Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 59 - Frozen

In a distant world, much different from the world of One Piece.

A beautiful woman with long white hair and blue robe sat with her sister by the campfire. They were chatting and getting ready for game night.

Unlike her white hair, her sister had long brown hair instead and dressed in a green robe.

A man with a reindeer then entered the room and greeted the two.

"Anna, Elsa, where's Olaf?"

"Kristoff, I thought he was with you?"

Anna asked as she looked behind Kristoff but only saw the reindeer Sven.

"Tada! I'm right here!"


Elsa yelped a bit when Olaf surprised her from behind.

Satisfied with her reaction, the snowman Olaf nodded arrogantly and sat on the couch as well.

Elsa just smiled as she was used to Olaf's antics.

Kristoff laughed and approached them.

"Haha, shall we start the game then? How about me and Anna against you and Olaf this time?"

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be huh? Very well, prepare to lose then!"

Olaf smirked and seemed convinced that Kristoff is bound to lose now.

Just as they were about ready to play charades, all of a sudden, a hole formed in midair!

Faced with an unknown threat, Elsa pushed her sister behind her and got into a stance. Her hands let out a chilling mist and the temperature in the room dropped several degrees.


Everyone heard a thud and saw the black hole drop a person before disappearing without a trace.

They looked at the person who had white hair like Elsa's but with bits of blood dying it red here and there. His body was also covered in various wounds and burns. More importantly...this person...was still alive!

"What…just happened?"

Kristoff asked. And here he thought that he had seen a lot of weird stuff from Elsa being an ice queen to enchanted forests to giant golems and a horse made of water...but this…

Anna looked at the unconscious man then turned to Elsa.

"Sis, should we…"

"...Get him to the infirmary first, we can ask him questions when he wakes up."

Elsa sighed. Faced with the unknown, their only clue was this man.


Lucas g_r_o_a_n_e_d as he opened his eyes with difficulty.

When he came to, he saw an unfamiliar ceiling and wondered where he was. Just as he was about to get up, he heard a cheerful voice from the side.

"Oh! You're awake! You shouldn't move so much, you were very hurt!"

"Uhh, thanks. I'm fi-"

Lucas figured that someone had saved him and he wanted to leave immediately so as to not drag his would-be savior into his troubles. He was a pirate, and a pretty famous one at that. He had no doubt that his bounty should be very high at the moment, as such, he might harm his savior if he continued to stay.

But when he turned to look at the owner of the voice, Lucas froze.

While Lucas tried so hard to describe what he was looking, a certain movie clicked in his brain that matched the...thing...in front of him.

Right...this snowman looks so much like Olaf from Frozen…

Wait, isn't this really Olaf!?

What the hell!? I thought I was in the world of One Piece! Why am I in Frozen now!? These two are basically two completely separate things!

Olaf saw the look in Lucas and nodded understandingly.

"Sigh, I know what you're gonna say. I'm used to it already."

"...You do?"

Lucas asked cautiously...he still felt weird talking to a snowman…

"Yeah! You're gonna ask, just how is it that I become so handsome and cute right? Well, I will tell you a secret. You see-"

"Ahem, Olaf. He has just woken up. Don't bother the guest."

Before Olaf could start explaining, another person walked in the room.

Lucas sighed in relief that he no longer had to deal with the idiotic snowman but he was still stunned when he saw who had arrived.

She had a snow white hair that fell to her shoulders, light skin tone that seemed like a fragile glass, and a slender body comparable to Hanc_o_c_k!

Lucas was confused.

Her...bust didn't seem to be this big in the movies!?

Ah, that was a movie for children so…wait, that's not the point! Since she was here, it only confirmed that he had...somehow...for some reason...traveled to the world of Frozen!

Elsa looked at Lucas warily and asked.

"Can you tell me who you are?"

"Umm, my name is Lucas…"

"Lucas...is it? What is your purpose in coming here in Arandel? Where did you come from?"

Lucas smiled wryly, he seem to be interrogated…

He remembered back when he arrived in the One Piece world and boarded the Strawhat's ship. He was also in a similar situation…

"Well...I don't have any purpose in coming here. I don't even know how I got here...the last thing I remember is being in a war...I was supposed to die. Before I knew it, I was here."


Elsa fell silent, seemingly in deep thought. As she was contemplating, two people and a reindeer appeared.

Lucas recognized them as Anna, Kristoff, and Sven.

"Elsa, did you find something?"

Anna asked upon seeing Lucas awake and Elsa in deep thought.

"Man, are you alright? You were badly injured when you arrived here."

"I'm fine. How exactly did I arrive here?"

"Huh? You don't know? Well-"

"Ooh! Ooh! I'll tell him!"

Kristoff stared at Olaf who suddenly interrupted him with half closed eyes.

And then, Olaf began his one man show…

"We were about to start playing charades, which I would've obviously won if it weren't for a certain someone interrupting."


Lucas had the urge to melt this snowball…

"When suddenly, BOOM! A black hole appeared in thin air! And Elsa was like, 'Get behind me!' Swoosh swoosh, ice on both hands! Then BAM! A person came out from the black hole! And Anna was like 'Sis, should we…' then Elsa said 'Get him to the infirmary first, we can ask him questions when he wakes up' so Kristoff carried you here where the doctors healed you yada yada and BOOM! All caught up."


Lucas head hurt listening to him. He turned to the others who only gave him sympathetic eyes that seemed to say 'get used to it'...

Kristoff cleared his throat to dispel the awkward air.

"Cough, well, it is as Olaf said. You appeared from that black hole that suddenly appeared. None of us were prepared for it at all. If you weren't already so injured, Elsa might've just frozen you immediately."

"Hmph, I'm not so impulsive."

Elsa snorted when she heard Kristoff but Anna just rolled her eyes when she heard what Elsa said.

Aren't you the most impulsive out of all of us!?

Lucas sighed.

"I see, in that case, thank you very much for saving me...however, I must return back…"

"Well, where are you from?"

Kristoff asked.

"Err, you wouldn't believe me if I told you…"

"Heh, try me!"

Kristoff was convinced that even though the way Lucas appeared was very weird and unrealistic, he can still be fine hearing where he is from. After all, it's just a place right? Even if he didn't know where it is, he can't be surprised about it...right?

But reality proved otherwise.

Lucas glanced at Elsa and the others who nodded at him as if saying that he can say it.

After thinking for a bit, Lucas decided that there may be some magical hocus pocus in this world that can maybe help him so it was better to tell them…

"I am from another world."

Kristoff nodded and said the prepared words he was thinking in his mind.

"I see, another world huh, I don't kno-...wait, did you just say ANOTHER WORLD!?"

Kristoff and the reindeer Sven had their jaws drop to the ground. Both Elsa and Anna were also shocked. Only Olaf was still the same as before.

"See, I knew my theory of multiple worlds coexisting between our own world but simply vibrating in a different frequency such that the other doesn't touch another is correct!"

"...Err, yeah. That's the multiverse theory…"

Lucas was surprised to see Olaf be so smart to actually think of that on his own.

"Multiverse!? I was thinking about naming it Olafverse! Where's this Multi guy!? How dare he steal my idea!?"


Nevermind, spoke too soon.

Everyone ignored Olaf and focused on Lucas again.

"...So your saying...you really are from a...different world? Not just a different country...but a whole world!?"

Anna asked, still in disbelief.

Lucas just smiled wryly and waved his hand.

Suddenly, the water vapors in the air condensed and turned into small droplets that filled the room.

"From where I came from, people with special abilities like mine are quite common...some can control and turn into elements...some can morph into various kinds of beasts and animals...and some can turn their body into a certain material. Like this guy I know who had a rubber body."

Lucas waved his hand again but this time, his whole hand turned into water and flowed around the room.

"I myself have the ability to turn into and control water."

Elsa watched the water in the air in wonder. All of a sudden, her heart seemed to beat faster.

She thought she was the only one...and now, this man said...there's a whole new world with people having special abilities like her!?

Anna saw the look on her sister and was afraid. She felt like her sister's gonna go somewhere far away that she won't be able to reach…

She turned to Lucas and gave him a hateful glare.

"That isn't proof! My sis also has powers! You can be just from a different continent than ours!"

Right, if it was still the same world, then she won't feel too far if ever Elsa decided to go with him…

Lucas shook his head and stood up. As he did, huge wings appeared from his back.

While everyone was still shocked, Lucas spoke again.

"This is not the world I am from...I know that this world may also have some sort of magic or power...I hope you can help find my way back."


"I'll help you."

Before Anna could say anything, Elsa had already spoken up.

"Elsa! You can't just agree to him! What if he's dangerous!?"

"I can protect myself. I'll just freeze him if he harms me."


Lucas watched the two argue and sighed. How can he still not understand Anna's worries?

But she was right. Right now, he is a stranger from another world, there is no reason for them to further help him and Lucas also didn't want to get in the way of the two sisters.

"It's alright. Forget I asked, I was indeed in the wrong to ask of this to a stranger. And she is right. I am...dangerous."

"Don't listen to her, she's just throwing a tantrum, I'll help you."

Elsa glared at Anna as she spoke hurriedly to Lucas.

Lucas glanced at her and suddenly, his whole body started to heat up and release steam! After a while, even his skin started to boil!

Burn! 2nd Degree: Boilingman!

Everyone felt the heat and quickly backed away.

"If you are thinking of freezing me, don't bother. I once fought against a man made of ice...never again will I be frozen!"

Elsa felt her powers and created an icy wind to ward off the heat yet they could still feel the hotness in the air.

"I am a dangerous man...I have also killed before. I will find a way back myself...and I would appreciate it if none of you block me from doing so."

Lucas released the Boilingman mode and walked weakly to the window. It seems that he still needed more time to recuperate...but there was no need for him to bother them anymore.

Elsa saw how weak Lucas looked at the moment and felt that despite his earlier show of force. She knew that he only wanted to threaten them and not actually harm them. After all, with his powers, he can easily force them to help him...yet now he chose to leave.

Anna thought otherwise and felt relieved to see Lucas leave.

When Lucas flew out the window, everyone looked at each other.

"Well...that was something…"

Feeling the awkward silence in the room, Kristoff tried to dispel it by laughing but neither Elsa or Anna paid him any attention.

With a snort, Elsa turned her head away and left the room.

Anna sighed and slumped down on the bed Lucas was on earlier. Kristoff smiled wryly and sat next to her to console her.

Meanwhile, in a different room, Elsa similarly slumped down on her bed.

After thinking for a bit she felt something hard and pulled it out from her pocket. What she saw was a rectangular black object.

This was something she secretly took from Lucas when he was unconscious but didn't get to look at it properly until now.

Elsa turned and looked at it, touching it here and there when suddenly, she felt a click and the object brightened!

Surprised, she tossed it to the floor and ducked under the covers of the bed thinking it was going to explode or something.

She waited for a while and nothing happened. Cautiously, she stepped out from her blanket fortress and picked up the phone again.

What she saw seemed to be a picture of Lucas and a few more people with him and laughing along merrily.

This was Lucas' wallpaper which he took back when he was still sailing with the Strawhats...it reminded him of how carefree everything was...

Seeing the genuine smile on Lucas' face, she believed that Lucas was indeed a good person. Her curiosity ignited as to what the object is.

After several tries, she tapped on something and the display suddenly changed.

Now, there were a bunch of smaller pictures that appeared like a tile. Curious, she touched the smaller pics and suddenly the picture filled the screen.

Just like this, Elsa had managed to somehow navigate through the gallery of pictures. She spent the whole day browsing and watching the videos as she felt more familiar to this man called Lucas.

Without knowing it, it was already nighttime. Elsa only noticed the time when Anna came knocking on her door.

"Elsa?...It's dinner time."

"Ah...I'll be right there."

Elsa quickly got up and pocketed Lucas' phone as she got out.

While they were eating dinner, a growling sound could be heard from the stomach of a certain person.

Lucas settled down in the forest and sat on top of a tree while chewing on a fruit he found. However, his body had long changed from that of a normal person and it was impossible for him to be satisfied with only fruits…

He wanted meat!

Shocked at the thought, Lucas thinks he was infected by Luffy, that meat addict…

Sighing, he looked up at the huge full moon above.

"...Just how am I gonna get back to that world…?"

Lucas was completely stumped. He had never tried to travel between worlds consciously before. Do he just grunt and wish for it to happen?




...Well, it was worth a shot…

Sighing once again, Lucas felt his pockets and found his phone was missing.

"...Those guys probably have it huh?"

Lucas scratched his head. Should he sneak in and steal his phone or just ask them...after the way he left, it felt awkward to return…

Meh, I'll just steal it…

After deciding so, Lucas flew back to the castle and found an open window.

Using observation haki to make sure no one was there, Lucas went in and had a look around.

Time flew and Lucas has yet to find his phone even after going around the castle 2 times.

Then, he felt someone approaching the room he was in. Using Observation haki again to scan the person, he laughed wryly.

Turns out, his phone was with Elsa the whole time…

Just as Lucas was deliberating on what to do, he overheard a voice from outside the room and noticed that it was Elsa talking.

Confused, he stretched his observation haki again and found no one there with Elsa.

Only now did Lucas notice there was a tune in Elsa's voice as she spoke.

"All this time...I wonder...what would life be~ if I were in another world~"

...Is she...singing!? Like, actually singing!?

Dumbfounded, Lucas suddenly heard a background music in the surrounding.

Where the hell is this music coming from!?

"A world, full of wonders~!"

"A world, full of magic~!"

"A world, where I~ am~ no longer one of a kind~~!"

Lucas wasn't able to react at all when Elsa opened the door to the room. He was still stupefied with the sudden musical!

Elsa saw Lucas and was also surprised, but she continued to sing!

"Now I no longer need to dream~"

"A man~ from another world~ is right in front of me~!"

...Is this lyrics even right? DOES SHE REALLY NEED TO SING WHILE TALKING!?

Lucas swore in his mine and was about to retort loudly but that was a mistake.

The instant he opened his mouth to speak, a weird voice and tone flowed from it instead!

"I just want to go home~"

"To the world, which I came from~"

"I don't wish to be a trouble~ anymore~~"



Lucas really wanted to roar and curse at this world!

Please take me away! I don't want to be in this damn world!!!

With tears in the corner of his eyes, he continued to sing along with Elsa until he actually carried her and flew to the sky.

He didn't know why thought...his body just moved on its own!

"A whole new world~"


In a distant world, Aladdin and Jasmine were about to board the magic carpet but slipped and fell.

Dammit! Who cursed us!?

Finally, the singing stopped.

Lucas and Elsa stood at the end of a cliff somewhere and watched the night sky.

Looking back at Elsa who had a flushed face, Lucas' heart skipped a beat when Elsa suddenly closed her eyes and leaned her face close to him.

What...what the hell's happening!? We just sang together and now we're gonna kiss!? What's wrong with this world!!!???

Just as Elsa's lips were about to touch Lucas', Lucas felt pain on his cheeks and his eyes snapped open.

"Oi, what the hell are you smooching over there!? Get up! It's already breakfast!"


Wait, where am I now!?

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