"You have to see what kind of people he killed," Kate said seriously, "Tianping will only kill those who do evil. They are the targets of his eyes. Without exception, they are all extremely cruel criminals. They are lawless people who harm others. Tianping specializes in such people. He never bullies the weak. Maybe the person who bullies the weak in his eyes is his target."

"It sounds like a righteous policeman to hear you say so."

"No, not exactly. The righteous police usually don't kill people or avoid killing to the greatest extent. They usually only control the criminals and then catch them and hand them over to the police, but the scale is different. He never has any mercy. Once he catches a criminal, he will kill the criminal directly. Without a trace of mercy, The people he caught have never lived. Although he killed some shameless bastards, he himself is not a good fault. Although he has never heard of his acts endangering ordinary people, as long as he appears, the people around him can't even sleep safely. After all, this is a madman who kills without blinking an eye. "

"How did such a perverted person evolve into this appearance? Since you know the person balance so well, you must have the information about this bastard."

"Of course, for most people, the name of Tianping is not strange. After all, he has been caught several times, put in prison, escaped from prison several times, and against the wind. You know, nearly half of the victims he killed were criminals he killed in prison. Some of these people took the initiative to find trouble with him, and some took the initiative to find trouble with him In short, he killed dozens of criminals and dozens of felons in prison. We can imagine how cruel this man is. In the state of unarmed, he can fight with seven or eight murderous criminals and kill several of them. The rest are also seriously injured. People like him are simply humanoid weapons. "

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Ye Feng raised one side of his eyebrows. "If you can deal with six or seven people with your bare hands, you can kill them or seriously hurt them. Is this person capable?"

"No, he's just an ordinary human. Although his growth is very special, he doesn't have any special ability. He just honed a set of killing techniques in his life for decades. It's simple and efficient, and he never procrastinates. This is the unanimous evaluation given by all those who have seen his killing techniques."

"Just an ordinary person, and after decades of criminal career, how old is this person?"

"His specific age should be 57 years old, three months and 26 days," Kate said without thinking, "Although he is nearly sixty years old, the damage he can cause is still the same as that in those years. He has killed nine people in just half a month in the new metropolis. This is still unknown and unknown, or he has found more victims who have not been reported to the police. After all, he is targeting some outlaws, and these people basically have no marriage And their friends rarely call the police after they find out their deaths. "

Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully: "it seems that it is indeed a dangerous role worthy of serious treatment."

"It's not a matter of taking him seriously or not, but how to catch him without losing hands. Although he didn't show too much resistance in the process of catching him before. In his words, he didn't want to kill innocent people, but who knows what will happen. Once this person is forced urgently, it may cause irreparable consequences, so I am now I'm worried about this matter, and it's too early to discuss the arrest of him. After all, we haven't even found the man's current hiding place, and there are few clues, because when our people arrive at the scene, there will be no trace except the corpses in one place. Moreover, even if he really left any traces, it's not good for our present life It doesn't help. This person shouldn't stay in one place for a long time. He is the kind of person who can survive in any environment, so it's very difficult to find his whereabouts. I'm very headache now. "

"Yes, it's impossible to predict his actions based on the victim. As you said, he only focuses on those criminals. There are many such bastards in the new metropolis, and the place where these bastards stay is never covered by surveillance cameras. They hide in garbage dumps and underground water pipes. It's really difficult to investigate places like these. Yours There is a long way to go. "

"Who says not?" Kate said with a bitter smile, "Shortly after Tianping escaped from prison, he came to Xindu to kill. If he can't be caught as soon as possible, it may cause more panic. You also know that many people in Xindu are not clean. If Tianping focuses on them, it may lead to great unrest. At that time, we will face more trouble, so the above gives us I gave a dead order that I must seize the balance as soon as possible and escort him back to prison. "

"This is not a problem of not giving orders, but how to solve the current situation. If you want to grasp the balance, you must master some clues. This man is a professional criminal who has killed people all his life. It is very difficult to lock his action track. Maybe we can only start from those people he has killed and see what the logical points of his behavior are."

"I've been trying to figure it out, but I've done a lot of useless work. I thought for a few days and broke my head. I can't see the behavioral logic behind the killing of these people. These people belong to different forces. Some are captive thugs. Some are street criminals, and some are engaged in economic fraud. You know, one of them was killed by him It's done, so because the identities of the victims are different, it's very difficult to sort out logic from them. I really can't think of who his next target will be. "

"Kate, you said that Tianping came to Xindu not long after he escaped from prison and would kill wantonly. That is to say, in fact, he didn't have much time to prepare, and he didn't have many channels to obtain information. Maybe we can think about how he got the identity and information of the victim. If we can find out the way Tianping got the information, maybe we can predict him The next action. "Ye Feng said thoughtfully," I think we should find a way to get the information of these people from this land according to the information of the victims and the time when they were killed. What do you think of investigating from this point? "

Kate thought seriously for a moment, and finally nodded hard: "I think your idea is very good, Ye Feng. If we do so, maybe we can really find the logical point of balance killing."

"As you said, Tianping is always alone. He should have no other help. Therefore, in terms of obtaining information, he needs to find a way to easily obtain the information of the target he wants to find. In this way, the scope of investigation we can think of is very small. Where are the information of these criminals usually disclosed?" Ye Feng thought for a moment, "there may be information about these criminals in the underground website. Another is -"

Kate and he said in unison, "the police database."

Ye Feng nodded: "Yes, there will be specific information about these recidivists in the police database. As long as you can access the police database, how many targets he wants to find is a very efficient thing for Libra. In addition, to be honest, the defense of your database is almost useless to those who really know. Libra may be able to find someone who has the ability To help him hack into the database. "

Kate was a little helpless, but she nodded: "You're right, it's true. From this point of view, these underground websites are more convenient. After all, our database has detailed personal information, which is highly valued by those people. It is absolutely impossible to leak it easily. Therefore, the probability balance obtains the specific information of all victims in this way."

"Then start the investigation. You already have a direction." Ye Feng said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"It's too strange for us to say thank you," said Ye Feng with a smile. "You've done a lot in your previous cases. If you say thank you for everything, you may be thirsty just by saying these two words."

"You, I haven't seen you for a while. You're still so glib."

"That's my style, you know. And you like me very much, don't you?"

"Who would like that about you?" Kate rolled her eyes. She was fascinated by Ye Feng.

"That's it. I like the contrast on you most. Although I usually look like a strong woman, it's very bright to show a little woman's posture from time to time."

"It's still in the office," said Kate White's leaf maple. "Don't say it's useless. I'll focus all my energy on catching the balance during this time."

"By the way, since you have a deep understanding of this balance, can you tell me? It seems that I really know this person, but my memory is too vague. Considering that he has been arrested in prison again and again, it is likely that I knew him more than ten or even twenty years ago. I had a deep fight with these criminals a long time ago Ye Feng didn't say the second half of the sentence. At that time, he was just like them.

"The life of this balance can be called a legend. Although this legend needs quotation marks, it has to be said that his life is equivalent to several lives of ordinary people."

"Really, I'm more interested by what you said. Hurry, hurry." Ye Feng put his hands on the desk in front of Kate with a eager expression.

"You. Sometimes it's like a child. Well, it's not a big secret. If you search on the Internet, many of them are."

"Then you have to search for something hard. Just tell me."

"Well, let me review the life of Libra," Kate cleared her throat and said.

The original name of Tianping was Francisco Drake. I don't know what his father thought. He gave his son the name of a legendary pirate in history, and Drake showed his unique characteristics from an early age. In a way, Drake was an accident.

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