Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 62 - Infiltration

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)


We decided to rest for a bit, after our battle. It was still unsafe to let our guards down, so jean created a large ring of Phoenix fire around us.

The cleansing flames should keep any stragglers away or those still looking for an easy meal.

" We can't keep going like this. I doubt we will have enough energy to fight by the time we get to where Kitty and Illyana are." Storm said.

" She's right we can't keep this up, we'll be easy pickings by the time we find them," Wolverine said.

" I may have a way. I can try and perform a locater spell om Kitty, but..." I said.

" But what ?" Rogue said.

" He'll know we're here. And there is no telling what he'd do once he knows." I said.

"Bub, the way I see, It's only a matter of time before he does. We can handle whatever he throws at us." Wolverine said.

I looked around and found that the rest of the team was in agreement. They all had determined looks on their faces, ready to do whatever it takes.

" Fine. Just give me a moment." I said.

I started conjuring magical formulas to perform my locater spell. The air was so thick with Ether, that If it weren't how familiar I was with Kitty's magic, it would've been almost impossible.

It was faint, but I finally found her.

" They're located 600 Kilometers to the east."

"We're going to have to get there fast. I had to break through a few protective spells to get a lock on their location." I said.

I turned towards jean and communicated to her telepathically "Jean, you carry Colossus and Wolverine. I'll carry Rogue and Kurt. We'll fly the rest of the way there."

I then looked towards Storm" Can you create a sphere around us to reduce air resistance?"

" Yes, I can. But not for long, a couple of hours at best." She said.

" That'll be enough," I said.

Storm then used her powers, to create an air sphere big enough to surround us all.

I telekinetically picked up Rogue and Kurt, while Jean did the same with Colossus and Wolverine. Storm could already fly, so she started floating on her own.

" Woah! Woah!  What's happening ?"Kurt said.

" We're taking the limbo express. Hang on." I said.

Wolverine growled in response, he probably figured out, what we were trying to do, but simply didn't like it. I think I even faintly heard him muttering something about him hating flying.

Kurt panickedly shouted, " Hang on to what ?!!"

We then blasted off to the sky flying hundreds of miles per hour towards the castle.

All that could be heard was Kurt screaming in German and the occasional growling coming from Wolverine.

( Back at the Castle)

" Insolent insects! Did you think that you could hide from me! I'll strip your souls from your bodies." Belasco shouted before he teleported in the sky towards where he felt their energy signatures.

He could see them heading towards where his castle was. A vicious smile emerged on his face as he thought of an idea.

He then opened dozens of teleportation discs in the sky right towards where they were heading. He planned on shredding them to pieces by prematurely closing the teleportation discs once they were halfway through them.

" Look out! " Doug suddenly shouted.

Reacting quickly Jean diverted their flight path out of the oncoming portals. She was almost successful as they managed to dodge the teleportation discs.

What they didn't account for was a magical ray blasting them out of the sky.

Jean and Doug momentarily lost their concentration causing their friends to get blown away, separated by the force of the blast. Belasco fired a few more rays at them, while they were still in mid-air.

Jean in a last-ditch effort trying to save her friends diverted them out of the way of the magical rays.

Unfortunately, though each of them got thrown away towards one of the still open portals. Wolverine and Colossus got thrown through the same portal, while Ororo and Rogue got thrown through another.

Kurt tried teleporting away but was met with another ray from Belasco, having no other choice he blocked it using his sword, only to be blasted towards one of the other portals.

Belasco tried to close the portal, trying to cut Kurt in half, but before he could he was met with a crimson fireball to the face and an electric bolt.

Jean and Doug engaged Belasco in an aerial battle, they were secretly worried about their friends and wanted to go look for them. But for now, they had a tricky opponent to fight.

Belasco then laughed ominously and said. "You made a mistake, by coming here. I am the Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension. You should've just stayed on Earth and waited for your deaths. The Darkchylde is mine and using her, I shall usher in a new era! An era where the Elder Gods walk among us!"

As Jean and Doug were busy listening to Belasco reveal his plan. The rest of the X-Men were stranded elsewhere.

They were especially worried about NightCrawler Since they saw him fall through a portal all by himself. There was no one with him to watch his back. So he was in the most danger, there's no telling what could happen to him.



Now, S'ym was used to people screaming; being a heavily muscled eight-foot-tall purple demon usually gets you screams, but this guy's screams seemed to be warning him of something.

"Aahh!" he screamed in S'ym's face.

"Aahh?" S'ym asked cautiously.

"Aahh," the guy agreed, pointing his sword back the way he came.

A huge malformed demon head burst through the foliage and roared loud enough to make the ground tremble. Behind him hordes of smaller, but still large demons were following him.

"Aahh!" S'ym and the new guy screamed in agreement, before running away.

They'd gained a little time on the horde, but the shaking ground let them know that it wasn't nearly enough.

It quickly became apparent to S'ym that there was no way they were going to outrun the horde for long. They were going to have to make a stand, and as he realized that time was now.

"Dammit!" the boy yelled. "I vas hoping zey'd get tired or distracted. I've been teleporting avay for hours and zat big one keeps finding me."

S'ym laughed. "It's because of your smell. You smell like brimstone, which happens to be his favorite meal. I don't suppose you know how to use that thing?" he said, pointing at the sword Kurt held.

"Sure, but I can't get through his skin, much less hit anyzing vital." Kurt answered.

' Za enchantment zat Cypher put on za sword run out a while ago, If it weren't for zat I wouldn't be in this kind of situation.' Kurt thought.

"Then let me have first crack at it with the sword," S'ym suggested.

Kurt shrugged and handed him the sword. Normally he wouldn't trust a demon he'd just met or any demon really, but being chased by a giant demonic beast for hours had a way of bringing people together. Ever since he got separated from his group, he's been running away from demons.

S'ym shifted his cigar to the left side of his mouth and held the sword in his right hand by the tip, as if it were just a large dagger and waited.

As the massive reptile-like demon roared onto the scene, S'ym's arm snapped forward, launching the sword like an amazingly bright dart, right into its chest.

The massive demon keeled over with a thud that shook Kurt from his feet and only S'ym's tail allowed him to stay upright.

"Wow." Kurt stared at S'ym majorly impressed until he noticed S'ym looked even more stunned than he was.

"Fuck me! I can't believe that worked!" S'ym mumbled.

"You didn't zink it would work?" Kurt asked weakly.

"Nah, I like playing darts and I figured we were probably dead anyway, so why not try and put its eye out."

"You nailed it in the heart," Kurt pointed out.

"Yeah, I suck at darts," S'ym said.

"Vhen ve tell zis story, let's claim it was za plan all along," Kurt suggested.

"Yeah, sounds a lot more impressive that way," S'ym agreed.

"Kurt Vagner, but you can call me NightCrawler," Kurt offered, while holding his hand out.

"S'ym," S'ym replied with a grin.

"So, vhat do we do now?" Kurt asked.

S'ym looked at him. " Now you're going to tell me what a young demon-like yourself is doing here. It isn't a smart idea to be running around the boss's castle. If he saw you he'd probably kill you."

"Vhat?" He said.

S'ym scratched his head confusedly and said " What are you doing here, anyway? It's true we don't get many Neyaphem here, but I can tell by the blue skin and tail. You guys smell like your home dimension, so it's not hard to tell where you're from. Are you lost or something?"

"Sorry, but I have no idea vhat you're talking about or where I am. Besides, I am not a demon. I'm a mutant." Kurt said.

"Yep. OK, now the dimension you're in is called Limbo, but there are a bunch that are called that. Normally they're formed by some evil wizard using massive magics. The evil wizard controls his Limbo dimension by force of will and usually grabs a bunch of people to mutate into servants or for fun. Evil wizards tend to be dicks like that. Anyway, Belasco is the evil wizard who rules this Limbo and I happen to run this section for him."

S'ym looked at Kurt and waited until he nodded, showing he understood before continuing.

"Come on, let's head to the castle. If you listen to my orders, I can make you my minion. You know not everybody is lucky as you, most... "

Kurt was dazed for a moment before he said.

" Vat za hell is going on ?"

( Chapter End)


" I haven't beaten a man with his own leg since Carter was in office...but I still remember how." - Mystique


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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