it was all the same through the battle-haze. But little by little, the lines of attackers began to thin out. And then eventually there was only silence.

Rogue stood with her sword clutched in her hands, panting heavily as she surveyed the horizon littered with bodies, looking for more attackers.

Blood trickled from a set of claw-marks on her cheek; each breathe ached from a punch that had broken through her guard, bruising her ribs. But somehow, miraculously, she had managed to escape without serious injury.

We were all exhausted from our fight and were panting heavily. Colossus between breaths suddenly said.

"Ah, things were so much simpler back in the collective..."

(Chapter End)


"After all, the first thing a sorcerer of quality learns is to make himself as difficult to kill as possible!"

-Loki Laufeyson (Earth-616)


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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