Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 82 - The Dark World

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[1 year later]

Shang-Chi was busy wiping the floors with the rookies, which I always found entertaining to watch.

Most of the new recruits were either newly awakened mutants or the occasional inhuman.

It was an excercise designed to ingrane humility, and teach them early on, that having powers doesn't make you invincible.

And what better way to show it, than have a base human kick your ass.

* Bam*

" Oof.." I said.

" Always remember, your powers are only a tool. Your enemies won't give you time to use them, a battle can end in a moment." Shang-Chi said, as he flipped over another recruit.

" Hey boss, looks like you're having fun." Calisto said, walking up to me.

" What can I say, I find it nostalgic. " I said.

I kept watching for a while, before I was suddenly interrupted by Sophie.

" Master, this news report just came in. " Sophie said, as she played the news report.

" I'm here at Stonehenge, for what has been an interesting unfolding of events today. The police reported the scene shortly after 11 a.m. this morning, after a seemingly harmless rambler approached the area then started to strip naked and effectively terrorize tourists there with scientific equipment while shouting that he was trying to save them. The man later identified as noted Astrophysicist Dr. Erik Selvig has been called in for questioning by police." The Stonehenge TV news reporter said.

After she showed me the news report of Selvig running around naked in Stonehenge while the police were trying to catch him. I was silent for a while.

" Uh... Boss? What's wrong. " Calisto said.

" Nothing... Calisto. I just didn't need to see that." I said, in a strange tone.

I shook my head, chasing away those strange thoughts. Making a note to teach Sophie, how to blur certain things.

I mean, gravity did that man no favors.


( 3rd POV)

Jane, Darcy and Ian had just entered the old factory.

The three scientists started going into the abandoned warehouse, with Jane in the lead, followed by Darcy and the new intern.

They were trying to track the gravitational anomalies when they suddenly heard a noise.

" I am not getting stabbed in the name of science." Darcy whispered.

She lifted up her hands and shouted, "It's okay. We're Americans!"

" Is that supposed to make them like us?"Jane, asked incredulously.

She's about to say something when they heard some kids' voices.

"Make it go away!" A girl whispered loudly.

"Shhh!" another kid shushed her.

The voices stopped and 3 kids came out of their hiding places. "Are you the police?" the girl asked them.

"No, we're scientists." She paused, looked around and said, "Well I am."Jane said.

"Thanks." Darcy said sarcastically.

"We just found it." The boys said, still afraid.

"Can you show us?" Jane asked, gently.

The three kids lead Jane, Darcy and Ian to a truck, one of the boys touched the truck and pushed it up with two fingers.

They watched in amazement as the truck floated in mid-air.

"That doesn't seem rigged." Jane said.

The kids then took them to a stairwell in the factory.

They all stopped at a stairwell in the factory, and one of them dropped a bottle down the stairwell.

They watched as the bottle disappeared into thin air after making a few ripples in the air like it was dropped into water.

"Where did it go?" Darcy asked the small girl with them.

The girl just pointed upwards, and they all looked up to see the bottle reappear above them.

It once again dropped down into another portal, only to appear up once again, continuously appearing and disappearing from the portals.

"That's... That's incredible!" Jane said.

She picked up an empty can,and dropped it down and watched it do the same thing.

It disappeared into thin air, but when they looked up to watch it reappear, nothing happened.

"What happened?" Darcy asked, in surprise.

"Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't." The girl explained.

"I want to throw something. Jane, give me your shoe." Darcy said, which Jane ignores.

Jane took out her scanner and looked at the readings.

"I haven't seen readings like this since..." Jane muttered.

"New Mexico?" Darcy said.

Jane gave her a meaningful look before rushing off, whilst shouting "Don't touch anything!" Back to Darcy.

Darcy waited a few moments, until Jane was out of sight, then turned to Ian and said, "Give me your shoe."

Jane walked away from the others and watched them on the stairwell dropping objects down and watching them disappear and reappear.

She looked at her gadget and saw the anomaly was nearby and started walking off.

Back on the stairwell, Ian dropped the car keys down and they watch it disappear but when they looked up it didn't reappear.

"Where those the car keys?" Darcy asked.

Jane followed the readings on her gadget which took her to another part of the factory.

As the readings got stronger a gust of wind pushed her forward and she found herself teleported in another realm.

She looked around and found the column holding the Aether, she reached her hand out when.

" I wouldn't touch that, if I were you."

( POV End)

She recoiled in shock and took a few steps back.

" Enigma! What are you doing here?" She said, in surprise.

" I could ask you the same question Dr. Jane. If I had arrived a moment later, your life would've been danger." I said.

" You know what that thing is?" She asked, pointing at it.

" Yes, its called the Aether. " I said.

" Where are we? What is this place? " She asked.

I started casting a few spells, whilst making some calculations.

" Judging by what my readings tell me, we should be at the ruins of Svartalfheim. Huh... wouldn't have thought to look there." I said.

" Svartalfheim? " She asked.

"It is one of the Nine Realms and home to the Dark Elves. The Asgardians and other inhabitants of the Nine Realms refer to it as "The Dark World." I said.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and I could see my statement only raised more questions.

It wasn't everyday one could stumble onto an infinity stone. So, I decided to answer some of her questions.

"It's Located in a star system that is almost completely corroded with dark matter, both Svartalfheim and the Dark Elves inhabiting it have developed under a more diverse table of elements. The only source of visible light for the world is a black hole." I continued, pointing at the sky.

" But, that's Impossible. " She said, looking up at the sky.

" Let's continue this later, it's not safe here. " I said, eyeing the Aether's erratic movements.


At the same time a dark elf suddenly awakened in his ship, knowing that the Aether has been found.

" The Aether awakens us. The Convergence returns." Malekith said.


After containing the Aether in a container made out of the the Tesseract's shell and a vibranium chasis. I opened a portal back to the warehouse, and took Dr.Jane with me.

" Ahhh aliens! "

I dodged a shoe thrown my way, and shot an annoyed look towards the culprit.

Darcy was hiding behind Ian, who by the way only had his socks left.

" I'm not an alien Ms. Lewis, and If I was. I doubt throwing your intern's shoe would help." I said.

Darcy suddenly exclaimed, "Hey! You're that Enigma guy. You helped Thor in New Mexico and New York!"

"Yes, thanks for reminding me, Ms Lewis." I sighed.

Darcy ran towards where Jane was and hugged her, as she exclaimed, "Jane! Where the hell were you?"

Jane shook off her head and says, "I was in Svartalfheim."

" Sva.. what now?" Darcy asked.

"It's one of the nine realms." I said.

" Sir, I'm a big fan. I saw what you did at New York. Also I'm sorry about the shoe thing I... " The intern said, extending his hand.

" It's alright, I only did what I had to. I'm sure given the opportunity, most would have done the same. " I said.

He was looking at me in awe, which was slightly uncomfortable.

I mean, how would you feel if another man was staring at you with such an intense gaze.

' I wonder if that's how female celebrities feel.' I thought to myself.

Jane looked visibly upset, still slightly freaked out by what happened.

It started raining and lightning rumbled above us. We heard another lightning crackle and I turned to the side where I heard a person landing.

It was Thor.

As soon as Jane saw Thor, she started running towards him.

And as soon as she reached him, she slapped him hard in the face.

He was stunned for a moment, but quickly shook it off.

" Sorry. I just needed to make sure you were real, it's been a very strange day." Jane said.

" Well, I am. Jane..." Thor said.

She suddenly slapped him again, this time with more heat.

" Where were you?!" She yelled.

" Where were you? Heimdall could not see you." He shot back.

" I was right here where you left me. I was waiting and then I was crying and then I went out looking for you. You said you were coming back" She said.

"I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed. The Nine Realms erupted into chaos, wars were raging, marauding hordes were pillaging. I had to put an end to the slaughter." He said.

"As excuses go, that's not terrible. But I saw you on TV, you were...you were in New York!" She said.

"Jane, I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world, but I was wrong, I was a fool. I believe that fate brought us together. Jane, I don't know where you were or what happened, but I do know this." He said.

" What?" Jane said.


I waved my hand, and an invisible barrier appeared above my head to protect us from the rain.

Darcy wiped her glasses, and pointed at the the barrier, " What's up with that? Is it like a benefit of being an Avenger ?" She asked.

I snorted and said, " Its benefits of being a sorcerer. Let's join them, shall we."

We went there and saw that Thor and Jane were about to kiss. Darcy ever that tactful one, interrupted them and said, "Hey! Is that you?" referring to the rain.

"Uh...we're kind of in the middle of something." Jane said.

Thor looked up and with a mental command the rain suddenly stopped.

He then turned to me, and said " Enigma? What are you doing here." Thor asked in surprise.

" Why don't you ask her. " I said, looking towards Jane.

He shot her a concerned look," Are you alright? What happened? "

" I was looking for the source of those gravitational readings and I must have gone through a portal, because suddenly I found myself in a dark cave with red light coming through the opening. There was this wierd liquid thing floating, and I was about to touch it..." She babbled.

He looked at me for an explanation." The portal led to Svartalfheim, the red thing she mentioned was the Aether. "

His eyes widened in alarm." Please tell me, you didn't touch it. "

" I didn't... " She said.

" I was there in time. She's fine. " I assured.

We suddenly heard police sirens, coming towards us and saw that 2 cop cars were coming right for us.

"Um...I'm pretty sure we are getting arrested." Darcy said.

" I'll handle it, just give me a sec." Jane said, before running towards the police cars.

As we were standing, waiting for Jane to resolve the issue. Darcy turned to Thor and said. "Look at you, still all muscly and everything. How's space?"

"Space is fine." Thor answered.


"Are you Jane Foster?" The police officer said.

" Yes." Jane said.

" Do you know this man?" The policeman said, referring to Ian.

"He's my intern. My intern's intern." She said.

"Well, This is private property and you're trespassing, the lot of you. You'll have to come with me." The policeman said.

He goes to grab Jane's arm, and I can see Thor visibly tense. Before, the situation could escalate further, I wave my hand. " There's nothing to see here. It was a false alarm. "

The police officers suddenly stop, and unhand Jane. They get back in their cars and drive off.

" The force! Obi-Wun! " Darcy exclaimed.

Thor looked at me curiously, but said nothing. He goes to check on Jane, followed by Darcy and me.

Sensing some spatial disturbance and the signs of someone trying to teleport us, I get ready.

Thor suddenly tells Jane" Hold on to me. "

Just in time because as soon as she does, we see different coloured lights all around us and feel a pull upwards.

" What are you doing?" Janes asked in confusion.

Suddenly the Bifrost opens.

I don't fight the pull, but I feel Darcy latch on to me.

Before we even know it, we drop down on the hard floor. I'm unaffected by the trip, since this wasn't my first time. Thor too, was unshaken.

Jane stumbled a bit, but managed to straighten herself, while Darcy, was about to fall. She made a stupid decision following us, but we can't help it now.

"Holy shit!" Darcy said.

Jane looked around her in amazement, and said "We have to do that again."

She then noticed Heimdall for the first time. Who was guarding as always. His all seeing eyes land on us, as he stared at us impassively.

Jane gulped, unconsciously. " Uhm... Hi."

"Welcome to Asgard." Heimdall said.

( Chapter End)


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