Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 90 - Sacrifice

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In only a few seconds, Algrim arrived infront of Loki and slammed right into him.

Unexpectedly though, Algrim went right through Loki.

It turns out it was a just an illusion.

Algrim started looking around in confusion, when we all suddenly felt a mean chill grab the air.

Loki reappeared unharmed, and as the temperature dropped faster and faster, blue crept over Loki's skin.

Loki's eyes faded to red, as faint lines of lighter blue crept over his face, arms, and torso to form intricate designs.

He breathed out a chilly breath," Well that was dangerous."

" Loki!" Thor exclaimed.

I was slightly surprised, since I didn't expect Loki to blatantly display his Frost giant heritage.

Loki always seemed to dislike his blue skin, and the fact he was born a frost giant.

I mean the guy despised his own race so much, he killed his biological father and tried to destroy his home world using the Bifrost.

' Why the change of heart?' I asked in curiosity.

' I discovered it was easier to use my powers, while in this form. While, I dislike the blue, I can't exactly help it.' He communicated telepathically.

Algrim tried charging at him again, but Loki blasted him back with an ice blast, momentarily slowing him down.

A loud cracking sound came from behind us, and with a panicked expression. Loki suddenly shouted. "THOR!"

Thor spun to see a dagger that was aimed straight at his heart. But, before Thor could blink, I opened a small blue portal, and redirected the dagger back to its wielder.

We all turned to see Malekith, with blood running down his cheek. The dark elf had obviously not expected his attack to miss, and managed to dodge at the last second.

His blood red eyes shone, with anger, and with an inhuman roar, " Sorcerer! Again you interfere. I swear I'll tear you to pieces if it's the last thing I do."

' How did he recover so fast!? ' Loki thought in alarm.

My eyes quickly darted to the scene that laid beneath Malekith's feet.

It seems Malekith took advantage of our momentary distraction.

The last two elves, who happened to survive the attack, looked like mummified husks.

If I had to guess, whatever what was left of their vitality was used in a sacrificial ritual to help Malekith recover faster.

' Blood Ritual.' I thought.

"Algrim, that sorcerer has the Aether!" Malekith, pointed at me.

Thor called lightning to himself, and charged his hammer to its full capacity, and blasted it at Malekith.

Algrim took this chance to run towards me as fast as he could.

I immediately teleported away, and reappeared right behind Algrim. I slammed my hand on the ground, and casted two runes simultaneously.

"Gravitas!" " Inverto!"

Algrim was immediately launched into the sky, like a bullet. Disappearing from sight.

I dropped to the ground panting, exhaustion overcoming me. Double casting is never a good idea, especially when you overcharge a Rune.

I ended up using my original spell Gravitas which increased gravity by a factor of one hundred, and then reversed the runes's effect with an inversion rune. Launching Algrim into to the stratosphere.

Unfortunately, channeling this much energy to cast one rune after another, left me utterly exhausted.

I turned my head slightly towards the battle right next to mine, where, Thor and Loki fought side by side.

Loki was utilizing long range ice attacks to distract, and slow down Malekith, while Thor was engaged in close combat.

Malekith's dagger slipped through Thor's guard, catching him along his jawline. Thor paid it no mind, knowing it was an attempted to distract him, so the elf could follow it up with another attack.

I stood back deciding to let them handle it, I was already exhausted from the large amount of energy I had to expend, not to mention the barrier spell I was still maintaining.

Malekith was getting slowly overwhelmed by the two brothers, and It wouldn't be long before he was defeated.

Sensing his end nearing, Malekith made a desperate attempt.

He sacrificed his left arm, and threw a wild swipe of his dagger, that happened to cut a large gash on Loki's inner thigh.

Loki yelped and scrambled backwards.

Thor took this opportunity to blast him away with his hammer, and he was thrown back several feet, his head hitting the dirt with a thud, leaving him temporarly disoriented.

"Leave it to me brother, his end shall be at my hands," Thor said.

Loki froze his injury with his ice, and stumbled back a bit.

" Then, I'll leave it you." Loki said.

Malekith still on the ground, raised his arm towards me.

I felt something amiss. And, was about to teleport away, my bag of holding started to shake, and something exploded out of it.

The vial containing the Aether fell down on the ground, in the form of small crystals. It slowly started rising and moved towards Malekith.

Thor charged Mjolnir full of lightning, and blasted it at the Aether.

The Aether got lifted off into the air, slowly rising upwards, pushed by Thor's lightning.

The Aether, and Thor's lightning, exploded in a brilliant explosion of red mist, spreading the Aether everywhere.

Malekith's eyes were wide with anticipation. Blood spilling in a slow trickle from the sides of his mouth.

His shining red eyes looked up at me. And, I could feel the malice coming from it.

The red mist, that had fallen down on the ground, slowly started rising and moved towards Malekith.

I was about to teleport next to Malekith, but I knew I wouldn't make it in time.

I communicated telepathically with Thor. "Kill him Thor, end it. The Aether cannot be destroyed" My voice echoed in his head.

The Aether almost within his reach, "You're all too late." Malekith roared.

Unexpectedly though, the Aether froze right before it reached Malekith, and merely floated in the air.

We were all confused for a second, before

Malekith suddenly felt a chill behind him.

" Well, I'd like to think I'm just on time. " A voice whispered into his ears.

Malekith slowly turned to see Loki's icy blue eyes staring at him.

" Impossible..." Malekith said.

The injured Loki who was standing right next to Thor, suddenly disappeared, and reappeared behind Malekith holding a spear made out of ice, piercing Malekith's chest.

Thor stopped and sighed in relief, thinking it was finally over.

But Malekith wouldn't give up so easily, he suddenly turned around and pulled the still standing Loki towards himself, piercing him with the same spear.

I widened my eyes in disbelief , but quickly controlled myself.

"NOOO!" Thor yelled out, in anguish.

Loki realizing he wouldn't be able to survive this, took a step closer to Malekith, impaling himself further.

"See you in hell, Monster." Loki said, before Ice started to spread from the stab wound, freezing Malekith from the inside out, turning him into an ice statue.

Thor in his rage threw Mjolnir with his full strength, shattering Malekith's frozen body into a million pieces.

Thor rushed over to Loki."No. No, no, no! Oh, you fool, you didn't listen!"

"I know. I'm a fool. I'm a fool!" Loki breathed out in pain.

" Stay with me, okay?" Thor pleaded.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Loki whispered.

" Shh." Thor said.

"I'm sorry." Loki said.

"It's okay. It's alright. I'll tell father what you did here today." Thor said.

I started walking towards where Thor was cradling his brother.

"I didn't do it for him." I hear Loki whisper, as he finally stops breathing.

"NOOOO!" Thor screamed out, anguished at the loss of his brother.


I opened a portal back to Earth, and dropped off Thor, at Jane's apartment.

As soon as Jane saw him, she simply went and hugged Thor.

" Thank you for bringing him back to me." Jane said.

" Take care of him for me, although Loki was an asshole, he was Thor's brother. His death hit him pretty hard." I said.

" I understand, just leave him to me." Jane said.

I left Thor to grieve, but didn't forget to absorb the Symbiote back into my body. I said my goodbyes, and told Thor to keep the ring incase he needed to contact me again.

( Svartalfheim)

I started walking towards a cave, where we left the Aether, and Loki's body.

I had to retrieve the Aether, since leaving it unattended could potentially spell disaster.

I sat down on the ground near Loki's body, "You know back on Earth, that performance would be worthy of an Oscar."

Loki's body didn't move, not even a little for close to a full minute.

I just raised my eyebrow and looked at him, as the illusion suddenly dropped. He was still there, laying on the ground, uninjured.

"How'd you know?" Loki asked, in curiosity.

"You forgot the ring. Dumbass. You're lucky I cut the connection, before Thor noticed. Plus, I doubt your own ice could hurt you. " I said, as I shook my head at him.

He sighed in frustration, and said, " So why didn't you tell Thor that I'm alive?" He asked me. Still calm.

I think for a moment and say, " I know your plan of overthrowing Odin and taking his place on the Throne. The thing is, I honestly don't care who rules Asgard."

Loki smirked, " I know, I agreed on helping you defeat Thanos. But, what stops me from going back on our deal? When I already have Asgard in my hands. "

" For one simple reason, if nothing changes. Thanos will be the one, who kills you. Right after the destruction of Asgard. " I solemnly said.

He was silent for a bit, as he thought things through, " Why should I believe you? How do I know you're not trying to deceive me." He suddenly said.

In response I used a spell to show him a memory, well several actually.

Loki was immediately bombarded with hundreds of scenes, where he gets killed either by Thanos or Hella herself.

These memories were obtained from the millions of possibilities, I saw using the time stone.

I only let him see the moment of his demise, without giving him more information or context about how or why these events happened.

Seconds later, he collapsed to the ground sweating profusely, his breathing was labored and I could see the panic in his eyes.

"I think as a master illusionist, you should be able to know the difference between, a fabricated memory and a real one." I said.

He visibly gulped and asked, "You won't tell me how you know all this, will you?"

" No, I won't. So, what's it going to be? Are you in or out?" I asked.

He got up to stand while dusting himself, he then extended his hand, and said, " I'm in."

(Chapter End)


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