Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 78 - The Avengers (Pt.6)

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Loki watched from above, motionless, as he saw the birth of Earth's Mightiest Heroes. A cold look appeared on his face before he said.

"Send the rest."

From the portal, thousands more of Chituari soldiers and even more leviathans flew out, from those Leviathans, more foot soldiers dropped down near them.

"Guys." Natasha said.

"Call it, Cap." Stark said.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof,"

He points towards a building, "Keep your eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays."

He then turned to Iron Man and Phoenix, "Stark. You and Phoenix got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, turn it back or turn it to ash." They both nodded before flying off.

Barton looked at Stark and asked, "Wanna give me a lift?"

Stark nodded and got behind Barton to lift him up, "Right. Better clench up, Legolas." He lifted Barton up to the building and dropped him there.

Cap then turned to Thor and Storm, "You two gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You guys got the lightning, light them up."

" I'll be sure to give them a zap or two." Storm said.

Cap then turned to Wolverine, Kitty and Shang-Chi, "You three help out anyone who looks like they're about to be overwhelmed. Mostly keep to civilians and keep them safe. Minimise the damage, if you can."

Cap then looked towards Colossus and said.

" Colossus find Hulk and take out as many leviathans as you can. Anything Thor and Storm miss it's your guys' job to smash. "

Colossus nodded in agreement, and started running to build up momentum.

He leapt, soaring high up Into the nearest building, he started jumping from building to building killing enemies left and right.


[ In the vastness of space]

"Huh... so this is the Chituari space?"

I was currently floating in space, wearing my Endo-Sym Armor.

The black sky was filled with what must be ninety ships in a vague cluster. Most of them hang still in the air. Some moving swimmingly about.

" Sophie can you detect any signals coming in or out of the Mothership?" I asked.

" Negative. We have to plug into the main frame, I am too unfamiliar with alien technology." She said.

' Well, I guess I don't have a choice.' I thought.

I didn't have time to waste, so without delay I blasted towards the ship that was closest to me.

I materialized a vibranium blade from my suit, and superheated, till it was hot enough to cut through the ship' s outer haul.

I sealed the opening after I was in, and started searching for the command center.

" Master Doug, are you sure this is wise? The suit isn't equipped to deal with nuclear level weaponary. I heavily advice you to reconsider." She said.

" Relax Sophie. We will be in and out before you know it. There should be some time left before the council launches the missile." I said.

I turned a corner only to come face to face with a Chituari soldier.

I could tell it was surprised to see me, since he tilted his head in confusion.

It would have been cute, if he wasn't so ugly.

" Uhhh.. guessing by your reaction, I probably forgot to turn on my invisibility didn't I? " I asked.

He responded by trying to shoot me in the face with his blaster.

" Shit!" I cursed, as I turned on my camouflage and disappeared.

He was looking around in confusion searching for me and was about to call for backup.

I snuck behind him, and knocked him out with a venom blast.

" Damn.. that was close." I muttered.

I was about to move on and continue my search, when I suddenly got an idea.

I casted a Statsis rune, then severed the mental connection the Chituari soldier had with the mothership.

Normally, it would die right away, but since I put him in stasis he was still alive.

The next step was crucial and could determine the success of my little experiment.

I put my hand on the back of his head, and used my magic to carve out this next Rune.


I successfully felt the link form, and dispelled the stasis rune right after.

The Chitauri soldier started to slowly wake up, and as soon as it did. It knelt before me, and communicated telepathically.

' Master, I await your commands.'

I approached its kneeling form and put my hand over its head.

I rifled through its most recent memories, and quickly found out what I was looking for.

" It's a waste to leave you here. But I can't exactly take you with me. Hmm..." I said.

' Take out a ship and head through the portal

Stay out of sight and don't engage. I'll come for you later, if you manage to survive.' I communicated telepathically.

He nodded in understanding and left to carry out his commands.

I quickly found the ship's command center. There were about a couple of dozen Chituari soldiers milling about. But, they couldn't see me under the effects of my camouflage.

I approached what looked like a control panel and connected it to my suit.

I started hacking into the mainframe, and it didn't take long before I was in.

It only took me a glance to completely grasp and understand the language used to code their firewalls.

I managed to obtain a complete star map, of the known universe, and a list of the planets the Chitauri visited.

I was also surprised to find a few schematics that described several of the weapons and ships used by the Chitauri.

I left the ship undetected and was currently flying back towards the portal, I saw a few leviathans on my way back, when an idea suddenly hit me.

A smile crept on my face, and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Master Doug? Are you alright?" Sophie asked in concern.

" I'm alright Sophie, in fact I just had a fantastic idea." I said.

'Oh boy, that's not good. ' Sophie thought.


Storm was floating beside the portal, her eyes turned pure white as she started floating in the sky. Raising her hand slightly, she began to summon her powers.

A small gray cloud began to form above her hand. Growing to the size of a field. The cloud became bigger filling the sky.

A thunderstorm was forming and thunder now boomed from the clouds.

Thor, seeing what she was doing raised his hammer to the sky.

Lighting converged towards the hammer, as if it was being sucked away. The hammer was glowing with pure power, and even Thor started to groan from the strain.

" I've never felt so much power before." He groaned.

" Should I stop?" Storm said.

" No... Keep.. GOING!" He shouted.

" Arrggghhh!!!"

A scream tore out of his throat, as he released all the lightning gathered by the hammer in a single blast towards the leviathans.

The blast threw him away from the Leviathans and into a building.

The whole Leviathan started glowing and started burning brighter, before it exploded in a shower of lightning.

The blast didn't stop there and continued to take out two more Leviathans.

Storm shook her head, getting out of her awe at the pure display of power. She couldn't help, but be amazed by his command on lightning.

She may have summoned the lighting, but it was his to command.


A dark ominous cloud be seen in the sky approaching the city.

One big enough to block out the sun, the cloud was fast approaching and it wasn't long, before it arrived.

An entire fleet of Cypher Solutions Combat Drones, which were stored in the Cypher Solution's orbital satellite, were finally released.

It was all part of a project called ' NMS' short for "No Man's Land" , headed by Dr. William Ginter Riva in Cypher labs.

An immense swarm of drones generated an elaborate holographic projection of a dark cloud, concealing their presence while wreaking havoc on the alien army.

Thousands upon thousands of drones were currently in battle.

The drones had a sleek and white appearance and were equipped with a plethora of weapons.

Miniguns, lasers, flamethrowers, and powerful concussive blasters that could produce shockwaves of a force powerful enough to knock down a reinforced vault door with repeated blasts.

They were also integrated with repulsor technology, as well as one of Cypher labs latest breakthroughs, the Sonic Tractor Beam, which had the ability to attract objects from a distance.

They were deployed on the locations where they were needed the most and generated advanced holographic projections to conceal their presence.

Only those who were fighting against the invasion could see them, since it would be inconvenient if they were destroyed by friendly fire.

To the rest of the world and the Chituari only a rolling cloud of thunder could be seen.

Using the illusion generating capabilities of the drones to create advanced holographic projections along with the hardlight projector technology from the danger room.

It was made indistinguishable from reality.

Some of the drones generated powerful sonic pulses to destroy the leviathan's hard shells, while others attacked the war chariots using repulsor blasts.

A considerable amount of the drones were used for the protection of the civilians during the attack, later most would even claim that it was an act of god that saved them during the invasion.


The drones started flying towards a group of Chitauri, and disposed of them in seconds.

Once those soldiers were dead, a few drones used the tractor beams to take away any and all traces of the Chituari.

This scene could be seen repeated numerous times throughout the battlefield.

" Amazing..." Kitty said.

" What are those things?" Cap asked.

" Are they one of yours?" Nat asked Tony, through the comms.

" No, but I recognize the designs though." Stark said.

They all turned to look at the portal, as more of the soldiers were coming through it. Nat looked at them and said, "None of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal."

"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Cap argued.

Natasha looked up, said, "Well, maybe it's not about the guns." And gestured towards the flying chariots.

"You wanna get up there, you'll need a ride." Cap pointed out.

Natasha shook her head and said, "I got a ride. I could use a lift though." She then ran at Cap who readied his Shield.

She jumped, latching on to a chariot, taking control of it, after she kicked a Chituari soldier off of it.

She took a look around, and saw Colossus and Hulk fighting Chitauri on top of a Leviathan and bringing it down.

Barton was destroying Chariots from the roof of a building, while Phoenix used her fire to clear her a path towards the tower.

She got brought out of her musing by a chariot following her and blasting its guns at her.

She looked at the chariot and saw that it's passenger was Loki.

" Keep going, I'll handle it." Jean said, over the comms.

Natasha gave her a nod, and focused on steering the chariot towards the tower.

Phoenix started taking out the chariots chasing Natasha, and even managed to blow up the chariot loki was riding.

He got thrown towards the Stark Towet, and fell on the roof of the Tower, looking to be hurt.

Loki beginning to stand up, Jean floated towards him about to engage him.

But, out of nowhere, Hulk suddenly showed up and suckered punched loki.

Knowing Hulk's got this, she decided to aid Natasha and flew towards the Tesseract.


Natasha arrived near the roof and made an impressive back flip over the chariot and onto Stark Tower, near where the Tesseract was.

There was a barrier surrounding the cube, and Natasha was having trouble getting through it.

She tried hitting it, and even shot at it a few times, but nothing seemed to work.

Seconds later Jean arrived, next to her.

" I can't get through the barrier." Natasha said, clearly frustrated.

" Let me give it a try." Jean said.

She first tested the strength of the barrier by trying to pierce it with her telekinesis, when that didn't work, she even tried burning it with her fire.

"The sceptre." A voice to their right said.

They turned to look at Dr Selvig leaning over the edge of the roof and looking at something.

"Doctor," Natasha greeted him. Selvig looked at them and repeated.

"Loki's sceptre. The energy.. the Tesseract can't fight. You can't protect against yourself." Selvig continued.

Natasha got closer to him and tried comforting him, "It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing."

Selvig shook his head and said, "Well actually, I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source."

"Loki's sceptre?" Nat asked.

"It may be able to close the portal. And I'm looking right at it." Saying this, Selvig looked down.

Natasha leaned down the edge to see Loki's sceptre sitting there innocently.

Jean nodded and used her telekinesis to get the Sceptre.


"I can close it. Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down." Nat said, through the comms.

"Do it!" Cap yelled out.

"No wait!" Stark's voice stop Nat right there.

"Stark these things are still coming!" Cap argued.

"I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute. And I know just where to put it." Stark said.

Jean turned to where Stark was and saw him carrying a missile on his back and exerting a lot of effort to change it's course.

He managed it and almost hit his own building, but started going upwards towards the Portal.

"Phoenix, clear up the way for him." Cap said on the comms.

Phoenix flew off towards the portal and started killing the Chitauri getting in Stark's way.

"Stark, you know that's a one way trip right?" Cap asked Stark on the common channel.

Stark shut his comms off and continued flying towards the portal, he entered the portal and all of them waited for a beat.

Seconds later, a bright light shone on the other side of the portal.

The Chitauri soldiers started falling down, one after the other.

Stark was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on, Stark.." Nat mumbled.

Stark still not coming out. They continued waiting, still hoping he made it.

A few seconds pass by, when a voice suddenly says, "Close it.."

Nat pushed the sceptre forwards and closed it. The Tesseract stopped beaming its energy and the portal slowly started closing.

It was all sombre for everyone as they could only think about Tony's sacrifice...

Suddenly another portal opened in the sky.

It was small compared to the first one, and had a reddish golden hue to it. A figure slowly floated out of it, holding Tony's prone form in his arms.

"Son of a gun!" Cap whispered.

There, they see Enigma descending to the ground and laying Tony slowly on his back.

They all gather around Tony and Enigma, while Cap comes closer and checks for a pulse but doesn't detect anything.

" Ah.. Just a sec there." Enigma said, as he used a mini venom blast to jump start his heart.

"Ah!" Tony gasped out, "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

" Yeah, Banner gave you mouth to mouth." Enigma said, pointing at Hulk.

A look of horror appeared on Tony's face, while Hulk snorted in derision.

Cap started chuckling, but he wasn't the only one, soon all of them where having a laugh at Tony's expense.

It was a laugh filled with relief, and exhaustion. One that let everybody unconsciously let go of the tension that's been building up all day.

The invasion was finally over.

( Chapter End)


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" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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Tell me what you guys think in the comments, and I hope you're all having a wonderful day.

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