Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 96 - The Calm Before The Storm

I had just gotten out of a board meeting. My preparations were finally over, and a month from now, I would be stepping off as the Ceo of Cypher Solutions.

I officially named Sage as the new Ceo of Cypher Solutions.

I had no doubt, with her intelligence and her Meta ability, she was far more qualified to run the company.

She was essentially a superhuman computer, and all she needed to truly shine was knowledge and training.

I had asked her for a bit of her blood, and made sure to explain to her, what I intended to use it for.

Her powers were simply too good to pass up and I was currently busy decoding her DNA, trying to figure out a way to add it to my genome, without any negative side effects.

Dr. Pym on the other hand was busy building our very first spaceship, using the technology and designs I supplied him, from wakanda and the Chituari.

Unbeknownst to him, the secret facility he was working in, was actually located in limbo.

I managed to connect it to earth through a Runic gate. I also added a few more runes, to camouflage the gate, and make it seem like a normal door.

It was keyed to his soul signature, so while he thought it was underground. Anybody who wasn't authorized, trying to go through the gate, would end up randomly teleported somewhere else.

The Dark Elven ship turned out more complex than I thought it would be. It too, was currently sitting in a vault located underground in limbo.

I couldn't even get it to turn on, not to mention try and study it. It's cloaking technology was so impressive, it even managed to disregard Heimdall's all seeing eye.

The Dark Elves seemed to be able to conjure wormholes with their ships, hence the reason they were able to infiltrate Asgard nearly undetected.

Compared to Shields' cloaking technology, this was far more impressive.

It's durability and speed were also on another level compared to anything I've seen so far.

I suspected with the last Dark Elf dying it went into some sort of hibernation mode.

For the mean time, unless the Dark elves miraculously come back to life, it was a total bust.

'Hm... I still have Malekith' s DNA, not to mention the bodies of his fallen brethren. Maybe I could...'

I shook my head chasing those thoughts away. The Dark Elves were bad news, and it wasn't worth the trouble of getting on lady death' s badside.

Sure, I can slightly manipulate a soul. But, bringing back the dead? Let's just say I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. That was just a recipe for disaster.

And speaking of disasters, since, the New York invasion. I was a bit on edge ever since I found out, Shield/Hydra knew about my identity.

So, I had Sophie regularly hack into Shield, to check if they managed to get more information on my team and I.

She was tracking each and every one of those I suspected were tied to Hydra, to where they went, and what they did.

Thanks to that, I already had 40 of their agents figured out.

But, Imagine my surprise when I was reading through Shield's latest field report.

A frown marred my face, as I finished reading it.

" It's too early. Things shouldn't have progressed this fast." I muttered to myself.

According to the report, Steve and Logan were attacked by a man. Whose description matched the Winter Soldier.

Project insight was still a few months away, and due to this even, Fury had started suspecting Hydra's involvement.

I decided to wait, and see how things would play out. My interference at this point, would only tip them off.

Sure, I knew Alexander Pierce was Hydra, him and a few others, but they were rooted so deeply into Shield, unless you cut them all out at once, they'll just come back later.

Ironically their mantra of saying, 'Cut one head, and two more shall take its place ' was more accurate than I liked to admit.

" What a troublesome bunch." I sighed.

( Unknown location)

Bucky woke up an indeterminate amount of time later.

When he came to, his whole body ached with numerous pains his mind throbbing horribly in his skull.

The memories flood back quickly. He was still laying on the chair, his metal prosthetic arm already replaced by a new one.

He doesn't know how long he's been asleep it could be hours, or even days.

There wasn't anyone else, in the room.

Suddenly he remembered what happened before he blacked out.

Just as he was about to panic, he heard a door opening.

Turning to his right, he saw a man standing in the doorway.

"Well, glad to see you decided to stay in the land of the living." The man said.

Still a little groggy, Bucky brought his hand to his head and asked, "How... how did I get here?"

"You were injured on your last mission. You were in pretty bad shape, so we had to do some... repairs. " The man said, eyeing Bucky's metal arm.

The man, then proceeded to take a seat, and said, " We should probably make sure everything is in order. Longing... "

Bucky's conditioning kicked in before anything else did, and he froze, making sure to maintain his breath.

"rusted," "furnace," "daybreak," "seventeen," "benign," "nine," "homecoming," "one," and "freight car" The man continued.

By the time, the man reached the end, Bucky's face was devoid of any emotions, and with an equally emotionless voice he responded in Russian and said, "Ready to comply."

" Mission report." The man ordered, looking at him.

"Acquisition of Weapon X failed. Target Victor Credd acquired." He recited, tonelessly.

"Status." The man said.

"The Weapon is functioning within operable parameters." The Asset replied, because that is what it is. A weapon. "There was a malfunctioning : unidentified cause."

"What kind of malfunctioning?" The man asked .

"Visions." The Asset answered. "It is gone now."He then turned towards, the man and said, "Weapons are not supposed to have visions. Will it be punished?"

"Negative. For now though, you have another mission." He told him.

"Asset is on standby, awaiting instructions." The asset said.

"Report to Dr. Raina. Due to our latest acquisition, several projects which have been put on hold are now possible. Assit Dr. Raina in acquiring a few test subjects, and you are to guard her at all times." The man said.

"Affirmative." The asset responded.

( Chapter End)


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