Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 84 - Malekith

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"It's time." I whispered, as soon as I sensed the enemies' approach.

I could sense three life signatures coming our way.

One of them had an intense magical aura filled with malevolence, to which I assumed belonged to Malekith.

The other significant life force signature was probably Kurse. While the other, although less impressive could still be considered an elite on the level of Sif and the warrior three.

Unfortunately, even if I were to teleport away it wouldn't stop Malekith from coming after the Aether, so that plan was a no go.

It was too early to have the fight on earth, and leading him to limbo was even more out of the question. I had no doubt they could follow me there if they wanted to.

The Dark Elves seemed to be able to conjure wormholes with their ships, hence the reason they were able to infiltrate Asgard nearly undetected (as well as their cloaking).

It was more advanced, than anything I have ever seen. Compared to Shields' cloaking technology, this was far more impressive.

Since Asgard had no defense for such weapons, it's obvious to assume that they thought such weapons "died" with the Dark Elves 5000 years ago, and were complacent, believing that they would never see such weapons again.

And since Asgardians live for a few thousand years, it's also safe to assume that those that had seen such weapons 5000 years ago were long dead.

Current Asgardians wouldn't have any such knowledge and experience with those weapons.

Although you'd hope that warriors would pass such knowledge down.

I could feel the Aether in my pocket grow more agitated, as they got closer.

For now my best option was to distract them, or stall them long enough for Thor or Odin to show up.

Malekith was one of the first known sentients to try and utilize the Aether as a weapon during a time when the Nine Realms first aligned.

Like the Infinity Gems upon which it was based, the Aether calls no particular user master, but a strong-willed or magically-capable individual may take control of them, that is if the item allows it.

His brief control of it before being stopped by Odin gave him a permanent connection to it and its powers.

As long as it was free again, Malekith could control the Aether.

The Aether responds to being utilized depending on the natural abilities of the user.

A weak user would be possessed and ultimately destroyed by the Aether, while a strong one may utilize it as a weapon depending on their spiritual/magical capacities.

Jane Foster was merely human with no awareness of magical capacity, nor any understanding of the fundamental nature of the Aether.

She couldn't make use of its power-enhancing abilities, since she had no powers to speak of.

That's why in her hands, it would have been utterly useless.

I bring out a glass vial, filled with a blood red liquid.

It was risky, but I had no other choice.

With a thought, the Symbiote separates from my body, leaving the Vibranium armour on me.

I command it to bond with the Aether, and watched, as they both fought for supermacy.

Both entities were similar to each other in a way, as both instinctively sought out a host , except the Aether was much more domineering.

I then command the Symbiote back inside my body along with the Aether.

The Symbiote was supposed to act as a buffer, but it seems I underestimated the Aether far too much.

Pain. It's the only thing I feel for what it certainly feels like hours. But was only for a few seconds.

Everything hurt, like my body was about to burst.

I could feel my bones cracking under the pressure, my tendons being torn apart, and a brain splitting headache , everything all at once.

Even with my Spider-Physiology enhanced by the Extremis Virus and Wolverine's healing factor.

I could still feel my body breaking down, at a rapid pace.

You see unlike Jane, I was actively repressing the Aether, causing it to lash out.

With Malekith so close it was my only choice, he wouldn't be able to call upon it or remove it from my body, but at the same time it also meant I couldn't use it.

I reckon I could only hold it for a few minutes, before my body completely breaksdown, healing factor or not.

I turned to Frigga, who was looking at me in shock and slight horror, as if I were a mad man.

The pain slowly receded back, but I was still breathing hard.

Gathering myself, I look around. Frigga was kneeling beside me.

The sounds of the attacks were still loud and coming a little closer.

I stood up and examined the suit I was wearing. It was dyed blood red, with black streaks here and there.

Frigga was still looking at me in Shock, "Are you mad?! Why would you do that?."

" As long as the Aether is bonded to me, Malekith can't control it. If worst comes to worst I could buy time, and escape. Hiding it is also useless, he can sense it's location. That's how he knew it was here in Asgard. " I said.

"You have a lot of strange powers for someone from Midgard. Where did you get the Klyntar?" She asked.

I think and say, " A scientist friend of mine found it. I purified it using lightforce energy and erased its will. The rest I either conconted in a lab, or learned in my mystic training. "

She shook her head, and said." It always amazes me how mortals can grow so fast. "

I nodded, and was about to say something when we simultaneously turned towards the door.

I immediately go on my guard, Frigga holds her sword in front of her and orders, "Stand down, creature. You may still survive this."

The Dark elf sneered at her, "I've survived worse, woman."

He had his eyes on me from the moment he came in, and quickly ordered his subordinates to surround me.

"Who are you?" Frigga asked him.

"I am Malekith, and I will have what is mine." He says, as he started walking closer to me and Frigga.

She interrupts his advance, attacking with her sword.

She manages to hit him in the face, the sword glowing from her power.

Malekith takes out his own sword and tries to attack her. Frigga uses her sword and parries him away, while at the same time, relieving him of the sword.

They fight for only a few seconds, but Frigga quickly overpowers him and holds the sword to his neck, immobilizing him.

I see a bigger elf slowly walk in the room and towards her, so I jump in and kick him away.

The big elf stumbled backwards and looks at me. He growls and charges at me.

He walks towards me and starts attacking. He was bigger and physically stronger than me.

But he was also slower.

I was working with several disadvantages here, most of my concentration was kept on trying to keep the Aether in check from running amok.

I could feel it trying to break out.

Magic was out, Chi was out and my symbiote was busy keeping me alive.

The only thing giving me an edge, was my ability to read my opponents moves, while utilizing Shang-Chi's training and my superior speed.

I ducked under his punches and hit him on his chest. His chest was stronger than even Abomination was.

Seeing that I had it handled, Frigga resumes her fight with Malekith and stabbed him in the stomach with her sword.

He stumbleed and dropped down, feeling dizzy due to blood loss.

My Spidey-Sense tingles, warning me of an attack.

I turn towards the elf who was watching the fight from the sidelines, and see him preparing something in his hands.


Kurse suddenly picks me up by my legs and throws me towards the balcony.

I could see an Implosion grenade heading towards the queen.

If it hits her, I doubt there would be anything left of her.

I only had a nano-second to do something, before it was all too late.

I held out my hand, and a portal with a blue hue opened infront of the gernade.

The gernade suddenly appeared beside Malekith, and before it could explode. Kurse used the dark elf beside him as a shield to protect Malekith.

Malekith looked pissed because I tried to kill him, so he picked up the fallen elf's gun and started shooting at me.

I quickly dodged, and found Kurse charging at me once again.

Malekith still looked pissed, and suddenly a vicious smile appeared on his face.

Realizing what he was about to do, I looked towards the queen. Malekith aimed the blaster at her, and started firing.

She managed to deflect and parry the first few shots, but eventually she was overwhelmed.

The queen fell to the floor bleeding, she was still alive, but barely.

" Lets see if you can do your trick again." He suddenly said.

He took out something from his belt, and threw it beside the queen's prone form.

It was another implosion gernade.

' Dammit! How many of those does he have?!'

I tried making a portal, but Kurse didn't give me a chance. He also had a vicious smile on his face, as if enjoying my predicament.

Frigga had a serene smile on her face, as if accepting her fate. She looked towards me.

" Tell both my sons, I love them." She said, before closing her eyes.

( Chapter End)


I know I know, I am an evil, evil man. Ending it on a cliff hanger of all things.


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" And 5+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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