Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 85 - Reality

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The gernade explodes almost immediately, and I could barely tear my eyes away from the queen.

Or, at least what was left of her.

Her right side was completely gone. Normally, nothing would be left. But, as if to mock me, Malekith threw it beside her, for me to see the results of my insolence.

Thor enters at that moment and seeing his mother immediately loses it and, throws his hammer at the elf, almost knocking Malekith out of the bigger one's hands, but the big elf handles it and jumps away with Malekith, out of the balcony.

Thor follows after them, but they jump on a ship and retreat.

I go towards Frigga and see that her chest was barely moving.

I yell out, "Thor! She's still alive!"

Thor, who was crying by the window comes back running to his mother, and sees that she was alive.

He turns to me as if pleading, to do something. Frigga was breathing her final breath, and I could hear her heart about to stop.



*Bad... *


Odin comes inside the room, wielding Gungnir, and points it inside.

Seeing us beside his wife's fallen body, he almost breaks down.

I cast my first rune to buy me a few seconds for what I am about to do. They were surprised by what I was doing, but no one goes to stop me.

The rune takes hold, but I could feel it won't last for more than a few seconds.

I then cast a second rune, that temporarily binds her soul to her body.

The third rune, I cast is to restrain her God force.

I didn't know how it could react, and frankly I didn't want to find out.

I finally loosen the final seal I placed on myself, and let the Aether's power explode out of me.

Malekith was no longer here, so I could finally use my magic and stop activatly restraining the Aether.

As soon as I let go, I feel it trying to go rampant once more, so I forcefully take control of it.

Admittedly It was easier this time, since I was trying to guide it, instead of seal it away.

Odin looks towards me, and orders, "What are you trying to do?"

" I'm going to use the Aether's power to save your wife. Malekith corrupted it, turning it into the Aether. It was originally called the Reality stone. One of the infinity stones. " I explained.

I suddenly felt my mutant power activating, and everything changed as my perspective widened.

Everything I saw was being interpreted into information, everything was language to me now.

I could even hear the reality stone. It's yearning to be used to reshape matter and energy, into a new reality.

I started speaking, but if one where to hear it, it didn't sound like any language ever spoken.

I was using a language long forgotten to command reality itself.

Frigga's body began building itself, one atom at a time, the task proved to be difficult since, the parts that were missing were completely destroyed by the implosion gernade.

I unconsciously starting syphoning some of the god force surrounding her, Odin sensing what was happening. Supplied some of his own Odin force.

Rebuilding a god's body wasn't simple. And a lot of energy was required to reconstruct their bodies. Since, their vessels had to be strong enough to hold their divinties.

I was finally done, and with a final push.

I forcefully restrained the the Aether once again.

I absorbed it back into my body, and fell to the floor. I was absolutely exhausted, and everything hurt. My magic was completely drained, as was my body.

Mortals weren't meant to use such power without consequences. Only beings such as the Celestials could use it with ease and suffer no backlash.

I reckon the only reason I was able to do so, was my enormous vitality and the power I managed to accumulate over the years.

The task would've been even more difficult, if it weren't for Cypher's powers activating at the right opportunity.

Even Thanos needed a gauntlet, to use the infinity stones, and he was a Titan.

My X-gene mitigated a lot of the strain put on my mind and body.

I also happened to glimpse which dimension my X-gene was connected to, and let's just say it was something beyond comprehension.


Seeing his wife alive and breathing, Odin goes to pick her up and take her to the healers.

I could see his concern for her, and how relieved he was that she was still alive.

Thor helped me up from the floor, and out of nowhere gave me hug.

"Enigma. This debt shall never be forgotten. Asgard itself is in your debt. Thank you, for saving my mother." He sincerely said.

I gave him a nod, as no words were needed to be spoken.

I went to rest in my room, so I can recuperate, the Aether was taking an enormous toll on my body. And, I had to reseal it back into it's container, before it was too late.


A couple of hours later, we were standing in the throne room.

Although, I was successful in saving her life, it seems that the queen had gone into a deep slumber.

I was standing before Odin, explaining the sequence of events, that led to the queen almost dying.

" Malekith entered the room. They fought with swords and the Queen won. He had two other elves with him, I managed to kill one, but the big one escaped with Malekith. " I explained.

Thor nodded, solemnly, saying, "I intend to pursue Malekith."

"You overestimate the power of those creatures." Odin said.

"No, I value our peoples lives. Enigma and I will go to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. Malekith will come for it, and we will have our chance to destroy him." Thor argued.

"If you fail, you risk the Aether falling into the hands of the enemy." Odin simply stated.

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing. His ship could be over our heads right now and we'd never even know it." Thor said.

"If and when he comes, his men will fall by ten thousand Asgardian blades." Odin said.

"And how of our men shall fall on theirs?" Thor asked.

" As many as are needed! We will fight! Until the last Asgardian breath, the last drop of Asgardian blood." Odin ruthlessly stated.

"And how are you different from Malekith?" Thor asked.

Odin chuckled, before saying, "The difference, my son, is that I will win."

Odin then looked towards me and says.

" Asgard is in your debt. After all of this is done, ask for a boon of your choosing. Asgard always pays its debts."

Thor stormed out of the Throne room fuming, going to god knows where.

I went back to our assigned rooms, and before entering, I saw the door next to mine open.

Jane and Darcy came out, and as soon as they saw me, started asking me questions.

" What happened?" Jane asked clearly worried.

"Odin is trying to mount a defence and wait for the Dark Elves to come back. Thor disagreed. They argued for a while and Thor stormed off." I summarized.

" What about Thor's mom is she going to be okay?" Darcy asked.

"Yeah. Thor was really upset when we saw him." Jane added.

I nod and say, "Oh yes. She'll be fine. We just don't know when she'll wake up."

They go silent for a while. Before, Jane breaks the silence and says, " I'm going to go look for Thor."

Darcy and I were left standing, so I turned to her and said," Go explore for a bit. I don't think one gets many chances to go sightseeing in a realm filled with gods."

" Then, what are you going to do? " Darcy asked.

" I'm going to visit a friend." I said.


At a bar somewhere in Asgard, Thor was sitting alone when Heimdall walked up to him.

" You're not in Odin's war council?" Thor questioned, clearly confused.

" The Bifrost is closed by your father's orders. No one is to come or to go." Heimdall said.

Heimdall took off his helmet and placed it on the table. "We face an enemy that is invisible even to me. Of what use is a guardian such as that?" He said, with a defeated look on his face.

"Malekith will return, you know this. I'll need your help." Thor said.

" I cannot overrule my King's wishes, not even for you." Heimdall said.

"I'm not asking you to. The Realms need their All-Father strong and unchallenged, whether he is or not. But he is blinded, Heimdall, by hatred and by grief." Thor said.

"As are we all." Heimdall countered.

"Well I see clearly enough." Thor challenged.

"The risks are too great." Heimdall stated.

"Everything that we do from here on is a risk, there is no other way." Thor said.

Heimdall hesitated before replying, "What do you require of me?"


Thor was holding a meeting with Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Heimdall.

"What I'm about to ask of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here, he can sense its power. If we do nothing he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard." Thor said.

"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract has been lost." Sif said.

"There are other paths off Asgard, ways known only to a few." Heimdall said.

"One, actually." Thor said, making the others realize he was taking about Loki.

" But, even if it was true. We have no idea, where he is." Sif said.

" Well, love that's not true, is it? " A voice suddenly said.

They all turned towards that familiar voice, shocked beyond belief.

"But... How?" Sif whispered.





Loki turned to her, and with a smirk said,

"So, when do we start?"

( Chapter End)


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" And 5+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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