Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 93 - Reunion

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" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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The next day, once Jean left, I first checked up on the Promethieum core.

Since, the harnessing process was going well, I decided to head back to New York.

Once I got to my lab, and after a workout and a shower, Sophie called out to me.

"Master, we pinpointed the location of the Inhuman settlement on the moon. We've also tried contacting them, but our signal is being blocked by their concealment shields."

"It seems I'll have to personally pay them a visit. Send the schematics of the Chituari spaceships along with the ones from Wakanda to Dr. Pym. I think it's time Cypher Solutions had its own spaceship. " I said.

" Dr. Pym says we'll have a working prototype by the end of the month." Sophie said, after a few minutes.

I nodded my head in satisfaction. " That's good to hear. How long, before Sage is ready? I can't exactly go on a space expedition, without someone running the company. "

"She should be ready in a month's time. She's already done with acquiring 2 PhDs, and is now working on her 3rd one. She's also doing some field training in our branch in Asia" Sophie said.

" What about Diana? Is everything proceeding smoothly with the Anti-Vibranium mining? " I asked.

" She has several thousand drones assigned to her, and she's utilizing the Pym technology, and the Rune gate you created for transport. " Sophie said.

Since, everything seemed to be running smoothly I decided to go check out the new company branches we just opened up.

My plan was to turn Cypher Solutions into a multi national conglomerate by the end of the year, or that was idea anyway.

Not wasting any time I opened a gate straight to London, and left the lab. My first stop was our new Europe branch.


A door creaked open. A man, who was huddled in the corner, whimpered as an imposing figure stepped through the doorway.

"Please don't hurt me!" he cried, pushing as far back into the wall as he could go. "I won't try to run anymore, I promise!"

The figure who came in did not say a word, only shut the door behind him and sat in the chair facing the bed.

"Where can I find this man? " He said, showing the man a picture.

"Please! I don't know anything. " The man said.

* Bang!*

"Then, you're useless to me." He said, as he walked away.

The man then proceeded to take out a list of names, and crossed one of them off.

He looked at the next location he had to check , 'Salem, NewYork'


(Salem, New York)

Logan and Steve had spent all night talking, well it was mostly Steve telling Logan everything he remembered about their time together.

The various missions they went through, the people they saved. And, most importantly the people they lost.

There were only two people left in the bar now besides Logan and Steve.

The Barkeeper and another regular.

Time passed rather slowly until the last regular retired for the night, only Steve and Logan were left.

" And, that was the last time I ever saw him." Steve finished.

" Sounds like he was one a hell of a man." Logan said.

There was a beat of silence, as Steve bowed his head for a moment before looking up, " I'm staying in a hotel nearby, if you happen to be around. Just give me a call. "

" Yeah, it's getting pretty late. Why don't you go on ahead, I've still got a few rounds left to go " Logan said.

Steve nodded and said, " It was good seeing you James."

Steve had to admit that seeing Logan for even this short time brought out memories, he thought he'd buried long ago.

He was a relic and for just a moment he thought he'd finally found someone who'd understand what it felt like to have your whole life pass you by.

Bucky, Peggy and Howard, anyone and everyone he'd ever known or loved were simply gone.

Steve was halfway across the room, when he was suddenly startled out of his thoughts as the door to the bar opened.

He looked up to see a man stepping into the room.

A cold rush of air from the outside swept through the room, rustling napkins. The man wore a black hoodie that clung to his body, dripping with cold rain.

His hood was pulled far down so that Steve could only see the tip of his nose and his long, square jaw.

Accompanied by the hood was a tall jacket collar that was pulled around the man's neck.

This man didn't seem friendly, and he certainly didn't want anyone knowing who he was.

He approached the bar, and raised his head only slightly, " I'm looking for a man who goes by the name of Logan." He said.

Before, the bar keep could say anything. A voice spoke out, and said, " Who's asking?"

The man turned his head slightly in Logan's direction and said, " An old friend."

Logan got up and walked right up to him, and said," Well, I happen to know the guy. And, he doesn't have many friends."

The man raised his head slowly, his cold, heartless eyes meeting Logan's.

A small smile tried to play across his lips, but he twisted it, expressing a sadistic look of mischief instead.," I'm sorry, I must have misspoke. I meant an old enemy."

And, before Logan could react the man pulled out a gun and shot him in the head.

" James!!" Steve shouted.

The hooded man didn't try to run away but instead, walked over to the drink shelf.

He found some of the hardest liquor and poured it into a glass filling it to the brim.

The Barkeeper had already ran off, so he figured he might as well help himself to a drink.

Steve briefly ignored the hooded man, and ran over to Logan's side.

Logan was lying in a pool of his own blood, and Steve could clearly see the bullet wound on his temple.

Steve didn't have his Shield on him at the moment. He thought it would've been too flashy to come into the bar with it, so he ended up leaving it attached to his bike.

It didn't mean he couldn't fight. It just meant, he had to be more careful, when dealing with his opponent.

He slowly got up from his crouching position, and turned around to face his opponent.

" Why?" Steve said, through gritted teeth.

The man instead of answering, slowly raised his hand towards his hood, and pulled it down revealing his face to Steve.

Steve was frozen in his place, as he stared at the man's face.

" Hey, Stevie. Miss me?" The man said, with a smile.

"Victor?!" Steve said.


" Victor! But, how? Why did... Are you insane?! You just shot him in the head!" Steve yelled.

Victor just rolled his eyes, and walked over to Logan's body.

Steve was still on guard, but Victor just ignored him and picked up Logan from the scruff of his neck, and raised him up for Steve to see.

He wiped some blood off the bullet wound, and using his fingers, dug out the bullet.

" See that right there, his wound is already healing. He will be up and running before you know it." Victor said.

Steve eyes widened in surprise, as he noticed Logan's wounds beginning to close up.

His expression shifted as it went from anger to confusion, and said, " Then why did you shoot him? "

Victor just shrugged, before tossing Logan back on the floor, which illicited a look of disapproval from Steve.

" He had it coming." Victor answered.

" What do you mean?" Steve asked.

Steve didn't get to interact much with Victor back in the day, but he knew Logan and Victor used to be close, which made this situation even stranger.

" Thanks to that idiot over there, I've been on the run for the past year. Some of our old acquaintances, not to mention an unsavory fellow has been sniffing around trying to find us." Victor said.

" But, why would anyone try and come after you guys? " Steve asked.

" Because of this, " Victor said, as he used his claws to make a large cut on his hand.

The wound started healing, and in just a few moments. His hand was completely healed.

Steve was suddenly struck by a realistion, as he said," New York..."

Victor nodded his head, and said" Governments, organizations, people with influence. You name it. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Aliens weren't the only thing people found out about that day. And, with the Chituari remains mysteriously disappearing. Mutants were the next best thing. Look I'm running out of time, Hydr... " Victor said.

They were suddenly interrupted by several objects smashing in through the windows followed by a bright flash of light.

" Shit! They're already here..." Victor snarled, as he tried to shield his eyes.

Moments later they heard another crash as a figure clad in black hurtled through the broken window, launching to the ground at surprising speed.

The figure started shooting at them but Steve quickly jumped behind the counter.

Victor ignored the bullets, and with a feral snarl charged right at him.

Due to his enhanced senses the flash gernade affected him even though he managed to partially shield his eyes.

He was still a little disoriented, but that didn't mean he was any less dangerous.

Victor charged at their attacker, and within seconds he arrived right before him with his claws extended.

His opponent went to block, with his arm, which if you were to ask Victor was a big mistake when facing him.

His claws were sharp enough to easily tear through flesh like it was nothing.

Unexpectedly though, this didn't seem to be the case this time.

His attack was stopped dead in its tracks, and with a swift movement his opponent took out something from his pocket and stabbed it right into his neck.

The figure quickly jumped back to put some distance between them, and proceeded to carefully observe him.

Victor quickly reached behind him and ripped the offending needle from his neck, recognizing it as a sedative. " Sedatives, don't work on me buddy. "

" Are you sure about that?" The Asset asked.

He knew from his previous briefing that bullets would only slow him down. So, in preparation for his mission his employers provided him with a special concoction.

One that was especially designed to deal with people with healing factors.

Victor was about to answer, when he suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.

Victor knew he had been gotten. He could feel the drowsiness set in almost instantly, and before he knew it he was struggling to remain conscious.

"Who the hell are you?" He said.

The Asset walked up right to Victor, and said, " Wouldn't you like to know." Before, slamming his fist into his face knocking him out.

He then looked towards Logan who was lying unconscious on the floor, and spoke into his comms. " Targets secured. Ready for extraction."

" I'm afraid, I'm going to have to ask you to stay." A voice suddenly came out.

The Asset jerked around and saw none other than Steve Rogers himself, holding his Shield.

( Chapter End)


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" And 3+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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