Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 92 - Weapon X

Steve rubbed his cold hands together as he entered the warmth of the bar he'd stopped at for dinner.

He'd been on the road with the bike SHEILD had set him up with for a couple months now.

The travel had been good for him.

Being on the road and making his own decisions about where to eat and sleep made him feel more like himself than he had for a long time.

It may sound a little backward, because Steve felt out of place almost everywhere he went, but he also felt like he had more control over his life.

He figured that he would get called back to SHIELD and the Avengers Initiative eventually, but for now, he was enjoying what freedom he had.

He scanned the place briefly, taking in the light evening crowd.

There was a small group at the bar closest to one of the TVs watching a football game, and a few other lone patrons seated along the length of the bar.

The rest of the room was filled with tables and booths that were mostly empty.

The place didn't look like anything special, which was perfectly fine with him.

The clerk at the gas station a couple miles back had said this was the place for a great burger, and that's all the persuasion he needed.

He stepped up to the bar to order and only had to wait a moment for the bartender to make her way over.

"What can I get you?"

Steve smiled. "I've heard you have great burgers."

"That we do! How would you like it?" The bartender pulled out an order pad and a pen.

"Just a classic cheeseburger and fries is good. I'll take a Coke too."

The bartender nodded and Steve gave his thanks before turning to find a booth.

He didn't have to wait long for his food, and the burger was indeed tasty.

Steve enjoyed just sitting and taking in the atmosphere while he ate

He was contemplating his next destination, when raised voices at the bar caught his attention.

The commotion was coming from the group that had been watching the football game.

"Come on, boys. It's just a game. No hard feelings, eh?"

Steve had to take a moment to shake the sense of déjà vu from that voice.

He approached them, as they jeered and stood from their barstools.

The four men blocked Steve's view of the other man that had apparently offended them.

Steve approached. "Now, fellas. There wouldn't be a problem here, would there?"

"It's none of your business, buddy! We'll deal with this asshole how we see fit!" came the loud and slightly slurred bark from one of the men.

Steve ignored them and finally laid his eyes, on who was standing behind them.

"Logan?" He said.


Pounding back his beer he ordered another and a double shot of whisky.

Shaking his head he waited for his round and figured he might as well get it over with.

"What do you want Cap?" Logan asked gruffly.

" I've been meaning to talk to you, but I couldn't find you after New York?" Steve said.

" Why do you want to talk?" Logan asked.

Steve grew silent for a moment, as he started to think. He had been left with that nagging sense of familiarity ever since that day in New York.

"Did you have a grandfather in the service by any chance?" Steve asked finally.

"Can't say I'd rightly know that." Logan said after a thoughtful pause.

" James Howlett. He and I fought together in World War II. I was hitting Hydra bases with the Commandos, when we ran into him and Victor. They ended up helping us in taking down Hydra." Steve said.

"Victor..." Logan muttered.

As Logan listened to Steve, for a strange moment Logan thought he could hear the howl of incoming artillery, the roar of machine-guns, and the crack of rifles, all mixed in with shouting and screaming men and the scent of blood, fear and fire.

Logan took a deep breath, shook his head, and forced himself back to the present.

"Are you his son... or grandson," Steve asked, slowly as he carefully examined him.

" I have no idea what you're talking about, bub. All I remember from that time is the Japanese POW camp, and I don't remember you being there." Logan said.

"Why are you still so young?" Steve asked. "Did you get frozen like me?"

Logan shook his head, "No. I just don't age as fast as most people. You know about mutants right?"

Steve shook his head, "I'd say that's incredible, but the last few months have been nothing but incredible."

Things grew silent for a moment. Steve was almost certain the man he was talking to was his old friend James.

"So, you don't have any memory of me at all?" Steve couldn't help but ask.

"Look, kid. A lot of messed up shit has happened to me in the past few decades. There are a lot of things I don't remember these days. It's nothing personal." Logan said.

" Then, I think you'll want to hear what I have to say." Steve said.

Meanwhile, in an unknown location.

"Your objective is simple. Your target is a carrier of secrets and a weapon that is vital for our plans."

A quick buzz behind the Asset made him

tense up, which only made the coming pain of the electric baton worse.

Pictures of the target started flicking on the wall in front of them, mixed with clips of war, death, and pain.

The voice that the Asset wasn't sure if he feared or revered started speaking: "Shest, Ottsy, khranilishche, ukushennyy,"

Another electric baton struck the Asset, in the ribs.

He had to grit his teeth, tasting metal in his mouth, but he was at least still on his feet.

The pain started to dull as the Asset only could hear the words. The blankness of the mind was accepted readily.

He may have been screaming, he may have started bleeding from the nose, but he did not fall. "Motor, nizhniydragotsennyy, poteryannyy."

When the Asset came back to, there was no one in the room. The exit was open, and a file lay open on the table.

Weapon X, it read in red ink. The Asset took it and left the base, nothing more than a weapon, on his way to complete a mission.

( Limbo)

"Jean?" I called out.

We were both sleeping on my bed, Jean cuddling me on me left. With her beautiful red hair splayed over my chest.

"Yeah?" Jean asked, looking up from my chest.

I kissed her forehead, pulling her closer to me,, "You don't hate me, do you?" I asked.

She looked up at me, climbed on top of me and kissed me.

"Would I do this if I hated you?" She asked, taking off her top.

I smiled at her, "Can't exactly argue with that." I said, as I pulled her down and kissed her again.

"But, seriously. I really do keep neglecting you." I said, pulling her into me and hugging her.

She hugged me back and said, " Then you should start making a habit of taking me with you. "

I looked at her, and smirked, "So, what if I told you I planned on going to space?"

She immediately jumped up and looked at me, excited, "Are you serious!? "

"Well, yeah I'm serious. It's not that farfetched is it? I mean we just spent the last couple of days in another dimension." I said.

Jean narrowed her eyes at me and said, " Yeah, but that's hocus pocus stuff. I always wanted to go to space,"

I nodded hesitantly, having no idea where she's going with it. She continued, "Just imaging the two of us, in a spaceship traveling the universe..."

"Well, once I take care of a couple of things, we'll be free to go." I said.

She smirked at me, pecks me on the lips, and says, "I can't wait."

She went silent for a bit,, " Where exactly are we going."

I laughed and hugged her. " Let's make it a surprise."

(Chapter End)


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