Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 65 - Conclusion

" For 10+ advanced chapters of ( Ultimate Cypher)"

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( A/N :- Idk why people care about power stones, but I guess I should too? Anyways give me your stones! Or Cypher gets Ntr ) Tehee~ jk

( I'll start releasing chapters of my new fic on webnovel, in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned.)

Enjoy ;)


" Is it not gorgeous? Delightfully pure and unspoiled, even Kitty Pryde wasn't this innocent. This piece of Illyana's soul, completely made into my own image." Belasco said.

" You sick bastard..." I said grinding my teeth.

We were both itching to tear him into pieces. I didn't realize it at the time, but something seemed to be wrong with me and Jean.

" Can you feel it? Your soul slowly being corrupted, your sense of reason wasting away? How did it feel, when you killed S'ym and N'astrih? Do you want to kill me too." He taunted.

Jean summoned a fireball into her hand, she was staring daggers at Belasco.

" You said my fire can kill him. Go save Illyana and leave him to me. " Jean suddenly said.

" It's useless! She's bound to me body and soul, and through me, to my dread lords. She is the perfect instrument through which my masters the Elder Gods, will extend their dominion first to earth and then to our entire universe. " Belasco said.

" I will not allow it. " Jean shouted.

" Empty words woman, in this dimension you're no match for me. "

' Jean calm down! He' s trying to goad you into attacking him. He's expecting it, it's probably a trap. ' I communicated telepathically to Jean.

My warnings seeemed to fall onto deaf ears. Jean was ignoring me, and I could feel some slight pressure from her.

' This is not good, she's too emotional and the Phoenix is just making it worst. ' I thought.

I started channeling some light force energy, to help calm my mind. My head was starting to clear, and I could feel my reason slowly returning.

I began analyzing our current situation, it seemed Belasco had a plan. And it all depended on whether or not Jean took the bait.

I could see that Jean was moments away from attacking him, the only thing holding her back was my constant warnings.

I could feel her unconsciously shutting off our telepathic link, and losing herself to bloodlust.

' Tch, it seems I have no choice, better I spring the trap.' I thought.

I immediately casted a flare spell using light force energy.

Belasco screeched in pain, and involuntarily shielded his eyes.

I rushed in and snatched Illyana from right under his nose, he was still holding onto a part of Illyana's soul, so I cut of his hand.

It all happened in less than a second, and before any of them realized it. I was back standing next to Jean.

The light slowly died down, and Belasco could be seen bleeding from his stump.

I gave him a smirk " Can't cast a spell without any arms, can you? "

He was staring at me hatefully and if looks could kill, let's just say I'd be already dead.

His arm was slowly starting to regenerate, but he was still keeping his distance.

His plan failed spectacularly and I already had Illyana in my arms. It just goes to show, how useful pure speed can be, against sorcerers.

He was more wary of Jean than he was of me, which lead him to be careless.

He probably didn't expect my speed, since I purposely hid it in our previous fight.

My spidey sense made it impossible for anyone to catch me off guard I let him injure me back there, so he would underestimate me, the next time we clashed.

In his mind, my threat level was under Jean's, since I didn't have the means to permanently put him down.

I handed Illyana to Jean and telepathically communicated. ' Follow my lead, but don't kill him, we still have to find out, what he did to Illyana and If we can reverse it. '

Before she could answer, I flashed over to Belasco. His pupils dilated in fear, and I could see him trying to speak.

Everything was moving in slow motion except for me. My perception was boosted to 3 times it' s normal speed.

My perception ability was already hightened due to my spider physiology, add that to my [ Lightning Chi Mode] passive boost and you get one fast motherfucker. I called this state [ Bullet time.]


He didn't even get to finish, his sentence before I separated his head from his body

' Burn his body' I communicated to Jean.

Belasco's head started to scream in agony, Jean had a slightly uncomfortable look on her face, but she did as she was told.

It seems she sobered up from whatever trance, she was in.

" You filth!!! I'll kill you all! Aaahhh!!!"

His screams were starting to annoy me, so I used a venom blast to knock him out.

Jean suddenly sighed " Well, that was anticlimactic. "

" I was keeping it as a trump card, until we found Kitty and Illyana. I had to make sure, we could safely rescue them, before I made my move. Long drawn out battles, would have been too disadvantageous to us. And even with your fire, you're still not an expert on controlling it. I can think of probably a few ways, to counter them, not to mention Belasco. You saw how, N'astirh held you off, even though he was weaker than Belasco. " I said.

" Still you could have let me in, on the plan. " She said.

" Your mind was too influenced, by this environment. You weren't actively trying to resist it, and you being an empath isn't particularly helping it. " I said.

" I understand, but still, next time try and let me know what you got planned. " She said.

" Guyz, is it over? "

We heard Kurt's voice coming from the entrance, he was still holding onto Kitty's demonic form. Peeking his head through the door.

" Yeah Kurt, it's finally over. " I said.

After that whole rescue mission fiasco, I opened a portal back to the sanctum.

I had the Ancient One take a look over Kitty's and Illyana's conditions.

Although we spent a few days in Limbo, several hours have merely passed back on earth.

Logan, Piotr, Orroro and Rogue were still missing.

Although I was slightly anxious, I wasn't as concerned when it came to those 4.

Simply put I believed in their strength, Logan was a hard bastard to kill.

Piotr was as tough as they came, Orroro was a powerhouse given the right conditions and Rogue wasn't to be underestimated.

What concerned me the most whether or not, they landed on a far away planet .

Interstellar travel was still an issue, and several years of research were still needed, before we came up with something decent.

Of course if I were to obtain a space ship, things would definitely move along much faster.

I had already checked limbo and it's as I feared, they weren't on limbo anymore.

Portals in Limbo could lead to another planet, or even different times like the past, or even the future.

A parallel earth or even other dimensions, weren't too out of the question.

I sent Jean to the Mansion to explain things to them, it would probably be best if they were informed as fast as possible.

There was no use in hiding it, and it would probably help more, if we had several people looking.

I couldn't exactly scour the whole multiverse, past, present and future.

On my end I had Sophie and Diana use facial recognition software, to search for them. I also informed them, to include past records as well.

The Ancient One told me, that with the convergance Limbo was starting to stabilize a bit, so extremes cases of time dilation and time travel would be minimal, but still one had to be cautious.

Still, getting the professer, to look for them, using Cerebro wasn't a bad idea.

Although I heavily disliked the guy, their disappearance could be partly blamed on me, since I was the one that requested their assistance in the first place.

I was also starting to get a bit worried, especially over Kitty's condition.

Even after I knocked Kitty out, she didn't revert to her original human appearance, but remained in that demonic cat like state, Belasco had turned her into.

Illyana's condition was also a major concern. I sealed Belasco's head and kept him in my storage bag, incase he was still the truth about being connected to Illyana's soul.

I didn't particularly believe him, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

Although Illyana's outer appearance was still human. I could feel something deeply wrong with her, even more so than I did with Kitty.

It didn't make any sense, but it felt like whatever Belasco did to her, was even more twisted than what he did to Kitty.

" It's fortunate that Kitty was a sorcerer, and that you brought her to me so soon. If you were a day or two late, it would've been impossible to reverse it." The Ancient One said.

I sighed a bit in relief. " What exactly did he do to her?"

" He changed the shape of ber soul to that of a demon. " She said.

I frowned a bit in confusion and asked

" Only her soul? "

" Yes, the physical appearance you're seeing is merely a result of what he did. Instead of thinking of the soul as the water, that takes the shape of the container. In this case the soul being the water, and the body, being the container. Think of it more, along the lines of the soul, being the core and the body, is merely taking shape around it. " She explained.

" So, this can be reversed? " I asked.

" Yes, I want you to use your light force energy to slow down the demonic corruption, while I'll use the time stone to reverse her soul's time. She'll lose her memories of the last few days, but I think that's a small price." She said.

" A small price indeed, what about Illyana thought? " I asked.

The Ancient One frowned in thought and said,

" Illyana's case seems to be a bit more complicated. "

" How so? " I said.

" What Belasco did to her soul was part of a ritual, he was trying to create BloodStones using the purest parts of her soul. Every time she would lose her innocence or part of what made her soul pure, would turn it into another one of those Bloodstones, giving her great potential for power and allowing him to control her " She said.

" What use are those BloodStones for exactly?" I asked.

" He forged a pact with extra dimensional demonic entities known as the Mabdhara, enabling them to cross the barrier to our dimension using a pentagonal arrangement of five BloodStones. In return, Belasco was granted immortality and immense mystical power. He was also given a demonic appearance, as he was intended to form a new race of Earth-dwelling demons." She said.

" Should I kill him then, would that nullify the contract? " I asked.

" It's hard to say, since I don't know the specifics of his contract. " She said.

I sighed in frustration over this whole situation, Demons and contracts were always a pain in the ass to deal with.

I decided it was safer, to keep him on ice, at least until I figured out, what my safest option was.

" I'll return to Limbo and see what I can find, he probably has a library somewhere in that castle of his, maybe I can find something about the ritual, and how to reverse it in one of his grimoires." I said.

I bade the Ancient One farewell, and returned to the citadel (castle).

I cleared it out of the demons, still left behind, and set up several wards to keep anymore from getting in.

It took me a while, before I found his library and although most of them were written in the demonic scripture, I could easily read them.

I found a section called Soul magic, and figured I'd start there. Fortunately, as long as I stayed in limbo, time was on my side.

( Chapter End)


"My name is Logan, but most people know me as Wolverine. I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do best... Isn't very nice."

-- Wolverine (Earth-616)


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