Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 81 - A New Race

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It wasn't long before noon came, and I found myself heading towards the meeting with Dr. Pym.

Thankfully it didn't take long to convince Sage to work for me.

I practically rescued her out of a warzone, and offered her enormous benefits.

We agreed she would start her training in a week, after she settled in.

Her ability might allow her to process information like a supercomputer, but she still needed to study.

Sophie and a few other instructors I hired will teach her the business side of things. While, Shang-Chi handles her martial arts training.

I was about to arrive at my office, so I cleared my mind from my previous thoughts.

I entered only to find Dr. Pym waiting for me.

"Dr. Pym, a pleasure to meet you. " I said, as I walked in.

" Mr Ramsey, the pleasure is mine. " He said.

I offered him to sit down, and poured the two of us a drink. He politely declined, so I decided to get back on track.

"I have to say, I didn't expect you to agree, what made you change your mind?" I asked.

"It's because of my daughter." He answered.

"Your daughter?" I said, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, she seems to be under the notion that you're different." He said.

"I'm honored to be though of so highly by your daughter, but what about you Dr. Pym? What do you think?" I asked, slightly curious.

"People aren't always what they appear to be and more often than not, one finds himself disappointed" He said.

" Wise words to live by, is that the reason that you've been avoiding me for the last couple of years?" I said.

"Mr Ramsey, I'm not naive. I'm a retired scientist, the only thing worth your attention, is heavily classified. Which leads me to believe, you somehow know something you're not supposed to." He said.

" What? Like the fact, you've got about half a dozen of your soldier ants, trying to infiltrate my company as we speak?" I said, with a smirk.

His eyes widened, and he suddenly grew alarmed." I... "

" Please don't try to deny it, we're both smart people. In fact I'd be disappointed, if you didn't even try. " I said.

I waved my hand and a couple of dozen ants appeared on the desk in front of us.

They were too little to see, so I casted a rune to increase their size.

" Μεγάλο" I uttered.

Dr. Pym jumped out of his chair, and pointed at the now rat sized ants on the table, in clear disbelief.

" Ho.. How did you do that?!"

I ignored his question and quickly finished my drink. I got up from my chair, and gave him a sharp look.

" I don't take kindly to people spying on me, but I'm willing to make an exception here."

There was short lull in our conversation, one long enough for him to get his bearings back.

He straightened up, and looked me dead in the eyes, and with a low voice.

" What do you want? "


It took a while, but after some convincing we managed to come to an understanding.

He didn't agree to work for me, but after hinting at the possibility of his wife's survival, and my willingness to pour any available resources to help him build a quantum portal he finally relented.

I think showing him our state of the art labs, and how advanced our technology was, sealed the deal.

I also convinced him to give us a sample of his Pym particles for research purposes.

A part of him, always feared how his discoveries could be used or even weaponized.

He was understandably reluctant to do so, but after showing him the kind of technology I had access to, it greatly assuged his fears.

I mean if I wanted to destroy the world or use his research for nefarious means, there were easier ways to do it.

I decided to delegate and clear my schedule for the day and popped into to limbo for a bit.

It looked nothing like it previously did, its previous barren surface, was replaced by green vegetation and wildlife as far as the eye could see.

I could hear a roar coming from the sky only to see one of the Leviathans I managed to acquire.

Not counting the scout ship and the chituari soldier who managed to survive the invasion.

I had over half a dozen Leviathans currently living in limbo.

They looked nothing like their predecessors and instead more closely resembled great white wales.

It took a bit of tinkering and time, but through some soul magic, their visage and strength were greatly boosted.

I didn't expect them to turn pure white though.

It was an unexpected side effect, due to the high concentration of light force energy in this realm.

Trace amounts of the light force energy seeped into thier souls, while I was reshaping their souls. They were barely sentient, which made it a lot easier to do so.

I only planned on strengthening their bodies and their speed, but I was surprised to discover they also gained some unique powers.

They could now shoot concentrated beams of light force energy from their mouths, and could even release light from their bodies, by controlling their bio-luminescent skin.

I planned on using them as war beasts and even started cloning some of them in specialized chambers, since as it turns out that's how they were made.

The process was also easily explained in the information I acquired from the Chitauri's database. It was easy enough to replicate granted you had the required materials.

" Master." I heard from behind me.

I turned around only to see, the Chituari soldier I acquired back on the spaceship.

Only now, he looked nothing like a Chituari soldier.

For one, he could speak, and with a process quite similar to the Leviathans I was able to change him.

His skin turned albino, and he had a more humanoid appearance.

He gained five digits on each limb, his face was a lot less reptilian but still looked somewhat alien.

Like the Leviathans, he also gained new powers. He could channel light force energy to create daggers or even swords made out of pure light force energy.

They were strong enough to cut through solid steel and were quite useful in combat.

He also gained a minor form of telepathy, and like the Leviathans, his skin gained a faint luminescent glow to it.

" Castiel. I see you're adjusting quite well to your new body," I said.

" It's all thanks to master." He said, with a worshipping look in his eyes.

" How goes the task I have assigned you, have any of your brothers or sisters awakened? ," I asked.

" Not yet Master, but soon. I've been watching over them as you have instructed. Recently, they've been moving a lot more in their slumber." He said.

I nodded in approval and said, " That's good. Keep watch over them. They will need you when they awaken. You are the first of your new race, and that comes with heavy responsibility."

It turns out the changes I made, were enough to classify them as a new race.

They were essentially mutated and each of them had a connection to the light force dimension.

I had many samples collected from various dead Chituari soldiers,and using Castiel as a genetic template and with some genetic engineering, the results turned out better than I could ask for.

They would still need time to grow and learn though.

I didn't plan on treating them as expendable soldiers. Instead they would become the first inhabitants of the new and improved limbo.

Those with aptitudes suitable for science would become scientists, and those with aptitudes suitable to become generals and warriors would be so.

It'll take years, but then again time on limbo passed a lot faster than it did on earth.

I left Castiel to his own devices, and decided to head towards the castle's treasurey.

I entered the room which was filled with security runes and wards, only to see what I came for.

The Tesseract.

Previously when I was threatening loki on the plane, I managed to plant two hidden telepathic suggestions.

One was to escape after his capture, and the other were the coordinates to a heavily warded cell in limbo.

The Tesseract primarily worked by thinking of the coordinates or by the user's intentions.

I set the second telepathic suggestion to activate the moment he tried and use The Tesseract .

I took the stone, and opened a portal that lead to the heart of limbo.

In this chamber three raised pedestals were surrounding the Promethium heart.

Each pedestal had a runic chain branching from it leading up to a complex runic matrix surrounding the core.

I walked towards the central pedestal and broke apart the tesseract before extracting the stone within.

I kept the shell, since it could be useful one day,

then placed the space stone in a grove, that perfectly fitted the stone.

The pedestal pulsed with energy, before stabilizing.

I could feel a new connection, at the edge of my mind, begging to be used.

I gave in to the feeling and with a thought.

I dissappeared.

( Chapter End )


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