Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 79 - The God Of Winter

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"We won." Cap said, smiling.

"Yeah! Alright! Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day. Have you ever tried Shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here." Tony said.

He pointed towards a random direction. "I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it."

Thor looked up towards Stark Tower and said, "We're not finished yet."

Tony nodded and said, " Then Shawarma after."

They all get up and start walking towards the Tower.

I call my team to rendezvous at the tower, and we all reach there at about the same time, as well as the Avengers, with Hulk jumping up from the road.

We see Loki currently crawling onto the stairs.

He took a few breathes, froze and then turned around to look at us.

He saw all of us the standing in a pose, and aiming all our weapons.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Loki said to Stark.

"All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up." Tony said.

Thor went and picked up him by the throat, just to make sure it was really him and not an illusion.

" Don't worry, it's really him." I said.

" Be that as it may, It gives me some peace of mind. " Thor said.

We cuffed loki, while Thor slapped a device on Loki's mouth to make him quiet

" Who gets the, uh, magic wand?" Natasha suddenly, spoke up.

I grabbed the scepter and it shone for a moment.

" Woah, careful with that thing." Tony said.

" Relax, it's probably an energy discharge. " I said.

"Well, whatever it was, Strike team's coming to secure it any minute now." Tony said.

We put the sceptre in a case and waited. A few minutes later Shield agents came to collect the Sceptre.

" We can take that off your hands." Sitwell said.

I turned over the Sceptre to them without a fuss, since I still had plans for it.

" By all means. Careful with that thing." I said.

" Unless you want your mind erased. And not in a fun way." Barton said.

"We promise to be careful." Sitwell said.


After that, some of the team decided to split up. I opened a portal for them to get back home, while Jean and Kitty went to the streets to help with the rescue efforts.

Shang-Chi was base human, so understandably he was incredibly tired.

Piotr was anxious to see his sister. And now that I think about it, I totally forgot to tell him, I accidentally summoned his brother.

Storm went back to the mansion, and Wolverine decided to grab a drink. He wasn't much for rescue, more of a slice and dice kind of guy.

I told Cap to go with him, and even told Logan that Cap could tell him about his past. Logan grunted in affirmation, while Cap gave me a nod.

Some of us had had to fight harder than others, while the rest weren't as exhausted due to the nature of their powers.

Jean's telepathy proved invaluable in search and rescue, in the aftermath of the invasion.

Any survivors injured or buried under rubble, were quickly found and rescued.

I had her sync up, with Diana who was manning the CSC Drones (Cypher Solutions Combat Drones), she would relay the survivor's locations, and the drones would use tractor beams to get them to the nearest hospital, or simply notify any authorities close by.

I tried to convince her to at least rest for a bit, but she pointed out she had energy to spare.

Jean's powers revolved around using her telekinesis, telepathy and Phoenix fire.

This time telepathy was out, since I warned her not to use it against the Chitauri.

I couldn't exactly risk her connect to a Hive mind, without any sort of precautions. Who knows what would have happened then.

Her Phoenix fire was obviously the most destructive power in her arsenal, but it also required the most stamina to use. Which was not ideal in a long drawn out battle.

Which left her with telekinesis, which was the most effecient in dealing with the Chituari's flying troops.

I also suspected her Empathic power was at work again, one could only imagine how hard it was to ignore, the psychic cries of pain after a disaster such as this.

Hundreds and if not thousands of people struck by fear, confusion and all sorts of emotions.

We go down the lift with Thor and Tony leading us, Tony had the case with the Tesseract in his hand, and was now out of his suit.

Hulk made to follow, but found the elevator full.

"Move!" Hulk said.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey! Buddy. What do you think? Maximum occupancy has been reached." Tony said.

"Take the stairs." Thor said.

"Take the stairs! Hate the stairs!" Hulk said.

He then heads off to the building's stairwell, and looks down at the many stairs below him.

"So many stairs!" Hulk shouts angrily.


Loki was trailing behind them with me standing behind Loki, and the others and a few Shield agents trailing behind me.

We enter the lobby of Stark Tower and get stopped by about 20 Shield agents including Alexander Pierce.

"May I ask you where you are going?" Pierce asked us.

"To lunch and then Asgard. I'm sorry, you are?" Thor asked, confused.

"Alexander Pierce. He's the man, above Nick Fury." Tony answered introducing them.

"My friends call me Mr. Secretary. I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that prisoner over to me.." Pierce said and gestured to a bound Loki.

"Loki will be answering for his crimes to Odin himself." Thor explained.

"Oh, he's gonna answer to us. Odin can have what's left. And I'm gonna need that case, that's been SHIELD property for over 70 years.." He points to the case in Tony's hand.

An agent tries to take the case from Tony

" Hand over the case, Stark."

" Master Doug, the CSC-Drones are almost finished with retrieving the extraterrestrial equipment, and bodies left behind by the Chitauri." I suddenly heard, through my earpiece.

" Good. What about the Leviathans?" I asked.

" They've been moved to a close by location, and camouflaged by the drones' holographic illusions, until further instructions. " She said.

" I'll handle them later. Just send in a few drones to my current location" I said.


While Tony was still arguing with Pierce, I decided to create a little distraction.

Luckily, I was familiar enough with the arc reactor, to pull this off without hurting Tony.

It should only give him a mild cardiac dysrhythmia and create an opening for what was about to happen.

I discretly started using my telekinesis, and with a twitch of my finger.Tony dropped the case, and then fell to the ground.

" Stark?" Alexander Peirce.

"Stark!" Thor.

" Look, he's convulsing. Give him air! Medic!" Alexander Pierce.

"MEDIC! You guys, some help!" I shouted.

"Stark, you--- your chest machine?" Alexander Pierce.

Suddenly, Hulk bursted out of the stairwell and into the lobby, shouting. "NO STAIRS!!!!"

I took advantage of their distraction and quickly used my telekinesis to push the case towards Loki.

Everyone ran from Hulk's rampage, while Loki took the chance to run towards the Tesseract, grabbed it and teleported away.

" You'll be fine, Stark. Stay with us! I'll try something, okay? I have no idea if it's gonna work." Thor said.

Thor then used Mjolnir as the defibrillator on Tony and shocked him.

"YES!" Thor shouted.

"That worked a treat. That was so crazy!" Tony said.

" I had no idea if that was gonna work." Thor said.

"The case?" Tony asked.

"The case. It's, uhh... Where's the case? Where's Loki? Loki!" Thor said.


( A few weeks later)

Fury was facing once more members of the World Security Council .

"Where are the Avengers?" World Security Council #3.

"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they've earned a leave of absence." Fury said.

"And the Tesseract?" World Security Council #2.

" The Tesseract is lost, so is loki." Fury said.

"So, you not only let a war criminal, escape, he also managed to steal the Tessaract." World Security Council #1

" Pardon me, but Idon't think thats my fault, if anything this all happened right under councilmen Pierce's nose. " Fury said.

" Then what about the Avengers, and that mutant team, which belongs to the Enigma. Letting them loose on this world. They're dangerous." World Security Council #2

" They surely are. And the whole world knows it. Every world knows it." Fury said.

"Was that the point of all this? A statement?" World Security Council #1 asked.

"A promise." Fury answered.


It took a few weeks to deal with the aftermath, of the invasion.

I managed to obtain everything the Chituari left behind, but more importantly I prevented Hydra and any other interested parties from getting their hands on them.

I also mobilized every piece of man power and competent personnel I had to help the city.

We came out in full force, and the media didn't fail to notice. Cypher Solutions became a household name, and my popularity skyrocketed.

Everything from medical equipment to free medical care, free housing for those affected by the battle and even construction teams to rebuild what was destroyed.

I was now known as the mysterious, but kind hearted millionaire. Douglas Ramsey.

I was currently preparing to go to limbo, to meet a certain guest. A few weeks may have passed here, but it would only be a few hours in limbo.


I walked towards the holding cells, and in a few minutes I was standing before, a bound and muzzled figure.

* Silence*

" Do you have any idea, how hard it is to plant a hidden telepathic suggestion ? You know, unlike Thanos I didn't have the help of the Mind Stone to pull it off." I said.

*Silence *

" Oh, when you ask?" I said.

" The plane. Just before your brother showed up, I almost didn't manage to make it in time. " I said.

I was only met with an angry glare, and decided to stop. I twitched my finger, and using my telekinesis, the muzzle fell off.

" Where are we? And what do you want from me?" He said.

" We're in a place away from prying eyes, Odin can't see us here. Neither can Heimdall. " I said, as I ran my fingers on the wall.

The walls shimmered slightly, and thousands of Runes appeared.

" I had a little time on my hands over the years, and I knew this would come in handy some day. " I said.

" I dare say your command over Runes is almost as impressive as Odin's, but I'm at a loss over why I'm here." Loki said.

"You know, your prowess always seemed a bit lackluster compared to your brother and father. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of god?" I asked.

" We can't all be brutes like my brother." He said, in indignation.

" Is it because you're not asgardian? But even for a frost giant you seem kinda weak. " I said.

He was shocked for a moment, before he snorted and said." Did you bring me here, to insult me and call me weak? If so, I'm not interested in listening to your useless prattling. "

" No. I brought you here to make you an offer. " I said.

I suddenly pulled a vial filled with a blue liquid out of my pocket and showed it to him.

" I apologize, but I was already vaccinated on Asgard. " He mocked.

" Joke all you want, but what I have here is your only chance at getting revenge. All your life you've been used, discarded. First by your so called Father who threw you away the moment you were born. Odin who manipulated and lied to you for years. And finally Thanos, who used you as his puppet to wage a war on Earth for his own interests. " I said.

" How are you any different than them. " He snarled.

" The difference is, that I'm offering you real power. Not an empty promise, nor some feeble sense of sentiment. " I said.

"Why should I believe you? What do you have to gain by offering me your so called power. How can even whatever is in there, give power to me, a god!" He shouted.

" This Loki, is the effort of countless hours of research. This vial contains the purified bloodline of a Frost Giant, spliced with the DNA of an Omega level mutant who commands ice. It'll fully awaken your Frost Giant Blood, and give you power beyond your wildest fantasies, with training you could possibly achieve full Ice Elementalization. That means you can lose any body part while in ice form and grow it back, actual immortality.And even more feats of power, only you can realize its full extent." I said.

His eyes widened in disbelief" Wha.. What?! "

I shrugged" Its your choice. You can either stay a puppet your whole life, or become something more. "

" What do you want in return. " He asked.

" I want a parnter, an equal and I want someone who can help me kill Thanos. " I said.

He was left speechless and it took a long while, before he said." I'll do it. But I want Asgard."

" I don't care, you can have it, if you want. But you'll have to help me first. "

I dispelled the runes binding him and extended an arm to him.

" I guess I should welcome you then





Loki the God Of Winter. "

(Chapter End)


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