He seldom cried from the day he was born. Other children usually cry to communicate with the outside world when they were swaddling, but he didn't. instead, he stared at the world calmly with big eyes. Those who have known Derek since childhood have a deep understanding of this. In their opinion, the child is not cute since childhood because he doesn't look like a child at all. It may also be because of this, Drake has not been liked by his parents since he was young. He is the second son in the family. After him, his younger brothers and sisters were born one after another. Therefore, in a way, his childhood is not happy. There is always a lack of parental care and guidance.

But to tell the truth, people in their time were basically like this. Everyone grew up carefree and crazy like wild children, so there is nothing to criticize. Derek had a unhappy childhood. His mother died in childbirth when he gave birth to his youngest brother. Drake was nine years old that year. From that year on, Drake realized the hardships of life. Because his wife had to raise so many children alone, Derek's father became more and more irritable, This is directly reflected in the fact that he will punch and kick Derek, who doesn't like his son. Drake's brother, the eldest brother in the family, is a child with very good academic performance, so he is also very popular with his parents. This made Derek hold a grudge against his two-year-old brother since childhood. This finally broke out when Drake was 12 years old. He personally killed his brother. After stabbing his brother with a knife, Derek escaped from his home. As a teenager, he began to wander. This wandering was five years.

At the age of 17, he met his first love, a very lovely girl. He originally thought he would spend his whole life with this girl, and he also planned to do this, but unfortunately, this kind of thing ended abruptly because of a sudden disaster. This kind of happiness is the normal life, and he slipped away again in front of Dirk's eyes. His fiancee was only 18 years old, one year older than Derek. But he died in the hands of several street gangsters. She was humiliated before she died, and it was because of this that Drake completely collapsed. He couldn't accept his fiancee's death, and his choice was revenge.

He found the residence of the three people who killed his fiancee, killed one of them, seriously injured the other, and one was lucky not to be in the room that day. After killing the enemy who was treated in the hospital, he immediately wanted to find his third enemy who escaped, but when the enemy clearly realized that he was very dangerous now, he hid under his own name. Drake, who avenged himself alone, could not find the man's whereabouts.

After several weeks of dormancy, he finally seized an opportunity, which happened at a wedding. Because he married an important member of a gang, the man had to attend the very important wedding. Drake managed to know this information. On the day of the wedding, he came to the church with a submachine gun, Kill the man and his more than a dozen gang members.

After this incident, Drake embarked on a flight again. In his exile career, he returned to his long lost hometown again after many years. Here, he experienced another major event in his life. After returning to his hometown, he was surprised to find that two of his brothers and sisters had died, one of whom was his favorite sister. He couldn't figure out what had happened and why his brothers and sisters had died. Through his neighbor's mouth, he learned that his sister died at the hands of his father. After being drunk, his father severely beat the teenage girl at that time. Due to his heavy hand, the girl was seriously injured on the spot and died without treatment in the hospital. Derek was angered again when he heard this, He found his father, who was already in prison at that time, and dug out his father's eyeball with a fork during the visit. In the later struggle with the guards and guards, he escaped from the chase and interception of many people alone.

After this incident, Derek's reputation was completely remembered and known by the world. After that, he killed many people again and again, but finally he was caught and thrown into prison several times. Another thing he is most famous for is that he killed dozens of criminals in prison. Once the police caught him, He was held in the same police car with three other criminals. On the way they were escorted to the detention center, Drake killed the three criminals who were with him. Remember that he was still handcuffed.

No one knows how he strangled the three criminals in the same car with his bare hands in handcuffs. You know, these three people are not thin and short, but strong people. But even so, the tragedy happened, which made everyone realize once again how cruel and cunning Derek is. This man has reached a heinous level in unarmed combat and even all kinds of killing. He is simply a bug in the world.

It is praised that Drake never bullies the weak. He only attacks those who bully the weak. Because of his fierce name, many people want to kill him in prison. In a prison riot, eight criminals rushed into his cell and wanted to kill them together, but the final result was that four of them were killed and three were seriously injured, and only one was slightly injured.

It is said that he was the first person to escape at that time. It can be seen how cruel Derek is. Similar things happened more than once. Many people wanted his life, but he killed them in the end. He can always run away from prison several times, which is what he is most praised for. However, to some extent, Drake's existence is intolerable in the world. He is too cruel and cruel. As a result, even if he killed all the damn people, people's fear of him did not decrease at all.

After listening to Kate's introduction to Tianping's past life, Ye Feng couldn't help falling into meditation. Although Tianping has extreme behavior and loves killing, to some extent, he is also a hard-working person. Fate pushed him into the abyss bit by bit, and he became a bloodthirsty maniac under the tease of fate, but Ye Feng didn't feel sorry for him, because he has accumulated one extreme choice after another. He had countless choices to solve the situation he faced, but he always chose the most ferocious and unconscionable one. So he has been reduced to this point. He has become a lonely Wolf wandering in the world by himself. Perhaps the anger in his heart is still burning, and he is still very angry about the injustices given to him by God, but his anger is meaningless to change his life. He will only push himself to a deeper abyss, One day this anger will burn him out.

Ye Feng believes that this day is coming soon, because this person doesn't have eyes and comes to his territory, which Ye Feng can't allow. Whether to help Kate or to kill the hungry wolf who broke into his territory, Ye Feng has made up his mind to catch the hungry wolf himself. If possible, he may kill him himself. He has been wandering for too long. It's time to send him back to his hometown.

After talking with Ye Feng, Kate determined the specific direction difference of the investigation balance. Began to search for clues about the possible existence of Tianping from major underground websites. At the same time, she also began to investigate whether NYPD database had been invaded. In this regard, Gemma could help her a lot. With Gemma's efforts, they soon found that someone had invaded NYPD database.

Gemma said: "This man's means are not so superb, but he can only be regarded as above the passing line. Even so, this man took a lot of effort to invade your database, and you did a good job, but few people will take strict care of the offender's information, so it also let him take advantage of the loophole. In short, I have tracked down the whereabouts of the hacker , he's in the new metropolis, and I know this man. "

Ye Feng looked at her: "you mean you've met."

"That's not true." jenma shook her head. "I only mean that I have communicated online and have not met this person offline. I don't even know whether he is male or female, but I have managed to get in touch with him. He didn't want to contact us, but under my coercion and inducement, he has agreed to meet us."

"As a hacker, it's really easy for him to handle it." Ye Feng looked at jenma in surprise. "How can he agree to meet us offline?"

"The reason is very simple," Jemma smiled. "If he doesn't meet us, I will publish all his criminal information. At that time, he can't bear the consequences, so he must meet us and come to see us with the information we need."

Ye Feng reached out and patted zhenma on the head. "It's really worthy of you. I know you have many ideas. You can find this man's whereabouts so quickly and force him to meet us. It's a great achievement for you."

Jenma pushed Ye Feng's hand away: "it's just a piece of cake. If I do this job, others will never find the traces I left. I won't leave any traces that others have found that I invaded."

"OK, OK, I see. When did you make an appointment with him?"

"Tomorrow night in the central square."

"You asked for the place?"

"He proposed the location of the square and set the time. I don't dare to push him too hastily. Once this man jumps over the wall, maybe we will spend the time to find his true whereabouts. After all, he is also a hacker above the passing line. It's not difficult to hide his whereabouts, so I gave him some space to set the agreed time and meeting Location, he agreed to meet in the central square, perhaps to facilitate escape. After all, there are a large number of people and vehicles there. It's very simple for him to get rid of us. "

"Central square." Kate nodded. "I know. I'm full of police near central square. I won't let him escape easily."

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