Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 73 - The Avengers (Pt. 1)

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" If you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with your employer."

Tony put on the Iron Man helmet, and aimed his repulsors. While, Cap hurriedly grabbed his shield ready for an attack.

"Is that.. ?" Steve said.

" Yep, that's him," Tony asked.

"I thought you knew the guy." Steve said.

" Oh yeah, forgot about that for a sec. Enigma! Could you please put the God down?" Tony shouted.

I turned towards Tony and even Loki who was turning blue by the second gave Tony an incredulous look.

"This isn't the time for Jokes Tony, this sorry excuse for a god, is more trouble than he looks." I said.

" Enigma, we can talk, just put him down." The Cap said.

" I won't..."

Outside the jet a blinding light hits the jet, loki and I are thrown towards Steve and Tony.

Thor sees the open ramp, enters, grabs Loki by the throat and flies out. Steve and Tony are left dumbstruck once again.

" Goddamnit Thor!" I roared, before running towards the ramp and jumping off of it.

"Now there's that guy." Tony said.

"Another Asgardian?" Natasha, shouts from the cockpit.

"Think the guy's a friendly?" Steve said.

"Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost. Then there's Enigma who looked like he wanted to tear him apart." Tony said.

Tony turned and got ready to jump off the jet to chase after Thor and Enigma.

"Stark, we need a plan of attack!"

"I have a plan. Attack." Tony said.

He then jumped out of the jet and chased after Thor and Enigma. Cap then went and grabbed a parachute to follow.

Natasha puts the plane on Auto pilot and comes back to persuade Cap to not go.

"I'd sit this one out Cap." She said.

Steve turned to Natasha "I don't see how I can."

Natasha tried one last time, "These guys come from legends. They're basically gods!"

Steve turned to the ramp, "There's only one God ma'am. And I'm pretty sure, He doesn't dress like that." Saying that Steve jumped out of the plane.

I was wearing my Endo-Sym Armor coupled with the Grav-Reactor.

I inscribed a few runes on the Vibranium shell that housed the Gravitonium, to further stabilize it and enhance the effects of the Gravitonium.

It was my first step, towards inventing Magitech. The suit now had two scources of power, one using the original core, the other magic.

It gave it the extra oomph, needed to take the armor to the next level. I also managed to come up with a few tricks, mainly runes empowered by the core.

Unfortunately, I Couldn't inscribe the suit itself with Runes, since it didn't have a uniform shape.

I couldn't exactly engrave runes, on a suit made out of Nanites. Maybe if I accquired some technology, that would allow me to inscribe runes on each individual nanite, then, it would be worth a try.

My Venom suit was bonded to my current armor, so It looked like I was still wearing my normal suit. The one I was seen wearing in Harlem, and the Stark Expo.


Somewhere out in the European mountains, Thor threw Loki into the side of the mountain.

He raised the mighty hammer, Mjölnir, and looked down at his brother, who he thought to be dead and was angry to see him alive in this fashion.

"Where is the Tesseract?" Thor bellowed.

" I missed you too, Brother. A few more seconds, and I would have died for real this time." Loki said.

" Do I look to be in a gaming mood?!" Thor said.

"Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious Earth." Loki said.

Thor dropped Mjölnir, causing the mountain to quake. He picked up Loki.

Although he was pissed for what he has done, a family is everything to a man or god.

" I thought you died." He said.

" Did you mourn?"Loki said.

" We all did. Our father..."

" Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Loki said.

" We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?"Thor said.

" I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I was and should be king!"Loki said.

" So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights. No, the Earth is under my protection, Loki." Thor said.

" It doesn't need your protection, Thor Odinson, and I'd advise you to keep that in mind. You and your family have already caused it, enough harm."

Loki immediately took a few steps back in surprise, while Thor grew wary, the moment I appeared.

Both Thor and loki looked at me, both perceiving me to be the enemy. He eyed me for a few seconds, before saying.

" You look famaliar stranger. Have we met before?" He said.

"I was there, that day at New Mexico. You know, the day when your brother tried to kill you." I said.

" You're a dangerous one, aren't you?" Loki said.

"Oh so you do have a brain, somewhere up there. Maybe you're not as stupid as you look." I said.

" What do you want?... Thor said.

" I want him." I said, pointing at Loki.

" Asgard shall take responsibility for Loki's punishment, so.. "

I chuckled a bit, my voice deep and ominous.

" Unfortunately, that's not going to work. You see, your brother's reaction to me, it's a result of his brainwashing trying to persist. Whoever is pulling his strings put in triggers, to keep him a puppet. I tried to trace the connection, and contact the puppeteer, but I was interrupted by a certain hammer swinging idiot. " I said.

Thor visibly frowned, while Loki was moments away from making a break for it.

" Don't listen to him, brother. These humans slaughter each other in droves, everyday. They're mindless beasts! I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odinson, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it..."Loki said.

" Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?"Thor said.

" I am a king!"Loki shouts.

" Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this poisonous dream! You come home."Thor said.

" I don't have it. You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off. I know not where..."

Thor raises his hammer interrupting him,

" You listen well, brother. I..."

When he suddenly gets knocked off the mountain by Iron Man who tackles him mid-flight.

" I'm listening." Loki said.

Thor and Iron Man crash into the forest. Thor rolls himself up. Iron Man was still standing, but kept his distance. The helmet opened up.

"Do not touch me again!" Thor bellows.

"Then don't take my stuff." Tony said.

"You have no idea what you're dealing with." Thor said.

"Shakespeare in the park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?" Tony said.

"This is beyond you, metal man. Loki will face Asgardian justice!" Thor said.

"He gives up the Cube, he's all yours. Until then, stay out of my way... tourist." Tony said.

The Iron Man helmet clamps up and he walks away. In one quick move, Thor pulls Mjölnir, throws it, and knocks Iron Man clear across into a tree.

From the mountain side, Loki watched in amusement, with me standing beside him.


" ????????????????????????"

I paralyze Loki with a rune, and go down the mountain to break up their fight. I land between Thor and Tony creating a three man deadlock.

Thor was swinging his hammer eyeing me and Tony, while Tony had a repulsor aimed at me and Thor.

I turn to Tony and say, "I got this. Go secure Loki."

I don't wait for Tony to say anything and turn to Thor.

Before I could say anything, Thor's hammer suddenly flies out of his hand heading towards me.

I quickly dodge, surprised by the sudden attack. Tony fires his repulsor beams at Thor and knocks him clear into the trees.

" Now, see how that feels." Tony said.

The hammer turns back and heads towards me once again, I do a flip and kick it back.

" Son of a..."

" Okay note to self never kick, magically charged Uru." I muttered.

Thor raises his arm, and Mjölnir flies back to his hand. He didn't dodge the attack in time, since he was surprised by the hammer.

It suddenly flew out of his hand, and attacked Enigma without his command.

Deciding it wasn't the time for idle thoughts. Thor raises it to the skies and pulls in Lightning and Thunder!

Thor points the hammer at Iron Man, who was now preparing for his second attack.

I interfere once again, taking the outpour of lightning in Tony's stead.

My suit absorbs all the outpouring lightning bolts storing them, into the runes I engraved on the vibranium-Gravitonium shell.

"Enough!" Captain America said, finally showing up.

He faces Thor and says"Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here."

" I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes!" Thor says.

" You have an interesting way of showing it. " Tony snorts.

" Silence, Metal Man. I have not time, for your jesting. " Thor said.

" Then prove it! Put the hammer down." Cap said.

"Um, yeah, no! Bad call! He loves his hammer!" Tony said.

Thor suddenly backhands Iron Man with Mjölnir, losing all tolerance with him. He then turns to Cap and says. " You want me to put the hammer down?"

Figuring out what he was about to do. I activate my first combat ready Rune.

" ????????????????????????????????"

A single large rune suddenly appears under us all, before anyone could realize what's going on. They found themselves lying on their backs, unable to move a muscle.

Tony's Armour was creaking as if seconds away from collapse, Steve was trying and failing to get up, while Thor was starting to get up on his knees, although extremely slowly.

" Impressive I guess, they don't call you a god for nothing."

I was the only one standing unaffected, naturally I could manipulate my own body's gravity using the Gravitonium, in my suit's reactor.

This rune was an area of effect rune designed to increase the gravity up to fifty times, naturally I only cranked it up to 15 times normal gravity. Otherwise Cap and Tony would've been instantly crushed to death. In only a few seconds.

Thor was beginning to adapt to the increased gravity, standing up although barely.

" Alright, I think that's enough." I said, as I deactivated the rune.

" What the hell was that?" Cap said.

" Yeah what he said." Tony wheezed.

Tony was a base human, so it was natural he was most effected.

" Gravity magic," Thor said.

" Magic?" Tony said.

" You know runes, wizard. I'm surprised, not many are able to use such an arcane art. " Thor continued.

" Well, I'm not many. Look, we need to cut this short. Loki has hidden the Tesseract somewhere and we need to go somewhere to help in recovery. You coming with us?"

Thor doesn't say anything at first and I get on my guard. But he just nods, and gets out of his fighting stance.

I nod at Captain America and turn to go to the Jet which has by now landed in a clearing nearby.

"Guys, are we just going to ignore, that magic is a thing now?" Tony said.

( Chapter End)


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