Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 60 - March Fools! Cause it's not April yet Duh XD

DISCORD LINK: discord.gg/nTGxMXW


March Fools! Cause it's not April yet Duh XD

Figured I'd do this in advance cause I have a trip planned in April. I'll be off to Japan! Woo!

As such, there won't be a chapter for 2 weeks or so in April. This is just a head's up.

So, I bet you guys are wondering what the hell is up with the previous chap right? Well, me too lol. I blame the guys in discord for giving me the idea :P Also, I just finished watching Frozen 2, so...

Anyway, I did kinda like the idea of making a Frozen ff hmmmm...

The last part of that was kinda rushed since it was dragging out so I just ended it like that :P Also, I have no idea how to get Lucas back to the OP world from there haha.

I also wanted to use this opportunity to point out a few things for future readers.

From this point on, huge changes to the canon will happen, Some already guessed time travel, it's pointless to hide it now as it will be shown in the next chap or so so I'm saying it now to save time for those who don't want to see time travel. Lucas will indeed go back in time. I mean, if you think about it, Lucas already did go back in time.

In his world, he has been reading the updated One Piece manga (Which is only around after the Reverie arc bit and he has no idea about the Wano arc). Still when he got to this OP world, he was in the Alabasta arc. Meaning he already went back in time once already.

I know there are people who don't want to see time travel, which is why I'm saying this now here. You can either stop reading now and just make it so that the story ended with Lucas' death and the OP world continues on with some changes, or you can stay and keep reading and see what happens.

You may be worried about the consequences of the time travel but Lucas won't be making any changes that will result in him going back to an altered future.

From the comments, I could see a lot of hate in Hanc_o_c_k being with Luffy but I still find it ridiculous and stupid how most people seem to have this 'requirement' that an OP fanfic 'needs' the MC to bag Hanc_o_c_k -_- anyway, I won't change my mind about that. I was disappointed by Luffy's lack of reaction to Hanc_o_c_k in the original which was why I did it this way.

The harem won't be growing much from now on. Most likely, only 1 or 2 will be added and will stop there. I am still unclear as to who to add, but I may add an original character as Lucas himself is an original character.

As for Lucas' 'brother', some think that it is better off that Blackbeard isn't replaced but I still wanted Lucius to be the main antagonist to Lucas. I agree that there are many villains in the OP world to chose from, but from how I see it, they are all Luffy's enemies. Lucas needed an enemy that he himself had created from the consequences of his changes. You can't expect him to keep doing this big changes and nothing bad comes from it. The more OP villains he kill, the more new characters are born.

There is another reason why Lucius needed to exist but that is a secret for now :P

As for the cliche of leaving Lucius alive, I know it's a cliche move, but in my defense, just because it's cliche doesn't mean that it 'shouldn't' be used anymore. Do you know how hard it is to write a novel with no cliches? No? Try writing a novel and you will understand.

Some cliches are just meant to be used at certain times. I may not have used it properly, but it was the best I can do. I'm just an amateur writer, this novel is just a fanfic, and this is completely free. No ads, coins, cash or whatnot needed to be spent to read my novel. Only your time is spent but that's not my fault :P

Man this AN is taking long...almost like a short chapter lol.

Huh? You're still reading this? Wow, I thought everyone would stop reading at the first line.

Well. As I said. Huge changes will happen from here on.

Some you may not like, some you may like. But I won't be changing what I wrote. Not now, or in the future.

Edit: okay, I was wrong, I just edited a part of chapter 58...I forgot to enter the 'One Piece is real' scene of Whitebeard...I got too caught up with work and sneaking to write a chapter that it flew over my head lol XD hope you reread that part :P


...If you decided to stay. :P

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