Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 72 - An Unexpected Visitor

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The girls were happy to see me, and hugged the living crap out of me.

They were slightly upset I wasn't there when they woke up, but they understood my reasons.

" Did you find a way, to get Piotr back? " Illyana asked.

" Yeah Doug, it's been months, we're getting worried," Kitty said.

" Don't worry I found a way, to get them back, I just need a little bit of your blood." I said.

" Blood?"

" It's a blood summoning ritual, the stronger the blood ties, the better the chances of success. " I explained.

Illyana without hesitation grabbed one of the blades near the training area, and slowly drew the blade across her palm.

I took out a bowl I had prepared before hand, from my storage pouch, and collected a few drops.

I used the blood to draw the glyphs ᚾᛁᚷ᛫ ᚾᛟᛏ and started chanting.

This was a spell I came up with, after reading up on demonic summoning in Belasco's library.

I modified it using the rune "Summon" and the rune " Kin", while the blood was used as the medium.

I was chanting the spell in the demonic scripture, (the language the demons of limbo spoke in) and ended the spell, by injecting my magic into the runes.

The runes started burning up, and disappeared in a bright flash.

A 6 foot mass of muscles was standing right in front of us. He was clad in armor, and seemed to be on guard like he was expecting an attack.

He was holding a sword, and donned a red cape over his armor.

It only took a few seconds for the figure to scan his surroundings, he pointed his sword at me and said.

" Are you one of Zha-Har-Zath's men! Speak!"

" Uhm... Doug, I thought you said, you were going to summon Piotr, who is this guy, and what is he saying?" Kitty asked.

I frowned and said. " It should've worked, I've been working on this spell for months. "

I was confused by the current situation, and was busy thinking about where I could've made a mistake.

" If you won't answer , then just go ahead and die." He said.

Enraged by our lack of response, the man grew impatient and decided to attack.

I summoned the bands of Cyttrok to restraint him, but surprisingly he easily broke through them. He continued charging at me, set on cutting me down.

I summoned a venom blast in my hand and uttered a single word

" ????????????????????????????????"

The electricity condensed over the top of my index finger, till it was no larger than a coin.

I cocked my hand like it was a pistol, and was about to fire.

The man scoffed, and prepared his sword to block my attack.

' He would soon realize, this was a mistake, I channeled over 2 million volts of electricity, into this attack. Unless he dodges it, he's going to have an extra hole in him.'

I aimed at his heart, and fired.

" Wait!! Stop!!"

As expected the man could barely react to the bullet, and tried blocking it with his sword.

In the end, it didn't matter. The attack went right through him, and he hit the ground hard.

Illyana dashed towards his prone figure, and seemed to be in a panic.

She was in disbelief, it took her a second, but she finally realized, who this man was.

Why he seemed so famaliar.

The cosmonaut Mikhail Nikolaievitch Rasputin.

Her brother, the one who went to space and never came back.




A few hours later, Illyana's long lost brother Mikhail was lying in a bed sleeping.

The shout was a bit late and I only managed to divert the venom bullet a few centimeters to the right. If it weren't for that, his heart would've been pierced.

I managed to stop the bleeding, after using a bit of my Chi to close the wound, but it's probably going to take a few days for him to wake up.


" Well that was a bust, who would have thought I would end up summoning the wrong brother." I said.

" It's indeed a strange situation, but you can always try again." The Ancient One said.

After the commotion with the summoning, the Ancient One came to see, what was the cause of the disturbance.

I explained to her, what I was trying to do, and the result of my attempt.

We talked for a bit, and she ended up explaining to me, the reason of my failure to summon Piotr.

" Your spell wasn't specific enough, the parameters were Kin and summon. Based on what you have told me, the spell should've been able to summon both of them. The fact it was successful in only summoning one, it probably means something interfered with the summoning. " She said.

" Do you think someone is preventing it on purpose? " I asked.

" Perhaps indirectly, a strong enough magical barrier, or certain wards can interfere with summoning. Try doing the spell again, but this time set the parameters to Kin and locate." She said.

I had a little bit of blood left, so I decided to give her suggestion a try.

The spell showed me the location of the living members belonging to the Rasputin bloodline.

It showed Illyana and Mikhail in the Sanctum, their grandparents in New York and finally Piotr's location.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise and said.

" Interesting, well I guess I have nothing to worry about, they should be arriving soon enough."


Inside the Quinjet, Steve Rogers was sitting down with a tablet, watching the footage of the Hulk's attack on the Army at Culver University.

He also saw some footage of the self proclaimed Superhero Meta-human team in Harlem.

"We're about forty minutes out from base, sir." The Pilot said.

Agent Coulson suddenly stood up from his seat and walked over to Steve.

"So, this Doctor Banner was trying to replicate the serum that was used on me?" Steve asked.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula." Coulson said.

"Didn't really go his way, did it?" Steve said.

" No, I guess it didn't." Coulson said.

" Well, what about this new super team, they seem to be doing some good work from what I've seen. " Steve said.

" You could call it that, but then again they're unsupervised, and these kinds of things tend to get out of hand. Especially when it comes to Mutants. " Coulson said.

" I heard about them during the war, I don't really know much about them, but there were some whispers of using them in the war. " Steve said.

" There was a few incidents over the years, the biggest problem was their instability in combat, a few attempts have been made over the years, but what we do need now is someone like you." Coulson said.

" Well, I hope I'm the man for the job" Steve said.

" Uh... we've made some modifications to the uniform. I had a little design input." Coulson suddenly said.

"The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little... old fashioned?" Steve said.

"With everything that's happening, the things that are about to come to light, people might just need a little old fashioned." Coulson said.

Steve nods but doesn't say anything. Soon they reach the Helicarrier. It has two runways. One with direct access to a hangar at the rear is aligned along the spine of the vessel.

Agent Coulson and Steve walk down the ramp, meeting up with Natasha Romanoff, and a little bit later Steve ends up meeting Dr. Banner.

It wasn't long before they got a call, of a disturbance in Germany.

Apparently there was a man holding a glowing scepter standing in front of the Stuttgart Museum, holding people hostage.

Captain America suited up. And as soon as they arrived over the museum, opened up the ramp and jumped down without a parachute.

As Loki was about to execute a man with his scepter it glowed blue, and an energy beam shot out.

Captain America arrives, diving in just in time to block the blast with his shield, and knocking down Loki.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Cap said.

Loki stood up and said. "The soldier. A man out of time."

While Loki and Steve were having a conversation . Natasha, who was piloting the plane aims the guns of the Quinjet on Loki.

She turns the loudspeakers on and says, "Loki. Drop down the weapon and stand down."

Loki, of course does not listen, and sends a blue blast of plasma at her from the Sceptre.

Natasha maneuvers it just in time, giving Cap the time to throw his shield at loki. They both began to duke it out.

Loki flings Cap to the ground, and then Cap throws his shield, but loki swats it away.

As Cap is knocked down by loki, Loki stands over him, pointing the scepter's tip on his helmet.

Loki orders, "Kneel!"

Cap gets a determined face and gritts out,

"Not today!" he flips and knocks Loki back with a kick. Loki grabs Cap and throws him away.

Natasha tries aiming the machine gun at Loki but can't get a clear shot. "This guy's all over the place!" she shouts.

Suddenly, AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" overdrives the Quinjet's speakers.

"Agent Romanoff. Did you miss me?"

Both Cap and Loki look up at the sky. Tony flies over in his Iron Man suit and blasts Loki right back to the ground using his repulsors.

Iron Man touches down in the superhero landing. He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has and points them at Loki.

Tony, in a taunting voice, says, "Make your move, Reindeer Games."

Loki puts up his hands and surrenders, and his armour materializes away.

Iron man nods and says, "Good move."

Steve joins Tony near Loki and nods at him,

"Mr. Stark."

Tony returns the greeting, "Captain."

Soon the two heroes along with one fake prisoner in handcuffs enter the Quinjet and take off.

With Loki tied up and cuffed to his seat, Tony and Steve watch from a distance, whispering.

" I don't like it." Steve said.

" What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony said.

"I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop." Steve said.

" Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony said.

"What?" Steve asks.

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, during your time as a Capsicle." Tony said.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Steve suddenly says.

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." Tony said.

As they were talking thunder and Lightning nearly hit the jet, making it shake violently.

" Where's this coming from?" Natasha said.

The Thunder continues to rumble overhead. While, Loki stares out the window intently, looking quite anxious.

" What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve said.

" I'm not overly fond of what follows." He admits.

They suddenly hear a bang on top of the jet, as if something or someone just landed, heavy footsteps that cause the jet to shake, till it suddenly stops.

" What's going o... "

The ramp suddenly starts opening up, and a man's silhouette could be seen. The man walks in and grabs Loki by the throat and says.

" If you don't mind, I'd like to have word with your employer."

Steve and Tony were left dumbstruck. While, loki gulped in fear.

He can feel it in his bones, this man was dangerous!

One wrong move and this man could kill him a


( Chapter End)


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