Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 91 - Twin Stars

A few weeks after the whole Dark Elves mess, I was standing once again in front of Limbo's core.

In this chamber three raised pedestals were surrounding the Promethium heart.

Each pedestal had a runic chain branching from it, leading up to a complex runic matrix surrounding the core.

The center pedestal was already occupied with the space stone. So, I walked towards the right pedestal and took out the Reality Stone.

It didn't take much convincing for me to get Thor to agree on letting me safeguard the reality stone.

His original plan of giving it to the collecter was rejected, since it would be Idiotic to give one of the gems of creation to someone who'd sell it to the highest bidder.

Since, Malekith corrupted the Reality Stone, for his own purposes, I had to purify it first, before, I used it for my own purposes.

Using a process similar to what I did with limbo, I used the Space Stone's power in conjuction with the Light dimension's purifying power to achieve my goal.

It took me a few weeks, but here I was standing with the purified and original form of the stone.

I placed the reality stone into its grove, and same as before the pedestal pulsed with energy.

The immense amount of energy of using one Infinity Stone, not to mention six at once would normally kill anyone who attempts it.

There are a few exceptions of course, but unless you're a Celestial or from an especially powerful race like the Eternals you're out of luck.

Even with the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos a mutated Eternal was the only one who could use them without any apparent side effects.

In my training as a sorcerer, and due to my talents as a programmer. I was always taught to think outside of the box.

My strength as a sorcerer was limited due to my reluctance on forming pacts with any of the 'gods' or various extradimmensional beings.

So, I decided to get a little 'creative'.

I came up with a complex runic array that let me slowly channel the infinity stone's power to limbo's Promethiuem core.

The core saturated by the power of the infinity stones would slowly gain its characteristics, and through my connection to limbo. I could utilize a small part of the stone's powers.

Simply put, the whole dimension known as limbo became a magical conduit capable of harnessing the power of the Stones.

It wasn't ideal since my physical body limited how much energy I could safely channel. But, it was worth it in the end.

After a year of siphoning the space stone's power. I gained the ability to teleport and create portals, without the aid of a sling ring.

Granted most of the energy was being used to expand Limbo's domain and stabilize the dimension. But, in a few years, even if the Promethieum core were to disappear, limbo wouldn't be affected, since the dimension would've grown stable by that point.

A few seconds later, the Reality stone's chaotic energy stabilized.

The Reality Stone was one of the six Infinity Stones, the remnant of a singularity that predated the universe, which represented the fabric of reality.

It allowed the user to alter reality in effectively any way they see fit. This included changing reality in ways that would normally be impossible.

The laws of physics basically no longer apply when the Reality Stone is concerned. If the user wants 2+2=5, they can make that happen.

The Reality Stone, perhaps more than any other, is much more limited by the imagination of the user than anything else.

The one real limitation that the Reality Stone has is that changes it makes to reality are generally not permanent without the Power Stone as well.

But, with the Promethieum core as a power scource, it should be enough to sustain my newest creation.

I could feel a new connection forming in my mind, so I held out my hand, and decided to test it.

I started imagining subatomic particles without an electrical charge, and with a slightly larger mass than protons coming into existence.

I urged the newly formed particles to rotate, which caused them to gain mass and spin-up to very fast rotation rates at up to several hundred times per second.

The electrons and protons began combining at an accelerated rate producing neutrons.

The neutron particles started emitting beams of electromagnetic radiation, and trace amounts of repulsive nuclear forces.

I teleported out of the core chamber and to the surface.

I searched around for any sign of life around me, but found none.

"Let's do this the old fashioned way then." I said, before teleporting, millions of miles away into space.

" This should be far enough," I said, before I hurled the ball of light away from me.

I immediately teleported back, and waited.

Seconds later, a blinding light covered the dimension known as limbo.

With batted breaths, I observed what was happening...

The birth of a Star.


" Master! What's going on." I heard Castiel's panicked voice, through our telepathic connection.

"Don't worry Castiel, it's me. Everything's fine." I said, trying to calm him down.

" Forgive me, Master! Had I known I wouldn't have disturbed you. I must go calm my sibilings, they're still young and easy to panic." He said.

" There's nothing to forgive, if anything I was the one who grew a little too excited. I should have warned you about it. " I said.

(A few days later)

"You still aren't telling me where we are going? And, is the blindfold really necessary? " Jean asked, after 30 seconds of silence.

I got closer to her and said, "Would you want me to spoil the surprise, Jean ? It would not be fun now, would it?"

I kissed her on the lips after that. Jean smiled into the kiss and said, "This is certainly fun."

I separated myself from Jean, and said, "Come on. Let's go now." I picked her up, and started walking into a portal.

As soon as we were through, Jean picked up a sound, she asked, "Are we on a beach?"

I smiled and said, "Yup. A private beach. I made it into a holiday house for us."

"A whole island? For ourselves for the next 2 days?" She asked.

"Not...exactly. More like a whole dimension..." I said.

" A dimension?" She asked, clearly confused.

" We're in limbo. Well, what used to be limbo anyway." I said.

She still looked confused, since last time she was here, this place was akin to a hell dimension.

Deciding it would be easier to show her than to explain. I removed her blindfold, and pointed at the sky.

She looked up, only for her jaw to drop.

"It's... beautiful." She whispered in awe.

" You see that one over there,." I said.

She dumbly nodded her head. " Well, I may have went a little overboard." I said.

She quirked her eyebrows," What do you mean?"

"Well, the first one started to fragment, after I made it and was about to collapse due to it's own gravitational force. I thought my attempt failed, and was about to start over when, an idea hit me." I said, as I held her hand.

" They're called Twin Stars. And like human fraternal twins, though they were born in the same environment, the pair will grow up to look very different. The bigger twin will die first, and if the pair stay close enough throughout their lives, it could even turn into a supernova." I continued.

" But, how is that even possible? " She asked.

" Do you remember, what I told you about the infinity stones? " I said.

" Yes, you said, Thanos was going to use them to wipe out half the universe. " She said.

" Well, that's what's possible, with 2 of them. You see those two stars over there. I named that one Grey, while the other is named Ramis. " I said.

" You named them after us?" She asked, after a beat of silence.

I nodded my head in confirmation, and before I knew it, Jean started removing her clothes while looking right into my eyes.

Moments later, I started doing the same.

As soon as we are in our last clothes, I smirked at her, picked her up in the fireman's carry and started running towards the ocean.

"Hey! What's with you and picking me up today?" She asked.

Instead of answering, I repeated my actions from when I'd picked her up before, distracting her.

"Well, if that's your answer then I agree too." Jean whispered out. Soon we reach the water and I droped her into it.

The house was completely furnished, and had food enough for a few months of stay, so we had no trouble in that.

We stayed there for the whole weekend, enjoying our holiday, work free, no interruptions.

( Chapter End)


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