Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 80 - My Own Pepper

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After we finished our business in Limbo, Loki and I went back to New York.

It didn't take long for Loki to learn the concealment spell I used back on Asgard, and I also had him disguise himself using his magic.

I found him an apartment close to our base, and had Sophie and Diana keep an eye on him for now.

I made him promise to behave, and to take this chance to fully integrate and practice his new powers.

I had to admit It, getting used to living on earth amongst humans, was a big adjustment especially after trying to enslave said humans.

Loki seemed like the kind of guy who was charismatic and laid back, but I could sense his nervousness.

And even if I were to explain to the Avengers and Thor, that Loki was manipulated. It still didn't change the fact that Loki did indeed attack New York, and because of his actions, hundreds of lives were lost.

Even with my preparations. The casualties weren't few in number, without the CSC drones I reckon many more lives would have been lost.

I needed to relax after all of this. I've been stretched too thin. Between training in limbo for years, preparing for the New York invasion, making sure everything went perfectly I've been feeling a little stressed.

I wanted to relax for a bit, and what better way to do so, than to spend time, with one of the sexiest women alive, who also happened to be my girlfriend.

I opened a portal back to my apartment and I was treated by one hell of a sight.

' Damn, she THICC.' I thought.

Jean was leaning over in front of a bookshelf, looking for something to read, she also happened to be wearing something that looked quite similar to one of those tiktok pants, I saw in my old world.

It was arousing to say the least, I found myself slowly approaching her as if a predator stalking its prey.

She still hadn't noticed me, due to the absurd amounts of concealment wards and runes I had on me.

I was now standing right behind her, my hand slowly approaching her perky butt.

I slightly pinched her and was met by a cute yelp.

She turned around surprised, ready to blast me away, but stopped just in time to see it was me.

" Doug! When did you get here? I didn't sense you at all." She asked in surprise.

" A while ago." I said, with a smirk.

She lightly smacked me in the chest, " Don't do that again, it hurt."

" Sorry, sorry I just couldn't resist. Love the outfit by the way."

" Well, I bought it with your money. That and a few other things. Kitty and I went on a little revenge shopping spree, as she called it. " She said.

" Sounds like you girls, were having fun without me. " I said.

She glared at me and said. " And who's fault is that again, you've been gone for almost a year, and ever since you came back. I barely get to see you. "

I walked a bit closer and wrapped my arms around her, I started slowly kissing her neck.

" I'm sorry, I promise to make it up to you. "

Jean blushed as she snuggled into my chest. I bit her neck a bit hard as if wanting to leave an ownership mark on her skin.

She moaned slightly and heavily blushed.

I laughed. Then, grabbed her butt again.

" Douug. Not right now, I still have to..." She started saying.

I suddenly picked her up and slung her over my shoulder, she yelped in surprise, but didn't resist.

" Whatever it is, it can wait. It may have been a year for you, but it was a lot longer for me. You have no idea how long I waited for this. " I said.


I woke up the next morning refreshed, we went a few rounds last night and didn't stop, till both of us were spent.

" Good morning sleepy head." I said.

"Mhhmmm..." She mumbled.

Jean was splayed on the bed, her head and limbs poking out from under the covers.

I tried waking her a few times, but then decided to let her sleep in for a bit. We didn't exactly get much sleep last night.

I put on some pants, and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I decided to make pancakes, sausages and some eggs.

" Sophie, what's on my agenda today." I spoke up.

A holographic screen popped up infront of me, while Sophie told me, what I had to do for today.

" Wait. Dr.Pym finally agreed on a meeting. What changed ?" I asked.

" It seems our efforts in trying to rebuild New York, gained us favor with a lot of people. I'm guessing, Dr.Pym is one of them." She said.

" Huh...to think all I had to do was spend a couple of hundred millions. If I had known that, I would have done it sooner." I mused to myself.

I've been trying to recruit Dr.Pym for the longest time. Although his Pym particles were impressive, I didn't exactly need them.

Sure shrinking yourself was useful, but it wasn't anything I couldn't do with a spell.

I was more interested in the man himself, the mind behind such a thing. To come up with something this advanced in the 70's was far more impressive to me.

Unlike Dr. Hansen and the Parkers, Dr. Pym was a far harder man to convince.

There wasn't anyone trying to kill him, and as far as I knew he wasn't interested in wealth.

If it weren't for my meta knowledge and the fact, that I knew something, that could be possibly interest him. I would have given up a long time ago.

" Set up a meeting at noon. I will need to prepare a few things in advance. I think Dr. Pym might be happy to know, that his wife is quite possibly still alive. " I said.

" Already done." She said.

" Now that we're done, with the business side of things. Update me on our progress, with the inhumans. Have they responded yet?" I asked.

" Negative. Our scanners were able to detect their presence on the moon, but it seems for some reason they can't or won't respond. " She said.

" It seems I'll have to go there, myself then. " I sighed.

" On the other hand, we've had much better luck, with the inhuman settlements here on earth. We're very close to finding them. " She said.

" Good. At least we have that going for us. Do you have anything else to report?" I asked.

" Affirmative. We may have found one of our targets, from the list of candidates you provided. " She said.

" Really? Who? " I asked with interest.

" Ania Sagan, " She said.


(3rd POV)

As a young girl, Ania lived in a war-torn Balkan

country. While she and other children were able to put the threat of landmines and snipers from their minds at times, her village was eventually invaded by enemy troops and she was forced to flee the only life she'd known.

As a young teenager, Ania hadn't escaped war. She found herself caught up in the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

She had been forced to learn to fight to survive encounters with both soldiers and local bandits, and took weapons and equipment from the bodies of fallen combatants wherever she found them.

One day, Ania felt herself compelled to enter a cave in the nearby Hindu Kush mountain range.

She found a fatality injured woman, she briefly stood, horrified, over the raped body of a young female.

Then, sensing she was about to be attacked from behind, she spun and shot one of the bandits.

Unswayed as he plead for his life, she unsheathed her knife and killed him.


" Decisive and strong. I may have underestimated you a bit."

She turned around surprised, but her surprise was soon replaced by confusion, and a bit of fear.

" What are you!?" She asked warily.

"Usually people would, ask who are you, instead of what." I said in amusement.

" Your cells they're..." She said.

I raised an eyebrow in surprise. " You can see my cells?"

She looked me in the eye and said." They're incredible. "

" Well, I'm glad you find my cells sexy, but this isn't the place for a chat." I said, looking at a freshly dug grave, and the burning body of man beside it.

I waved my hand and a portal appeared right beside us.

" Care to go for a stroll?" I asked.


As it turned out, Ania's abilities were far more impressive than I previously thought.

I had a vague idea of her powers due to my meta-knowledge, but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

After a long chat, where I answered some of her questions and she answered some of mine, we came to an understanding.

She would be in charge of managing the company, she'd basically be Tony's version of Ms. Pepper, but a far more impressive one.

I only knew about her ability called. Mental Computation, which gave her intellectual capabilities that worked in the same way as a supercomputer would.

She could also perfectly remember everything she experienced, and instantaneously retrieve every memory and any information she has perceived.

In short, she had a photographic memory.

The ability she used on me back at the cave was called Genetic sight.

It allowed her the ability to perceive the DNA in cells, living or dead, within close range.

Combined with her innate analytical capabilities, this allowed her to determine familial relationships between people and to understand a person's current and potential abilities.

She was taken a back by our first meeting, she told me it was the first time she ever saw someone so, complex, as she put it.

" Wait. So, you're immortal ?" She said, clearly surprised.

" Please, I cracked immortality a long time ago. But, I can still be killed, but It'll have to be under some specific conditions. My opponent would either have to erase me on the atomic level, or destroy my soul. There are a few other ways too, but those are the most effective. " I concluded.

She snorted." So you're basically telling me, that the only way to kill you is to drop a nuclear bomb on your ass, or somehow destroy your soul. "

" Well... I could just open a portal, and that wouldn't be an issue. " I said.

There was a moment of silence.

" Wow, you really are broken." She said.

I laughed it off, but only I knew, the threat of being erased was real, and quite possible.

It didn't matter how strong, I was. I could get erased all the same, in the end it all came down to luck.

I had a 50/50 chance, same as everyone else, and that's assuming, Thanos didn't just erase everybody.

And let's just say, I didn't fancy leaving my fate to a mad man's whim.

I finished, our meeting by saying. " You're starting in a week. Take this time to relax, and sort out yourself."

" Thank you, I don't know what to say, I'm..." She said.

I cut her off " More than capable, and a fine addition to our team. Welcome aboard... Sage."

" Sage?" She asked.

" It's your codename. " I explained.

" Huh... I think I like it." She said, with a smile.

( Chapter End)


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