Ultimate Fruit

Chapter 61 - 5D2Y

DISCORD LINK: discord.gg/nTGxMXW

AN: Before you start, just want to clarify again...the Frozen chap is just an extra and not canon. :P


On the now floating island of Amazon Lily, Rayleigh heard what Luffy said and spoke up.

"Are you absolutely certain of that?"

"? What do you mean?"

"With your current strength...do you want to go back there and head to the New World?"


Towards what Rayleigh said, Luffy seemed to have woken up. He just wanted to see his crew again but...should he?

After what had just happened, Luffy knew that their strengths were still low...it was just like Lucas had said.

If they can't master this thing called Haki, going to the new world is simply suicide!

Seeing as Luffy had realized what he meant, Rayleigh smiled and gave his offer.

"I have a proposal for you. Naturally, it is entirely up to you...whether to accept it or not."

In another corner of the Grand Line. Boin Archipelago.

"Gyahahaha! Long nose! How long are you going to keep running!?"

Jabra is currently in his half-wolf form as he jumped about the jungle chasing Usopp. Just like in the original story, Usopp had eaten a lot of food and had grown fat. This was mainly because after recovering from his injuries, he used the excuse of recuperating in order to stress eat a bunch of food.

"That's it...get fatter...hehehe...the fattest is always the most delicious…"

Actually, Jabra was simply dreaming of eating sheeps that jumped over the fence in his dreams and landed on his mouth but Usopp completely misunderstood it.

Hence the start of this wild chase day and night…

When a news coo delivered the news of Lucas' death, Usopp slapped himself for fooling around all these days. He wanted to leave the island, get a boat somehow, and find Luffy as he knew that being in that war, Luffy must've seen everything first hand.

Usopp knew...how much Luffy would be hurting now! He can't stay here any longer!

Of course, going out to sea without preparation is simply asking for death. Heracles tried to stop him while Jabra just sneered and ignored him. About 3 days after, another newspaper dropped on him.

Seeing Luffy in the front cover beside another two men which the news named as Sabo and Ace, Usopp was relieved to see Luffy safe. Then, he continued to look at the picture and understood.

Finally, he stopped escaping the island and turned to Jabra and Heracles for help to get stronger.

While Heracles taught him about the various plants and their uses, Jabra whipped Usopp's fat body into shape.

Torino Kingdom.

Just like Usopp, Chopper had asked to leave the island to set off somehow and find Luffy.

Kaya saw the worried expression in Chopper's face and sighed. She had met Lucas as well back then and she can tell how much Lucas had cared for his friends.

To know that Lucas had passed away...no doubt, they are definitely hurting from losing him.

"Chopper-san...you must understand. Lucas...knew the dangers he would be facing...that's why he sent us to find you guys. He...probably didn't want you to be alone when the worst happens. So we could also get stronger together."

"I...I know...but still...I need to find Luffy. He's seen what happened...he's definitely more in pain than any of us! That's why...I have to be there for him!"

Unable to convince Chopper any further, Kaya can only sigh and follow him as well.

Though her studies on this island are still not complete, as she thought, she can't leave Chopper by himself at all.

He was relieved that he's doing fine now but also confused.

After getting a good look in the picture, he understood something and asked the bird to get back.

"Eh? Chopper-san, we're returning?"

"Un! It's as you said...before returning, we need to get even stronger!"

Kaya tilted her head to the side as she was confused about why Chopper would suddenly change his mind.

Kuraigana island.

After Mihawk returned and told Perona that Moria had died, Perona made a huge fuss as she cried but Mihawk didn't care much. He was more concerned as to who killed Moria and why.

On the other hand, Zoro continued to push on and slice his way out of the island.

"Dammit! They just keep coming and coming!"

On the side, Kaku saw Zoro having a hard time and sighed as he shook his head.

"With your injuries, you can't possibly beat all of them, you know? And even if you do, can you even sail a boat properly and go back?"

"Shut up rectangle nose!"

Zoro shouted but knew that Kaku was right. Still, what was he meant to do? Just stand still and wait!?

Zoro gritted his teeth again and attacked.

Suddenly, the weapon-wielding baboons, also known as Humandrils, paused and stood still in fear.

Looking back, Zoro saw the object of their fear...Mihawk!

"It seems you're still loitering about in my island, Roronoa."

"Shut up! I'm just leaving!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? With such wounds no less…"

"You're the one who told me what happened to Luffy and Lucas! How do you expect me to stay put! I didn't even know anything about such a massive battle…!"

Zoro gripped on his sword tightly in frustration.

Seeing him like this, Mihawk sighed and made his final offer.

"Sunset is upon us, go back to the castle with me. They will not follow you there."


"Then what about me?"

Suddenly, Zoro seemed to have heard a familiar voice from behind and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

As soon as he saw who had spoken, his eyes went wide as he never thought that he will be able to see this man again after leaving that island.


"Zoro-kun, I know that you are hurting inside...but before leaving, you must tend to your wounds."


Koushiro smiled warmly and handed a newspaper to Zoro.

"This just came earlier, perhaps it will change your mind. We will be waiting for you in the castle."

After saying his piece, Koushiro no longer minded Zoro and turned around to go back to the castle.

Mihawk's eyes narrowed as he looked at Koushiro.

He...did not sense his presence at all! Just who is this man?

Mihawk looked back at Zoro who now fell silent as he read the newspaper. Finally, he stood up and went back to the castle as well.

Kaku sighed and followed them back, leaving Zoro alone.

It took him a few hours to understand what the picture meant. When he did, he went back to the castle as kowtowed in front of Mihawk and Koushiro.

"Please...teach me to become stronger!"

"...You would have me train a man who will defeat me?"


Hearing such a straightforward answer, Mihawk grinned.

"...Very well."

Beside him, Koushiro also smiled.

"Zoro-kun, you have gotten stronger...I'm sure Kuina would be proud. I'll no longer hold back. Are you up for it?"

"I AM!"

Future country of Balgimoa, a winter island.

After Franky learned what happened to Lucas, he ran around Vegapunk's lab to try and get Vegapunk's blueprints to upgrade his own body.

Inside, he saw a huge button with a skull and crossbones so he went up and pressed it thinking it was a pirate symbol.



This is the infamous Future country incident known to the world as the Nightmare of Balgimoa….

Kumadori's jaws dropped when he saw the huge mushroom cloud over the island.

Dammit! How...is he supposed to explain this now!?

Namkura island. Harahettania, the land of poverty.

When the Long Arm thieves came and attempted to rob and kidnap again, Brook and Blueno acted and captured them in a cage.

Having helped them deal with the thieves, Brook sighed in relief as he thought that he had paid his debt to these people who had helped him after being sent here.

He continued to face the people with a smile and cheerful attitude but behind him, he was gripping onto a piece of newspaper tightly.

Brook was still concerned about Luffy and Lucas.

After helping these people, he could leave with Blueno and return to Luffy.

"And now that we've captured this strange tribe with two arm joints...we can make a fortune showing them off to the public!"

"Hold it! Wait one moment everyone! Wouldn't that make you people no better than them!?"

Brook let out a cold sweat when he heard the people in the village speak.

Hearing what Brook said, the villagers were shocked.

"What!? You want us to free them!? But if we do that, they might…"

Brook knew he had to fool them so he played with their misunderstanding of him being Satan.

He grabbed onto the iron bars and glared at the three Long Arm thieves with his hollow eyes.

"Worry not...I have formed a devil's pact with these crooks...Now listen here. If you ever break this pact and begin your evildoing in this land again...I will return...AND CONSUME YOUR HEARTS!!!"


After being released, the three crooks made it look like they were about to leave but returned to kidnap Brook...is what should've happened.

It seems Blueno's Door ability made them believe that they can indeed get back and get out whenever they wanted so they could only leave as they flee for their lives.

As they were about to leave, Blueno handed Brook a piece of paper.

"This is?"

"From Lucas. He told me to give these to you if those three from the Long Arm race didn't come to get you."


Though Brook was confused, he still took the paper and read what's inside.


If you're reading this, then it means that I'm gone and that you are also on your way back to Luffy. I want to let you know that I did not regret what I'm about to do...or well, in your case, what I had already done. Luffy is stronger than you think, he will get over my death soon...and he will return stronger. Once you all get back together, you will need a source of funds. Out of everyone, I'm counting on you for this. With your musical talent and ability, you will definitely become a big hit one day. I wish I could've seen it…

Anyway, there is more to your powers than simply being reincarnated after dying. I think you will also find out about this as you perform more of your music.

You can ask the people of Harahettania to help you host your concerts, I think that the land of poverty may very well become the land of wealth once you become a sensation. Blueno can help you as well with his ability and I can assure you that everyone is also doing fine at the moment so you can perform to your heart's content.

Finally, you are the oldest amongst everyone in the crew...please take care of everyone for me.

Your nakama which you've never met before,


After reading through the note, Brook finally knew why everyone in the crew seemed to care about Lucas a lot.

He folded the paper neatly and stored it in his skull, to which had shocked Blueno who was watching him by the side.

Brook looked back at the setting sun and thought.

Please don't worry Lucas. Though we have not met officially...I promise you that I will take good care of everyone.

Thus, the Soul King Brook made his debut.

Momoiro Island.

Ivankov had just returned and saw Saji and Fukurou seemingly loitering about on his island.

Upon reading the newspaper and learning that Ivankov was involved in the war, Sanji came to him and asked where Luffy is now so he can leave but Ivankov wasn't willing to say.

After all, Ivankov doesn't know the Strawhat crew himself. He can only rely on the wanted posters to know if they were a part of his crew.

Sanji kept insisting he was but refused to admit that the picture in the wanted poster is his.

Ivankov didn't want to be careless and trust Sanji completely so even if there is a slightest of doubt, he can't reveal the whereabouts of Luffy to him.

Actually, Fukurou knows where Luffy was but it was funny to see Sanji like this so he didn't say.

Having fed up about Ivankov's antics, Sanji challenged him to a duel only to be beaten senseless.

Seeing Sanji's determination, Ivankov tossed him the recent newspaper.

After reading it, Sanji understood Luffy's intention and was no longer in a hurry to leave. No, he still wanted to leave, but he needs to get stronger!

Beside him, Fukurou shivered.

Dammit, chapapa why do I feel like we're still going to stay in this hell longer!? I should've told him where Luffy is…


East Blue. In a certain incomplete bridge.

Robin found out about what happened to Lucas and cried silently in her room when the door opened and revealed Betty.

Betty saw Robin's face and also let out a tear of her own at the corner of her eyes.

Silently, she walked beside Robin and gently embraced her which seemed to have prompted Robin to cry out louder in her embrace.

She swore she'd never cry like this again...the last time she did, it was when her entire island was wiped out in front of her.

This time, it felt like her world had once again fallen apart.

The only reason why she still held on was because she had a new family now...her friends.

Luffy and the others must've heard the news as well and are mourning. Especially Nami.

As soon as she thought of Nami, Robin stopped crying and stood up.

She needs to find Nami and make sure she was okay. For Nami...she needs to be stronger!

"Where are you going?"

Betty asked as she watched Robin walk out of the room.

"...To a sister whose heart is as broken as I am...I...need to make sure she's okay…"

"She's fine."

As Robin left the room, she heard a man's cold voice and turned to see Kohza leaning on the sidewall with an expressionless face.

"...What do you mean?"

"I'm saying, that Nami girl you mentioned is fine. There's no need to leave."

"How can you tell that?"

"Her sister from East Blue is there with her. I also left a card with them and made sure that they will contact me if anything happens so-"



Robin shouted and the tears she stopped started to flow again.

"You don't understand…"

Seeing Robin cry and shake made Kohza frown and gritted his teeth.

He walked towards Robin and grabbed her collar as he pushed her against the wall.

"Of course I don't understand! But that doesn't mean I will let you walk out of here and die out there! Lucas gave me a mission!...His final mission! And that is to make sure you stay and get stronger! What do you think he will say if he sees you this weak!?"

"At least he's alive to see me!"

"HE'S DEAD!!!"


Robin fell silent and the tears wouldn't stop falling from her eyes.

"I'm not telling you to simply forget about it and move on! I'm telling you, he's dead because he has to face this war alone! Because you...we, are all still weak that he keeps doing it alone!"


Kohza clenched his fist and tears also started to flow at the corner of his eyes.

Even though the time he knew Lucas was short, he had grown attached to being his friend and his vice captain...not to mention that he had also helped him in the past before he went too far in the rebellion. To Kohza, Lucas is both a dear friend and his benefactor, how can he not be sad upon hearing his death!?

"There's a reason why we are both here, Nico Robin. To get stronger! Strong enough to protect everyone we love! I don't want to fight, but I sure am not willing to be useless!"

Having said that, Kohza let go of Robin and turned around, no longer willing to look at Robin or care about what she'll do.

Robin was still silent, seemingly thinking about what Kohza had said.

Then, Betty walked to her with a worried look and handed her the recent newspaper, thinking it might cheer her up a little.

Looking at the image of Luffy, Robin nodded.

"...I understand now...Betty-san, please lead us to Dragon."

In the newspaper that the whole world is now looking at. The image of Strawhat Luffy standing beside the new Captain of the Whitebeard pirates and son of the Pirate King Roger, Portgas D. Ace, as well as the right-hand man of the Revolutionary army, Sabo.

Everyone wondered what was going on in their minds.

Right after the huge war, they actually came back to Marineford where Luffy rung the Ox Bell 16 times!

Not only that, he also scattered flowers and engaged in a silent prayer as they held their hats to their c_h_e_s_t with their head down.

To everyone else, this was something like a memorial service for the fallen Lucas and Whitebeard as well as the others who had lost their lives in the war. This was still okay.

The problem was Luffy ringing the bell 16 times!

Proper observance of a tragic event involves only 2 chimes. To sound that bell a full 16 times can only serve as...a declaration of war!

This was because, at the end and the beginning of each year, the bell is run 8 times to see out the old year and 8 times to see in the new. This is the proper meaning of the 16 full chimes. However, it is clearly not yet the season for that.

This can only mean one thing.

This bell was rung as tribute to the old age and the advent of the new age.

On the headers of the newspaper was a string of bold text.


Still, for the rest of Luffy's crew, they only understood one thing.

Luffy never wears a tattoo. Yet in this picture, he had one.

On his right arm was a string of numbers and letters, [5D 2Y] where the 5D was crossed out. They all understood what Luffy meant to say.

They wouldn't meet up in 5 days' time anymore. Instead, they will see each other after 2 years!


A few months had passed since the war that shook the world.

In a certain floating island, a strange back cloud formed above it as it rumbled and flashed with lightning.

The dozens of old men studying the weather were confused as to how this thundercloud formed. Their instruments weren't able to predict or measure it at all!

But there was no time for them to worry about this thunder cloud. The dozens of old men were instead biting their nails as they roamed and paced around a certain house.

Followed by the roars of thunder was soon the cries of a newborn baby.

As soon as the baby opened her eyes for the first time and saw her mother, she smiled. At this moment, the thunder clouds also cleared in the blink of an eye and revealed the large full moon that hung above.

Nami smiled warmly as she held onto her child. Seeing her child's white hair, she can't help but remember Lucas and what happened to him.

Looking out the window, a tear formed in her eyes as she looked at the large moon.

"Luna...your name is Luna. Do you like it?"

Nami turned back at Luna in her arms and smiled.

It was unknown whether Luna understood her but she laughed and giggled while touching her mother's face.

Beside Nami, Nojiko sighed and turned to Kaya and Chopper.

It was a good thing that she quickly came to get them when Nami passed the 9-month mark. Otherwise, she wouldn't know what to do!

Kalifa was also able to help. With her powers, the delivery went smoothly.

Chopper looked at Nami and the baby Luna and also sighed in relief.

"Phew, it was my first time helping deliver a baby...it's good that both Nami and the baby is safe."

"Fufu, you did great, Doctor Chopper."

"Hehehe, you too Doctor Kaya."

Everyone in the room, even Kalifa, were all smiles as they watched the baby Luna smile and laugh.

For some reason, why they see her innocent smile, everything in the world seemed better. But she also reminded them of a friend they once had who was no longer with them.

Nami embraced Luna in her arms and muttered.



AN: Bit of a long chapter here XD Sorry for not posting anything yesterday. My grandmother just passed her 90th birthday. Hopefully more birthdays to come as she is the last living grandparent that I have. Also, I went drinking with my cousins so...too drunk to write :P

I will see if I can post another chapter today. Also, for next week, I will also not be able to write due to a work outing on the weekend so...XD

Lots of reactions in this chap. It was getting too long so some, I just summarized and shortened instead. I also added Sabo and Ace being with Luffy in the picture too. I felt that it would be more impactful to the world like this.

I bet you were all surprised about Koushiro appearing though? Haha. God, I'm just imagining Zoro being trained by these two master swordsmen...I wonder how much stronger he will become?

Also, to those guys who think that Lucas will reincarnate as the baby, nope! You're wrong! No way I'll do that...and really, Lucas is not related to Lucius directly at all.

See ya next chap.

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