Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 63 - Desperate Times

I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


Enjoy ;)

P. S ( Please Stone me to death)


(3rd Person POV)

Cypher grit his teeth as he kept blasting that crazy bastard with fire and Lightning. Belasco just kept laughing maniacally, whilst matching his every shot.

He decided to engage him in close quarters combat since long-range combat didn't seem to work. If it were to turn into a battle of attrition, he'd definitely lose.

Unlike Belasco, he didn't have a whole dimension to draw on for his magic.

He took out his Vibranium sword and channelled as much light force energy into it as he could.

The sword started glowing and Belasco could faintly feel some danger from the sword.

' Stay back, If you get a chance to create an opening do it.' Cypher communicated to Jean telepathically.

Cypher charged in, his blade now a blur as it swept up toward Belasco. It sliced empty air, barely missing the edge of his cloak as he sidestepped.

Cypher shifted his weight, and his sword responded, flashing left after Belasco. He had him on the defensive.

Belasco conjured his own sword and blocked blow after blow, sometimes getting up his sword at just the last instant.

Cypher's barrage of blows drove Belasco back, step by step until he had him cornered.

Belasco snorted in derision and said. "This isn't a fight between swordsmen it's a fight between sorcerers."

Belasco suddenly struck out with his tail towards his neck. Cypher successfully blocked the sneak attack. At that moment Belasco unsummoned his sword and blasted Cypher point-blank in the chest.

The blast took out a chunk of Cypher's side. His right arm and side were completely gone.

' Doug !!!' Jean screamed telepathically.

Jean was watching the battle between Doug and Belasco, she could see Doug was winning and had Belasco on the ropes.

It all happened in an instant, things were going well and Doug suddenly had his right side blown off.

Jean exploded into anger and a Phoenix cry that caused all of limbo to tremble sounded out.

Doug was in immense pain but used this moment to strike out with his sword trying to decapitate Belasco.

" Araagh !!!"

Belasco barely managed to dodge, but he didn't come out unscathed. His right eye and ear were sliced off. A horizontal gash could be seen on the side of his face.

"You brought the Phoenix's avatar?!" Belasco bellowed out while holding his hand over his wound.

He looked more concerned about jean's identity more so than he was about his own injury.

" What's it to you, you one-armed bastard? Are you afraid?" Cypher mocked.

Cypher's right side was glowing red, and his arm was starting to regenerate. It didn't stop the pain he was in though.

Belasco grimaced as he noticed Cypher had a regeneration factor too. His own face was regenerating too, albeit at a slower pace.

The expression on his face might have been a scowl if he had been a little less ugly. But with the way he was injured, he looked more like a frowning Cyclops.

"Get away from him!" Jean shouted.

She was surrounded by her phoenix fire and her burning manifestation of her psychic power could be felt through the very air.

This cosmic' fire under her control could exist in any conditions- even the impossible ones such as in the vacuum of space.

This fire didn't require oxygen to burn and burned so intensely that the surrounding matter was consumed without by-products such as ash.

Belasco instinctively knew, if that fire even touched him he would die. Not even the immortality granted to him by the Elder Gods could even save him. His very soul would burn away. There's no coming back from that.

Deciding it was better to retreat, for now, Belasco opened a portal and escaped back to his castle. It looked like he was going to have to accelerate his plans.

(POV End)

"Doug are you okay! Your arm..."

"Don't worry just give it a minute and it'll grow back. I spent a lot of energy fighting him, so it's going to take a while. Let's go rest for a bit." I said.

We quickly found a cave to rest in, while my arm grew back. We also needed some time to plan out our next moves.

" So, what're we going to do now? Should we keep going to the castle or go look for the team first? "Jean asked.

" I don't think we have time for that. I saw that look in his eyes before he escaped. He was afraid of your cosmic fire. I think that's our only chance of killing him. The Elder Gods endowed him with immortality and invulnerability. It's almost impossible to kill him in this dimension. "

I said.

" But I saw you injure him before he escaped," Jean said.

" I was betting on light force energy being able to hurt him since he's a demon and all. But, it's not enough to kill him. He was wary of my sword, but he didn't seem to fear it." I said.

"So why do you think, I'd be able to kill him?" She asked.

"The Phoenix Force represents the forces of destruction and rebirth. You've been unconsciously holding back. The flames can be only as strong as you want them to be. It was once said that its cosmic flames can be used to incinerate planets with them or bathe a planet in their cosmic radiance and give it new life. "I said.

'' Won't I have to channel more of its power? If I were to lose control..." She said.

I gently held her hand to comfort her. I knew she still feared her own power. A part of her was rejecting the Phoenix.

It was part of the reason, why she was unconsciously holding back all the time.

" I once told you I'll always be there when you need me the most. Just do your best and I'll be there to support you. You're stronger than you can ever imagine Jean. If you can't believe in yourself, then believe in the me, that believes in you." I said.

Jean couldn't help but take comfort in Doug's warm presence. The care and concern in his eyes were genuine, without pity or fear. As she gazed into them he pulled her into a light embrace.

She felt him shift her body, so she was now lying on top of him, he was still tracing her soft hands with his own.

Their faces were so close together she could feel the heat coming from him. His Extremis healing factor was working overtime to heal him.

His lips meeting hers was just what she needed after this whole ordeal.

The kiss soon deepened as their touching became more passionate. Jean lovingly raked her soft hands over his upper body, gliding through his thick hair and feeling around his warm flesh.

Doug continued feeling up the curves of her body, tracing along her smooth skin and paying extra attention to her hips.

Through these gestures, their kissing and touching became more desperate. It wasn't long before their affectionate gestures eventually gave way to a more potent expression of love...


The air was freezing cold while the sky was black. There were no stars, no moon… Just the never-ending darkness above him.

He could hear the shouts and screams of some that hadn't been fast enough.

Gunshots echoed through the streets like cars during rush hour, the smell of fire, blood and corpses seemed to be everywhere.

Still, he couldn't care less, he didn't care at all. He merely jumped from one person to another. Their screams while he tore them apart, with his claws only fueled his bloodlust even more.

When Logan woke up, he was in a cell. It was bright and clean. And had what looked like force shield walls for bars.

The last thing he remembered was falling along with Colossus through some kind of portal. It was probably that demon bastard that blasted them right out of the sky.

Logan was confused. He figured he'd find himself out in the middle of nowhere, probably in that endless wasteland called limbo.

This situation was certainly out of his expectations.

Instead of a dingy old cell that was dirty and had a dirt floor, it was advanced. The glow of the force shield wall left an eerie glow in the nighttime darkness of the dungeon.

Logan knows how to escape the cells with bars. Or just a door in a room. He'd just tear it apart using his claws.

Looking around, he spots many cells like his own through the invisible cell walls. He could also see prison guards standing outside his cell.

"Hey! Who the hell are you people? And where the hell am I?" He shouted.

The guards ignored him and acted as if they couldn't hear him.

"Fine, you don't wanna play nice." He said with a growl.

He extended his claws and began attacking the force-field. He kept hacking at the force-field.

He was suddenly interrupted by a voice that said: "Your claws are sharp, but sharpness doesn't really matter because you can't cut through a force field."

Logan turned towards the voice and said in his deep gravely voice "Who are you, people?"

"I think I should be the one asking that question, Mortal." The voice answered.

(Chapter End)


"If you cage the beast, the beast will get angry."

– Wolverine


I already have 10+ advanced chapters ready for those who wish to read ahead on my


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