Ultimate Cypher

Chapter 97 - The Ego Seed

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( A few months later)

My company has been slowly expanding and solidifying it's reach in other sectors.

It was rapidly growing into a diverse international conglomerate with interests in industrial manufacturing, computer hardware and software, chemicals, retail, bioengineering, pharmaceuticals, oil, communications, airlines, real estate, hotels, restaurants, technology, media, financial services, robotics, security, transportation, satellites.

After the Chituari invasion few actually stepped up to the stage.

I had wealth to spare, and while Tony was busy wasting his time and money on his suits. I was working both covertly and overtly.

But, imagine my surprise, when Sophie informed me of an assassination made on an Austrian foreign diplomat in France.

The man's death wasn't what was important though, it's the fact that Sophie managed to capture an image of a woman dressed in black, trying to blend in with the crowd amidst the confusion.

What was striking about the woman, wasn't her appearance.

It was what she was wearing, specifically her belt.

The symbol seemed familiar, like I've seen it somewhere, before...

" Sophie. Run the symbol through an image recognition software." I said.

A few moments later, a bunch of files and images popped in front of me.

Using the hard light projections fitted it the base, Sophie displayed them for me to observe.

" The symbol is tied to an organization that sprung up in the 1930s . Designated as the Red Room, it was an espionage training facility located in Russia. A Cold War program to train the deadliest female spies in the world. Most notably Natasha Romanf, aka the Black Widow reported its dissolution, after its creator's assassination. " Sophie said.

Well, judging by the increasing number of search results, turning up every second now, the organization doesn't seem as dead as it should be.

Over a few dozens cases of women with the red room's symbol cropping up. Each of them with over a dozen fake identities, sporting different looks, and disguises over the years.

While I was busy going over the files, trying to come up with a pattern. I received a notification.

One of my scout drones had detected something and after reviewing the information that was sent to me, a smile appeared on my face.

"Sophie, change of plans. I'll need you to clear my schedule. I'll be gone for the day. Keep looking in into what we found, and let me know if you have something." I said abruptly.

" Affirmative." Sophie responded.

A blueish-grey round portal was created before me. I could see space warped around it. And on the other side I could see my destination.

(St. Charles, Missouri)

I arrived in a forest, in the midde of the night. As I walked slowly towards where my drone was located. I found myself contemplating, the recent hiccup in my plans.

The timeline on the ship, I had asked Dr. Pym to build me had unfortunately been delayed.

Turns out building a ship that could withstand deep space, wasn't as easy as I had initially thought.

I ended up using most of my Vibranium supply (the vibranium that Diana was mining in the savage lands), and had to wait, until more was available.

It was a slow process. One that would require patience. Vibranium A was far harder to mine, than Wakandian vibranium.

And, I needed more than a few tons to build a ship this big.

Seeing how things, weren't going as fast as I wanted. I spent the last few months, thoroughly studying Sage's DNA.

It took thousands of simulations, but I eventually got it right.

I succeeded in mapping out here unique genetic structure, and programmed it into my own genome.

Her powers complemented my own, and I could already see a significant improvement in my ability to compute large amounts of data.

Tasks that would have required me months, could be now done in days. My magic saw an improvement, and several tasks that were previously impossible to me, where now possible. But, more on that later.

My thoughts were interrupted as I approached a flying drone, which was busy scanning a strange looking plant.

The plant seemed to glow with a bluish light, and was protected by a strange looking mesh, with a voronit type pattern.

The drone was done scanning the outer shell, and had now moved on to the core.

It seemed to be having a difficult time, figuring out what it was 'seeing', and after a few moments.

It gave up and sent me another notification.

"Its okay little guy, I'll take over from here." I said to the drone.

The drone chirped at me, and started to fly away. By the time it was out of the forest, it had already cloaked itself.

It was one of Diana's 'babies' as she liked to call them, they were different from the combat drones, and strangely seemed to be more intelligent.

I had given her the task of coming up with a few designs for scout drones, but it seems she had taken a liking to it, and gone a bit overboard.

Focusing on what was in front of me, I activated my newly acquired genetic sight, and started examining the strange pulsing 'plant' in front of me.

A few moments later, a smile broke out on my face. My preliminary examination, seemed to suggest that the 'plant' infront of me was alien in nature.

And, not only that, It's genetic structure was far more complex than anything I've ever seen in my life.

I bent down to pick it up, and with a flourish of my hand, and using telekinesis.

The 'plant' dug itself out, of the ground, and was floating right beside my face.

I used a statis rune, to preserve it, and with a thought opened a portal to limbo.

(Hydra Testing Facility, Sibrea)

The subject, given the designation "V. C." (Victor Creed), was transferred to a facility known as the Guest House, located in Siberia where it was studied intensively.

From the V. C.'s bodily fluids, they were able to synthesize a number of advanced drugs with varying effects on human biology.

Including the serum Lazarus, a serum with the potential to revive the recently deceased.

At first, the subjects were closely watched and showed signs of complete recovery; however, they each eventually developed the same form of psychosis and turned feral, eventually descending into madness.

Followed by a complete cellular breakdown due to the dominant nature of the serum.

Dr.Raina who continued her work with the serum using HYDRA's incentives program to acquire more subjects, was tasked by Alexander Pierce to come up with a synthesized and upgraded serum to grant healing abilities, and possibly mutant abilities.

Mutant abilities were highly unstable, and often resulted in undesired results. But, their latest acquisitions, proved to be enlightening.

Dr. Raina eventually succeeded in her task and created a weaker version that could heal most fatal wounds bar decapitation, however the serum had the potential to be so much more.

She opted to hide the fact that her attempts were successful, and gave Pierce just enough information to prove her research was making results.

Dr. Raina stood back from the table and looked at her recently expired test subject with a mix of annoyance and disappointment.

She'd been so close with this variant, and she'd honestly hoped for more from Subject 71, or Captain Nathaniel, or whatever it was he'd rattled off ad nauseam until his voice finally gave out.

Turning away with a tut of disgust, Dr. Raina briskly beckoned over one of her Hydra aides, gesturing at the now former soldier cluttering up her otherwise pristine lab.

"Have this moved to the mortuary. I'll need to do a full autopsy to confirm the cause of death." She said.

The uniformed flunky nodded his understanding and summoned his colleague from his position standing guard.

Together they quickly and efficiently released the former soldier from the bindings securing him to the bench and transported out the rapidly-cooling body.

She gave a little head-shake at her own whimsy.

She didn't know why she felt the need to explain her action to these Hydra goons.

Most, despite being sensible enough to follow Hydra's ideology were barely capable of intelligent conversation.

Let alone understanding even a hundredth of the significance of what they were observing here.

Of course that was the point. Some projects were just too sensitive to allow untried lab techs to observe.

But, it was much harder to discern the true dedication of their assorted staff of biologists, chemists and medics, especially when they were confronted with the sacrifices called for in the pursuit of true scientific advancement.

Some stomachs and potentially hearts could be turned when human testing was brought into the equation.

Plus, it would be all too easy for an enemy agent to slip in as an unassuming assistant to sabotage her experiments or steal her secrets

Thus the need, of her bodyguard.

The Asset posted to her had proven his loyalty and usefulness many times over.

Most of the test subjects, were accquired through his efforts at her request.

Her eyes involuntarily went to the figure standing a few feet from her.

His chilly almost robotic look, conveyed how well he was indoctrined.

An idea suddenly struck her, and a smile bloomed on her face. Since, these test subjects died out on her before she could get any tangible results.

Certainly, a prime speciesman should prove far more durable in handling the improved serum. And, her goal of literally reshaping human-kind and rival the creator himself, could be finally achieved.

The end of sickness, maybe even death itself.

( Chapter End)


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" And 5+ advanced chapters of (Altered Mind)"

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