Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 64 - Corruption

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( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or give me death! Wait.. that's not right I mean give me freedom or give me death! And some stones.)

Enjoy ;)


( In an Unknown Location)

"Ororo, Ah'm getting tired, think we could make camp?"

Ororo turned and studied Rogue for a minute.

Her face was grubby, her brown hair was a matted mess, the white bangs stained with muck.

She looked awful. Rogue was slightly injured from Bellasco's sneak attack. It could have been considerably worse, if Orroro hadn't cushioned their fall using her powers.

After they were shot out off the sky. Orroro and Rogue found themselves in what could only be described as a tropical paradise, except for the obvious gigantic tracks of either birds or lizards of some kind.

They quickly figured they weren't in Limbo anymore. It was highly unlikely that this place could exist in that wasteland.

Orroro could feel a strong connection to the earth. She couldn't explain it, but it felt like they were back on earth.

Normally she wouldn't be able to tell the difference, but her trip to limbo made her aware of her connection to earth.

Compared to back there, the difference was day and night.

A roar that shook the earth reverberated across the jungle. Both Orroro and Rogue turned to see the source of the roar.

Standing atop the hill was a giant figure, but it was by no means something so simple as a monster or even a demon.

It was massive, at least tens of meters long , with gigantic razor-sharp teeth and leathery skin , similar to a crocodile's.

It was a Dinosaur!

" Are you sure, we're back on earth? Because last time I checked, we didn't have one of those running around." Rogue said.

" I am sure." Orroro answered tensly.

" Then how do you explain, why we're being chased by an overgrown lizard. " Rogue said.

" It's possible we've been transported back to the past. " Orroro said.

Their situation was truly awful. They didn't know it at the time, but back when they fell out of the portal. They happened to land on top of a nest.

The Tyrannosaurus that happened to be just coming back from hunting, found them and immediately attacked them.

Orroro tried zapping it with electricity, but it only seemed to make it angrier.

It's hide was too thick!

She could probably kill it, if she tried hard enough, but then they'd draw even more attention to their location. And possibly even more could show up.

" I think we're far enough, it can't find us anymore. Let's rest for a bit." Orroro said.

They found a vacant cave, and Orroro decided on making a makeshift fireplace from the small sticks and leaves that littered the cave's floor.

Eventually she had a small fire going, and she fed the dry leaves into the leaping flames.

Rogue decided to get some sleep, while Orroro stayed up to keep watch. It wasn't wise to let their guards down.

Unbeknownst to them several humanoid figures were hiding in the shadows. They were slowly closing in around the cave's entrance.

( Limbo)

We were finally here. We had just arrived at the castle. I casted a cloaking spell on both of us, to hide us while we searched through the castle.

We eventually found a large room. In this wide room was an alter. As we approached the altar the cloaking spell, I had casted to hide us, suddenly dissappeared.

I could feel my magic power weaken the moment I stepped into the alter.

We found Illyana in the middle of a magic formation floating above a silver pentagram, unconscious.

Belasco had his eyes closed and was standing in the middle of the formation chanting a spell.

Smoke was rising from her body and solidifying into demons.

I tried to reach Illyana, punching a demon to clear a path, but that demon also dissolved.

Other demons grabbed me and tried to restrain me.

I used every spell at my disposal to break through the swarm of demons, and I launched myself onto the magic formation.

We suddenly heard a shout of surprise from behind us. We turned around only to see Kurt running towards.

" Kurt!" Jean and I shouted in surprise.

"What're you doing here?" Jean questioned.

" That's not important right now, quick we have to get out of here!" Kurt said.

" Why what's going on?" I said.

" Belasco he...Woah!!!"

Before Kurt could answer he was grabbed from behind and dragged towards the ceiling by a large, grey furred cat. It was clearly not a cat, though.

Held on the ceiling, Kurt pivoted, kicking the cat creature.

They both dropped to the floor, Kurt landing on both feet while using a hand to brace herself and the cat creature landing on all fours.

The creature then launched itself at Kurt, and they both started fighting.

Jean then turned to Illyana, who was being held by the Belasco. Worse yet, her figure was turning demonic as Bellasco seemed to be corrupting her into his own image.

" Quick we have to stop him, before it's too late! " I shouted.

Jean lost her temper then, as one thought only went through her mind. 'What happened to me won't happen to anyone else ever again. I won' t let anyone else be turned into a puppet. ' She summoned her Phoenix fire and launched it at Belasco.

Belasco groaned in pain as he felt the backlash of his spell being disrupted.

He then gazed in horror as a furious Jean charged at him with her Phoenix fire.

Desperate, he summoned 2 figures using his magic, a giant purple demon, and another one that looked like a giant humanoid lizard.

" Stall them. I need time to summon the Darkchylde." Belasco roared in anger.

S'ym laughed. "You're that Strange magus, and that fire chick. Boss said you'd eventually show up here."

N'astirh " Silence you Oaf, this isn't the time for idle chatter. I'll hold up the Phoenix host, you handle the magus."

N'astirh didn't wait for S'ym to answer and immediately engaged Jean in combat. It was obvious he was only trying to stall her.

Every time Jean would send a psychic blast or try and burn him with her Phoenix fire.

He would counter her with either an energy bolt or some sort of magical barrier.

The barriers would immediately start burning up on contact with the fire, but he would immediately create another barrier to replace it.

It seems he had already formed some kind of strategy in advance.

On the other hand my opponent, wouldn't stop talking. He kept blabbering on and on about this and that.

Talking about his Master's plans and how smart he was when he lured Kurt and trapped him in the castle.

I didn't know why he was telling me all this, maybe it's a bad guy thing. Every time they feel like they've got the upper hand, they would just start bragging.

" What did you just say!" I shouted interrupting his speech.

He gave me a vicious smile" What? About master's new pet? She was acting up, so he decided to turn her into one of his creatures. That Nephlym is to become one to. "

I turn towards the battle ongoing behind me, I didn't notice it at first.

But that cat like demon that's fighting Night Crawler was wearing the same clothes, Kitty was wearing when she was taken!

My eyes turned bloodshot with rage. Lightning started arcing off of me in an erratic fashion.

I flashed over to where S'ym was hiding behind one of N'astrih's barriers.

Before he could react I broke through the barrier like it was made out of paper. He didn't seem to be afraid, on the contrary he seemed to be quite happy.

I guessed by his reaction, that for him a long distance battle would probably be too disadvantageous.

He was probably counting on his superior strength to take me down. Most sorcerers were weak in regards to their physical aspects.

S'ym possessed great superhuman strength. He was stronger than Colossus and physically he was almost invulnerable.

Sadly for him, I wasn't most sorcerers. Before he could react, I plunged my Chi infused fist right into his stomach.

He roared in pain and his hand instinctively went towards my head trying to tear it off.

I didn't retreat and instead poured as much power as I could into his open wound.

Scorching heat from my Extremis Virus and a fully charged Venom Blast were compacted and pumped right into his body.

He exploded into a gory mess of purple flesh. I didn't waste time, and immediately headed towards Kurt's battle.

Kitty managed to catch Kurt off guard and fazed his right foot into the ground.

Kurt was shouting in pain and was moments away from being skewered by Kitty's clawed fist.

I arrived just in time to block a fatal blow and used my other hand to overload her nervous system using a venom blast.

She passed out and collapsed to the ground.

I helped Kurt by digging his foot out of the ground and gave Kitty to him.

" Take her and teleport out of the castle. Things are about to get messy." I said.

" Zat is vat vhat I've been trying to tell you. Every time I try and teleport out I end up back here in za castle." He said.

" He vas laying a trap for you guyz he knew you'd come. I heard them taking about their plan and tried to warn you. " He continued.

" At least get her out of this room. " I said.

Kurt gave me a nod and ran out of the ritual room carrying Kitty. I joined Jean in battle and together we were able to quickly defeat N'astrih.

I could see Illyana's astral form. Belasco had pulled her soul out of her body. Her soul was visibly starting to turn demonic.

Visible features like horns and a tail were beginning to form. He was trying to taint Illyana's soul!

And it seems he had succeeded!

( Chapter End)


" If you're not Black Cat, then I'm done. But first -- The Olsen Twins: Good? Evil? Or part of the elaborate C.I.A. plot?" - Deadpool


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