Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 77 - The Avengers (Pt. 5)

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"Comrades we have arrived!"

Standing at almost 7 feet, Colossus's figure was imposing.

His metallic form shined, reflecting the light from the teleportation formation.

Comparatively Wolverine's 5 foot figure, although less imposing didn't mean he was any less dangerous.

In fact, his protruding claws only made him seem more feral.

"Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your stay at Asgard." I said.

" Yes, the All father was most accommodating." Colossus said.

Wolverine cracked his neck " Couldn't say the same about Lady Sif, they worked us to the bone."

" Colossus! Welcome back. I missed you! " Kitty exclaimed.

"Kitty... you are, how do you say, sore for my eyesight." He said.

She giggled at his response, while Storm approached Wolverine.

" Wolverine, glad to see you're safe." Storm.

He gave her a feral grin and said " The feeling is mutual."

" Colossus, I think you would be glad to know that Illyana is back home. " Jean said.

" Da, I'm eager to see her." Colossus said.

Our atmosphere was rudely interrupted by a few Chituari platoons trying to incircle us.

More Chitauri soldiers joined their brethren and surrounded us all.

I looked towards Jean and gave her a meaningful look. Using my telepathy I relayed my orders to her.

She gave me a nod and without delay used her telekinesis and Phoenix fire to break through the encirclement.

' I asked Jean to connect us all telepathically, I have a plan, so we need to buy more time.' I telepathically said.

'Wolverine and Shang-Chi go assist Cap, he's a few blocks away on Main Street .' I said.

I then turned towards Jean and Storm ' Jean, you and Storm handle the war chariots, focus on taking out as many as you can. "

' Kitty, stick wth Black Widow and Hawkeye, start clearing out districts.'

" And one more thing. This is a war, so I don't think it needs to be said, but I'm going to say it anyway. Use leathal force and annihilate the enemy with extreme prejudice." I ordered.

They all got their orders and moved out, Jean and Storm flew to their destination. While the rest split up, each group heading towards a different direction.

Only Colossus and I were left behind.

" What about me?" He asked.

I opened a portal that lead straight to my lab, and grabbed an oversized suitcase.

He raised an eyebrow in confusion, and it soon turned to astonishment as soon as I opened the suitcase.

"Is this...?" He said.

" I call it the ' God Eater' and I think it's about time we finally use it" I said.


( 3rd POV)

Hawkeye ran over to a bus full of people. From the windows, small children were held by their parents for Hawkeye to pull them out to safety.

He ran over to the bus's jammed door and jerkily opened it.

People begin to run out, while Black Widow emptied out her clips. She eventually ran out of ammo and decided to grab one of the fallen Chituari's weapons.

Hawkeye fired one arrow after another into the ranks of the Chituari, hitting his mark each time he shot.

Nat looked at Barton and spoke up, "Just like Budapest, all over again."

"You and I remember Budapest very differently."Barton dryly replied

They managed to get the civilians out, but they were now cornered.

More Chitauri soldiers showed up and it wasn't long before they were suppressed by heavy fire.

They were quickly running out of ammo, and Barton was down to his last few arrows.

"I guess this is it, huh. " Barton said.

" Don't give up we..." Nat said.

Nat was suddenly interrupted by the shrieks of dying Chituari.

A figure clad in white suddenly appeared and started fighting the soldiers.

It ran closer to kill them in close combat, while Barton and Nat kept firing, taking out as many as they could.

Kitty phased through their attacks, and tore them apart using her Vibranium claws.

She finished off the last soldier by phasing her right arm, through its chest.

Using her inhuman agility and strength. They were cut down in the blink of an eye.

The last soldier dropped to the ground lifelessly, and there was a momentary silence.

" Ugh.. disgusting, now I've got Chituari blood all over me!" Kitty said.

Barton looked to Natasha and said.

" Ahh... Is she one of ours?"


Cap was helping out some people stuck in a building. Once they all got out, he started going towards another building which was overrun.

He stumbled onto a couple of Chituari soldiers, who were about to attack a mother and its child.

He immediately threw his Shield like a boomerang to prevent them from harming the mother and child.

The shield started flying towards the group of Chitauri, knocking them down instantly, it bounced flying back to him at the same speed.

" Don't worry Ma'am, you're safe now. The subway is a few blocks over. Hide there until this is over." He said.

They turned the corner only to be ambushed by a couple of Chituari soldiers, who managed to sneak up on them.

Cap noticed them too late, and instinctively shielded the mother and child using his Shield.

A figure suddenly skewered the Chituari soldiers from the back. Three extremely sharp claws, cut through flesh and armour, as if it were tissue paper.

Wolverine retracted his claws and they dropped to the ground.

" Damn ugly bastards" He growled.

Cap was stunned for a moment, but recovered quickly. " James?"

"Who the hell is James?" Wolverine said.

" But how? It's been so many years..." He said.

" Look Bub, I don't know what you're talking about. The name's Logan. Got it." He said.

Seeing wolverine's rough attitude, he quickly apologized.

" I'm sorry. It's just you look like someone I used to know. " He said.


Hawkeye tripped a Chituari Soldier and rammed an arrow down its throat.

Black Widow got her hands on an energy staff and used it to take down even more soldiers.

Kitty was a couple blocks of over, decemiting a platoon all by herself.

Cap joined back in and using his shield, swatted and whacked oncoming Chituari Soldiers, while Logan used his claws, to dismember the Chituari.

Each swing of his claws resulting in either a lost limb, or instant death.

Shang-Chi was supporting Cap and would occasionally cover for him, whenever he threw his shield.

" What the hell is this thing made off. " Shang-Chi shouted.

Cap who was punching a Chituari in the head looked towards Shang-Chi and said,

" What do you mean?"

" I don't know about you, but shields aren't supposed to do that." Shang-Chi said.

Cap shrugged and continued fighting.

Unfortunately, It was all too much on them, and they were quickly getting overwhelmed.

Suddenly, lightning struck down from the sky and they Chituari were blasted back in a massive shockwave.

Thor landed right in front of them, stumbling a little. They got a little time to rest as there was no enemies near them.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked Thor.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor said gravely.

"Thor's right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony spoke through the comms.

Nat looked at Steve and asked, "How do we do this?"

Cap confidently says, "As a team."

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor warned.

Barton, who's now cleaning an arrow he pulled from the corpse of a Chitauri he killed, dryly says, "Yeah? Get in line."

"Save it." Cap ordered.

"Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..."

Just then, they all hear the voice of heavy footsteps. A shiny figure clad in a black and red suit appeared.

Before anyone could say anything.

They all looked towards a building where a roar came from and saw Iron Man coming towards them from behind the building.

He was followed by the big Chitauri Leviathan which was now coming towards them.

( A few minutes earlier)

Tony swooped down dodging an energy blast, from a war chariot which was pursuing him.

He suddenly stopped mid-air letting the chariot pass him, before firing a repulsor blast to take it down.

He swerved around a building, only to come face to face with a Chituari leviathan.

" Shit!" He cursed.

" Sir you have an incoming call from Mr. Ramsey." Jarvis said.

" You know I'm a little busy here." He said, as he quickly tried to escape.

"I need you to grab the Leviathan's attention" Doug said.

" Why would I do that?" Tony asked.

" I have a plan." Doug said.

Tony pulled out his miniature multiple rocket launcher and fired. The Chituari Leviathan roared in annoyance, and turned to him.

"We got his attention. What the hell is step two?!" Tony said.

"Bring the leviathan towards Cap's location, " Doug said.

" Is Banner there?" Tony asked.

" No, but I have someone who can handle it." Doug said.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Tony said, over the comms.

Iron Man came out from behind a building. The Chituari Leviathan following, impatiently.

The rest of the Avengers looked up, getting ready and stood still.

" I... I don't see how that's a party…" Natasha said.

Iron Man swooped down the street. The Chituari Leviathan also swooping down, barreling down the street.

" Hey big guy, you sure you can handle that? " Logan asked.

" Da, I feel like I'm filled with strength. Are you ready for a fastball special, tovarisch Logan?" Colossus said.

Colossus turned towards the now close Leviathan and started glowing red and growing even bigger.

His figure stopped growing at 9'5 and cracks started appearing on the pavement where he stood.

He turned completely into his Juggernaut form just in time as the Leviathan was now right in front of him and punched its head with his full might.

The scene almost looked like what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force.

Colossus skidded back a few feet, dragging his feet through the road, the leviathan's tail lifted high into the air, its head still stuck by Colossus's punch, and a few of its parts break apart.

Iron Man flew close to it, extended an arm out and a rocket flew out of it.

The rocket went inside the Leviathan and hit a soft spot, and blew up from the inside.

The big leviathan fell apart in an explosion. While, the smaller Chitauri soldiers screeched at Colossus for destroying their Leviathan.

The Chitauri looked on in horror as they saw a group of Earth's mightiest heroes standing united, against a common enemy. Them.


" What the hell was that?!" Kitty shouted disbelievingly.

" That was one hell of a punch, Bub. Never knew you had it in you. Does it have anything to do with that thing on your chest?" Logan asked.

" So is this the shinner version of Banner? What kind of suit is that anyway? " Tony asked curiosily.

"You build great armor, comrade Stark, mine is only natural." Colossus said.

" You mean to tell me, that's your skin?" Barton asked incredulously.

Colossus nodded his head and said.

" This power was given to me by Enigma. He calls it ' The God Eater'. " He said.

( Flashback)

"Whosoever touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Henceforth, you who read these words, shall become forevermore a human juggernaut!" I said, as I read the inscriptions written on the gem.

" But isn't it dangerous, to use such a power?" Colossus asked.

" Normally you'd be correct. I used some vibranium and an Uru breastplate from the Destroyer to make this. The Gem's housing is engraved with runes to regulate the output and filter Cyttrok's will. It's still not safe to use for more than an hour, but It will give you a much needed boost. " I said.

" Why would you give me such a thing? Why not use it yourself? " He asked.

" Most of my abilities revolve around magic and runes. It's more suited for someone who's strictly a physical fighter. I also get the feeling, you'll utilize it much better than I ever could. " I said.

The stone gave a fraction of the power of Cyttorak to whoever possesses it via acting as a portal to or containing a portal within it to the Crimson Cosmos.

The infusion of power gave Cain Marko, superhuman levels of physical strength, resistance and durability.

The power increase was so vast, when the Juggernaut begins moving in a direction, he is basically unstoppable.

The power of the Juggernaut allowed him to battle entire superhero teams to a standstill.

Juggernaut fought the X-men numerous times with the best result being Marko leaving the scene of the battle.

Surrounded by a mystical field of force, Marko was basically invulnerable to harm and had the strength to shatter mountains when properly motivated.

If Colossus was to be imbued with the power of Cytorrak. If the previous power increase is any indication, he will be a far more powerful being than Cain Marko ever was.

I reckon he can hold his own against the Abomination or even the Hulk.

For all intents and purposes his physical form should allow him to channel more energy from the Crimson Cosmos, giving him access to limitless physical strength.

I would expect Colossus' power now exceeds the physical strength, stamina, durability and invulnerability of anything the Chituari could ever throw at us.

He was still hesitant, but it didn't take long before a look of determination appeared on his face.

"If my strength can help in this battle, I must stand with you." Colossus finally said.

( Chapter End)


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